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校长问责制:校长权力的制衡与监督   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李树峰 《教育科学》2005,21(3):17-20
在我国中小学实施校长负责制后,校长拥有了更多的自主权,从而能够操控校内的人力、物力、财力以促进学校的发展;然而近年来在很多学校,校长的权力日益膨胀,造成了绝对权力,滋生了教育腐败,显然违背了校长负责制的宗旨。为了确保校长权力的正确恰当地行使,必须对校长的权力进行制衡,实行校长问责制。  相似文献   

校长负责制已经在我国义务教育阶段学校确立,真正把其落实,促进我国基础教育事业健康、高效发展,保证问责制在基础教育领域发挥预期功能,是一个关键点。问责制的关键在于责任的合理、有效分配,责任的明确承担。  相似文献   

从我国中小学领导体制的变迁看建立校长问责制的必要性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
我国当前实施的中小学校领导体制是校长负责制,它的产生是学校领导体制历经变迁的结果。客观上它曾对学校的发展发挥了的积极作用,它赋予了校长办学自主权,增强了办学的灵活性;然而校长负责制是一个极端走向另一个极端的产物,校长负责制下校长被重新赋予了权力,但是与之俱来的弊端愈发暴露出来,主要体现于校长在不同程度上有“重上轻下”、滥用权力甚至教育腐败的现象。这些弊端与当今追求卓越,建设高效能学校的时代宗旨是格格不入的,为扭转这一局面,有必要在我国中小学引入一种新的领导体制——校长问责制。  相似文献   

学校改进是当前教育研究与实践的热点问题。从校长权责的现实乱象和学校改进的责任指向两个方面可以看出,建立校长问责制是十分必要的,法理支撑与制度借鉴两个视角为我国建立校长问责制提供了可能。对于制度设计与运作中潜在的难题可以从过程与结果、奖励与惩罚和分担与制衡等维度进行破解。  相似文献   

高校体制改革后,由于校长缺乏有效的监督,高校出现了许多教育腐败现象.为了保证公立高校的校长正确行使权力而不是滥用权力,文章提出校长问责制并据此预计了实施问责制可能出现的立法、文化和机制的缺陷以及完善措施.  相似文献   

高校体制改革后,由于校长缺乏有效的监督,高校出现了许多教育腐败现象。为了保证公立高校的校长正确行使权力而不是滥用权力,文章提出校长问责制,并据此预计了实施问责制可能出现的立法、文化和机制的缺陷以及完善措施。  相似文献   

党委领导下的校长负责制是一个比较理想的领导体制,但是在实施过程中由于校长权力失衡容易使校长权力滥用,导致教育腐败,这种背离了校长负责制初衷的现象主要是由于对校长权力的监督不力造成的.要完善对校长权利的监督,应对校长实行问责制,完善同体问责与异体问责制度,使二者都能够充分发挥各自的监督与制衡功能,可采取的措施包括制定完善的法律制度,使问责制有法可依;改变过去的校长由上一级教育行政领导任命的状况,建立规范的校务委员会;加强异体问责,使问责主体多元化等等.  相似文献   

论校长问责制的定义、本质与功能   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
校长问责制研究是学校领导体制研究的一个新领域,这一研究的展开需要解决诸如概念、本质以及功能等基础性问题.其基本涵义是校长在被赋予一定实权的前提下,以调动全体教职工的积极性为基础、以培养高素质的学生为目的、以履行对公众的教育承诺为己任、以追求效能为宗旨,并在不作为、过失或过错行为方面接受质问、弹劾的监督体制.其本质是解决"权责对等"的问题,其功能是改进、控制和沟通.  相似文献   

从逻辑关系上讲。校长问责制是一套完整的责任体系,包含了三个概念.一是权力,二是责任.三是问责。校长问责制应成为一种法律制度,其依据是法律的相关规定;同时,校长问责制是一种监督与责任追究相结合的制度,是与校长负责制互为补充的一项独立制度。校长问责制的定位直接关系到人们对校长问责制的理解.关系到校长问责制的构建,因此有必要加以说明。  相似文献   

本文从教育问责制的涵义、义务教育问责制、校长问责制以及国内教育问责制实施路径等四个方面对国内教育问责制的研究现状进行综述,并归纳了研究特点及存在的问题.  相似文献   

"一长执两校",作为学校间的一种深度联盟战略,是以解决重点学校择校问题为目的的一种新的学校管理模式。这种学校管理模式具有共享校间设施设备、共享教师资源、共享课程资源、提升基础薄弱学校形象的优势,但也可能存在着两校贸然联手、文化冲突、缺乏信任、独断专行、推诿责任等隐患和弊端。  相似文献   

21世纪以来,美国加强绩效责任制的应用来推进中小学的均衡发展,进一步引入灵活性和差异性元素,建立更加符合学校改进实际的差异化绩效责任制。通过这种灵活的新模式,联邦教育部希望对落后学校、学区进行有针对性、实质性的干预和介入,从而改善这些学校或学区的绩效状况,提升其教育教学质量,促进学区之间、学校之间在更高水平上的均衡发展。  相似文献   

学校问责制度,要求学生、教师、学校领导和学区管理者对学生的学业成就负责,目的在于提高学生学业成就。它从问责考试入手,各州先建立考试标准,然后选定年级和学科推行州级考试,用州级标准规定的分数来衡量学生学业成就,对未达到州级标准的学校追究其责任。问责考试使课堂教学实践在三方面发生了改变:不同学科教学时间的分配;写作教学实践;数学教学实践。学校能力是问责考试影响教学实践的中介。  相似文献   

The Commission on the Future of Higher Education in the USA emphasises accountability in higher education as one of its key areas of interest. A programme, called the Voluntary System of Accountability, was developed to evaluate the effectiveness of general public college education. This study examines how students progress in college, indicated by the performance difference between freshmen and seniors after controlling for admission scores, can be measured using the Measure of Academic Proficiency and Progress? (MAPP?) test. A total of 6196 students from 23 institutions was included in this study. Results indicated that MAPP was able to differentiate between the performance of freshmen and seniors after controlling for SAT®/ACT scores. The institutions were classified into 10 groups on the basis of the difference in the actual versus expected MAPP performance. The assumptions and implications of linking student learning growth to institutional effectiveness are discussed. Methodological issues on value‐added calculation and student motivation in taking standardised tests are also noted.  相似文献   

A novel Web-based Accountability Model (WAM) for assessment and learning in a Teacher Education Program was implemented. The objective is to explain the rationale for the WAM model, how it was implemented as the web-based Education Accountability System (EAS), and the impacts on the organization and the individual. Standards were followed in the system design and implementation to facilitate interoperability. EAS consists of an electronic portfolio subsystem, an online performance assessment subsystem, and an accountability center subsystem. Each subsystem was developed based on work practices of the department that the department carefully elaborated before implementation. In a department of education annually graduating approximately 450 students and involving over 200 faculty and staff, the EAS was successfully established and used. The EAS improved candidate performance, program quality, and operations and is now being disseminated to other universities. However, successful usage required refinements to the model and modifications to the content of the system. Lessons learned could assist other institutions to implement a similar system.  相似文献   

Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability - The present study investigated the convergent validity of the Instructional Learning Opportunities Guidance System (MyiLOGS; Kurz and Elliott...  相似文献   

Accountability policy in the United States requiring school districts to design and implement state policy-directed teacher evaluation systems that utilize multiple measures, most often observations of professional practice and student achievement data, has been reflective of shifting international public discourse surrounding educational accountability, specifically related to teacher quality. Although the most recent wave of policy change provides states some flexibility in determining how teachers are evaluated, many are still mired in debate on how to improve teacher professional practice and increase student learning. This study examined the perceptions of school administrators and teachers in a large, suburban, public school district regarding their district’s new teacher evaluation system. Understanding the convergent and divergent views of participant groups regarding how (i.e., the standards by which) they defined and measured the effectiveness of the evaluation system is necessary to not only better understand their lived experiences but also to potentially inform policy change.  相似文献   

"责任自愿评估框架"(VFA)是美国第一个服务于社区学院,并由社区学院自愿实施的全国性责任评估计划,其指导原则是:信息必须有价值,容易收集和共享,有利于促进社区学院实现自己的大学使命。VFA指标体系内容包含学生进步及效果指标,劳动力、经济与社区发展指标和学生学习效果指标。对社区学院来说,VFA的使用既带来一定的机遇,也面临一些挑战。  相似文献   

Value-added assessment in higher education: a comparison of two methods   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Evaluation of the effectiveness of higher education has received unprecedented attention from stakeholders at many levels. The Voluntary System of Accountability (VSA) is one of the initiatives to evaluate institutional core educational outcomes (e.g., critical thinking, written communication) using standardized tests. As promising as the VSA method is for calculating a valueadded score and allowing results to be comparable across institutions, it has a few potential methodological limitations. This study proposed an alternative way of value-added computation which takes advantage of multilevel models and considers important institution-level variables. The institutional value-added ranking was significantly different for some of the institutions (i.e., from being ranked at the bottom to performing better than 50% of the institutions) between these two methods, which may lead to substantially different consequences for those institutions, should the results be considered for accountability purposes.  相似文献   

校长课程领导力是推动学校课程发展的重要因素之一。当前我国中、小学校长课程领导力普遍不强,其原因主要有社会环境的影响、教育制度的制约以及校长自身的素养等。提升校长课程领导力的策略主要有:一是刷新观念——增强校长的课程领导意识;二是优化制度——改善校长的课程领导行为;三是创新实践——提高校长的课程领导能力。  相似文献   

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