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学习资源的标准化描述与组织技术是实现网上学习资源共享、交换和重用的基础技术,也是减少资源重复开发,提高资源利用率的重要手段。借助于元数据与内容包装等学习资源相关标准,结合对资源重用粒度的适当权衡,可以实现对学习资源的有效描述和组织,达到资源重用的目的。本文对学习资源的标准化描述和组织技术,以及资源的粒度权衡策略等内容进行了分析和讨论,并在此基础上进行了软件系统的实现和应用。  相似文献   

李爽(青岛广播电视大学导学科研处讲师):把握学习资源设计的学习者视角从有利于学习者学习的角度出发,学习资源设计应特别考虑资源的粒度、学习者的参与度、资源使用的便捷度以及资源的交互性.第一,学习资源的设计应当考虑资源的粒度.学习资源粒度是对资源的大小、尺度以及详细程度等特征的标准化描述.它决定了学习资源的重用频率与效率、制作人员的工作量,以及资源传输、交换与共享的便利性.粒度过大的资源信息量大,重用效率高,但重用频率较低,资源开发人员的工作负担较重;粒度过小的资源重用频率高,便于传输与共享,但相对信息量小,重用效率低下.在学习资源的设计中,粒度大小应当取决于学习内容的规模,要视具体情况分别选取大粒度、中粒度和小粒度的资源,以发挥各种粒度资源的最大优势.  相似文献   

本文通过对国内外教育资源建设状况的调查分析,在探讨学习对象相关理论的基础上,在远程教学资源的开发建设中充分运用了学习对象的粒度理论和编排理论,在实践中探索学习对象理论的应用,尝试解决资源建设中存在的一些问题,实现了教学资源的设计编排和动态仿真.  相似文献   

数字化学习资源建设是我国教育信息化建设中的重要组成部分,各级教育部门和学校都已经建设了大量资源,这些资源使用情况如何、如何提升学习资源的应用成效是资源建设者和管理者非常关注的问题。该文聚焦学习资源应用成效计算这一具体问题,以用户为中心,通过用户使用数据来计算资源应用成效。用户使用数据可以分为三类,包括资源使用率、用户使用满意度和用户学习效果;每类下设若干观测变量,根据资源粒度类型不同有所不同,文中将资源粒度分为三类:素材资源、课程资源和资源网站,分别设计了三种粒度资源的观测变量,并给出了这三种粒度资源的应用成效的计算公式。之后对公式中涉及的各类使用数据及其观测变量的权重设置进行了分析和设计。最后介绍了该计算方法在两个资源平台上的应用,并根据应用得到的数据对提升学习资源应用成效给予了建议。  相似文献   

学习资源的封装及其本体描述研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育技术标准尽管从技术上解决了教育资源的共享与传播问题,但并没有从支持学习角度解决学习资源的组织原则问题,使一个学习资源组块既保证知识本身内在逻辑性又具有一定可重用性,且符合学习者认知特点。本文通过知识组织类型的介绍、学习资源封装的可重用性与教育意义关系的探讨以及奥苏贝尔和加涅的知识组织相关理论,创造性地提出了资源封装的组块分层理论,该理论较好地解答了上述问题。此外,本文根据学习资源分类特点,构建了学习资源本体。  相似文献   

从知识管理视角构建学习资源中心   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
学习资源是实施教育信息化的重要基础,而学习资源的丰富程度和有效利用以及在多大程度上转化为知识,又取决于知识管理在教育领域中的全面应用。学习资源中心是一种全新的开放性的资源共享多媒体学习环境拥有大量的网络终端和丰富的信息资源。文章探讨了知识管理在学习资源中心建设中的作用,以及从知识管理视角构建学习资源中心的具体策略:多种形式提供学习资源,进行信息的组织,整序和导航服务:发挥传统优势并抓住当前数字化时代的机的组织,采用动态资源“流”的观点建设学习资源中心。  相似文献   

开放教育资源的核心是内容,实现内容的高度共享是"开放"理念的精髓,而依据标准开展内容资源建设是实现开放性的主要途径。现有关于资源内容的标准主要包括内容的信息模型标准、元数据标准、分类标准以及内容包装标准等。本文针对开放教育资源的可重用性、可自由获取性、开放共享性以及可互操作性等特点,比较和分析现有内容标准的适用性,并针对高度可共享的目标:提出一种扩展的内容模型,对资源粒度进行明确划分,提出六种具体的资源形态,以适应不同粒度的内容组织和共享;在元数据中,增强对不同粒度内容的描述;对元数据模式进行扩展,增加对开放访问许可的描述,弥补了现有标准在权限许可描述中的不足;比较和分析了目前开放教育资源项目中采用的分类方法以及元数据标准中推荐的分类方法,针对元数据中如何描述扩展的资源分类提出建议;最后对两类主要的内容包装相关标准进行了比较,并给出它们对不同形态的粒度资源的处理方法。  相似文献   

网络课程的快速发展已经为学习者提供了充足的学习资源,如果允许一线教师在LMS中动态地创建知识地图并利用知识地图管理、组织学习资源,并及时地向学习者反馈其学习进度,无疑对更好地呈现知识体系、避免知识迷航、促进有意义建构具有重要意义.该研究探索了利用LMS绘制知识地图的一般算法,为一线教师在线组织学习资源提供支持,并根据学习者对知识点的掌握情况,对知识地图中的知识点加注标记,为学习者及时地了解自己的学习进度提供帮助.为保证算法的有效性,作者在自己的LMS中对算法进行了验证,并根据应用情况做了进一步优化,提高了算法的并发处理能力.研究证实,集成于LMS中的知识地图和进度可视化算法,对于提高LMS的效用和提升学习者的学习效率,都具有一定的价值.  相似文献   

移动学习是高等教育以及高等职业教育的一种新的学习模式,而网络学习资源数量众多的资源过载问题,使得学习者获取有效资源的难度加大。文章根据高职学生的学习特征,建立学生与学习资源之间的二元关系,利用移动上下文推荐、学习进度预测的算法,构建个性化推荐的移动学习模型,使学习者的专业知识易于扩展和迁移,实现个性化学习。在推荐算法修正和推荐结果的反馈数据优化两个方面提出了模型优化的方向。  相似文献   

学习资源是实施教育信息化的重要基础,而学习资源的丰富程度和有效利用以及可在何种程度上转化为知识,又取决于知识管理在教育领域中的全面应用。学习资源中心是一种全新的开放性的资源共享多媒体学习环境,拥有大量的网络终端和丰富的信息资源。章探讨了知识管理在学习资源中心建设中的作用,以及从知识管理视角构建学习资源中心的具体策略:多种形式提供学习资源;进行信息的组织、整序和导航服务;发挥传统优势并抓住当前数字化时代的机遇;采用动态资源“流”的观点建设学习资源中心。  相似文献   

学生是教学的对象,也是学习的主体。通过研究学生的知识结构和认知方式来组织音乐欣赏教学,改变传统的被动教学为学生主动参与,发挥学生的独立创造性,是音乐教学成败的重要因素,也是学生主体地位得以体现的重要方式之一。  相似文献   

For higher education, the question of how in-class activities can be supported in large lectures is of great relevance. This paper suggests a gamified flipped classroom approach to address this challenge. In an experimental study, N = 205 educational science students performed either gamified in-class activities using a gamified quiz with points and a team leaderboard, or non-gamified in-class activities using exercise sheets. In line with the theory of gamified learning, the results show a positive indirect effect of gamification on application-oriented knowledge that is mediated by learning process performance. Furthermore, based on a self-determination theory framework, the results show positive effects of gamified in-class activities on intrinsic motivation and social relatedness, but no significant effect on competence need satisfaction. The study provides insights into a particular casual construct of game design elements (points and team leaderboards) triggering specific mechanisms (immediate task-level feedback and team competition) affecting a mediator (learning process performance) that in turn affects a learning outcome (application-oriented knowledge).  相似文献   

语文的知识点具有内容涵盖面广、琐碎难记等特点。很多初中生在学习过程中不能很好地归纳与整理知识点,对语文知识难以形成系统性的记忆,以致影响学习效果。思维导图是一种能帮助学生整理和记忆知识点的有效方法。教师可以利用思维导图,增强学生对知识点的记忆,增强学生对文章脉络的理解,增强学生的写作能力。  相似文献   

In learning conceptual knowledge in physics, a common problem is the development and differentiation of concepts in the learning process. An important part of this development process is the re-organisation or re-structuring process in which students’ conceptual knowledge and concepts change. This study proposes a new view of concept development with explicit attention given to concept development from the level of knowledge-as-pieces to the level of knowledge-as-theory. The proposed new picture is based on the view that concepts are complex constructs essentially embedded in a larger system of knowledge. Three closely connected aspects require our attention: (1) conceptions of concepts, (2) conceptions of knowledge systems, and finally, (3) conceptions of the process of change. The potential advantages of this prospective are demonstrated through the re-analysis of the concept development in the well-known case of electric current and voltage. The results show that in the concept development process, both causal knowledge and coherence of the knowledge system play crucial roles. Finally, the study points out how the theoretical position proposed here directly impacts conceptions of learning and instruction as well as what solutions are sought for problems in learning—or even what is considered a problem or success in learning.  相似文献   

This paper presents the design, features and pilot evaluation study of a computer card game for the learning of basic aspects of the binary system (BS) by primary level education pupils. This design was based on modern social and constructivist theories of learning, in combination with basic game design principles. Pupils are asked to play against the computer with cards featuring Binary Numbers (BNs). To engage successfully with the game, pupils are provided with opportunities to review their previous knowledge of the decimal system and, subsequently, to use analogical reasoning to make connections between this knowledge and basic aspects of the BS. Several scaffolding elements are also provided for the pupils to construct, verify, extend and generalize their knowledge, at the same time using essential learning competencies. The game was piloted in the field using real pupils (20 6th Grade pupils) with encouraging results. Finally, an attempt has been made to address essential points of this game that have contributed to its becoming a successful learning environment. Addressing these points could be useful for both designers of educational computer games for Computer Science (CS) education and educators in Computing.  相似文献   

Teacher learning and the development of in-service education for teachers are both an active area of research and a broad challenge. In working as teachers, theory and practice are often seen as divided, or problems in teaching and the requirements of development are solved on the basis of experience. This study focuses on collaborative teacher learning as part of an in-service education course that supports teachers in connecting learning theories with practical knowledge and that aims to create new knowledge and practices for teaching. The starting points for the study are the changes of the curriculum and theories of learning. The aim is to analyse developing of teaching in teachers’ collaborative group discussions and how the theoretical knowledge of learning theories is connected with developing teaching practices. The research method of the study was data driven, systematic and qualitative analysis of the content of the discussion. The research data consist of video recorded group discussions of two teacher teams from the in-service education course meeting. The analysis focused on developing talk and further, on finding interconnections between the developing talk and the theories of learning. The analysis shows three different ways how the learning theories emerged in method developing talk. The findings indicate that theoretical knowledge can be used or left unused and imply that creating and changing teaching practices is challenging. However, the findings show that theoretical, research-based knowledge on learning theories can be applied to developing teaching practices in the teachers’ collaborative knowledge creation process. Long-term in-service education based on collaborative knowledge creation and supporting the interconnection of theoretical knowledge of learning and experience knowledge of teaching is a promising way to arrange and develop in-service education.  相似文献   

民法是一门博大精深的应用法律学科 ,它既给人们以丰富的知识 ,也为人们学习和掌握它增加了难度。教学中应帮助学生弄清学科体例和重点 ;教会学生原理学习和案例学习的方法。其中原理学习 ,一要学好概念 ;二要分清特点 ;三要掌握构成要件 ;四要重视但书  相似文献   

案例教学有利于教师和学生角色的转变、学生知识来源的扩大、学习内容的优化、学习效果的改善,以及学生能力的提高。在英语教学论课程教学中实施案例教学有利于提高英语教学论课程的教学效果,为培养合格的基础教育英语师资奠定了很好的基础。  相似文献   

Although researchers have long investigated ways to improve study habits and raise achievement, few studies compare study strategy systems with one another. No study to date has compared the long popular SQ3R (Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review) system with the more modern SOAR (Select, Organize, Associate, Regulate) system. This study directly compared SQ3R and SOAR to determine which is most effective. College students trained in the SQ3R or SOAR system and given corresponding study materials used their respective method to study a text in preparation for a test assessing fact, relationship, and concept learning. Results confirmed that students who used the SOAR system outperformed those who used the SQ3R system and learned 20 % more relationships, 14 % more facts, and 13 % more concepts. Results were attributed to SOAR’s cognitive processing advantages over SQ3R.  相似文献   

Teaching culture in the foreign language classroom has been widely debated ever since its importance was recognized. Current research suggests that centralized ‘top down’ curricular policies can become potential constraints to teaching culture and points to the need for adapting curricula for culture-integrated language learning. This study analysed official curriculum documents published in 14 different countries to identify how the sociocultural component to Teaching English as a Foreign Language is reflected in the document. To date, there is scarce research on the place of culture in English as a Foreign Language curricula; hence, the present study aims at filling in a gap in this area. The study points to the following findings: curricula state the importance of culture in language learning and promote an integrative view of teaching language and culture; cultural objectives focus on appreciating cultural diversity, raising cultural awareness and reinforcing students’ positive cultural identity; teachers are portrayed as facilitators (rather than transmitters) of cultural knowledge yet, learners are described as acquiring (rather than discovering) cultural knowledge; curriculum documents focus on cultural knowledge and attitudes towards foreign cultures, rather than on the skills needed for successful interaction. These findings are elaborated and discussed, with potential implications for practice.  相似文献   

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