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Picture books, as both sophisticated aesthetic objects and literary texts, provide the ideal site for critically examining how values and ideology are transmitted to children. How the child reader might be affected by the process of reading a picture book—that is, how he or she might be moved emotionally and potentially gain new insights about the world—is of interest to scholars and educators alike. This article draws upon cognitive literary theory as a conceptual frame through which to explore the cognitive and emotional affect that reading may have upon children. “Reader response” and “cultural criticism” are approaches to literature that seek to understand how readers interact with texts. Cognitive theory, when applied to literature, builds on these discourses by focusing on why reading fiction might cause the brain to produce emotional and cognitive responses in readers. As metaphors are a feature of language and of thought, a study of the metaphorical in picture books aptly lends itself to the theoretical framework offered by cognitive literary theory. Drawing on examples from four picture books produced for children, broadly correlating to different developmental stages, this article examines the role of metaphor in encouraging skills in decoding and creative thinking. Talking to children about visual metaphor or metaphorical expression introduces them to a feature of language and thought that provides a conceptual frame for richer understanding and expression of ideas. Examining how the metaphorical operates in picture books thus takes us a step closer to understanding how the process of reading affects children and enriches their lives.  相似文献   

马克思主义文艺理论在中国的传播,经历了从三途并行向一途独进,三足鼎立向一家称雄的转变,这种转变既是历史的必然选择,但同时有其失误:一是经典文本与阐释文本的混杂性,二是翻译传播中的双重间接性;三是注重政治功利的实用性;马克思主义文艺理论在中国当代的研究,可以分为三个阶段:一是经典著作评注期,二是理论体系探讨期,三是当代形态建构期,而每个时期的研究都各有侧重点与特色;马克思主义文艺理论在中国百年的传播与研究,具有三个方面的积极意义:一是促进了中国化马克思主义文艺理论的产生与发展,二是推动了中国文艺理论批评的转型,三是影响了中国文艺的发展方向,但同时也存在三个方面的问题:一是缺乏创新精神,二是二元对立思维,三是研究方法和思想资源单一。  相似文献   

My argument is that a literary education should build on a primary level of responsivity towards literature, involving empathy and immersion in the world of the text. To engage with literary works from the past involves a play between familiarity and strangeness, and this play should be located as part of a reader’s response to texts, rather than expecting students to imbibe the ‘dead knowledge’ about literary periods and authors in which textbooks and literary guides traffic. Literary responsiveness involves sensitivity towards the specific character of the text, which means locating it in relation to other texts belonging to that genre without reducing it to being merely illustrative of a genre’s so-called characteristics. In all these respects, contemporary educational standards reflect questionable assumptions about the development of a capacity to respond to literary texts, especially the supposition that a ‘mature’ response to literature somehow involves moving beyond personal response to more analytical forms of engagement.  相似文献   

文学文本的主题是一种审美特质的社会意识形态,存在的路径有其自身的特殊性.文学文本的主题蕴蓄于外在的具体可感的表意之象即具象中;文学文本的主题渗透着理性的元素,依托理性而存在;文学文本的主题蕴含着情感,借助于情感来抒发.  相似文献   

从语言象似性角度解读文学作品,有利于读者理解诗性语言安排所体现的作品内涵及作者的话语意图。在《献给艾米莉的玫瑰》中,作者通过运用特殊的语音效果、第一人称复数视角、时序倒错的故事结构、简洁与拖延句式的对比与具有隐喻意义的人物与事件,揭示了美国南方内战后新旧社会秩序的矛盾与冲突,表达了作者对旧南方社会道德对人性摧残的憎恶以及对女主人公悲惨命运的同情。  相似文献   

期待文革文学研究的新突破   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
《涪陵师范学院学报》以特设栏目形式组织对革学的研究和讨论,是一件很有意义、很有必要的事。近年对革学的研究有了相当的进展,但多停留于本研究,很难引向深入。要取得新的突破,需要更多地从作品、艺术家、世界和欣赏四之间的互动关系介入,因为其互动关系在革学这一特殊时段中有着突出的、独特的表现。  相似文献   

摄影文学不是文学摄影--与陈润兰同志商榷   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
摄影学应更名为学摄影的理由并不充分,也缺乏创作实践的有力支持。在摄影学本中,不能简单地对“摄影”与“学”其分出轻重主次,而应具体本具体对待。摄影学能够成立的最深层原因应当是“学性”。导致《摄》看法的主客观原因主要是:一、学中心论思想的根深蒂固;二、对摄影艺术的隔膜和轻视;三、当前摄影学整体创作水平不高。  相似文献   

当代隐喻理论认为,隐喻不仅是一种修辞手段,更是一种思维方式和认知手段。文学作品中存在大量的隐喻,不仅因其修辞功能,更是因其认知功能。读者识别、理解隐喻的能力有助于深层次地理解、欣赏文学作品。隐喻能力不仅是简单识别、理解隐喻的能力,还包括创造性地使用隐喻的能力,以及创新思维的能力。因此,隐喻能力是读者全面鉴赏和分析文学作品内涵的“金钥匙”。文章从隐喻修辞和隐喻认知两个方面分析文学作品与隐喻的不可分割性,指出隐喻能力在文学作品鉴赏过程中起着非常重要的作用。  相似文献   

This essay draws on the work of Raymond Williams in identifying a shift from the attempt to have students engage with literary texts in personal terms to a concern, founded on theoretical innovation, that they should read at a more sophisticated level in order to discern the ideology of a given text. It argues that what Williams calls an ‘expressivist’ view of texts needs to be reconciled with, rather than displaced by, a ‘formalist’ conception of them. It finds that high-stakes examinations reward a focus on abstracted ideological concerns at the expense of responsiveness to language and form. Exploration of the work of a teacher whose career has spanned this shift identifies ways in which she has, in meeting the challenges of the classroom and of theory, sustained a professional practice that has informed and motivated her students’ engagement with literary texts.  相似文献   

在电子媒介时代,电子媒介文本诸如电影、电视、摄影、网络逐渐以传播方式上的优越性取代了语言文字文本的权威地位。但是语言文字文本有其固有的审美特质和人文属性,在与电子媒介文本的异质和互渗中得以创新和发展。  相似文献   

平等对话和教师心理图式的深化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我们理解的阅读理论,具有以读者主体离开文本主体的倾向。阅读的过程,是阅读主体和文本主体同化和调节的过程,其间充斥着相互排斥,相互搏斗,相互交流,相互征服。教学水平的提高,关键不在于课堂热闹的对话。有效的深邃的对话的条件是,其中一方超越另一方的理解的水准。中学语文课文大都是经典,经过一代又一代的解读,积累了历史的智慧,同时又留下历史的局限。教师要借助历史的积累、批判和深化,丰富自己的认知图式,才能有足够对话的本钱。  相似文献   

Stephen B. Kucer 《Literacy》2015,49(3):132-139
This research examines the characteristics of reader understandings that vary from those stated in the text. Eighty‐seven fourth graders orally read complex academic literary and scientific texts, followed by probed retellings. Retold ideas not directly supported by, or reflective of, the texts were identified. These differing understandings served as a foundation for the development of a taxonomy that classified them by type: conflation, conceptual knowledge, text/rhetorical structure, lexical knowledge, cause/effect, extension, association and misremembering. Approximately 60% of the differing understandings across the texts were conflations and extensions. However, particular texts did reflect particular types of differing understandings. In general, differing understandings were found to be reflective of the very active nature of the comprehension process. These meanings serve as a challenge to the current emphasis on close reading and the generation of text‐based meanings because the natural consequence of such activity are differing understandings.  相似文献   

通过对保罗·德曼隐喻认识论的概念阐释和对文本的剖析方法,从理论上对文本隐喻进行分析,阐述文学隐喻的延续性、动态特征和意义的不确定性。文学文本隐喻的延续性是指隐喻机制的状态,是活性的隐喻,概念的对应。隐喻的动态性特征是指概念的转换,从一个概念到另一个概念的抽象过程,或指转义过程。此外,在文学文本中,如果隐喻作为能指,文本实际隐喻的意义极可能是不确定的,事实和言语之间没有统一指涉性,那么隐喻就可能破坏文本的主旨结构。  相似文献   

加强文学理论实践环节教学,引导学生自觉地把所学理论运用到文本解读的批评、鉴赏实践中去,就必须为他们架起一座从理论通向实践的桥梁。而改革《文学概论》课程内容,增设《文学批评:从理论到实践》课,是一次有益的成功探索:教材选取文坛上影响较大的八种批评理论模式分别讲述,列出"理论发展概述"和"关键词点击"以侧重批评理论的梳理,通过"文学批评运用"和"批评文本解读"引入批评理论的实践运用和具体操作,加之学生课后的批评训练,这样,既能激发学生尝试文学批评的兴趣,有益于培养解读文本的能力,也能使他们在批评的实践中加深对理论的理解和认识。  相似文献   

Although explanations are a common means of instruction, research shows that they often do not contribute to learning. To unravel the factors giving rise to the ineffectiveness of instructional explanations, we propose a framework that brings together empirical work on instructional explanations from a variety of research fields, including classroom instruction, tutoring, cooperative learning, cognitive skill acquisition, learning from texts, computer-supported learning, and multimedia learning. In our framework, we identify the distinctive characteristics of instructional explanations, present general guidelines for designing instructional explanations, and describe factors influencing both the generation and use of instructional explanations. It is argued that future research should uncover in more detail the interrelations between the different aspects of providing and using instructional explanations and their specific effects on learning.  相似文献   

刘铁群教授的《广西现当代散文史》是一部研究区域散文史的杰作.该书具有鲜明的历史意识,受其影响形成纵横交织的著作架构.作者追求实事求是的学术风格,无论是剖析研究对象的得失、阐释文学现象的成因,还是对散文文本进行细读、解析,抑或是进行比较研究,均凸显出科学性、客观性特征.语言方面,该书概括研究对象的特点时用语精炼、比喻形象,行文中的语言则生动形象、意象纷呈,凸显出作者对语言的诗性追求.  相似文献   

语文文学启蒙活动的对话既有一般教学活动中的对话,如师生对话、生生对话,又有文学活动的特殊对话,包括文本自身内部的对话、文本之间的对话(文本间性)、文本与教师的对话、文本与学生的对话等.教学主体与文本的对话是文学阅读、鉴赏得以最终形成的关键.教育者必须研究这种特殊对话,在教学活动中正确、恰当地利用它.  相似文献   

静心是当代一位值得关注的作家。身为女作家,她以女性视角进行写作,小说是女性主义的,同时又超越了单纯的女性主义。对人物心灵世界的洞察幽微与对时代症候的广角扫描,使静心的小说呈现出细致与宏阔的双重格局,在当代女性作家中占据着不被重复与不可替代的位置。笔者就静心写作的具体特质和创作流程与作家静心进行了初步的交流与探讨。就创作中的具体问题,如外国文学中心理剖析对其写作的影响,为什么对人物复杂的精神世界情有独钟,对时代大环境的忧患心态,对小说隐喻性的追求,对男女共存世界的本质探寻等进行了访谈。静心用幽默睿智形象风趣的语言解答了笔者的提问,同时对女性文学写作与研究也做出了中肯的评价和前瞻性的展望。  相似文献   

Although the number of studies on literature in language education has increased in the past two decades, the subject is still in need of empirical research. This case study examines literary texts, their selection, frequency, and functions in Finnish general upper-secondary English as a Foreign Language (EFL) education. The data was collected from 21 Finnish EFL teachers using a survey, and the content was thematically analyzed. In these contexts, literary texts had a marginal role. The texts were mostly twentieth-century poetry and novels. Selections by teachers were primarily based on the texts. Often students chose texts independently. Literature was mainly used to teach language, particularly reading skills, and secondarily as content. In light of EFL teaching, the results suggest a need for a conceptual expansion of literature, the wider use of literary texts with visual components, and the use of literary texts for developing students’ intercultural competence.  相似文献   

以"主观战斗精神"这一胡风文艺思想的核心为轴承,运用巴赫金的对话理论,结合胡风文学理论批评的具体文本,阐述胡风关于作家与生活"对话"理论所包含的意蕴与价值.  相似文献   

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