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本文试图通过"20世纪中国文学"论这一历史文本,来讨论80年代中期现代文学学科重建过程中形成的观念形态与学科制度;并把这种考察与当下现代文学学科现状的关联性,作为问题意识的起点。"20世纪中国文学"论在1985年提出,被视为现代文学研究的新阶段,也是当时人文知识界关注的事件,并关联着一代新学人的登场。本文从文学史叙事、知识范式、制度性建构这三个层面,来展开对这一文本的分析。这一探讨方式,试图完成的是特定文本与知识生产体制关联的不同侧面,即一个文学史文本与一个学科、一个学科的主流表述与其时的知识范式、一种观念形态与其得以成型的制度空间,从而力图整体地勾勒出现代文学学科体制的大致轮廓。  相似文献   

正上世纪80年代末以来,当代中国女性主义批评家们从性别文化视角切入对中国现当代文学的研究,取得了一系列的丰硕成果,代表性著作包括孟悦、戴锦华的《浮出历史地表》、刘思谦的《"娜拉"言说》、刘慧英的《走出男权传统的樊篱》、陈顺馨的《中国当代文学的叙事与性别》、戴锦华的《涉渡之舟:新时期中国女性写作与女性文化》、李玲的《中国现代文学中的性别意识》、刘传霞的《被建构的女性:中国现代文学社会性别研究》、王绯的《空前之迹——1851——1930:中国妇女思想与文学发  相似文献   

在现代文学研究中引入"民国史视角",可在"具体的国家历史情态"中探寻现代文学的生成机制及其丰富内涵。现代行旅散文是现代作家在民国这一特定时空中的感知经验与游历体悟的文本呈现。从民国史的视角观照现代行旅散文的创作,有利于我们从一个更具生命力的入口,还原现代行旅散文创作的原生态。  相似文献   

把女性文学研究的经验和成果运用到大学语文教育中,使大学语文在课程目标、教材编写、教学内容、教学方法等方面都增加一个女性主义视角。把培养大学生先进的社会性别意识作为课程目标之一,用女性主义视角审视教材编写,改变无性别色彩的教学内容。尝试运用女性主义教学法进行颠覆性文本阅读,通过增加性别视角实现多元化、多维度文本解读。  相似文献   

中国近代史教学中引入社会性别视角、渗透妇女史内容,对传统史学教学而言,从教学方法到教学内容均会引发深刻的变革.社会性别视角引入,启发学生认识历史全貌,挑战传统史学性别盲点,培养学生敢于质疑,敢于立论,勇于实证的创新思维;妇女史内容渗透,补遗、纠正、完善了传统史学教学内容,让学生看到一个更具完整性、客观性、公正性的历史内容,从而形成正确的历史概念.社会性别视角引入、妇女史内容渗透是传统史学教学改革的极佳切入点.  相似文献   

《想象农民》立足于乡土中国现代化语境,通过文本细读对现代文学中的农民形象的审美嬗变历程进行了系统的梳理,以鲜明的问题意识从思想文化史视角深刻思考了现代文学农民形象对新乡土中国现代化的启示,构建了关于现代文学农民形象的极富理论品格和启发性的反思性文本。《想象农民》成为新世纪乡土中国文学和中国农民现代化思想探索和审美想象的一个新起点。  相似文献   

高等教育性别隔离问题是一个历史问题,也是一个现实问题。作为传递传统文化和意识的高等教育,也在有意无意地反映和复制着社会性别关系。受到西方女性主义思潮的影响,我国女性高等教育中许多以前被忽略的性别偏见问题得到审视与反思,这其中最具有群体显著性的就是性别隔离问题。性别隔离对女性的专业与学科选择产生影响,使得女性学科逐步形成。学科与专业上的性别隔离问题已超越了个人选择和单纯的教育问题,是复杂的社会问题。研究性别隔离视角下高等教育中女性学科的形成对于提倡男女平等、构建和谐社会有着深刻而广泛的意义。  相似文献   

女性是人类社会中与男性相区别又密不可分的完整群体,有其独特的自然属性、社会属性和精神属性。她们在历史的长河里从事着社会实践,也是现实生活中有血有肉、有物质与精神需求的独立个体。本文从社会性别的角度切入女性问题,运用女性视角来分析西奥多·德莱塞的《嘉莉妹妹》中女主角嘉莉的性格,以此探析嘉莉的欲望与社会的互动关系,以期为他者赏读德莱塞的作品提供一个新的视角。  相似文献   

中国近代史教学中引入社会性别视角、渗透妇女史内容,对传统史学教学而言,从教学方法到教学内容均会引发深刻的变革。社会性别视角引入,启发学生认识历史全貌,挑战传统史学性别盲点,培养学生敢于质疑,敢于立论,勇于实证的创新思维;妇女史内容渗透,补遗、纠正、完善了传统史学教学内容,让学生看到一个更具完整性、客观性、公正性的历史内容,从而形成正确的历史概念。社会性别视角引入、妇女史内容渗透是传统史学教学改革的极佳切入点。  相似文献   

性别:女性文学研究的关键词   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
新旧世纪之交的十来年,我国女性文学研究正在进行着静悄悄的学术转型,其标志是:女性文学研究的关键词正在由“女性”而转向了“性别”。由此,女性文学文本与男性文学文本甚至历史文化语境构成的“巨型文本”,将作为互为参照比较的互文本被纳入研究者的研究视野。性别的双性视角,是一个充满希望和忧虑的话题,回到日常生活,也许能够有效地争取两性平等对话与男女主体间性的和谐。性别视角应是双性视角,应避免对性别视角的过度阐释。论文以现代女性文学研究引入性别关键词所带来的比较成熟的研究成果为例,阐明了以女性主体性为价值支点进行文本解读的创造性,多文本互文性解读的合理性。  相似文献   

Creating and disseminating knowledge through research and teaching has long been regarded as the hallmark of the modern university. However, new university business models have called into question the ‘bundling’ of teaching and research, and sustained research on the relationship between teaching and research has found little evidence of an insoluble connection between the two activities. In this article, we explore the relationship between teaching and research from the perspective of universities’ institutional discourse. We use corpus-assisted discourse analysis to examine the relationship between research and teaching as presented in two sets of institutional texts currently influential in UK Higher Education: Research Excellence Framework environment statements and Teaching Excellence Framework provider submissions (a total of 2143 documents and 12,492,071 words). Our findings show that, while universities emphasise the value of research to their teaching, they do not always emphasise (or sometimes even decry) the influence of teaching on their research. We empirically evidence that, according to what universities themselves write in institutional texts, teaching and research are not always in a mutually beneficial entanglement, but often rather a one-way relationship in which research expertise and institutional prestige are used to bolster claims of teaching excellence. This has implications for the communication of both the vision and the purpose of a university in regulatory exercises and wider policy, but also speaks to the broader idea and practice of being a university in the twenty-first century.  相似文献   

中国现代文学文本语意的诠释依托于教学主体的能动意识,交往教学为教育主体开启了提升综合素养的可行性渠道。中国现代文学课程交往教学的顺利实施基于学习共同体的组织构架中,学习共同体重塑了传统教学的关系结构,为提升主体的认知水平提供智力支持和情感动因。以文本审美意涵的交流为核心的小组讨论是中国现代文学开展交往教学的实践路径,开放自由的言说语境和表现性评价体系保障了中国现代文学课程交往教学理想价值的实现。中国现代文学交往教学还原了学生的教学主体身份,全方位拓展了学生的认知视野和社交技能。  相似文献   

This paper examines the place of research questions in the teaching of research methods. It describes the neglect of research questions in both methods texts and the wider academic literature, but notes that this situation is not peculiar to educational research and that similar concerns have been raised in the social sciences more widely, as well as in the humanities. It explores some possible explanations for this neglect and argues that the lack of attention paid to research questions may be related to the availability of appropriate resources, the structure and content of methods texts and the way some research is conducted and presented. Question-led methods teaching is presented as both a logical approach to the teaching of research design and data analysis and also a strategy that may help to overcome some of the weaknesses in current practice. It is argued that focusing on research questions can encourage capacity-building among new researchers and may discourage the early formation of ‘mono-method’ identities.  相似文献   

In this paper we highlight findings from a teacher inquiry group study designed to explore possibilities for teaching contemporary Canadian literature to promote issues of social justice in secondary classrooms. Drawing on Boler and Zembylas’s notion of a ‘pedagogy of discomfort’, our paper will focus on the experiences of two teachers in the group who, through the selection and teaching of two Aboriginal Canadian texts, moved away from well-established pedagogical practices. We explore the role of the inquiry group in supporting teachers in their attempts to problematize unquestioned assumptions and address the absences in their curricular practices and examine the potential of using Canadian literature to enhance students’ understanding of historical marginalizations and structural inequalities. In conclusion, we discuss the implications of our research for pre-service and in-service educators who face the challenges of teaching in increasingly diverse schools.  相似文献   

女性主义是一种以服务于妇女解放,追求性剐平等为宗旨的思想取向。女性主义者认为,在传统课堂教学中充斥着性别化教育,存在着性别屏蔽、性别刻板现象,导致女性话语权的丧失,使女性处于不利地位。她们主张重构现行课堂教学,提倡关爱教育;呼吁教师建立性别意识,消除性别歧视;“解放”和“赋权”于学生;主张因性施教。这些主张体现着现代课堂教学民主化的趋势。  相似文献   

现代教育理念下的古代文论教学的复眼透视观,不单表现在古代文论资料的梳理上,更体现为教学理念的更新。复眼透视中国古代文论的文化生态和思维方式,有利于盘活古代文论命题的现代生机,最大限度地贴近了传统文论的本真生态,促进教学效果的优化,从而展现一个有意义的古代文论的教学新天地。  相似文献   

Most of the literature on the strengths perspective has addressed issues of practice; far less has been written about the role of the strengths perspective in social work education. Empirical studies have tended to focus on content analysis of texts and syllabi rather than data obtained directly from social work faculty. To address this gap, the author conducted a study of faculty teaching Master of Social Work foundation courses. Findings indicate that instructors vary in how implicitly or explicitly they use the strengths perspective, using a range of concepts to capture the notion of strengths. They consider the strengths perspective most useful as a mediator between theory and topic, serving a different function in different courses.  相似文献   

中国现代文学倡导以现代生存体验和人生思考为主要的表达对象,然而鲁迅、郭沫若、茅盾、郑振铎等作家却都曾创作过以古老神话为题材资源的重要作品。与现代作家对于中西方神话故事的广泛择取相呼应的这一阶段,又恰恰是中国神话学作为一门现代学科得以建构的奠基性阶段。从理论研究的视角,现代作家普遍认为远古神话作为民族文化的源头蕴含了强烈的民族性、现实性和民间信仰力量,同时这也是激发现代作家在创作中积极借鉴古老神话的重要动因。现代作家在理论研究和文学创作的双重维度上,表现出对远古神话的深切关注,既是现代作家对于民族文化之根的深情回望,同时也体现了现代作家对社会现实的深刻反思。  相似文献   

American Transcendentalism aroused New Englanders to individualism enlightenment. Kate Chopin’ s The Awakening, un doubtedly voices female quest for identity. The novel was banned by the force of social conventions, for the sociological role it played in form of literature, negotiating female professional identity, social role identity and sexual identity. This treatise analyzes the awakening of women conscious regarding identity and contradiction it brings therefore with social conventions, and argues the inevitable fate of the sex to self-isolation and self-destruction is caused by the prudery conventions. It maintains to review the sociological function of the piece and reconstruct interdisciplinary perspective of literature and sociology, appeal harmony between two sexes.  相似文献   

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