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Abundant and diverse domestic mammals living on the Tibetan Plateau provide useful materials for investigating adaptive evolution and genetic convergence. Here, we used 327 genomes from horses, sheep, goats, cattle, pigs and dogs living at both high and low altitudes, including 73 genomes generated for this study, to disentangle the genetic mechanisms underlying local adaptation of domestic mammals. Although molecular convergence is comparatively rare at the DNA sequence level, we found convergent signature of positive selection at the gene level, particularly the EPAS1 gene in these Tibetan domestic mammals. We also reported a potential function in response to hypoxia for the gene C10orf67, which underwent positive selection in three of the domestic mammals. Our data provide an insight into adaptive evolution of high-altitude domestic mammals, and should facilitate the search for additional novel genes involved in the hypoxia response pathway.  相似文献   

Normal and alloxan induced diabetic guinea pigs were kept on whole seed diet of green gram for 4 weeks. Serum total lipids were found to be significantly decreased in both normal and diabetic guinea pigs (P <0.001)—Both free and esterified fractions of cholesterol were found to be lowered significantly in diabetic animals (P<0.05; <0.01, respectively), whereas only esterified fraction was reduced significantly in case of normals (P<0.05). Significant lowering of triglyceride levels (P<0.01) was also noticed in both normal as well as diabetic guinea pigs while phospholipids remained almost unaffected. Green gram feeding decreased the total cholesterol / phospholipid ratio from 0.630 to 0.625 in normal and from 1.039 to 0.850 in diabetic guinea pigs indicating its antiatherogenic nature.  相似文献   

Here we provide the first experimental evidence that public concerns about the use of animals in research are accentuated when genetically modified (GM) animals are used. Using an online survey, we probed participant views on two uses of pigs as research animals (to reduce agricultural pollution or to improve organ transplant success in humans) with and without GM. We surveyed 327 animal technicians, researchers, advocates, university students and others. In both scenarios and across demographics, support dropped off when the research required the use of GM pigs or GM corn. For example, 66% of participants supported using pigs to reduce phosphorus pollution, but this declined to 49% when the pigs were fed GM corn and to 20% when the research required the creation of a new GM line of pigs. Those involved in animal research were more consistently supportive compared to those who were not or those who were vegetarians.  相似文献   

 借助差异产品双寡头市场竞争模型,分析了在本国企业先行进入本国市场与外国企业展开产量竞争的情形下,一个拥有成本降低型先进技术的外国企业通过兼并或技术授权将其先进技术转移给本国企业时,东道国政府的最优竞争规制政策。研究表明,当两部收费方式的技术授权可供选择时,东道国政府应当禁止外国企业的兼并行为。然而,当技术授权的方式只能采取特许权收费或固定收费时,东道国政府应当视产品的替代程度和先进技术的创新程度等来确定是否应当许可外国企业对本国企业的兼并。此外,当外国企业既可以采取兼并,也可以采取任意一种技术授权方式转移技术时,固定收费的技术授权模式将对东道国最为有利。  相似文献   

彭佳颖  谢锐  赖明勇 《资源科学》2016,38(5):847-857
随着经济全球化与中国粮食市场开放程度的不断提高,国内外粮食价格的关联性日益增强,然而国际粮食价格的上涨和下跌对国内粮食价格的影响作用机制存在差异。本文基于时变概率马尔科夫区制转移(MS-TVTP)模型,实证分析在粮食市场的不同运行阶段下,中国的合成粮食价格以及小麦、大米、大豆、玉米四类粮食价格受到国际价格的非对称性影响及其差异性。研究发现国际粮食价格通过贸易途径对国内粮食价格的影响存在非对称性效应,国内粮食价格倾向于对国际粮食价格上涨时的波动产生过度反应,而对国际粮食价格下跌时的波动反应不足。大豆受到国际价格影响最为显著,其正向影响作用在国内大豆价格上涨阶段大于下跌阶段;小麦、大米、玉米受到的非对称性影响形式因贸易形势、自给率等决定的价格传递形式不同而呈现差异。大豆低自给率和较高外贸依存度要求政府需健全大豆市场的政策保障,合理利用国际大豆价格的影响,规避国际市场异常波动对国内市场价格的冲击。  相似文献   

技术创新受国内市场规模影响,大的市场规模更具技术创新的优势。第一,大的国内市场规模能够降低技术创新成本与创新风险;第二, 大的国内市场规模易于形成竞争性的市场结构,从而利于技术创新;第三,国内市场规模和需求特点制约技术创新类别;第四,国内市场规模直接制约技术创新的宏观、中观和微观环境,进而影响创新效率;最后,国内市场规模制约创新成果的转化,并为创新群的生存提供市场空间。因此,我国应该采取措施,拓展国内市场规模,以提高技术创新能力。  相似文献   

猪体细胞核移植研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于猪的器官极可能成为人类未来器官的供应源,猪体细胞核移植及 转基因等方面的研究已成为全球的热点。近几年来,猪体细胞核移植研究取得了一定的进展,但总体看来核移植效率还很低(<1%),还需要不断完善核移植程序及对一些基础问题的 深入研究。本文对猪体细胞核移植研究进展及面临的一些问题作一综述与分析,旨在为研究 者提供一些有益的启示。  相似文献   

Deli Yang   《Research Policy》2008,37(6-7):1035-1046
This paper compares and contrasts the invention patents of the US and China focusing on the application and granting practices. The findings show that both countries appear to make efforts to provide equal treatment to domestic and foreign applicants for patents in terms of pendency, but domestic applicants seem to enjoy more certainty of the patent being granted within the pendency period than foreign applicants in both countries. As regards grants, the US is equal in granting patents to domestic and foreign applications; China appears to give preferential treatment to domestic applications. Such practices have implications for both patenting policy and activities.  相似文献   

任亚丽 《科教文汇》2014,(34):156-157
电影是最鲜活、最受学生欢迎的语言文化教学资源,提高高职学生国产电影鉴赏水平,有效地利用电影为高职教育服务是一项非常值得关注并且值得研究的课题。本文分别从高职学生国产电影鉴赏水平现状、国产电影对高职学生职业素养提升的意义、提高高职学生国产电影鉴赏水平的对策等方面展开分析。  相似文献   

通过分析如何利用比较资本成本法确定企业的最佳资本结构以及企业资本结构的影响因素,来进一步对我国企业资本结构现状进行分析,发现我国企业资本结构中存在的问题,针对我国企业融资实践中存在对股权融资偏好、负债资金不合理、企业资本结构缺乏弹性等问题,提出了优化我国资本结构的建议。  相似文献   

唐春 《科研管理》2012,33(2):70-78
随着经济、科技全球化发展,对国外创新的专利保护成为各国专利制度主要功能之一,但各国却对之采取了与国内创新相同的保护,没有进行区分。本文在研究了对国内与国外创新分别保护的必要性之后,提出了分别保护的制度设计要点和方案并进行了可行性分析。本文认为国外创新与国内创新对国家社会福利影响不同,应当对二者采取不同的保护方式,这也是国际非合作博弈的结果。对国外创新,可以采取多边最惠国待遇原则下的一体化审查授权制度方案来进行专利保护,同时用本国专利制度对国内创新进行保护。  相似文献   

生活垃圾资源化减量化措施在中国城市居民中的认识分析   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
选取具有代表性的生活垃圾资源化与减量化措施,在中国5个城市中对居民进行问卷调查,通过对调查所获数据的整理和分析,得出以下结论,居民对于生活垃圾分类收集政策的认识度最高,认知率达85%;其次为生活垃圾收费制度的认知度,79%的居民对这项政策持赞成态度。对废品收购政策和自带购物袋的认知度相对偏低,分别平均为60.2%和35%。研究认为,尽快实施购物袋收费政策和包装瓶/盒押金制度,大力宣传垃圾收费政策及其意义,开展垃圾计量收费的试点工作以及建立完善的生活垃圾分类体系,对促进我国生活垃圾资源化与减量管理具有重要的战略意义。  相似文献   

使用面板数据计量方法,研究人力资本和R&D对外资技术溢出的影响。结果显示,内外资企业的人力资本存量和研发能力是企业吸收外国技术溢出的重要因素,而内资企业人力资本水平与外资企业相比差距较大,难以吸收外资的技术溢出。因此,应加大和优化人力资本、R&D投资和吸引外资策略,增强外资对国内企业的技术溢出效应和技术进步。  相似文献   

周怀峰  郭玉杰 《软科学》2011,25(4):27-30
两种不同类型的国内市场需求对自主创新的作用路径是不同的。对于国内已有市场需求,企业通过市场调研获取市场对该产品的最新需求进而研发生产新产品来达到自主创新;对于国内潜在的市场需求,企业需要先研发生产出产品进而诱导国内市场需求的产生,从而实现自主创新。  相似文献   

整合海归创业企业国内创业网络与组织合法性视角,构建了海归创业企业国内创业网络强度与国内创业网络质量对创业绩效的影响,以及组织合法性的中介效应理论模型。利用北京市科技园区等机构176家海归创业企业的问卷调查数据,采用回归分析方法对研究假设进行了验证。研究结果表明,嵌入国内创业网络强度和质量对海归创业企业的组织合法性和绩效都具有显著的正向影响;组织合法性在国内创业网络强度与海归创业企业绩效的关系中发挥部分中介作用;组织合法性在国内创业网络质量与海归创业企业绩效的关系中发挥完全中介作用。研究结果对于海归创业企业通过嵌入国内创业网络获取组织合法性并提升绩效具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

关于构建国内学术期刊集成化网络出版平台的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文对构建国内学术期刊网络出版集成化平台的必要性作了前瞻性分析并对如何构建集成化平台,如何凝聚与集成国内学术期刊数字资源、提升国内学术期刊的整体竞争能力作了若干思考。  相似文献   

综合考究本土外资知识溢出、逆向知识溢出和本土内资知识溢出对新兴经济体的系统性影响,有助于深度认识知识溢出体系在国内创新升级中所扮演角色,发现创新拐点。文中通过构建理论模型论证了三重知识溢出的整体关联性,并在异质性样本条件下实证了该整体与我国创新升级之间的内在关联。结果显示:整体视角下,三重知识溢出对国内创新升级的总效应、直接效应和间接效应均表现为正向促进作用;分视角下,源于一带一路沿线国家的外资知识溢出和本土内资知识溢出组合在总效应方面正向促进国内创新升级,但本土外资知识溢出的直接效应以及逆向知识溢出发挥的间接效应与国内创新升级表现为负相关;来自非沿线国家的三重知识溢出总效应对国内创新升级同样表现出正向促进作用,但逆向知识溢出的直接效应表现为抑制作用;此外,所有样本检验结果均表明知识溢出方和知识接收方之间技术差距有益于促进国内创新升级,但双方的人力资本差距与国内创新升级负相关。  相似文献   

以体重相近的三元杂交仔猪为动物模型, 考察仔猪(分为3个处理组)采食由不同比例的支链淀粉(AMP)与直链淀粉(AMO)组成的日粮后日粮中氨基酸(AA)的表观回肠末端(AID)和表观粪便(AFD)消化率的变化.结果表明,日粮中AMP和AMO的比例显著影响仔猪对AA的消化吸收,提高日粮中AMP的含量有助于提高日粮AA的AID值,从而提高仔猪对日粮AA的利用率.  相似文献   

准确把握不同技术领域国内外企业发明专利授权差距及其动态,将有利于我国有效应对外国企业在华的专利布局。根据WIPO《国际专利分类号与技术领域对照表》,对1986—2006年中国国内外企业发明专利授权量进行统计,并基于发明专利授权数据对其技术比较优势进行了探讨;同时对国内和国外优势子技术领域国内外企业发明专利授权量差距进行比较;最后,对上述分析结果的公共政策含义进行了讨论。  相似文献   

This paper investigates domestic and foreign innovating firms’ determinants of R&D collaboration with domestic universities and public knowledge institutes in Finland and the Netherlands. We put particular emphasis on the impact of incoming academic spillovers on the probability to co-operate with these public R&D institutes.Based on data from Community Innovation Surveys we find that foreign firms in the Netherlands are less likely to co-operate with domestic public knowledge institutions than domestic firms, while in Finland no significant difference can be detected. Another result is that incoming knowledge spillovers are an important determinant for R&D collaboration with domestic public knowledge institutions in both countries. In case of foreign firms in Finland, incoming knowledge spillovers affect the probability to co-operate with public knowledge institutions more positively compared to domestic firms. For the Netherlands no substantial difference could be found in this respect. Further, innovating firms in Finland that require academic or basic knowledge do not co-operate significantly more with public knowledge institutions than those that need applied knowledge. At the same time they are willing to share knowledge with public R&D partners. In the Netherlands innovating firms that require relatively more basic than applied knowledge, increase the probability of co-operation with Dutch universities and public knowledge institutions but there is reluctance to share proprietary knowledge with public R&D partners. For both countries no significant difference between foreign and domestic firms with regard to academic knowledge requirements could be found. This raises the issue whether Finnish innovation policies with a strong focus on R&D co-operation provide incentives for strategic behaviour by domestic public partners to put more emphasis on applied research.  相似文献   

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