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从第27届奥运会体操比赛看世界男子跳马发展趋势   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
采用录像观察、查阅文献资料等方法,对第27届奥运会男子体操跳马决赛运动员的动作起评分与完成情况进行了研究,结合近2年世界体操大赛获跳马奖牌运动员的相关材料,分析了当今世界男子跳马的发展趋势。结果表明,掌握“双10分”起评动作是跳马比赛发展的明显趋向,提高动作成功率是跳马比赛取胜的条件,确保落地稳定是跳马比赛夺冠的关键。  相似文献   

我国男子跳马运动发展现状探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
男子竞技体操比赛的6个项目中,跳马是唯一不以成套动作进行比赛的项目,单个动作的难度代表了运动员在这个项目上的实力。在国际体操男子评分规则(2001—2004年)中,满分10分为动作的最高起评分。动作的难度与完成情况是运动员在比赛中获取高分的“两极”,即一方面运动员要跳出高难度动作,获取高起评分,另一方面则要使动作完成好,力求少失分。  相似文献   

采用现场统计与文献资料法对2000年全国体操锦标赛参加跳马比赛运动员的动作类型、起评分与完成情况等相关指标进行了分析,并结合1999年天津世界体操锦标赛与1999年全国体操锦标赛跳马比赛情况进行了对比研究。结果表明,我国男子跳马的整体实力处于世界较高水平;李晓鹏与肖俊峰两名运动员的2跳动作都为10分起评,而且完成质量好,是目前我国乃至世界男子跳马最优秀的运动员。虽然我国有较多运动员能掌握10分起评,但完成前团2周这一“潮流动作”的人数不算太多,完成情况的姿态、高度与落地环节的整体规格不太高。建议今后训练中对动作姿态与高度应高要求,把落地环节作为高水平跳马运动员的训练重点。  相似文献   

从雅典奥运会体操赛看我国男子跳马的现状与发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对雅典奥运会体操比赛和2004年全国体操锦标赛进入男子跳马单项决赛运动员的动作类型、动作难度、完成情况和比赛成绩进行了分析和研究。运动员跳马比赛中的运动价值和得分高低主要取决于动作难度的起评分和落地的稳定性。跳马动作的类型有向踺子上板类动作扩展的趋势。  相似文献   

采用调查访问法、录像统计法和资料研究法对第33届、34届世界体操锦标赛和第27届奥运会男子跳马比赛前8名运动员的比赛成绩、动作难度及完成情况进行了统计并与中国队进行了对比与研究。结果表明:男子跳马高难动作的类型趋于多样性,前手翻团身前空翻两周半和冢原团身后空翻2周是当今跳马所采用的两个主要动作;要夺取跳马比赛的金牌,两跳的起评分均需达到10分起评。随着运动水平的提高,越来越多的运动员掌握了双10分起评的不同类型动作,但运动员落地的稳定性仍不高。  相似文献   

对21世纪世界男子跳马发展趋势的探讨   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
张涵劲 《体育科学》2000,20(5):43-45
以1997年与1999年两届世界体操锦标赛为研究材料,采用录像跟踪与数理统计法,对世界男子跳马运动员的动作起评分、动作类型与完成情况等进行了分析研究。结果表明,掌握“双10分”起评的动作,以跳“空翻两周”为主流动作,追求动作姿态美、腾空高、落地稳综合技术指标的完成是21世纪世界男子跳马发展的总体趋向。  相似文献   

第37届世界体操锦标赛男子跳马比赛技术统计分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用调查访问法、录像统计法和资料研究法对第37届世界体操锦标赛男子跳马比赛前8名运动员的比赛成绩、动作难度及完成情况进行了统计分析。结果表明:发展难度、提高起评分是现阶段跳马发展的主要方向;动作类型的选择趋于多样性;动作难度的发展与动作完成的质量和稳定性尚不同步。  相似文献   

第34届世界体操锦标赛男子跳马调研报告   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用录像跟踪与分析统计法 ,对第 34届世界体操锦标赛男子团体前 3名 ,跳马单项决赛前 8名 ,以及近 2年世界性比赛中获跳马奖牌的 16名运动员动作起评分与完成情况进行了研究。针对 2 0 0 0年悉尼奥运会 ,重点评价了我国男子跳马项目的优势与不足 ,提出应把动作姿态与落地稳定性作为今后我国男子跳马训练的重点。  相似文献   

采用录像统计法和资料研究法对第28届奥运会男子跳马比赛前8名运动员的比赛成绩、动作难度及完成情况进行了统计分析。结果表明:跳马动作难度的整体水平有所提高,但发展缓慢。发展难度、提高起评分是现阶段跳马发展的主要方向;动作类型的选择主要集中在Ⅲ、Ⅳ和Ⅴ3个结构组中,直体笠松540°的采用频率最高;动作完成的质量有所提高,但动作难度的发展与动作完成的质量尚不同步。  相似文献   

第21届世界大学生运动会男子体操跳马比赛调研报告   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用录像观察、统计和查阅文献等方法 ,对第 2 1届世界大学生运动会男子体操团体总分前 8名、单项决赛前 7名跳马项目运动员的动作类型、起评分及完成情况进行了研究。结果表明 ,运动员跳马动作的选择基本反映了新规则的指导方向 ;发展难度、追求高起评分是现阶段的主要任务 ;完成动作的质量和稳定是取得胜利的重要条件  相似文献   

采用高速摄影和影片解析的方法,对我国优秀男子体操运动员完成跳马“前手翻团身前空翻两周”高难度动作的技术参数进行比较分析,从而揭示了运动员完成该动作的运动学特征和规律。  相似文献   

The traditional “horse” was replaced by a new vaulting “table” in artistic gymnastics competitions in 2001.The aim of this study was to determine whether the table led to a change in vaulting technique. This was achieved by comparing three-dimensional video-based analyses (50 Hz) of selected biomechanical discrete and continuous variables across four elite male gymnasts performing a series of handspring front somersault vaults on the traditional horse and the new table. Individual joint and inter-segment coupling (continuous relative phase) were used to quantify techniques used on the two apparatuses. Differences were attributed in part to the design and construction of the new table. No differences were observed for the approach and take-off from the board. Significant differences in hip flexion at board take-off and strike angle on the table were observed. One of the effects of the latter was an increase in vertical take-off velocity compared with the horse. Individual strategies were observed in hip and shoulder coordination patterns that were obscured when group data were considered. Close monitoring of the evolution of skill on this new apparatus is paramount for gymnastics coaching, and further studies of current elite competitive vaulting techniques are required.  相似文献   

Research to date has demonstrated the importance of running speed and an accurate take-off on gymnastics vaulting performance (Krug et al., 1998; Bohne et al., 2000). Current training practice for gymnastics vaulting is to stereotype the 15-25 m run-ups to the board, which assumes that a fast and reliable approach is best controlled predominantly without visual feedback. Incidences where gymnasts make errors during their run-ups, often landing onto the back of the board, occur frequently, even at the international level. The standard deviation method (e.g. Lee et al., 1982) for identifying visual regulation in long jump run-ups was employed in this first exploration of gymnastics vaulting to examine whether visual regulation processes are utilised. Secondly, the question of how a small number of gymnasts can run fast during the approach and perform more difficult vaults was addressed. Five elite female gymnasts aged 13-15 years performed five round-off entry vaults. One panning 50 Hz video camera recorded each trial from an elevated platform to evaluate the approach step, hurdle, and round-off characteristics, whilst two 250 Hz cameras recorded vaulting performance. Two qualified judges viewed each vaulting trial and provided a performance score. A precursor for a fast take-off from the board when vaulting is to utilise vision early to control the approach kinematics (p = 0.02). High take-off velocity was directly related to judge's score (p = 0.03). Coaches need to supplement gymnasts' vault training to include exercises that improve the gymnasts' ability to visually regulate their gait pattern whilst running.  相似文献   

采用调查访问、录像观察和文献资料等方法,对第10届全运会和第28届奥运会体操比赛男子跳马单项决赛前8名运动员的动作类型、动作难度及完成情况进行统计,分析我国男子跳马项目难度发展的现状,剖析我国男子跳马发展难新动作的有利条件,提出今后几年我国男子跳马难新动作的发展方向。  相似文献   

本文对’94中国杯国际体操赛男子跳马决赛8人16次试跳的动作类型,完成质量,落地远度及稳定性进行了统计分析.对跳马训练提出了建设性意见.  相似文献   

通过运动学分析,揭示女子跳马世界冠军程菲完成的踺子后手翻直体后空翻转体900°的运动学规律及技术特点。  相似文献   

通过问卷、访问、查阅病历等方法,对体操运动员落地损伤进行分析,指出:落地损伤多发生在自由体操、跳马、单杠三个项上,损伤多在足踝和膝关节处,且多在粗略掌握动作阶段。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to identify the anthropometric and physical prerequisites for high difficulty floor tumbling and vaulting. Twenty 8-14 year old female talent-selected gymnasts performed handstand push-offs, and single and multiple jumps on a portable Kistler force plate. The force curves were analysed using Kistler and Excel software to obtain peak displacement, peak take-off force, and power The gymnasts were also assessed for sprinting, with and without vaulting, and standing broad jump performances. Video footage from the vault take-off was analysed using Video Expert II software to obtain the horizontal and vertical take-off velocities. Each gymnast's best vault starting score, three best floor tumbling skills, and anthropometric characteristics were recorded. Statistical analysis included one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) to examine the effect of age (8-10 years, 11-12 years, 13-14 years) on the performance measures and linear regression analysis with performance start score for vault or best floor tumbling score as the outcome variable. The best regression model for indicating vaulting talent had, as predictor variables, resultant velocity at take-off from the board, squat jump power, and average power during the last five jumps in the continuous bent-leg jump series. The best regression model for indicating floor tumbling ability had, as predictor variables, age, vault running velocity, and reduced ground contact time in a handstand push-off.  相似文献   

新的跳马器械改变后 ,男子跳马前手翻直体前空翻转体 90 0°是该类动作中难度最大的动作之一 ,其难度分值为 10分。目前 ,在我国乃至世界上掌握此动作的运动员人数甚少 ,该动作有很大的发展潜力。通过三维录像及解析处理 ,对我国优秀运动员李小鹏、陆斌两人完成此动作 ,进行了技术分析与诊断。研究的目的在于揭示跳马前手翻直体前空翻转体 90 0°动作的内在规律和运动学特征 ,为运动训练及技术创新提供定量数据和理论依据  相似文献   

从第28届奥运会体操比赛看男子跳马的发展态势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用调查访问、录像观察和文献资料调研等方法,对第2 8届奥运会体操比赛进入男子跳马单项决赛前8名运动员的比赛成绩、动作难度及完成情况进行了统计分析,并与第37届世界体操锦标赛跳马决赛运动员的有关数据做了比较研究。结果表明:跳马动作的高难度固然是运动员冲击金牌的前提,但落地稳定性却是夺冠的关键所在。  相似文献   

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