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对篮球比赛进攻方法发展趋势的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文通过近两届奥运会篮球比赛资料分析指出,要根据比赛进攻发展趋势及我方弱点,调整我国男女国家队的作战方针,大幅度降低个人进攻比率,提高配合进攻比率,适宜地调整过、中、远距离的投篮比率。建立伸缩性强的整体防守体系。  相似文献   

为了提高球迷的兴趣,在今年的菲尼克斯全明星周末上,NBA又增加一项新的赛事:HORSE投篮比赛。HORSE投篮比赛是美国一种极为流行的投篮游戏。HORSE投篮比赛共有雷霆的杜兰特、灰熊的梅奥和老鹰的乔·约翰逊3名球员参加。比赛选在了菲尼克斯的室外进行。  相似文献   

谈心理因素在篮球投篮中的影响及训练   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
影响投篮命中率的因素是多方面的。如投篮技术、投篮时机、身体素质及心理状态等。而在一场高水平的比赛中,运动员较长时间承受着各种不同的心理刺激。因此篮球运动员要善于调整,控制自己在比赛中的心理活动,才能发挥最大的运动潜力,因此,在实践中找出影响投篮命中率的心理因素,并制定相应的心理训练计划,是提高投篮水平的一个重要方面。  相似文献   

通过对2003—2004赛季NBA总决赛两队五场比赛录像观察,并结合NBA中国官方网站进行统计,采用相关关系分析法,对影响比赛胜负的24项技术指标与比赛得失分率的关系进行研究,并对两队情况进行比较,得出本赛季NBA总决赛中影响湖人队比赛胜负的主要技术指标是总投篮命中次数和2分投篮命中次数,影响活塞队比赛胜负的主要技术指标是抢断和3分投篮次数的结论。  相似文献   

中国男篮奥运会比赛情况的分析研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对中国男子篮球队在奥运会比赛中进攻投篮和防守对手投篮的情况进行了统计分析和研究,揭示了中国男子篮球队在比赛中存在的一些问题,并提出一些解决问题的方法。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、数理统计法、观察法、对比分析法,对中国男篮与对手在第29届奥运会比赛中的若干技术指标进行对比分析,结果表明:中国队在罚球次数、罚球命中率、封盖方面稍占优势;篮板球、助攻方面差距不大;抢断、失误、总投篮次数、2分投篮次数以及投篮命中率方面与对手存在较大差距。  相似文献   

浅析心理因素对大学生篮球运动员投篮准确性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨青  张劲松 《辽宁体育科技》2002,24(2):20-20,23
本文通过对心理因素在投篮准确率方面的作用,探索了心理因素与投篮准确性的关系.并通过比赛前、比赛中和比赛接近结束三个阶段出现的心理障碍指出了克服的方法。  相似文献   

随着篮球运动的不断发展,运动员投篮时的心理因素在比赛中的作用越来越重要,它直接影响着运动员投篮命中率,决定比赛的结果。心理因素已成为评定优秀篮球运动员的一个重要指标。通过对这方面的分析与.研究,为运动员投篮时调整自己的心理状态,并提出了如何进行心理和训练提高投篮命中率的方法。  相似文献   

1 前言 投篮技术是篮球比赛中最重要的技术之一。运动员投篮的准确性直接关系到比赛的胜负。因而,为了取得较好的成绩,教练员把投篮训练作为技术训练的重要任务,在训练中投篮训练占相当大的比例。 投篮练习如此重要,需要在每次训练课中安排大量的时间练习,而如何使投篮练习的安排较为科  相似文献   

篮球就是以投篮为最终目标的运动,篮球运动最强调的是投篮技术。建议以挑战投篮技术极限为突破口,以提高我国篮球运动技术水平为目标,增设4分,5分球投篮计分,提高投篮技术难度,以确保3分球的高命中率,形成一个1、2、3、4、5分球系列投篮国内篮球训练比赛新方法,在不影响参加国际篮球比赛的情况下,把国内篮球训练比赛与国际篮球比赛方法相区别的同时,将一场篮球训练比赛分为基本比赛部分和专项投篮部分。基本比赛部分按目前国际规则中的四节比赛部分的时间不变,但增加4,5分球投篮计分;专项投篮部分为3、4、5分球投篮部分。比赛胜负的决定以两个部分投篮计分相加为一个队的总得分。  相似文献   


In this study we examined the timing of optical information pick-up in basketball jump shooting using an intermittent viewing technique. We expected shooters to prefer to look at the basket as late as possible under the shooting style used. Seven experts with a high shooting style and five experts with a low shooting style took 50 jump shots while wearing liquid-crystal glasses that opened and closed at pre-set intervals. In principle, under this constraint, the participants could control when they saw the basket by actively modulating the timing of their movements. Analyses of the phasing of the movements relative to the events defined on the glasses revealed that low-style shooters preferred to see the basket just before the ball passed their line of sight, whereas high-style shooters tended to view the basket from underneath the ball after it passed their line of sight. Thus, most shooters preferred to pick up optical information as late as possible given the adopted shooting style. We conclude that, in dynamic far aiming tasks such as basketball jump shooting, late pick-up of optical information is critical for the successful guidance of movements.  相似文献   

In this study we examined the timing of optical information pick-up in basketball jump shooting using an intermittent viewing technique. We expected shooters to prefer to look at the basket as late as possible under the shooting style used. Seven experts with a high shooting style and five experts with a low shooting style took 50 jump shots while wearing liquid-crystal glasses that opened and closed at pre-set intervals. In principle, under this constraint, the participants could control when they saw the basket by actively modulating the timing of their movements. Analyses of the phasing of the movements relative to the events defined on the glasses revealed that low-style shooters preferred to see the basket just before the ball passed their line of sight, whereas high-style shooters tended to view the basket from underneath the ball after it passed their line of sight. Thus, most shooters preferred to pick up optical information as late as possible given the adopted shooting style. We conclude that, in dynamic far aiming tasks such as basketball jump shooting, late pick-up of optical information is critical for the successful guidance of movements.  相似文献   

对决定篮球投篮命中率因素的探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
提高投篮命中率,一直是广大篮球专业人员探讨的重要问题。根据多年篮球训练实践以及对比赛中运动员运用篮球技术情况的分析,从加强投篮动作的规范化、选择合适的方式和时机等方面对影响投篮命中率的问题进行了分析,提出了训练中应该重视和解决的问题。  相似文献   

远距离单手肩上投篮训练方法探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李国立 《体育学刊》2005,12(4):113-114
讨论影响投篮命中率有7个因素:手法、瞄准的方向、球的旋转、抛物线、协调性、判断反应和心理因素,并提出提高远距离投篮命中率的训练方法.  相似文献   

投篮是篮球运动的核心,投篮命中率是比赛制胜的关键。通过对2006年四国女篮对抗赛中国女篮3场比赛不同距离投篮命中率的统计,分析了投篮位置和命中率的关系,以及我国女篮与对方在不同位置的投篮次数与命中率的差别,旨在为提高篮球训练和比赛提供一定的参考和借鉴。  相似文献   


We examined the effects of visual control training on expert wheelchair basketball shooting, a skill more difficult than in regular basketball, as players shoot from a seated position to the same rim height. The training consisted of shooting with a visual constraint that forced participants to use target information as late as possible. Participants drove under a large screen that initially blocked the basket. As soon as they saw the basket they shot. When training with the screen, shooting percentages increased. We conclude that visual control training is an effective method to improve wheelchair basketball shooting. The findings support the idea that perceptualmotor learning can be enhanced by manipulating relevant constraints in the training environment, even for expert athletes.  相似文献   

影响篮球比赛罚球的主要心理因素及其调控训练方法初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
罚球是一种特殊的投篮技术,是篮球比赛中得分的重要手段之一。不少运动员在训练时命中率很高,而在比赛的关键时刻往往罚球不中。通过对比赛的观察统计及文献研究等方法,探讨影响罚球命中率的主要心理因素及其训练方法,供同行参考。  相似文献   

文章运用文献资料法、数理统计法、观察法和逻辑分析法等方法,对2008-2009赛季CBA篮球联赛和NBA篮球联赛的平均场每场个人技术统计进行对比和分析研究。研究结果表明:CBA球员在得分和投篮次数上与NBA球员有显著差异,NBA球员明显高于CBA球员,而在投篮命中率上,两者没有显著性差异;CBA球员在篮板球控制、助攻、盖帽和抢断上,与NBA球员相比,均存在较大的差距,但在进攻篮板球的拼抢上,与NBA球员无显著性差异;CBA球员每场失误次数明显高于NBA球员,但犯规与NBA球员相比,无显著性差异。  相似文献   

表象训练对提高投篮命中率和防止消退的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
徐和庆  赵趋  颜成春 《体育学刊》2006,13(2):114-116
以体育专业三年级学生为研究对象,探讨表象训练对其投篮命中率提高和防止消退的影响。实验证明,表象训练可提高投篮命中率;并在暂时终止训练的消退时期,对防止已获得的技术水平消退的作用尤为突出。  相似文献   


Three‐dimensional video techniques (50 Hz) were used to obtain images of basketball jump shots from one of three distances ‐ short range (group 1, n = 5); medium range (group 2, n = 5); long range (group 3, n = 5) ‐ from the basket, as performed by members of the men's quarter‐finalist teams at the games of the XVI Universiade in Sheffield in 1991. Fifteen sequences were digitized, beginning 20 frames prior to take‐off to 10 frames after release. To facilitate analysis, the sequences were rotated about the ball position in the final frame so that the shot direction was parallel to one of the pre‐defined orthogonal axes.

Mean (+1 s.d.) ball release speed was found to increase with distance from the basket (group 1 = 3.04±0.65 m s‐1, group 2 = 4.71+0.74 m s‐1, group 3 = 6.24 + 0.80 m s‘1), while mean release angles were similar for all groups (group 1=48.8 + 10.1°, group 2 = 47.8 + 5.8°, group 3 = 51.9 + 5.5°). The increased impulse necessary for the ball to reach the basket at increased shooting distances was derived from both an increase in angular velocity of the elbow joint of the shooting arm and an increased velocity of the centre of mass in the direction of the basket at release. Centre of mass speed at take‐off was found to be influenced to a greater extent by the angular velocity of the ankle joint than that of the knee or hip joints. Rotation of the hip and shoulder axes, facilitated by the forward placement of the foot on the side of the shooting arm (antero‐posterior separation values: group 1 = 0.17 + 0.11 m, group 2 = 0.10 + 0.14 m, group 3 = 0.09 + 0.09 m) was utilized by all except one subject. All subjects also used an amount of medio‐lateral foot separation which, along with antero‐posterior separation, promoted stability.

All the subjects released the ball while airborne. Both the maximum jump height and the height of the jump at release tended to decrease as shooting distance increased. For short‐range shots, release occurred after the peak of the jump, but increasingly prior to the peak as shooting distance increased.  相似文献   

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