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舒亚萍 《海外英语》2012,(11):232+234
Nowadays,intercultural communication is no longer an option,but a necessity.However,stereotypes might impact intercultural communication.Therefore,it’ s of significance to overcome stereotypes.This study is designed to find out how some North Americans are stereotyped toward Chinese and help them overcome their stereotypes and help Chinese people understand themselves thus make the communication between these two parts easier.  相似文献   

何玉红 《海外英语》2011,(9):271+274
Cultural knowledge has some influence on successful inter-cultural communication.In order to help Chinese people communicate well with foreigners,this paper discusses some misperceptions of Chinese people about North American culture based on the data collected from several Chinese and American participants.And MK.Mayer’s model of basic values and Kluckhohn-Strodtotbeck’s model are adopted to analyze the reasons why Chinese people have such misperceptions.Based on the findings,three suggestions are provided to help Chinese to overcome some misperceptions with the hope that they can conduct a good communication with foreigners.  相似文献   

This paper explores the impact of gender on the employment of men in early childhood education and care (ECEC) centres through the voices of male and female early childhood teachers (ECTs) working in China. Gender imbalance in the ECEC workforce is a global phenomenon, and there has been little research about it in countries such as China. This study was based on online interviews with 16 ECTs from three major cities in China. Findings indicated that ECTs’ perceptions conformed largely with traditional gender stereotypes in Chinese culture. Western expectations that men’s participation in ECEC could challenge traditional gender stereotypes and promote gender diversity were not reflected in either Chinese academic literature reviewed or the participants’ views captured in this research. The appreciation of masculinity in Chinese culture and implied disadvantages are considered within a global context of empowering women and girls.  相似文献   

美国华裔戏剧的历史发展与华裔在美国的社会地位密切相关。华裔在不同历史时期的舞台形象,从一个方面反映了华裔的社会地位。从19世纪中期华人移民美国开始到20世纪中期的近一百年期间,在美国的华裔舞台形象经历了智力上被幼儿化、外貌上被妖魔化、文化上被另类化的负面化的过程。这些形象广泛见诸于美国社会。匡正华裔刻板形象的努力是促成美国华裔戏剧产生与发展的重要因素。因此,对这些负面形象进行研究是十分必要的,有助于从历史的视角了解美国华裔戏剧的产生和发展。文章通过对不同历史阶段的华裔舞台形象进行梳理和阐释,说明华裔舞台形象的负面化与20世纪70年代崛起的华裔戏剧的相关性,并说明戏剧舞台不仅是华裔的表演平台,也是他们实现自己政治和文化诉求的重要平台。  相似文献   

Using Kuhn and McPartland’s approach, 116 Chinese college students were recruited and asked to write as many sentences as possible beginning with “Chinese…,” “Americans…,” and “Japanese….” The population of sentences consisted of 258 adjectives, of which 96 described Chinese, 53 described Americans, and 109 described Japanese. Next, the first ten adjectives with the highest frequencies describing Chinese, Americans, and Japanese, respectively were selected for the second step of data collection in that students were asked if they would accept these adjectives describing Chinese, Americans, and Japanese. If they did, they were further asked to provide examples or illustrations to support their agreement. Based on the top 30 adjectives and the qualitative data collected at the second step, students’ perceptions of Chinese, American, and Japanese were analyzed. The results of the data analysis discovered that Chinese students are, to some extent, stereotyped toward American and Japanese, and their understanding of Chinese people is not accurate, either. The results confirm that media to certain extent are responsible for the shaping of some of the students’ stereotypes. Evidently, the results of this study suggest that the Chinese students’ stereotypes will affect their intercultural communication with Americans and Japanese. Although this study does not provide tactics on the reduction or elimination of stereotypes in the process of intercultural communication, it provides meaningful clues for future research in how stereotypes may be reduced by way of intercultural contact or training. This research has two major limitations. First, all the subjects are Chinese. Had American and Japanese samples been selected for a comparative investigation, more meaningful and insightful results could have been obtained. Second, because of the space constraints, verbs and nouns were not analyzed.  相似文献   

从后殖民的视角梳理了美国主流话语中的华人刻板形象,通过分析华裔女作家谭恩美的第二部作品《灶神之妻》中的母亲形象,指出其塑造的新型中国女性形象颠覆了华裔女性沉默、柔弱可怜的刻板印象,对华裔自身在西方的发展具有现实意义。  相似文献   

The present study, which included 124 children ages 5–11, examined developmental antecedents and social and academic consequences of stereotype‐consciousness, defined as awareness of others’ stereotypes. Greater age and more frequent parent‐reported racial socialization practices were associated with greater likelihood of stereotype‐consciousness. Children who knew of broadly held stereotypes more often explained hypothetical negative interracial encounters between White actors and Black targets as discriminatory. In addition, among African American and Latino children who knew about broadly held stereotypes, diagnostic testing conditions led to stereotype threat effects on a standardized working memory task. Findings are discussed in terms of the contribution to our understanding of children’s developing thinking about and response to stereotypes and related phenomena.  相似文献   

在经济全球化的背景下,外来文化在中国大范围传播,对中国传统文化形成巨大冲击,给中国青少年带来诸多影响,阻碍他们健康成长。主要阐述了全球化背景下外来文化传播的特点,分析了外来文化对青少年的影响,并提出了相应的对策以减轻外来文化对青少年的负面影响。  相似文献   

There has not been enough critical analysis of children’s literature by and about Chinese Americans, especially when compared to other minority groups in the United States. In particular, Chinese American historical books lack extensive analysis. It is important to reflect cultural accuracy in literature and to help children develop clear concepts of self and others by providing precise cultural and physical characteristics of people. While cultural authenticity allows children the opportunity to see a reflection of real experiences within a book instead of seeing stereotypes or misrepresentations, obtaining correct information about a certain time period can help children to see images of immigration accurately represented in literature. Using the Confucian delineation of interpersonal relationships as the major criterion of cultural authenticity, this article examines three currently available children’s picturebooks set in the historical period between 1848 and 1885. In addition to exploring how Chinese Americans’ interpersonal relationships are portrayed in these children’s historical books, this article argues for more proactive inclusion of the diversity in selection of picturebooks.  相似文献   

在媒介领域中,报纸等新闻媒体由于自身内容的限制以及它所具有的真实性和严肃性特征,已成为当今社会获取信息的主要渠道,成为某种权威的象征.对《人民日报》、《新民晚报》和《纽约时报》三家主流报纸的体育新闻中的女性形象采用量化、内容分析和质化研究相结合的方法来分析两国主导报纸中有关女性体育人物报道的现状,可以了解不同社会文化环境下新闻报道的共性与差异,考察其对性别议题的报道广度和深度,发现报道优势与盲点,并从跨文化的角度分析与女性有关的体育新闻报道与传统性别文化、社会发展、相关机制和政策以及大众传媒的不可分割的联系.  相似文献   

文章运用接受美学理论,从种族、文化、阶级三个角度对围绕《华女阿五》的争论进行客观解读。指出作者黄玉雪塑造的通过个人奋斗获得美国主流社会认可的华裔女性形象,在一定程度上传播了中国文化,但评论界不少人认为她把具有多样性的华裔形象模式化了。文章就此争论进行了全方位的总结,并尝试给出客观的解读。  相似文献   

Stereotypes about aging and the old, both negative and positive, have significant influence upon older people themselves. Often unknowingly, older people incorporate these stereotypes into their own thinking and self-perceptions. A literature search revealed four primary hypotheses about the manner in which these self-stereotypes impact older people: stereotype threat, comparison, externalization, and internalization. Anecdotal examples of the four hypotheses are drawn from an unrelated research study that the authors are currently undertaking. Among these hypotheses, four basic characteristics of self-stereotypes are identified: (a) stereotypes can be negative or positive; (b) stereotypes have significant power, particularly if they are self-relevant; (c) stereotypes can be operative without awareness and influence physical and cognitive outcomes; and (d) negative stereotypes can be countered by positive priming. Due to their ability to significantly influence the cognitive and functional well-being of older people, further research is essential to better understand how these self-stereotypes function.  相似文献   

美国迪斯尼版《花木兰》上映后在美国和中国的反响大不相同,是由于两国的文化价值观不同。中关两国文化价值观念在人性、人与自然的关系、时间取向、活动类型和人与社会的关系等方面都存在很大差异,美国版《花木兰》和中国古代文学作品《木兰诗》在两种文化体系中产生的解读结果正好在同一题材上体现了中关文化中价值取向的差异。  相似文献   

雷霆超的《吃碗茶》是重现上世纪40年代美国华裔单身汉生活的经典之作。小说描写了唐人街单身汉面对家庭和社会所流露出的不安与躁动以及中国封建文化中的男权主义在美国主流社会的冲击下渐生扭曲,乃至蜕变。文章研究目的在于关注小说中唐人街中的男权主义对人性的摧残,揭露出唐人街的人们一定程度上都是封建主义影响下的产物,他们各自的悲惨经历也都源于男权主义这一孽根。在新的历史语境中,这些根深蒂固的中国传统思想对人性的摧残值得深思。  相似文献   

死亡是人类必须经历的普遍现象,但一直以来人们对死亡的态度是极其消极的。这种消极的态度影响儿童和青少年对死亡持有歪曲的认识,甚至影响他们的身心健康。美国和德国是开始生命教育较早的国家,借鉴他们的生命教育课程建构将有助于儿童和青少年正确认识死亡、珍惜有限的生命。  相似文献   

张桃桃 《海外英语》2012,(3):274-275
Politeness is a very important topic in modern linguistics. With the development of the study of linguistics, a lot of people lay the emphasis on the study of politeness language. It can be observed in all languages and cultures as a social phenomenon, which plays an important role in individuals’ linguistic behavior. But due to different culture, different politeness principles and other reasons, different peo ple have different understandings about the definition of politeness, and they deal with politeness in different ways. Through different study background, principle and theory, this paper focuses on the politeness language in English and Chinese culture caused the differences. Politeness languages are mainly expressed in the forms of address, greeting, congratulation, appreciation and apology . The biggest difference between English and Chinese is that the Chinese system is profusion and complicated, but the English one is quite simple. Age, income, marriage and religion, etc. are taboos in English and people in western countries like to talk about weather when they meet each other; greeting in Chinese almost includes different things about one’s life. Appreciation in Chinese is not used frequently. Peo ple do not often say "thank you" to their families or friends. Appreciation in English can be used among families, friends, and colleagues and so on. At the end of this thesis, a conclusion is drawn; limitations and some suggestions of the research are stated!  相似文献   

汤亭亭的《女勇士》是美国华裔文学的经典之作,其中"白虎山"一章中多次出现"鸟"的意象。"鸟"意象的运用,与作者所面对的令人沮丧的海外生活现实有关。"鸟"意象既有着中国传统文化的神奇色彩,又蕴含了西方基督教的文化内涵,表征了某种对立意义。"鸟"意象虽然是对中国文化的反映,但从某种程度上说,却是对中国文化的误读,反映了作者对中国文化的矛盾心态。  相似文献   

<正>The present study aims at surveying the influence of instructed English learning on learners existing stereotypes about the American people and determining the effects of these stereotypes on their language learning and cultural openness.The result shows that the instructive teaching and the instructional  相似文献   

Although children as young as age three have already begun to manifest negative stereotypes toward older adults, attitudes toward older adults likely crystallize during late childhood and adolescence and become entrenched by the time an individual reaches young adulthood. Studies have shown that young people view older people in general as ineffective, dependent, lonely, poor, angry, overly wrinkled, ugly, dirty, disabled, and less physically active and healthy than younger adults. Because today's children and adolescents have less contact with older people than in past decades, it is likely that some young people get most of their information about older people and aging from the media. This is all the more likely during the teen years, when vulnerable adolescents purposely seek out certain media to form their identity. This content analysis examined the 60 most popular teen movies from the 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s to determine how older people are portrayed. Older people were greatly underrepresented, according to their numbers in the actual U.S. population, making up only 7% of the total number of characters in teen movies. Older people were marginalized in terms of plot and were likely to be featured only as background characters. Of older characters, 60% were portrayed stereotypically, and only 45% of the older characters were portrayed in a positive manner. Also, 32% of older characters were portrayed in a negative manner, and one-fifth of older characters were portrayed only with negative characteristics. The stereotypes that adolescents today hold toward older people, including the belief that they are bad drivers, are angry most of the time, and are senile, were reflected in older character portrayals in these popular teen films. Given the negative representations of older people that adolescents are exposed to in their childhood and during the teen years, it is no wonder that they express negative attitudes toward older people. After years of exposure to media that negatively depict older adults, adolescents have been cultivated to stereotype older people. This has the potential to influence the quality of their interactions with older people, and also influence the way they come to view the prospect of getting old.  相似文献   

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