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戴望舒既钟情法国象征主义又青睐晚唐五代诗风,乃至兼收并蓄,继而创造具有浓郁中国风的现代诗歌,确然是有其多方位的理性取舍和成熟考量的,而绝非个性气质、情感创痛抑或时代气氛等单个因素所能决定。戴望舒前期诗歌的朦胧美学,与其说是他对现实人生的一种逃避,毋宁说是现代生命个体对于时代、命运、历史的形而上思考,它确然有虚无主义的回响,但更重要的则是对虚无主义的别样反抗。  相似文献   

In “That Seductive Thing: Representing the Illiterate as Readers”, it is argued that a historical approach to representations of readers and reading may highlight some issues pertaining to books and education. Far from being simple and neutral illustrations of some cultural practices and commodities in the past, both images and texts about books, reading and the illiterate are here considered as forms of perception and normalization of reading through the representation of (socially) contrasting readers. Thus, images and texts are in fact cultural discourses used to promote and to impose certain models of social behaviour. Yet, they are also part of the doxa which legitimate the “natural” supremacy of written forms of cultural transmission and, therefore, the excellence of books and schooling in the making of “the reader”. This guiding perspective in understanding problems of books and education is analysed here with a closer look at questions of age, race and schooling in Portuguese society during the first half of the 20th century. In that period, several institutions (State, School, Church and so forth) participate, not necessarily in the same way, in what we might call “the Portuguese battle for (national) literacy”. Books and school education are important topics within those social politics fighting “illiteracy”, generating images which represent the advantages of education and of a “culture of books” and, though in different and divergent ideological and political circumstances, creating a certain sociology of reading.


安德森在20世纪90年代提出了著名的“想象共同体”的概念,在“想象共同体”的建构过程中大众传播媒介发挥着重要的作用。这其中电视媒介通过仪式化对重大事件的展现来不断重复建构国家认同,电视媒介通过对于重要事件的现场直播来增强国家凝聚力;通过“共享历史”来不断唤起民族的集体记忆,延续文化传承与身份认同;通过征用现存的民族文化符号来建构国家认同;通过节庆传播建构国家形象,实现国家认同。  相似文献   

Prompted by what is seen as a missing analysis in the discussions about passion and affect in education, this essay attempts to clarify and provide a context for understanding the contribution of Foucault in the discourse of passion. In particular, the author traces the politics of passion in Foucault's work. A ‘politics of passion’ is the analysis that challenges the cultural and historical emotional rules with respect to what passion is, how it is expressed, who gets to express it and under what circumstances. It is argued that a discussion of Foucault's ideas on passion provides a way of sharpening and clarifying his politics on affect, particularly what is relevant to individual and collective emotional control in education.  相似文献   

Twenty religious education (RE) workbooks covering half a century were examined in a search for RE teachers’ typical patterns of workbook construction. Three chronological main types were distinguished: “the biblical workbook,” “the workbook of Christian cultural nurture,” and “the RE workbook of diversity.” Of greater interest, however, were the particularities found in a few workbooks produced in the two interims between the chronological types. This article discusses—in the light of collective memory theory, social semiotics, and Norwegian RE history—the meaning of the teachers’ implicit contributions to the typical as well as the untypical workbook constructions. The concept of an “irreducible tension” between active agents and mediating means is found analytically fruitful. Religious education teachers are seen as cultural reproducers, interplaying with the central contextual curricular factors. In times of interlude and change, teachers have had other sets of contextual conditions and contingencies than in times of stability. The relatively quick implementation of a non‐confessional RE after the 1997 school reform is interpreted in line with economic priorities and with a curricular adjustment to the changed “spirit of the times.”  相似文献   

Change theories and Organization Development strategies have long followed the problem-solving approach of looking at organizations, identifying the weaknesses and introducing interventions to “stop doing the wrong things.” In its simplest form, this approach has been successful in a variety of situations and has a popular following. Consultants or internal reviewers look for the problems, identify the cause of the problem, and introduce the intervention (new rule) to eliminate the opportunity for the repetition of the “problem.” Problem-solving is a popular perspective through which change is initiated in politics, academia, and in social media. Eliminate the “bad” and pay attention to what we have been doing wrong to improve. This article first reviews the problems posed in past Hanna lectures to some major themes: (a) the need to address societal concerns, (b) the need to reduce sub-disciplinary fragmentation, (c) the problems inherent on university campuses as a result of politics and the economy, (d) the need to re-examine the over-reliance on the scientific research paradigm at the cost of phenomenological understandings, and (e) the framing of problems to be solved by professionals in our field. The introduction of Appreciative Inquiry and is then provided as an alternative approach to examine current contextual setting with the primary emphasis away from “What problems are you having?” and toward “What is working around here?”. This alternative suggests that in all organizations there is some positive force that is moving the organization forward, and the identification of that force (what works) can lay the ground work for doing more of “what works.” Finally, three examples of Appreciative Inquiry opportunities in action from our discipline are offered for consideration.  相似文献   

电影是再现政治的特殊形式。文化阅读方法考察电影深层文化结构与权力机制。文章通过对电影《刮痧》的文化阅读,超越文化差异的表层结构和文化冲突的传统理解,提供一种多元文化语境中文化选择与身份政治关系的全新诠释。多元文化语境中,文化身份成了漂浮的能指符号,等待主体介入才具有意义。移民受到多元文化冲击,主体意识被两种文化身份所分裂;美国文化本身的纯洁性也被“文化杂烩”形式所威胁,为“惧杂症”所困扰。刮痧冲突,在文化领域是美国东方主义意识与中国“汉化”思想的对抗,对于移民个体则更是文化记忆与认同的冲突。  相似文献   

Given my long-time interests in neoliberalism and questions of subjectivity, I am pleased to respond to Jesse Bazzul’s paper, “Neoliberal Ideology, global capitalism, and science education: Engaging the question of subjectivity.” In what follows, I first summarize what I see as Bazzul’s contributions to pushing science education in ‘post’ directions. I next introduce the concept of “post-neoliberalism” as a tool in this endeavor. Finally, I address what all of this might have to do with subjectivity in the context of science education. I speak as a much-involved veteran of a version of the science wars fought out in education research for the last decade (NRC 2002). My interest is to use this “battle” to think politics and science anew toward an engaged social science, without certainty, rethinking subjectivity, the unconscious and bodies where I ask “what kind of science for what kind of politics?”  相似文献   

This article questions what kind of actors become involved and analyzes what forms of knowledge are activated, when discourses such as “research-based” and “profession-oriented” become basic preconditions in national curriculum change processes in Norway. A “mapping” is conducted, comprised of actors and ideas, played out in two national curriculum change processes in Norway, namely “the Integrated Master Program in Teacher Education” and “the Bachelor Program in Engineering.” The analysis shows that actors and the roles they were able to play may have had an effect on what kind of knowledge forms was prioritized in the curriculum change processes. In both, curriculum process integration of discipline-based/theoretical knowledge and practical and context-specific knowledge are emphasized. However, in the teacher education process, principled knowledge about specific professional problems and theory-based decisions are highlighted as important, while, in the engineering education process, procedural knowledge about how to solve problems and innovative capacity is more emphasized. The analysis shows a relationship between such curriculum change processes and the composite “epistemology” of the wider and contextually developed policy space. It is also demonstrated, in the two cases, that the knowledge base for professional work is subject to negotiations far beyond the academic community and is embedded in a wider set of social, professional, and political institutions and frames.  相似文献   

“课程思政”是中国特色社会主义高校建设的一项重要教学改革,是高校大思政体系教育的重要组成部分。文章以工程类专业课“遥感原理与应用”的课堂教学为研究对象,探讨了滴灌式实施“课程思政”的教育教学方法,从“课程思政”的教学理念、开展流程与实践训练案例三部分,介绍了专业课“课程思政”教学形式构思过程,实现专业知识内容教学与立德树人目标达成的交互融通。  相似文献   

"哈库麦勒"舞蹈是达斡尔族民众自娱自乐和感情交流的独特方式,承载着他们的集体记忆、历史记忆和民族记忆。然而,受商品经济、人口迁徙等方面的负面影响,"哈库麦勒"舞蹈的传承与发展处于困境之中。因此,完善传承保护体制、打造核心竞争力不仅是促进其科学发展的根本对策,而且对其他非物质文化遗产当代价值的有效开掘有示范作用。  相似文献   

通过可视化等多种方式系统梳理高职院校“课程思政”建设研究的基本情况,可以发现,学界对“课程思政”概念内涵、关键难点及路径的研究日益清晰。现阶段“课程思政”研究还存在实证研究少、特色化体系建设薄弱等问题。高职院校要强化“课程思政”实践研究,着重研究“课程思政”建设的相关保障和落实机制,关注高职院校与研究型高校在“课程思政”建设上的差异。  相似文献   

语言的功能:表达与交流、历史记忆、承载文化、发展构建与伸展、审美、政治、心理调节、哲学与神学、游戏。语言的陷阱:言、意和文之间的错位,语言与现实的脱节,语言统治着人类,语言荒谬化的诱惑。  相似文献   

Recent research has challenged traditional assumptions that scientific practice and knowledge are essentially individual accomplishments, highlighting instead the social nature of scientific practices, and the co‐construction of scientific knowledge. Similarly, new research paradigms for studying learning go beyond focusing on what is “in the head” of individual students, to study collective practices, distributed cognition, and emergent understandings of groups. These developments require new tools for assessing what it means to learn to “think like a scientist.” Toward this goal, the present case study analyzes the discourse of a 6th‐grade class discussing one student's explanation for seasonal variations in daylight hours. The analysis identifies discourse moves that map to disciplinary practices of the social construction of science knowledge, including (1) beginning an explanation by reviewing the community's shared assumptions; (2) referencing peers' work as warrants for an argument; and (3) building from isolated ideas, attributed to individuals, toward a coherent situation model, attributed to the community. The study then identifies discourse moves through which the proposed explanation was taken up and developed by the group, including (4) using multiple shared representations; (5) leveraging peers' language to clarify ideas; and (6) negotiating language and representations for new, shared explanations. Implications of this case for rethinking instruction, assessment, and classroom research are explored. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 47:619–642, 2010  相似文献   


Critics often cite the “Moynihan Report” to illustrate how cultural diagnoses of poverty blame the victims and ignore the structural roots of inequality. This paper considers how the tendency to attribute such dangerous analyses to researchers’ individual shortcomings leaves the underlying analytical elements that generate cultural diagnoses. Rather than focus on those who build “poverty knowledge,” we advocate for more attention to the analytical tools that continue to encourage cultural diagnoses today. We use the “Moynihan Report” as a mirror in which we can see how static theories of culture and atomistic units of analysis encourage cultural diagnoses. They obscure the ongoing, collective work of reproducing inequality, including the work of race-making and racialization which help sustain economic exploitation, making it dangerously easy to locate blame and responsibility on particular persons or groups of persons. Transgressing the roots of inequity requires a relentless confrontation with these analytical tools.  相似文献   

Reclaiming aboriginal knowledge at the cultural interface   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Many studies and papers have explored and critiqued the “what” and the “why” of working at the cultural interface of mainstream curricula and local Indigenous knowledge, but this project sought to understand the “how”. Participants went beyond explorations of “cultural items” and worked in the overlap between the New South Wales Department’s Quality Teaching Framework and Indigenous Pedagogies drawn from local lore, language and the sentient landscape. Indigenous knowledge was used not merely as content, but to provide innovative ways of thinking and problem solving in the field of design and technology. The methodology for the study was based on a significant site in the local river system. The focus of the action research study shifted in the early stages from the students to the teachers, who required a radical shift in their thinking in order to set aside deficit logic, or stimulus-response approaches to teaching and learning, to embrace sophisticated Indigenous ways of knowing.  相似文献   

以布迪厄社会实践理论为分析框架,对一位优秀的初中特级教师Y老师的个人生活史进行探究,可以发现教师实践性知识的养成得益于教师在一定的“场域”中,在特定的“惯习”驱动下所采取的一系列活动。教师的实践性知识是一种复杂综合的知识样态,是教师在一定“场域”中进行“文化再生产”时,他过往的“实践”积累下的“惯习”和“资本”的外在表征,它集历史经验与现实创造于一体,是社会客观条件制约与教师内在创造力高度统一的产物。  相似文献   

In the past decades, a body of international research concerning residential institutions for children emerged. This article focuses on the history of the Ghent orphanages (1945–1984). First, the population of the more than 1200 children and young people resident in the orphanages between 1945 and 1984 is analysed. This analysis illustrates a shift from a legal approach to a normative interpretation of the orphaned child. It becomes clear that the Ghent orphanages functioned, in the second half of the twentieth century, as a system of care for what we today would call youth “at risk” or “pre-delinquent” children and not “orphaned children”. According to this analysis, the focus shifts to the role and the functions of these institutions within the broader community of the city of Ghent. Although the population of the orphanages changed, the local authorities continued to use the name “orphanage”. In that vein, it is argued that concepts such as “orphans” and “orphanages” did not only refer to the classification of certain groups of children, but were also useful tools to protect the social order. An analysis of 45 interviews with both former orphans and educators provides an in-depth insight into the complex relationship between the educators and the orphaned children. In this way, the orphanage was studied not only “from the outside” but also from “the inside”, and by capturing the childhood narratives of former orphaned children it is possible to complement the “official story” with their interpretation of the past.  相似文献   

In the past decade, US==A reforms discourses link strategies of professionalizing teaching with pedagogical research practices. This article explores the different reform practices as the effects of power. It focuses on educational policy and research as governing through the reasoning inscribed in the knowledge generated for action and participation. Political rationalities are inscribed in pedagogy as “a culture of redemption. Pedagogy is to save the child for society and to rescue society through the child. The saving of the child embodies norms about social/cultural progress that makes the science/scientist as the prophet.

The first section examines turn of the 20th century USA practices to professionalize the teacher and redefine pedagogy. Pedagogy embodies a concept of progress that revisions the child from a religious entity beholden to God to one that embodies certain collective social norms related to political rationalities. The child is to be a self‐motivated participant in a liberal democracy. The teacher is also revisioned as a redemptive agent but now in the worldly name of progress and a populism. Professional knowledge is interpellated in service of a liberal democratic ideal.

The second section focuses on the revisioning of the redemptive culture in contemporary USA educational science and reform discourses. Examining two seemingly different ideological discursive practices ‐‐ a state‐sponsored discourse of “systemic school reform” and a “post‐modern” critical pedagogy ‐‐ the author argues that similar redemptive images of progress, expert‐knowledge and populism are utilized. The redemptive discourses focus on the teacher fand child) who participates, collaborates, and constructs (makes) knowledge within a “community” rather than as a participant in social, collective norms. As with the redemption at the turn of the century, contemporary educational sciences inscribe principles of order that relate to changes in the governing systems for constructing individuality, but these systems are different from those produced at the end of the century.  相似文献   

浅谈图书馆建设与构建和谐社会   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
构建社会主义和谐社会涉及到我国政治、经济和文化建设的各个方面,需要全社会的共同努力。其中文化建设占有极其重要的地位。作为人类文化知识殿堂的图书馆,是社会主义精神文明和物质文明建设的重要窗口和辐射源,在构建社会主义和谐社会中扮演着十分重要的角色,对促进政治与经济的建设、促进文化知识与科技信息的传播、促进社会教育的发展都有着积极的作用。当前充分认识图书馆与构建和谐社会的关系并发挥其更大作用,具有重要现实意义。  相似文献   

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