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一、精湛绝妙的门球技艺该部分展示了三个看点:即门球的基本技术、比赛应用球技术和技巧球技术,各项技术都有精彩的绝活。门球基本技术——压打跳球方法令人耳目一新例举:跳跃过门撞击门后球成双杆球。(如下图)  相似文献   

我打了几年网球,但是仍然对高压球敬而远之。原因之一是我没有练过怎样打高压球;第二就是因为我害怕,害怕打不到球,更怕因为打不到球被对手嘲笑。其实,我曾经向教练请教高压球技术,教练告诉我,我最大的问题是击球晚。虽然我很想提高,但是总不得要领。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、录像观察法、访谈法等,对谌龙与李宗伟在2014年羽毛球世锦赛男单决赛技术运用进行对比分析,结果发现:发反手网前球是双方使用最多的发球技术,谌龙发球技术较为单一;搓放球和挑球技术是前场使用最多的技术;谌龙和李宗伟在中场主要运用平抽平挡和网前放小球两项技术;后场使用最多的是杀球、正手吊球、高远球和头顶吊球技术,反手吊球使用率都比较低;双方主要得分方式是通过杀球和网前扑球技术;在本次男单世锦赛中,谌龙主动失分低于李宗伟。  相似文献   

总结分析陈雨菲的技战术特点,找出其技术的不足之处,以提高技战术在比赛中的应用能力。通过文献资料法、录像观察法和数理统计法,以2019~2020年陈雨菲参加的7场公开赛为研究对象进行统计分析。在处理前场球时挑球和搓放网是陈雨菲使用最多的是技术,主要得分技术是扑球;中场球以接杀挡放直线为主,突击杀球得分;在应对后场球时主要以高远球技术为主,辅以吊球技术,通过调动对手的跑动使自己占据主动,配合杀球技术动作实现得分。  相似文献   

接应球技术在门球运动中是经常采用的。它既是组织整体进攻的方法,又是为己方夺势、得分创造条件的有效手段。从实战经历看,既有接应球准确到位为己方创造进攻条件扭转赛场局势的喜悦,也有接应球不到位而造成失误的苦涩。如何运用好接应球,现谈四个方面。  相似文献   

如果你想在自己的进攻游戏中寻找不同寻常的武器,可以试试月亮球。这听起来似乎有些不合常理,这种又高又慢的击球方式怎么能够成为选手上网前决定命运的进攻一击呢?其实,月亮球经常会作为很好的随球上网策略被截击高手采用。在现代网球运动中,宽大的球拍能够让球带有更多旋转,这更加扩大了月亮球的优势。如果你本来就具备很好的月亮球技术,那再好不过。在你想要采用打月亮球随球上网战术时,先后退几小步,让来球落地之后弹得又高又缓,并且假装你要留在底线,这会  相似文献   

摆后拉是目前欧洲横板运动员,特别是横板左手运动员运用比较出色的一种接发球战术。除波尔外,像法国队的盖亭、比利时的塞弗等队员都是运用这一战术的高手。这一战术组合借鉴了中国直板运动员接发球的方法,非常适合目前高水平比赛通常都是从短球开始的竞技特点。从某种意义上讲,正是因为欧洲运动员学会了,并且能够比较好地运用这一战术,才解决了长期没有解决的短球与长球的衔接问题,随之也就解决了接发球的主动性问题,从而具备了与亚洲选手,特别是中国选手进行强强对抗的能力。  相似文献   

乒乓球运动具有很强的技巧性,而正手攻球就是其中一种重要的攻球技术。如何让学生科学有效地掌握好球技,是乒乓球教学和训练的重点和难点,也是值得每个乒乓球教师进行研究的重要课题。文章就如何掌握好正手攻球技术,提高攻球准确率,降低击球失误率的问题进行探讨。  相似文献   

随着乒乓球运动的不断向前发展,掌握反手攻球技术,加强左半台范围进攻及主动性显得更为重要。反手攻比起反手推档更有突然性和威胁性、近网短球能拨、点、弹、打,中远台的球能起板或拉、又能为正手进攻  相似文献   

第四部分一、提高头顶球技术 1、助跑跳起顶球给移动中的同伴图1 队员将球抛给自己的同伴,抛出的球使同伴能够来得及助跑跳起顶球。抛球的同时抛球队员向左或向右移动,顶球者顶球时要稍微转体将球顶在移动队员的身前。练习十次之后,两人交换。刚开始练习时球可以抛得准一些,而后可以向顶球者身体两侧抛球。  相似文献   

对高校选修、训练课学生排球意识培养的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对高校排球教学与训练现状 ,就排球意识对选修学生和高校运动队队员在学习、训练、比赛中的影响因素加以探讨 ,指出应在技战术教学与训练中 ,有计划地安排战术意识训练 ,并提出了具体的教学与训练方法。这对于学生掌握专项动作技术 ,适应训练和比赛的要求 ,发挥技战术水平 ,培养全面发展的排球选修学生和运动员 ,提高教学与训练质量及学生的专项能力是非常重要的。  相似文献   

Writing over a decade ago, Penney and Harris examined extra-curricular physical education (ECPE) provision in state schools in England and Wales and focused, in particular, on issues of inclusion, equality and equity. They concluded, among other things, that ECPE provision was highly gendered, characterised by a disproportionate emphasis on traditional team games and competitive sport and provided a limited number of opportunities to only a minority of pupils. Although Penney and Harris were less concerned with reflecting upon how the content, organisation and delivery of ECPE may come to impact the involvement and experiences of young disabled people and those with special educational needs (SEN), their analysis nevertheless has important implications for understanding this largely under-explored and neglected aspect of research. In this paper, therefore, we draw upon some key aspects of Penney and Harris's analysis to examine the extent and ways in which physical education (PE) teachers have endeavoured to incorporate disabled pupils and those with SEN in ECPE. In particular, by drawing upon the findings of a study conducted with 12 PE teachers working in five secondary schools in north-west England, the central objectives of this paper are to: (i) examine the ways and extent to which teachers have endeavoured to incorporate young disabled people and pupils with SEN in ECPE; and (ii) explore the extent to which the content, organisation and delivery of ECPE impacts on pupils’ involvement and experiences. The findings suggest that the trend towards including disabled pupils and those with SEN in mainstream schools has not radically altered the content, organisation and delivery of ECPE which, according to PE teachers, continues to be heavily dominated by competitive team sports that retain a strong emphasis on performance, excellence and skills. This provision, it is claimed, appears to have done more to reduce, rather than enhance, the opportunities for pupils to participate in the same activities and to the same extent in ECPE than they might have done in the special school sector. Indeed, when compared to their non-disabled peers, some disabled pupils and those with SEN typically tended to be provided with a limited and somewhat narrow range of sports and physical activities in which to participate. Teachers also suggested that some pupils rarely participated, if at all, in ECPE and, in some cases, they were often taught separately from other pupils in clubs and teams that were developed specifically for them in an effort to cater more adequately for their needs and abilities. It is concluded that until PE teachers and schools are willing and/or able to bring about desired change in the content, organisation and delivery of ECPE, rather than developing more inclusive and non-segregated forms of provision, teachers in many schools will be constrained and/or inclined to continue providing programmes that, in effect, continue to provide what Penney and Harris call ‘more of the same for the more able’ pupils in ECPE.  相似文献   

就如何安排少年乒乓球运动员的训练 ,处理训练中量与强度的关系 ,如何抓住训练中的技术、身体、战术训练的重点 ,如何处理训练与比赛的关系等方面加以探讨 ,以便打好儿童少年训练的基础 ,提高训练效果 ,为上级乒乓球队伍输送优秀运动后备 ,提高训练的成材率。为从事儿童少年乒乓球业余训练的同行提供一些可借鉴的参考依据。  相似文献   

运用文献资料、社会调查和综合分析等方法,在阐明高校体育文化的内涵、分析高校体育文化的特征和主要功能的基础上,提出了加强高校体育文化建设的对策:加强舆论宣传的导向作用,营造高校体育文化氛围;加强领导,提高高校体育师资素质;采取有效途径增强学生体育兴趣,养成经常体育锻炼习惯;建立和完善规章制度,加强体育场地设施建设;完善高校健康教育体系,推进高校文化体育建设。  相似文献   

从脚步动作上分,进攻假动作有左右移动、前后移动和原地碾转;从上体姿态上看,进攻假动作有左右虚晃、前后虚晃、上下虚晃和转体。防守时的策略,一要注意分配合理,及时洞察对手进攻意图;二要不时运用防守假动作干扰对手;三要与同伴的协防相结合。灵敏、协调是一切假动作的基础。针对普通大学生,应首先在腰部的柔韧性和移动技术的灵活性以及单个技术的熟练性上下功夫。  相似文献   

Lacrosse has long been considered Canada's national sport and, beginning in the latter half of the nineteenth century, became tied to the nationalist ambitions that sought to promote a national identity through the ‘creation’ of a uniquely Canadian game. Popular in the decades prior to the turn of the twentieth century, lacrosse in Alberta began to decline after the First World War, becoming a marginal sport played only in the province's larger cities. A brief and unexpected revival of lacrosse occurred in two communities, Edmonton and Lethbridge, in the 1920s championed by a nativist organization, the Native Sons of Canada (NSC). For this group lacrosse represented a natural means to promote their ‘Canada First’ ideology to young male Albertans. In Edmonton, the Native Sons sponsored a senior men's lacrosse team that garnered some local and regional attention, while attempts by the Lethbridge assembly to promote youth lacrosse in 1927 were largely unsuccessful. Despite the continuing affinity between Canadian nationalism and lacrosse, the NSC were ineffective in their efforts to revive interest in the sport. The ‘national’ game did not provide nativists in Alberta the platform they sought to promote their nationalist agenda.  相似文献   


British actress, Sarah Mayer’s light and racy attitude to the bathing arrangements after judo training sessions in Japan in the 1930s belies a dangerous and volatile time in Anglo-Japanese relations. This paper seeks to demonstrate that her pioneering achievement as the first western woman to be awarded a black belt in Japan, was part of the political machinations of the day. As Japan campaigned for the 1940 Tokyo Olympic Games, the use of Mayer’s image and persona to promote not only nationalism, but internationalism and modernity, was related to a rift forming in the League of Nations. Mayer’s story shows the use of sport as a political tool. Originally developed as part of a wider doctoral thesis on the contribution of Mayer to the history of judo, and using mainly primary source research, this article charts Mayer’s life leading up to and following her time in Japan, detailing how her position in society and her work as an actress and theatre entrepreneur impacted on the development of women in judo. Understanding the history of women in judo is integral to an understanding of the sport itself and this paper hopes to contribute to the scant literature in the field.  相似文献   

在体育活动中目标设置是指根据学生的体育能力和技能水平,确定在一定时间期限内所要达到的体育学习和身体锻炼的目标,以及达到目标所采用的步骤、策略和时间的安排。既定的目标决定了学生参与体育活动的努力程度,指引并规范学生参与体育活动的行为,影响着学生参加体育活动的效果。合理的目标设置能够将学生的注意和行为指向体育活动任务,激发学生的努力和动员其能量,促进学生为完成目标而主动执行和设计最合适的策略和手段等;不恰当的目标设置会降低学生的自信水平,增加认知焦虑,减少学生参与体育活动的努力程度,也影响了学生参与体育活动的效果。本文通过实验在游泳教学中应用目标设置理论,以期来改进游泳教学,提高教学效率和质量。  相似文献   

北冰南展、三亿人上冰雪在各省市开展如火如荼。采用文献资料、访问调查、实地考察等方法对湖北省冰雪运动发展现状进行调查分析,透析发展困境,提出选择路径。调查结果:湖北省冰雪运动发展的现实困境在于受自然环境制约,冰雪发展基础能力羸弱;运动场地不足,服务范围体验效益欠佳;高新技术缺乏,冰雪产业核心竞争力落后;冰雪认知欠缺,群众参与消费动力不足;培训输送紊乱,竞技后备力量发展受限;社企责任缺失,发展中坚力量牵引不足。选择路径:(1)统筹冰雪政策规划理念与市场布局形成一体多域;(2)转变场地形式为休闲冰雪运动持续发展提供多种资源;(3)加强科技研发,创新培育属于本土的核心竞争品牌;(4)动员社会力量,为多业态冰雪运动发展助力;(5)完善输送体系,培训专业人才,维系后备力量新发展。希翼为三亿人上冰雪、北冰南展、湖北冰雪运动转变发展方式提供参考。  相似文献   

以往的体育教学模式,已经不能适应实施全面素质教育的要求。这就要求我们改革旧的体育教学模式,摸索更有效的体育教学模式。教学过程机械性、单一的认知性和接受性的教学向互动性、综合性等的教学特征转向。教师更加重视学生在教学过程中的主体作用和参与性能力,以培养学生素质能力、学生的创造性和学生个性健康的发展。在中学阶段的体育课教学,仅注重发展身体素质,已经不能满足中学生的生理需要和心理需求。只有学生感兴趣、喜欢,在心理上需要的事情,才有可能使个性得到发展。因此选体育兴趣班在体育锻炼中学生会有意识和无意思的表现自我个性发展的能力。满足学生的精神发展,对学生的个性健康发展和体育锻炼意识的形成起到积极的促进作用。  相似文献   

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