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赵敏  袁潇 《教育与职业》2021,999(23):75-81
师资结构是中等职业教育师资队伍建设的重要方面.从2015—2020年东、中、西部地区中等职业教育的师资结构现状来看,各地区在师资规模、学历结构、职称结构和生师比方面存在较大差距,整体上东部优于中、西部.文章通过对政策因素、经济因素、社会因素以及教师职业意愿等影响因素的探究,提出通过提升中等职业教育教师的职业地位、提高中等职业教育的财政投入及教师待遇、提高中等职业教育教师中高级职称比例、提升中等职业教育教师专业化发展水平等策略,以期对改善当前东、中、西部中等职业教育的师资结构,以及提高中等职业教育师资队伍数量和质量提供借鉴和参考.  相似文献   

本文基于中小学教师学历提升教育现状的调查,指出应改变目前学历提升教育由教师个人自由选择与教育机构自主提供的状况,将学历提升纳入政府教育行政部门的教师队伍建设规划予以统筹安排,优化学历提升教育的环境;转变"粗放型"、"外延式"的学历提升模式,学校应实行"个性化"与"精细化"的教师专业发展规划,使学历提升教育同教师职业生涯过程相契合,满足教师发展需要;在教师学历提升过程中,应实行专家指导与个人自主选择相结合,以提高学历提升对教师专业发展的效能.  相似文献   

随着网络技术的发展和应用,远程培训成为教师培训的重要组成部分,并逐渐成为提高教师理论水平和实践能力,加快教师专业化发展,特别是加快城乡教育均衡发展,实现教育公平的重要途径之一。2011年,广东省在教育部、财政部实施"国培计划"基础上,针对本省实际开展了重点面向农村教师的"广东省义务教育教师学历与综合素质提升培训"项目。本研究以该项目为个案,通过平台调研和访谈,对其培训模式及支持服务进行了深入分析和科学概括,以期对国内教师(尤其是农村教师)远程培训的有效实施提供借鉴。  相似文献   

当前我国教师学历提升背后的一个普遍假设是“教师学历越高发展越好”。本研究采用质性研究方法,对江浙沪地区12位具有研究生学历的中小学教师专业发展状况的研究发现:学历提升带来了研究能力、知识深度、洞察能力及高发展机会等方面的优势,但教师教学与专业发展状况受多重因素的影响,包括教师自我的能动性、日常教学事务、组织支持以及共同体场域关系等因素。因而,不仅要提升教师学历,还需从政府层面提高教师学历的综合治理水平,协同各方力量共同探索适合高学历教师专业发展的成长路径;从学校层面正确认识高学历教师的优势价值以及构建融洽的校本共同体氛围;从教师自身层面积极加强专业认同与能动性建构,从而真正促进教师优势能力的转化。  相似文献   

教师是教育发展的第一资源。而在教师的成长和发展的过程中,教师进修院校无疑是主阵地、主力军。它们伴随着基础教育的发展,为提升教师的学历和教育教学能力作出了贡献。追溯教院的历史,不难看出它的发展轨迹——从上世纪80年代的学历补偿教育到90年代的学历提高教育,再到新世纪注重岗位胜任能力的教育。  相似文献   

以广东省粤西地区部分小学教师为样本进行抽样调查,发现小学教师学历教育四点变化:师范类本专科学历和90后小学教师占比突出;家庭教育及个人职业愿望影响做小学教师主因;学校提供教师提升机会仍占主要阵地。呈现三个特点:应时代的变化而变化;应个人自主性的变化而变化;原始学历普遍起点低,继续教育学历较高。引发两点反思:发达省份欠发达地区仍需继续重视小学教师学历提升;关注偏远区域小学教师学历提升的教师文化塑造。  相似文献   

广东省教师教育在中国教师教育转型的背景下,既面临机遇,也必须迎接挑战。面向未来,广东省教师教育的发展必须从长远规划、理顺机制、提升教师素质和加大投入四个方面努力。  相似文献   

教师学历的提升是提高教师专业化水平的重要途径之一.本研究以江苏省为例,对全省特殊教育教师的学历情况进行调查和分析,结果显示:江苏省特殊教育教师整体学历不高,中间多,两头少,学历层次正逐步提升;各学历完成时间趋于集中,具有时代性、政策性;学历提升途径较多,但函授是主导;学历进修--普师多、特师少,专业进修--普教多、特教少.本研究针对问题提出了改进建议,以期为我国特殊教育行政决策以及教师专业化水平的提升提供借鉴.  相似文献   

学历水平是教师队伍建设的关键要素。我国教师队伍学历水平尽管整体上呈不断提高的态势,但与教育强国建设的要求及与发达国家的水平相比,还存在一定差距。教师队伍学历提升具有中介效应、连锁效应和扩散效应,有助于提高教师的教学能力、促进学生的全面发展和夯实教师的职业地位。从国际上看,发达国家普遍采取了延长职前教育年限、鼓励在职教师攻读更高学位、拓宽教师来源、为非师范院校毕业生提供培训等举措提升教师队伍学历水平。推进教师队伍学历提升是一项系统工程,面向2035年建成教育强国的目标,需要坚持规划为先,提升教师队伍入职学历要求;综合施策,全面、精准、协同推进实施教师培养计划;强化激励,完善吸引优秀人才从教机制;开展动态监测,推进基于大数据的教师队伍培养及政策调适。  相似文献   

顾泠沅 《上海教育》2007,(1B):32-36
“十一五”是上海教育发展的关键时期,上海教师队伍建设既迎来了难得的机遇,又面临着严峻的挑战。 在教师培养与学历提升以及教师培训与资源联盟,校本研修与专业支持以及队伍管理与人才激励等方面,教师队伍建设改革均有待于进一步深化。[编按]  相似文献   

教师是伟大的,他把未来作为自己的创造蓝图,把学生的心灵做为自己雕塑的对象。在教师这支队伍中,班主任是排头兵,他不仅要教书而且要育人,不仅要培育学生成才,而且要培养学生成人。班主任工作是中职学校教育管理工作中的一个重要组成部分,是强化学生管理和提高中等职业学校教育质量的关键,也是学生学习的楷模,更是和谐社会的引导者。  相似文献   

Initial teacher education programmes in universities must meet the needs of varying constituencies. Politicians, school leaders and academics, for example, understandably seek to influence how these programmes should look. Given the importance of well-qualified teachers for the building of effective schools, it is right that a range of stakeholders should have their say. The Donaldson Report on teacher education in Scotland (2011) has much to say regarding the academic content of teacher education programmes. It offers food for thought for those wedded to the ‘craft’ model of teacher education. Academic rigour and breadth of experience cannot be seen as inimical to the need to ensure that newly qualified teachers are, indeed, ready to teach. The rediscovery of liberal approaches to education studies and the value of the liberal arts can be key components of a reimagined teacher education process.  相似文献   

江苏省是我国教育大省,师范教育改革一直走在全国的前列。如今该省内小教师资培养专科和本科模式共存,在教师教育高层次化、开放化、多元化快速发展的背景下,有必要进一步深化江苏师范教育改革。构建更加科学合理的小教师资培养新模式需要考虑很多因素,无疑调查小教师资培养格局、预测小教师资需求趋势、厘清现存小教师资两种主要培养模式是关键。  相似文献   

通过运用SWOT分析框架,从省市比较的角度进行研究表明:广东省研究生教育发展具有绝对规模大、经费投入充足、政策支持力度较大和地理位置优越等优势和机遇,同时还存在着相对规模较小、学校层次和学科水平较低、教师资源不足等劣势和挑战。要发挥优势,规避劣势,促进广东省研究生教育快速发展,就需要从调整专业结构、构建完善的质量保障体系、加强人才队伍和学科建设和坚持国际合作等方面着手。  相似文献   

This article offers a critical examination of the use of teachers’ standards for student-teachers in teacher education in England. Using an illustrative data example of student-teachers working in a school department setting, benefits of a cultural historical activity theory analysis are forwarded. The example highlights shortcomings in the current education of student-teachers which is in transition owing to changes in English teacher education policy. Focusing heavily on meeting required teachers’ standards, the school teaching practice in the research example does not encourage student-teachers or teachers to develop their understanding of teaching. Neither is the context of the teacher education work taken into account nor personal views of participants. Ways of analysing experiences recognising the influence of schools in affecting the kinds of learning available to student-teachers are needed in England in order to increase understanding of the benefits and drawbacks of different approaches to school-based teacher education.  相似文献   

This article discusses the design of tasks for teacher education. It focuses on tasks that are used in a university course for pre-service secondary school mathematics teachers. Special attention is given to tasks that use analogical thinking in their construction or implementation. These tasks are categorized by type of teacher education goal and analyzed with respect to the use of analogical thinking. Short examples are presented for three of the goal categories, while an elaborated example is given for the fourth one. The detailed example describes the goals and design of a task sequence following an emergent pedagogical need. Using the ad hoc constructed task-sequence the teacher educator avoids “telling” while demonstrating an alternative instructional approach, and seizing the opportunity to bring up additional pedagogical issues.  相似文献   

Although official curriculum documents make cursory mention of the need for problem posing in school mathematics, problem posing rarely becomes part of the implemented or assessed curriculum. This paper provides examples of how problem posing can be made an integral part of mathematics teacher education programs. It is argued that such programs are a good place to start the process of redesigning mathematics curricula so that school mathematics will pay more than lip service to problem posing. Data are presented and analyzed showing that teacher education students can recognize the need for problem posing both in their own programs and in school mathematics curricula. Examples of problems posed by teacher education students are presented and discussed. An active learning framework for interpreting the role of problem posing in mathematics classrooms is presented.  相似文献   

教师的职前培养、职后培训必须与教育实践互动结合,才能培养出合格的师资,这需要制定完善的教师教育政策,形成完善的运行机制。本文提出改革师范教育教学模式,调整教师教育体系,重新构建适合学校发展要求的职前、职后教育和教育实践三位一体化运行机制的教师教育体系。  相似文献   

作为社会转型期产物的留守儿童面临着身心健康、接受教育、天赋、个性发展等发展权难以得到保障甚至被侵犯的危险。粤西北及东南乡村地区的调研数据显示,留守儿童的身心健康发展权、受教育发展权、信息知晓发展权、天赋发展权等方面受到较大的负面影响,急需家庭、政府、学校、社会形成多方联动的留守儿童发展权权益保障体系。在家庭层面,父母加强关注留守儿童的情感需求与天赋个性;在政府层面,大力发展农村经济,建立健全教育帮扶机制;在学校层面,优化硬件设施与教师结构,加强网络信息教育;在社会层面,充分发挥社会综合协助职能,加强帮扶的针对性与长期性。  相似文献   

The results presented in this article are taken from a case study of novice primary school mathematics teachers’ professional identity development from the perspective of the teachers themselves. The empirical material was collected through self-recordings, observations and interviews. The results show how the professional identity development of these novice teachers becomes a pursuit in line with their image of a primary school teacher. To develop a sense of themselves as primary school teachers they need to establish their own criteria - individual (including graduation and personal knowledge) and social (the ability to work in one school, have colleagues and have a class of their own for which they do the planning and teaching). These criteria are shown to be both a precondition for and a part of professional identity development. The novice teachers’ image of what it means to be a primary school teacher directs their actions and becomes the goal of their professional identity development. Because of its high impact, student and novice teachers’ image of primary school teachers ought to be made visible in both teacher education and teacher induction.  相似文献   

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