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时蕊 《教育教学论坛》2012,(12):238-240
儿歌是家庭教育中不可忽视的早教素材,但由于家长在儿歌教育中的盲目性,缺少正确的认识,不能采用恰当的方式方法,使儿歌对低幼儿未起到应有的教育作用。本文通过调查家庭中儿歌教育的现状,探讨适合低幼儿儿歌教育的有效方式方法,帮助和指导父母更好地发展低幼儿的语言能力,激发良好的情绪情感,实现儿歌对低幼儿的教育作用。  相似文献   

儿歌是儿童文学的一种,启迪教育,不仅可以丰富幼儿的知识,发展语言,而且富有情趣节奏感强,读起来朗朗上口,深受广大儿童喜爱。儿歌的主要特点:将知识、道理、教训编入儿歌,对儿童起到增长知识,明白是非,接受教育的作用。一首儿歌,一般只单纯地、集中地描写或讲述一件事物,简单明了地说明一个道理,使儿童在游戏中受到教育,儿歌的节奏感强,易诵易唱。如传统的儿歌教学,教师只在乎"教"的过程,只是让幼儿学会背诵儿歌、学会表演作为最终的教育目的,而忽略了幼儿"学"的过程,把幼儿当成知识被动的接受者,幼儿的创造力得不到发挥,所以才会导致幼儿的主体地位难以得到体现。在幼儿诗歌教学中,应让学生主动参与学习,积极发展主动性和创造性。  相似文献   

活动目的:学习自然地,大方地朗诵儿歌:进行安全教育;体验改编儿歌的乐趣。教材介绍:1.作品:附后。2.简析:这首儿歌简单易诵,符合小班幼儿的年龄特点。在穿穿、走走的活动中学儿歌,可以调动幼儿的各种感官来参与语言学习,还可以使安全教育生动有趣。活动过程:一、激发幼儿学习儿歌的愿望。1.让幼儿看看、说说自己脚上穿的是什么鞋。(皮  相似文献   

儿歌是以年龄较小的幼儿为接受对象,是幼儿喜 闻乐见的一种可吟可唱的简短诗歌。作为儿童文学作品中的 一种重要文学样式,儿歌内容简单形象,具有独特的韵律美和 节奏美,能够在潜移默化的审美熏陶中启迪幼儿的心智,陶冶 幼儿的性情,完善幼儿的品格,提高幼儿的文学接受能力。幼 儿园儿歌教学活动主要是指把儿歌应用到集体教学活动中,教 师在活动中依据儿歌的内容,有目的、有计划地组织幼儿开展 的集体教学活动,这样可以有效培养幼儿的自理能力。本文主 要对儿歌教育对小班幼儿自理能力的影响做了一些研究探讨。  相似文献   

刘素芬 《孩子天地》2016,(8):230-231
幼儿园语言教育活动是幼儿教育的一个重要领域。儿歌作为语言活动的一种文学形式,以其内容精炼、寓教于乐、朗朗上口深受幼儿喜欢。本文旨在通过对儿歌的选材、儿歌教学的组织与指导、以幼儿为主体及各领域的有效渗透,来开展儿歌教学,全面发展幼儿的语言能力。  相似文献   

幼儿身心发展规律告诉我们:在幼儿发展的过程中,健康是保证幼儿发展的物质基础,幼儿的认知、情感、行为等方面的发展,都需要建立在健康的身体之上。积极地开展体育活动,让幼儿在运动中充分的互动、嬉戏,有利于幼儿的生长发育和身体的健康,有助于幼儿活泼、开朗性格的形成。本文通过对幼儿园开展体育活动的分析探讨,旨在提高教师对体育活动课程研究的认识,发挥体育活动在凸现幼儿健康教育办园特色中的作用,培养幼儿健康的体魄。  相似文献   

长城长城长长,筑起一道围墙,长城长城高高,山上一道脊梁。多么高?顶到天,多么长?万里长,要问是谁造?中华好儿郎。(选自上海教育出版社《上海市幼儿园语言补充教材》)●理解儿歌为了帮助幼儿进一步理解儿歌,教师可以辅助讲述《孟姜女》等故事,让幼儿了解为什么秦始皇要造长城、谁来造长城、烽火台有什么作用等知识。还可提供有关书籍让幼儿阅读,为幼儿理解儿歌作铺垫。●拓展活动教师可创设“去旅游”等专栏,搜集展示我国著名景点、著名建筑的图片。教师还可发挥巧思,充分挖掘儿歌的教育价值。如在游戏中,引导幼儿扮演古代将士,表演守长城等…  相似文献   

《幼儿园教育指导纲要》指出,幼儿园必须把保护幼儿的生命和促进幼儿的健康放在工作的首位。显然,保护幼儿的安全和健康已成为幼儿园工作的重中之重。教师可以通过真实案例分析让幼儿感知安全的重要性、利用儿歌歌曲等活动形式梳理幼儿的安全知识、再利用幼儿角开展情境游戏,内化安全知识,通过在生活中培养安全常规习惯等方面探讨安全教育的有效实施策略。  相似文献   

奚恺 《考试周刊》2014,(64):196-196
今天信息流通快,幼儿接触的世界丰富多彩,教参上单纯的儿歌、故事、歌曲等已经不能充分满足幼儿的真正需求,而乡土资源却静静躺在那儿,等着我们发现。因此,我们要充分利用农村自然环境,贯彻新《纲要》精神,尝试开展丰富多彩的教育活动,这些活动源于幼儿的需要,产生于幼儿的兴趣点,在幼儿主动、积极、有效的探究中发展,在教师的关怀、接纳、支持、引导中深入。  相似文献   

幼儿语言教学的新尝试   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新幼儿语言教学观,不再注重语音、词汇、句子的训练,而在于鼓励幼儿与幼儿之间,幼儿与成人之间的大量的积极的言语交往,而在这个大的前提下让幼儿获得最基本的语言要素。为此,我们作了一些尝试。 一、在语言活动中引导幼儿积极地听和说。 1.分析教材要透。 语言教学活动是幼儿学习口语的重要手段,教师必须对教材分析透彻,并根据本班的实际水平,阶段的教育目标,找出重点难点,认真设计能促进幼儿口语发展的教学形式和方法,调动幼儿说话的积极性。如在儿歌《小兔开铺子》中,我设计了游戏《开铺子》让孩子在买卖过程中很快掌握了几种量词及儿歌内容。如果教材没有分析透,往往会脱离教材而空想形式,活动过程及效果不好,甚至目标不能达到。  相似文献   

以周作人为代表的儿歌童谣“同一关系”论和以魏寿镛、周侯予为代表的儿歌童谣“并列关系”论,是现代儿歌童谣逻辑关系理论的两大传统主流观点。其生命内核均是指向民间的,未能涵盖现代儿童文学视野下的文人创作儿歌是其“硬伤”。就当下儿歌、童谣的存在现实而言,儿歌、民间儿歌(童谣)、文学(创作)儿歌j者之间实际上是一种以儿歌为“母集”、以民间儿歌和文学儿歌为并列“子集”的逻辑关系。  相似文献   

童谣在广义上指主要传唱于儿童口中的音节和谐的歌谣。根据保存下来的文本,由于社会观念的不同,不同时期记载的童谣作品表现出不同的特色:明代以前保存下来的童谣主要是作为神学和政治附庸而存在,政治预言性是其主要特征;明代以后表现儿童现实生活和真实性情的童谣文本开始增多,并逐渐成为主流地位;当代记载的童谣作品则呈现出多元化倾向。  相似文献   

童谣作为幼儿娱乐的活动之一,和体育游戏具有十分密切的关系。将童谣融入幼儿体育游戏,不仅可以帮助孩子更好地进行体育活动,而且可以将体育活动趣味化,使得孩子们更好地掌握相应技能。文章将探讨如何将童谣与幼儿体育游戏进行更好的融合。  相似文献   

Schools run by Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) play a pivotal role in providing early childhood education to young children belonging to marginalized sections of Delhi. However, literature review reveals that low learning outcomes are common among children attending these schools. Low levels of learning are often associated with poor quality educational programmes. The present study was therefore undertaken in nursery, grade I and grade II of 36 randomly selected MCD schools to investigate their structural and process quality. Structural quality included infrastructure facilities like availability of drinking water and toilets, safety and cleanliness of the physical setting among others. Process quality included the experiences of the children in the school. Findings revealed that while many MCD schools had an average score on components related to structural quality, the process quality scores of the schools were below average. Significant differences were also observed in overall quality scores of grade II, grade I and nursery, with nursery scores being the highest. The decline in quality scores from nursery to grade II is a sign of decreasing quality and prevents a smooth transition of children from pre-primary to primary.  相似文献   

Research into the long‐term effects of language delay reflects an increasing concern that many children’s needs are not being met by current early years educational practice. This paper reports on a two‐part intervention designed to improve language skills within a nursery setting. In the first part of the intervention, a directly taught small group was found to be effective in improving language skills in children with language delay. However, in the second part of the intervention, creation of a “language rich” nursery environment was not fully implemented by nursery staff. A baseline assessment of all the nursery children revealed that alongside the high incidence of language delay in the nursery population there was also a high incidence of delay in non‐verbal reasoning skills as assessed by a single sub‐test from the British Ability Scales II Early Years. The findings raise the question: how can educational psychologists and speech and language therapists work together with teaching staff to create a “language rich” environment in the early years that will address the needs of all children?  相似文献   

邵琪 《成都教育学院学报》2010,(12):125-126,129
所谓阳光童谣,就是内容积极、健康、向上,对儿童正确人生观、价值观的形成具有良好导向作用的童谣。它以其自身的快乐性、生活性、闲暇性、多样性等特点天然地成为小学德育的新路径。因此,应以阳光童谣为载体进行小学德育,并构建阳光童谣所寓含的小学德育内容。在实施方面,具体可以采用使阳光童谣课程化,开设阳光童谣校本课程;将阳光童谣融于学科教学之中;组织丰富多彩的阳光童谣活动,巩固德育成效;创建阳光童谣氛围,形成校园文化等多种途径来实施基于阳光童谣的小学德育。在实施的过程中,要注意以"阳光童谣"抑制"灰色童谣"。  相似文献   

童谣主要是以儿童为传承者,通过游戏谣、知识谣、滑稽谣、生活谣等形式来反应儿童的成长生活,对幼儿的成长和世界观的形成具有启发作用的一种民间歌谣形式,独特的"胎教"功用,是引导儿童认识世界、认识自己、步入人生的启蒙者。试分析童谣中体现的生命繁衍意识,借以唤醒人们对童谣审美价值的深入认识,并对童谣的教育和传承提出一些个人建议。  相似文献   

自2016年以来,随着“全面二孩”政策的实施,0~3岁婴幼儿托育服务需求日益突显,国家也高度重视“幼有所育”,重视托育机构的建设和托育服务的质量,制定了许多政策方针。可见,托育服务问题越来越受到国家和人民的广泛关注。根据国家卫生健康委设定的托育机构的设置标准和管理规范,在具体了解目前托育机构的基本情况、管理规范及疫情前后的运营状况的基础上,从场地设施、人员规模、备案管理等不同方面分析其目前发展存在的问题,并从多方面制定相应的解决策略,以促使托育机构向规范化发展,更好地满足人民的需求。  相似文献   

Janet Evans 《Literacy》2000,34(1):17-23
This paper investigates children’s interest in the nursery rhyme genre whilst at the same time considers how children can be encouraged to write reflectively if they are working on something that both stimulates and motivates them to want to write. After reading a story book of nursery rhymes, a group of Y2 children were encouraged to consider what other adventures some of the main rhyme characters might have. By talking about the rhymes, seeing an expert writer modelling the writing process and writing collaboratively with their teacher and with each other, the children wrote an “alternative” nursery rhyme book. They began to see writing as a long term process which is recursive, takes time and effort but which is also very rewarding especially when published in the form of a book.  相似文献   

The effect of three preschool conditions on early reading attainment in the first four terms at primary school was studied. The conditions were: (a) nursery education with computer‐presented structured pre‐reading instruction comprising visual and auditory discrimination and recognition of letter shapes and sounds, (b) ‘normal’ nursery activities, and (c) no formal nursery education. The initial reading performance of these children in the three conditions was then monitored during their first two terms in the same class group of a first school. The group who received pre‐reading skills training was found not only to learn to read more quickly in terms of the number of books in the reading scheme read, but for this superiority to increase over the two terms, compared to the nursery only and the no‐nursery groups. Both the nursery conditions were superior to the no‐nursery group. The results were interpreted as indicating the importance of structured learning of basic pre‐reading skills and of the computer as an effective means of presenting them.  相似文献   

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