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北京广播学院播音与主持艺术学院的院长姚双喜先生把主持人的素质定位在“三型”上,即:化型,主动型,智慧型。但现在活跃在电视荧屏上的资深或新锐主持人中有多少个能符合“三型”呢?如果所有的主持人都成为这样的“三型”,那么电视荧屏上还会有个性化主持吗?  相似文献   

艺栏目的主持人应该营造怎样的主持风格?主持人在形象、语言、个性等方面有什么具体的要求呢?结合我主持的艺栏目——《有视红蓝绿》,我认为艺栏目的主持风格应具备以下几点。  相似文献   

潘涛 《视听界》2014,(5):69-70
传统媒体与新兴媒体融合发展的全媒体传播业态对新闻主持人的要求有了具体的细化和设计。本文以东方卫视"新闻梦工厂"为例,强调了全媒体演播环境下新闻主持人的三个主持概念——现场、多屏、借力,即在主持过程中突出现场、多屏互动、借力新媒。  相似文献   

曾鸿 《新闻知识》2001,(1):48-48
主持人节目的出现,改 变了传统的电视节目模式, 为亿万观众展示出一种颇 具吸引力的人格化的双向 交流传播新景观。今天,主 持人节目经过半个多世纪 的发展,已经较为完善,节 目主持方式也在不断的探 索中有了很大的创新。本文 以目前常见的几种电视节 目主持方式为例,分析各种 形式对节目,以及节目主持 人的影响。 从目前的电视荧屏上, 以主持人的人员配置为标 准,大致可以将节目主持方 式分为三种:即独立主持 型、伙伴主持型和嘉宾参与 型。 独立主持型是某一个 主持人单独主持的节目。如 《焦点访谈》和《人与自然》。 这类节目…  相似文献   

高能素质是播音主持人才培养的内驱力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着社会的进步和广播电视事业的发展,广大受众对播音员主持人的要求呈现出多元化发展的趋势.如何培养出德才兼备、综合素质全面发展的播音主持人才,已成为播音主持艺术专业教育亟需解决的问题.本文以美国教育家多萝茜·里奇教授的"高能素质"培育理论的育人理念为原点.结合当今我国广播电视播音员主持人现状及专业院校播音主持人才培养中出现的问题,对高能素质培育在播音主持人才培养中的必要性和意义进行了探讨.  相似文献   

一个节目对于观众的吸引力,不仅取决于节目的内容,还取决于主持人的主持风格,因此,主持人需要拥有自己独具一格的主持风格,这需要主持人不断地丰富自己,不断地创新,不断地提高自己的主持能力。  相似文献   

在电视节目的传播中,主持人的角色定位对实现节目的传播效果产生重要作用。随着我国电视事业的发展,主持人的主持素养得到了很大提高,电视节目主持人跨界主持现象相继出现,并且经过多年的探索,一些优秀的跨界主持人的节目效果获得了受众的肯定。本文讨论和分析了跨界主持方式对电视节目传播产生的影响,从主持和电视节目传播两个角度,对主持人跨界主持的特色进行分析,形成对跨界主持现象的客观认识。  相似文献   

基层广播电视台播音员、主持人很少,播音和主持工作区分不明确,担负着多角色的播音主持工作。可是节目的形式和文稿的体裁不同要求播音员、主持人的播音、主持方式是有区别的,本文从三方面浅析如何快速地调整播音主持状态,切换到适合节目形式和稿件体裁的播音主持方式。  相似文献   

何谓“播音”?何谓“主持”?曾引起过学术界的长期争论。于是,在学术上形成了两个研究团体,即播音学研究会和主持人研究会,业务上也存在着两套评价标准.即“播音主持奖”、“金话筒奖”。它们之间的主要分歧在于究竟是“播音员涵盖主持人”?还是“主持人取代播音员”?如果说.这两个问题只是逻辑判断问题,那么可能问题就出在播音主持这两个基本的概念上。播音是约定俗成的用语,而主持则由外来语引进。  相似文献   

臧蔚  刘畅 《传媒》2021,(12):47-49
新媒体时代的来临,促使我国传媒业态发生了深刻的变革.在"跨界"主持人的冲击下,传统媒体节目主持人的发展正面临着严峻的挑战.如何在激烈的竞争中,对传统播音主持人才的培养方案进行全面升级,孵化出具有核心竞争力的主持人,是当前我国播音主持人才培养改革的重中之重.2019年,《主持人大赛》阔别八年后全新归来.作为中央广播电视总台公开选拔播音主持人才的重要渠道,其人才评选标准直接体现出主流媒体对新时代播音主持人才的要求.本文从《主持人大赛》出发,对传统播音主持人才培养模式进行反思,认为我国高校播音主持人才培养应当从优化人才选拔模式、创新播音主持教学方式、打造专家型主持人、培养复合型传媒人才等方面进行改革升级.  相似文献   

当前电视节目主持人基本素质所存在的问题——语言功底差,忽视内在素质的提高,高高在上,脱离社会和群众。应当从 四个方面加以克服和纠正,只有这样,才能成为一个优秀的节目主持人。  相似文献   

* Fictitious names have been used to protect these individuals.
was pre-lingually deaf, from three generations of deaf people. Today she is outgoing and successful in her job, and a ready communicator with everyone, deaf and hearing alike. Her communicating idioms, with both groups, are rich. She benefited from the twin forces in her childhood of family (all her family were highly attuned to the non-verbal idioms of communication) and one grandmother (who was hearning, and who provided what came to be seen as teh key intervening role at that time in Joan's development of a second language, the idiom of spoken English). Her own intellectual drive was the final component in a combination of motivating influences which led her to respond to both the financial and social necessities to gain verbal codes, leading to an ability to read and to understand what she read. She remains totally deaf and she knows that her speaking voice is not understood by strangers. Frank * * Fictitious names have been used to protect these individuals.
is a regular reader of newspapers, at least, that's what you would think if you saw him regularly. He does know certain words (or rather parts of words) and he constructs a story from his understanding of whatever catches his eye. At his job, which he does with skill, he is confident and earns the trust of colleagues and superiors. He is, however, illiterate. He knows that if he is seen to be ‘reading’ he will sustain the image he has created that he can read: he acts like a literate person. He is confident and competent in what he knows, which is enough for the regular and recurring nature of the tasks he is asked to perform in his job. He is knowledgeable and defensive about that knowledge but as a accepted at work, but any change or new demand, print-based, would sweep away his precarious confidence and, probably along with that, his job.


While cheating has been studied in a variety of academic fields little to no research has been done in the field of communication studies and more specifically in the basic public speaking classroom. This may be due in part to a false sense of security public speaking instructors feel when they observe and evaluate a student as he or she stands and delivers a speech. Instructors may assume that since the student delivers the speech the student also researched and wrote the speech. However, the results of this study indicate that students self‐report cheating on speeches and do not seem to have a clear‐cut idea about what constitutes cheating in a public speaking class.  相似文献   

提出两种基于SNS好友关系的信息共享授权代理机制,解决SNS用户给好友或好友的好友共享外部受保护资源的问题。与传统授权代理不同,提出的授权代理机制采用SNS网络中所特有的关系网络,使用第三方用户的身份信息临时访问受保护资源。通过授权代理机制,用户可以在一种受控方式下与好友共享更多的信息;同时,也可以在社会网络关系的帮助下获取所需的信息或文档。  相似文献   

This study examines how the order and proportion of scene valence within a television news story influence viewers' processing of political information. The results of the study, based on structural equation modeling and Sobel's mediation analysis, suggest that, in a news story about a political candidate, positive information on the candidate is recalled better if he or she is praised at the beginning of the story and then criticized at the end than if he or she is criticized first and praised later. In addition, there was a strong proportion effect. Stories with a high proportion of positive scenes were more likely to increase the participant's recall of positive information and induce his or her favorable attitudes and voting intentions than those with a low proportion of positive scenes.  相似文献   


The career path and significant professional accomplishments of librarian Valerie Bross (1954–2016) are described in this article. The awards and recognition she received are recounted and the influence of outside activities on her career is assessed. An attempt is made to capture what she was like as a professional, as well as what her unique characteristics were. A bibliography of her writings and a photograph are included.  相似文献   


Academic libraries have been working diligently to provide device neutral mobile access to key elements of their library websites, like hours, contact information, and catalogs. But once a mobile user makes it through these access points on his mobile device, what happens beyond that point? Can he or she use the library’s links to third-party content, like interlibrary loan forms, the institutional repository, and databases, on a mobile device? Laura Turner, Head of Technical Services at the University of San Diego’s Copley Library, recently performed basic mobile testing of third-party content links on her library’s website. She relied on resource reports generated by Alejandra Nann, Copley’s Electronic Resources and Serials Librarian, as well as Nann’s troubleshooting of access issues during the testing. Their presentation reviewed the efforts and outcomes of testing links to the resources on mobile devices as well as workflow suggestions and promotional ideas for incorporating mobile access as a library service.  相似文献   


A new librarian offers advice and insights about what she has learned from working at a library within a health science center. The librarian earned her MLIS in spring 2015, and while she had previous teaching experience, she realized there was much more learning needed to properly teach medical, graduate and allied health students, faculty, and residents. In this “one-year on the job” column, the librarian describes the different teaching experiences today’s librarians encounter, and reflects on what she has learned from them and how they shape her view of the profession.  相似文献   

论文参考张爱玲作品文本内容以及相关评论文章,特别是与张爱玲有关的已经出版的书信集和说明文字,从中梳理出张爱玲的阅读体系和藏书观点以及张爱玲和图书馆之间的种种联系:她在写作及治学过程中利用图书馆的情况,她是如何利用图书馆以及利用图书馆做了哪些工作,她对图书馆的看法和感受,图书馆在研究张爱玲的热潮中所起到的作用等等。  相似文献   

Teaching across cultures as a result of a Fulbright Senior Fellowship is a life-changing event for many Fulbright Fellows. This American author experienced powerful classroom dynamics in teaching her library science students at the University of Botswana during her 1999–2000 Fulbright. Her attempt to restructure a traditional lecture class to a student-centered learning environment created classroom dynamics that forced her to examine her pedagogical beliefs for their evident weaknesses. This ethnographic study reports on her teaching experiences and her analysis of what she discovered in the process, findings that continue to impact her study of teaching and learning.  相似文献   

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