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网络、手机已逐渐成为人们生活中必不可少的交际媒介,近年来学者们对网络流行语及手机短信祝福语的研究层出不穷,但是从会话交际方面的探析却比较少,本文将二者联系起来,与日常会话中的交际进行对比,分析熟人之间在网络、手机上的会话交际特点,以开拓非现时性会话交际研究的领域。  相似文献   

本文定义了非即时通讯语言,分析其语境特征,在此基础上基于真实语料初步探讨了以手机、网络等新媒体为平台的非即时通讯语言的反馈项目及其表现形式、主要功能等,并从信息传递方式和传播媒介等角度分析了非即时交际过程中的反馈项目特点及成因,认为反馈项目也包含了表示会话者进行或继续会话的状态和意愿的积极信息及消极信息。  相似文献   

网络的迅猛发展,为网络会话提供了条件.网络会话含义基本与现实交际所产生的会话含义相同,但基于网络语境的影响,用于补充"合作原则"的不是"礼貌原则",而是"幽默原则".  相似文献   

本文基于“网络环境下的基础教育跨越式发展创新试验研究”实践,探究会话材料在交际式英语中应用的方法与策略。文章通过对行动研究法的阐述,提出利用行动研究法探索交际式英语教学的重要性与必要性,结合交际式英语教学中会话材料的设计与应用案例,探讨如何运用行动研究法实现针对具体案例研究。  相似文献   

本文定义了非即时通讯语言,分析其语境特征,在此基础上基于真实语料初步探讨了以手机、网络等新媒体为平台的非即时通讯语言的反馈项目及其表现形式、主要功能等,并从信息传递方式和传播媒介等角度分析了非即时交际过程中的反馈项目特点及成因,认为反馈项目也包含了表示会话者进行或继续会话的状态和意愿的积极信息及消极信息。  相似文献   

本文运用会话内隐意义理论对跨文化交际中的误解问题进行研究。研究表明,在跨文化交际中,由于交际者对词汇的内隐意义、会话意义隐含的交际意图和程式化表达方式内隐意义理解的差异,交际者会在交际中出现误解。对会话内隐意义理解差异引发的跨文化交际误解的研究对深入认识跨文化交际误解和提高跨文化交际能力具有重要意义。  相似文献   

网络交际是一种新兴的交际方法 ,已深入人们的日常生活。格莱斯提出的合作原则是指导人们言语交际的基本准则,但交际者在网络交际中往往故意违反合作原则,使会话显现幽默的功效。本文以网络交际语言为语料,分析网络交际中因故意违反合作原则而产生幽默的效果。  相似文献   

通过对网络聊天室会话的文本语料进行分析,总结出网络聊天中话轮及话轮转换的特点及技巧,旨在加强人们对网络会话结构的认识,提高在网络环境下人们之间的交流技能,促进网络交际的成功.  相似文献   

不同的文化背景、社会环境,甚至不同的语言表达方式都会产生仅仅单纯依靠语法学所不能解释的不同含义。作为一种交际方式,会话隐含表现为说话者的真正意图不能仅通过字面意义来理解,相反双方共知的环境信息、文化背景等诸多因素都会影响会话的隐含意义。从理论角度研究会话隐含将有助于提高交际效果,促进彼此沟通,让交际者更准确地表达自己和理解他人。基于此,结合会话隐含理论的发展脉络,从语用分析视角,对汉语交际中会话隐含形成的内在机制和外在动因进行探索,重点对语境在汉语交际会话隐含推导中的重要作用进行研究。  相似文献   

Grice的会话合作原则提出了数量准则、质量准则、相关准则和方式准则四项交际原则,而在电影作品中人物对话往往可以违背合作原则来表现特定的会话含义,本文以Grice合作原则为理论基础,以冯小刚贺岁片《手机》中台词为实例,分析人物对话违背合作原则所表达出的会话含义及其体现出来的喜剧效果。  相似文献   

This paper contributes to a nascent conversation in environmental education (EE) research by using ethnographic data and extant theory to develop a feminist posthumanist political ecology of education for theorizing human–animal relations/relationships. Specifically, I (1) engage feminist methodologies and theories; (2) give epistemological and theoretical attention to nonhuman animals; and (3) address the field of EE’s minimal engagement with the interdisciplinary research agenda of political ecology. The paper begins with a literature review examining how feminist and/or posthumanist scholars have theorized human–animal (or human–nature) relations/relationships. Next, I outline the conceptual frameworks guiding the analyses of ethnographic data I collected at Long Beach, California’s Aquarium of the Pacific and follow with a brief overview of the study. I conclude by outlining the major tenets of this article’s conceptual framework, which contributes to a growing conversation in EE regarding human–animal relations/relationships and lays the groundwork for other political ecologies of education.  相似文献   

会话分析是戏剧会话研究的重要方法。会话分析中的话轮转换分析法在萧伯纳的名剧《华伦夫人的职业》随处可见,通过分析可以揭示对话中的隐含的权势关系和人物性格。  相似文献   

委婉语(或称婉语)不仅是各种语言的普遍现象,也是一种文化现象.它在人们的社会交往活动中起着十分重要的作用.从社会语言学的角度,从委婉语与社会、宗教、人际交谈、社会交际四个方面,尤其是从社会交际方面阐释了委婉语的社会功用.  相似文献   

作为日常会话的一种,医患会话是医患之间互相沟通、交流病情的主要方式,也是进行医学诊断的不可缺少的重要活动.然而,医患对话在产生过程中存在着许多基本障碍,本文探讨医患会话中所体现的权势关系  相似文献   

The performance of speaker verification systems is often compromised under real-world environments. For example, variations in handset characteristics could cause severe performance degradation. This paper presents a novel method to overcome this problem by using a non-linear handset mapper. Under this method, a mapper is constructed by training an elliptical basis function network using distorted speech features as inputs and the corresponding clean features as the desired outputs. During feature recuperation, clean features are recovered by feeding the distorted features to the feature mapper. The recovered features are then presented to a speaker model as if they were derived from clean speech. Experimental evaluations based on 258 speakers of the TIMIT and NTIMIT corpuses suggest that the feature mappers improve the verification performance remarkably.  相似文献   

The performance of speaker verification systems is often compromised under real-world environments.For example,variations in handset characteristics could cause severe performance degradation.This paper presents a novel method to overcome this problem by using a non-linear handset mapper.Under this method,a mapper is constructed by training an elliptical basis function network using distorted speech features as inputs and the corresponding clean features as the desired outputs.During feature recuperation,clean features are recovered by feeding the distorted features to the feature mapper.The recovered features are then presented to a speaker model as if they were derived from clean speech.Experimental evaluation based on 258 speakers of the TIMIT and NTIMIT corpuses suggest that the feature mappers improve the verification performance remarkably.  相似文献   

促进网络课程协作学习深层化的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近几年,网络课程发展势头迅猛,但随之也出现了学习浅表化的现象.协作学习是网络课程学习的一个重要环节,为了促进网络课程中协作学习的深层化,对某门网络课程协作学习效果从会话内容、会话分类、会话情绪三个方面进行会话分析,得出网络课程中的协作学习存在的问题,并提出相关的解决策略,以期为网络课程协作学习深层化提供参考.  相似文献   

价值哲学的现代转向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
价值哲学本质上是现代化的产物,其主旨在于揭示和解释现代化进程中的诸种价值困境。价值哲学的现代转向乃是中国语境下价值哲学研究的理论指归和实践诉求。其转向的社会哲学基础在于社会的结构性变迁以及由它所引发的诸多价值难题;获得关于世界之绝对理念的执着的哲学追求以及实体性思维、虚拟享用推动下的过度消费甚至浪费是造成各种价值难题的主要原因;在价值哲学的现代转向中,必须加入人性化要求的维度,这就是变改造关系为对待关系,加强人生态建设。  相似文献   

3G手机网络游戏互动娱乐应用平台基于3G无线网络的高带宽及封装的底层协议、高性能服务器端、跨平台客户端等技术,以实现业内最有挑战性的MMORPG游戏类型为目标.该系统建成能有效提高数据通讯传输速率、保障数据安全、确保达成即时互动和保障用户体验.  相似文献   


Dominant discourses in physical education research center on subject-wide crisis. This is despite repeated calls to address enduring concerns about how physical education is taught. In short, the subject seems caught in Groundhog Day (defined by Oxford Dictionaries (n.d.) as “a situation in which a series of unwelcome or tedious events appear to be recurring in exactly the same way”). This article scrutinizes this position through Foucault’s lens of governmentality, which focuses particularly on power/knowledge relations and their relationship to subjectivity. Through this lens, research functions as a shaper of contemporary understanding and becomes a means for intervention by “experts.” The article is structured as a conversation between authors about dominant discourses in physical education research and issues of governmentality. It argues that research approaches such as action research are framed within other power/knowledge relations and may provide a way to wake up on a new day.  相似文献   

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