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A Leaf Boat     
An ant Falls on a leaf The leaf floats down Onto the vast blue sea Thus, into this world The tiniest is born Inside sits the tiniest sailor Sitting sail on the long voyage* of life The sea is so quiet I fear the wind may rouse waves The sea is so clear …  相似文献   

扮一濡黯翟念咒{~丁h萝‘。污soqoiet竺俪吵‘吵l叩seolsSO Cl即r roU绍WqVeS粼岌二一只蚂蚁落在了树叶上树叶飘落了下面是辽阔的蔚蓝色大海于是,世界上有了一条最小的船上面坐着一位最小的水手开始了生命的远航大海很静很静我担心风会卷起波浪大海很清很清我拘山渔民撒网树叶船深情地飘走了水手走进了甜甜的梦乡树叶船@枫叶 @林楚~~  相似文献   

1 Ama 1 ama Small Boat small boat, 乃 The elassroom 15 my hathour. 1 am a small boat, The desk 15 my samPan. 1 am a small boat, The Peneil 15 my mast. 1 am a small boat, The book Page 15 my sail. 1 am a small boat, 1 am sailing towards the sea of knowledge. 我是一只小船 我是一只小船,教室是我的港湾; 我是一只小船,课桌是我的舶板; 我是一只小船,铅笔是我的桅杆; 我是一只小船,书页是我的风帆; 我是一只小船,正驶向知识的海洋。 愚啧任编撅孙小停]_英文小诗@王晓兰~~…  相似文献   

1 have a Bi川in sPringWhieh for myself doth sing一 The sPringl)decoys. And日5 the SUmmer neaFS一 And as the Rose aPPearS, 2)Robin 15 gone·我有一只鸟在春天,它为了我而歌唱—春天在诱引。而当夏日临近—当玫瑰出现,知更鸟不见了。我有 Yet do 1 not3)rePineKnowing that Bjrd of mine Though flown一Learneth beyondthe sea Melody new for me AndW川沦tUFn.可我并不萦怀,明白我的鸟儿尽管飞去—在大海之外为了我学习新的啼鸣,还会归来。一~-目峭‘只紧是一只更安全的手鸟在.熟天履春:洲 Fast 15 aS8fer hsnd Held …  相似文献   

SPring,Summer,Autumn,Winter SPring 159叮with flower and song·Sununer 15 hot and the days are long. Autumn 15 rieh with fruit and grain. Winter brings snow and the new year agaln·春、夏、秋、冬春天明媚,鸟语花香;夏日炎炎,夜短昼长;秋天丰收,谷果满仓;冬飘瑞雪,新年在望。The Vast Sea大翔Mama 15 the sea,1 am a waVe·海是妈妈,浪花是我。50 high,Mama holds me up·妈妈时刻把我举得高高。Higher and higher.把我举得再高,Yet never 50 hish.也没有离开妈妈的怀抱。As to leaVe mama,s Embrace!(…  相似文献   

Four Orders四条命令1吻a trenlbling leaf1 anl awitheredarlll1 am a sllllken reef1 am a tralllPled worm.我是一片瑟瑟发抖的树叶我是一只萎缩干瘪的胳膊我是一块沉入海底的礁石我是一条被人殊死的毛虫。Leaf,be the eaterpillar,sjoyenfold the new一bomboyReef,月ow into a coral lsleW6rm,fertilize the 5021.树叶,去做毛虫的美餐胳搏,扶抱新生的婴男礁石,充实一座珊瑚岛毛虫,快做大地的肥料。幼 (吉林省东北师大附属中学 郝瑞荐自《英语沙龙冲四条命令@Ronald Bottral @王璐…  相似文献   

The golden sea its mirror sPreads Beneath the golden skies, Alld but a narrow striP be勺陀een Of land and shadow lies. The eloud一like roeks, the rock一like elouds, 金色的海像一面明镜, 在金色的天空下伸展, 陆地和阴影成一细带, 横亘于水天之间。 云样的岩石, Dissolved in giory float, And mldway of the radiant flood, Hangs silently the boat. The sea 15 but anothers玲, Thes玲a sea as well, Axld whlch 15 earth and whlch 15 heaven The eye ean seareelytell. 岩石样的云, 溶于彩光,飘在海上, 在那灿灿的…  相似文献   

这是个很阴冷的天气,遍地是寒雨打落的苍黄的树叶。我感到有些悚然。窗外一片凄神寒骨,颓唐落寞。我塞紧了耳机,车里的拥挤,空气的混浊,还有Cure的歌:From the edge of the deepgreen sea……车子在田野、小镇、村庄之间穿越,很快就到了目的地:植物园。纵然是以植物著称,也逃不过自然的规律,呈现一派冬日的黯然。  相似文献   

李静 《中学生英语》2016,(Z1):24-27
1.Confucius comes to Haizhou with his students Zi Lu,Zi Gong,Yan Yuan.He hears the waves and wants to look at the sea.孔子和他的学生子路、子贡、颜渊来到海州。孔子听到海涛拍岸声,要去看看大海。2.They climb to the top of Quyang Hill.Confucius has never seen the sea.He sees the sky and the sea meet together.他们爬上了朐阳山顶。孔子从没见过大海,只见天连水,水连天。  相似文献   

A卞n ight, 仆e dream beeomes a butterfly. 晚上, 我的梦变成了一只蝴蝶。 I卞flies into the forest,它飞到森林里, Kisses仆elittle beQrs引eeping under仆e trees.亲吻树下熟睡的小熊。 I十flies aeross the sea,它飞过大海, 公reets the lovely fishes swimming in the sea.与海中游泳的小鱼儿打招呼。 It flies onto the grassland,它飞到草原, Strokes the flowers daneing in the air.抚摸翩翩起舞的花儿。 In the morning 仆e dream flies away Leaves me a eolorful memory 早上 嗜 的梦飞走了, 给我彩色的回忆。 ~…  相似文献   

2006年高考英语试题全国卷I第29题是: The water—eool when 1 jtun伴d into the pool for morning exerclse·A .was feh B.15 felt C.felt D.介e卜该题很显然考查丘犯1作连系动词时的用法,答案为C。这不禁使我们想起了1994年和19%年的两道有关几el的高考题。一Do you like thelnaterial?一Yes,it_very soft. A .15 feeling B.felt C.众咒15 D.15 fel- 1 love to即to the seaside in sununer.lr_g以xlto lie in the sun or swim in the eool sea. A .d能5 B.feels C.gets D.malCes答案分别为C和B。这三道高考题均是考查feel作连…  相似文献   

刃what 15 poe仰?Who如ows?:;Not a rose,but the scent②of the rose:一扮Not山e sk苏but the light in the sky:·芬)Not the fly,but the gleam 0 of the fly:):农ot由e sea,but the sound or山e sea:物ot myselr, but whatm砍es me衷’see,hear, and feel something‘ha‘prose④;Cannot:and what it 15,who knows?诗是什么?有谁知道?它不是玫瑰,却有玫瑰一般的芬芳;它不是天空,却像天空一样的明亮它不是萤火虫,却能在黑夜里闪光;它不是大海,却有海啸般的轰响;它不是我自己,却会使我看得见,听得到,感受得到一种散文难以表达的东西:诗…  相似文献   

Oil spills may considerably damage sensitive coastal wetlands. The phytoremediation potential and restoration of a dominant coastal marsh plant, Cyperus rotundus, for diesel pollutant and its phytoremediation effectiveness were investigated in this open-air pot experiment. Cyperus rotundus was transplanted into soil contaminated with diesel at concentrations of 1 000, 5 000, 10 000, 15 000, 20 000 mg/kg. In order to better elucidate the biochemical and physiological responses to diesel pollutants, activity of the antioxidant enzymes peroxidase (POD), catalase (CAT) and ascorbic acid oxidase (AAO) were determined in the plant tissue after 50 d treatment at the levels mentioned above. The results showed that CAT and AAO of stem and leaf exhibited peak enzyme activities on 15 000 mg/kg soil and 10 000 mg/kg soil respectively, and declined at higher concentrations. Additionally, the increment of biomass and the content of soluble protein, as well as chlorophyll content were affected by diesel. The highest restoration effectiveness appeared at the level of 5 000 mg/kg. Collectively, Cyperus rotundus is a potential plant which can be used for restoring the diesel-contaminated soil.  相似文献   

夜很静,月很圆。窗前的花儿做着它们的清梦。突然,一只金色的小鸟飞到了我的窗前对我说:“我带你去看海,好吗?”我的脑子里不由得浮现出了大海:海鸥在飞,淡淡的月光,清清的水影……我闭上了眼睛。瞬间,我听到了耳边呼呼的风声,还有海浪的声音。“亲爱的小鸟,我可以睁开  相似文献   

saw dawn ereep知crosst卜·鹅一:ky,Anda!,the gulls 90一、flyiog卜y,saw the sea Put on it公_dressOf blue and mid一sumrner IOvelin白5.‘·And heard the tree导begin to stirG reat arms of Pin令盈nd iuniPer、1 heard the wind eall out and,注y.“Get up,my de落r,it 15 toda丫!‘’我看见曙光悄然爬上天边,无数只海鸥展翅高飞。我看见大海换上新装展现出湛蓝和迷人的仲夏风光。我听见树几挥舞树枝的声音。扰动了松树和杜松干万株。我听见了风儿大声呼唤:“快起旅,亲爱的。新的一天到来了!”夏日的清晨@Rachel Field @…  相似文献   

Partone1 .The foU0wing Par叫”p抽眠怕ken fromthe te男t加犯kS,丘川owed bya血t of words orex·pr侧弥IonS nlarked A to X.01。仪犯the one that卜男t eomPle姗份ch of the Sentences and叭Tite山e correS]POndi飞letl比r on youra刃‘wer sheet.One wom or exp~ion for each blank ouly.(0 .5 point each,12 points) Pro脚Ilu刀eo live in 1 fear of losingan”ne’Sattention一anyone’5 .The 2 Wayto avoid doing 50 15to 3 eve叮thing brief,not to 4 the attention of anyonebut instead to provide eonstant 5 thoughv…  相似文献   

The sea题woke at midnight frolllits sleeP,And round the伴bbly beaehes far and wide1 heard the firstwaveoftherisingtideRush onw”rdw宝th unintemipted sweeP:A voiee out ofthesilenceofthedeeP,A sound mysteriously multipl记dAs of a eataract介·om them训ntain’5 side,Or foar of winds uPon a wooded steeP.50 eomes to us at times,斤。m the unknownAnd jnaeee55ible solitUdes ofbeing,The rushing of the sea一tides ofthe soul:And insPiration,that we deem oUr own,Ai℃solne div毗伪代shadowing and fores…  相似文献   

同义句型转换。1 .Mr Smith 15 working. Mr Smith 15.(辽宁)2 .Li玩1 mended the bike. The bike__by Li Lei.(辽宁)3 .The girl left her home a few days ago.She has not eome baek yet. The girl has__from her home for a few days.(辽宁)4.They knew something about it only after you told them. They knew about it一you told them.(辽宁)5 .If you play basketball here,you may break the windows. _pl盯basketball here,—you may break the windows.(辽宁)6 .The doetor put down the telePhone,left his home at onee…  相似文献   

我出生在大连,神奇的大海自然是这座海滨城市最引人注目的一道风景线。早晨,海面上很静,只听见船里机器发出的声音。天空还是一片浅蓝,很浅很浅的,而海面则越来越亮,像有一层油在水面上慢慢散开,  相似文献   

毕淑敏 《师道》2003,(5):13-13
有一天与朋友聊天,我说,就是在文化大革命中当红卫兵,我也没打过人。我还说,这一辈子,从没打过人……你突然插嘴说,妈妈,你经常打一个人,那就是我……那一瞬屋里很静很静。那一天我继续同客人谈了很多的话,但所有的话都心不在焉。孩子,你那固执的一问,仿佛爬山虎无数细小的卷须,攀满我的整个心灵。面对你纯真无瑕的眼睛,我要承认:在这个世界上,我只打过一个人。不是偶然,而是经常,不是轻描淡写,而是刻骨铭心。这个人就是你。在你最小最小的时候,我不曾打你。你那么幼嫩,好像一粒包在荚中的青豌豆。我生怕任何一点儿轻微…  相似文献   

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