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本文通过对短跑运动员途中跑过程中摆动腿前摆动作迟缓进行了理论分析,认为支撑腿后蹬过直,踝关节肌群离心与向心收缩能力差,以及大腿股后肌群快速收缩力量簿弱,是造成摆动腿前摆动作迟缓的主要因素。针对这一问题,本文提出一些克服摆动腿前摆动作迟缓的训练方法。  相似文献   

太极拳动作基本时空特征及其对平衡稳定性的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析24式太极拳动作基本时空特征,探讨太极拳运动影响平衡能力的要素.结果显示:练习24式太极拳过程中,单脚支撑是一个难度较高且不稳定的动作,单脚支撑时相占1/3时间;长期练习太极拳,有利于发展中高龄练习者平衡能力,增强其生理机能.  相似文献   

目前,我国在竞技健美操的难度训练方面主要借鉴了体操和艺术体操的训练方法,缺乏针对竞技健美操不同难度动作的专项训练。文章通过文献资料法和逻辑分析法,对核心稳定性的概念进行了探讨,并通过分析竞技健美操C组难度动作中对身体肌群的利用,阐明了核心稳定性对完成C组难度动作的重要性。同时,结合相关文献,总结了运动员核心稳定性的训练方法。综合应用核心稳定性训练方法于C组难度训练中,可以最大限度地发挥训练作用,有效提高运动员完成难度动作的质量。  相似文献   

本文对短跑运动员下肢工作肌群离心性收缩能力及其在跑动中所发挥的作用进行了理论分析,认为支撑腿在缓冲阶段也是承受外力冲击负荷的重要阶段。在此阶段,运动员下肢工作肌群离心收缩的能力越强,缓冲时被拉长的速度就会越快,这不仅能够缩短缓冲的时间,而且还能将外力冲击负荷转化为弹性势能,为后蹬阶段进行爆发性收缩创造有利条件。关于提高下肢工作肌群离心收缩能力训练,根据短跑技术和下肢工作肌群的用力形式,提出了一些练习方法。  相似文献   

竞技武术套路中旋风脚B级跳跃连接难度动作是长拳竞技武术项目的一个难度动作。通过对该组动作落地技术的动力学及相关稳定性因素的分析,可提出合理的落地技术和训练中需解决的问题。文章采用录像观察与试验分析相结合的方法,针对男、女运动员的腾空与落地的特点,提出相应的解决办法和训练理论。  相似文献   

以天津体育学院竞技健美操队16名男运动员为研究对象,分为对照组和实验组,分别采用传统力量训练和传统力量+核心力量训练的方式进行了8周的实验。结果表明:实验组和对照组运动员的核心力量、核心稳定性均有所提高,且差异具有显著性,但实验组提高的幅度较大;传统力量与核心力量相结合的训练方法更有利于提高运动员核心区域相关肌群的力量和稳定性水平;实验组运动员的竞技健美操专项力量素质以及完成C组跳跃类难度动作的落地稳定性水平都比对照组提高的幅度大。  相似文献   

结合训练实践,运用ISOMED2000等速测试仪对我国男子散打主力队员膝、肘关节屈伸肌群肌力特征进行测试与分析。结论:不同等级散打运动员肘关节屈伸肌群等速向心、离心收缩、膝关节伸肌群等速离心收缩相对峰力矩值在60°/s、180°/s时具有显著性差异(P<0.05);膝关节屈伸肌群等速向心收缩、屈肌群离心收缩相对峰力矩值在各角速度下具有显著性差异(P<0.05);不同等级散打运动员肘、膝关节屈伸肌群等速向心收缩在300°/s、离心收缩在240°/s时达到力矩梯度最大值,且差异显著。说明基础力量、中快速力量及快速动作爆发力能较好地反映专项运动水平,相对峰力矩、力矩梯度数值越大,专项水平越高。  相似文献   

文章采用文献资料法、问卷调查法和观察法对旋风脚转体720度接马步起跳阶段、空中转体和击向、落地接马步等动作运用生物力学进行了深刻的分析和研究,并对竞技武术套路比赛中运动员难度动作的完成情况进行了调查、分析,以找出影响运动员完成该动作的因素,并进一步提出相应的教学、训练方法。  相似文献   

以排球运动员4号位上步扣球的起跳动作为研究对象,通过摄像、足底压力和肌电多机同步测试结合等速测试来准确获得排球运动员上步扣球起跳过程中的运动学、动力学和生物学参数,结果表明,排球运动员起跳过程下肢伸肌群完成的是"拉长-缩短周期"收缩,因此训练中要加强下肢伸肌群超等长力量素质的训练;排球运动员在上步扣球起跳过程中足底压力随时间变化呈双峰形曲线,足底压力随时间变化的特点是影响起跳效果的重要因素,因此训练中要重视运动员快速起跳能力的训练;排球运动员臀大肌、股四头肌和小腿三头肌等伸肌群在起跳过程中发挥着重要的作用,因此训练中要重视下肢伸肌群起跳能力的训练;排球运动员下肢多关节等速深蹲起测试结果表明下肢肌肉工作特点与起跳动作的蹬伸阶段具有相似性,提示可以利用先进的等速测试与训练系统进行排球运动员下肢专项力量的训练.  相似文献   

通过观察国家一级优秀竞技健美操运动员下肢膝关节屈伸肌群力量特征,以便为运动员进行力量训练以及预防运动损伤提供参考依据。本实验使用ISOMED2000等动测试系统对男女竞技健美操运动员的下肢膝关节屈伸肌群进行向心收缩的等动测试,测试速度分别为60°/s和180°/s。通过实验及研究,了解到男女竞技健美操运动员下肢肌肉的力量特点,发现男女运动员下肢膝关节屈伸肌比较低,在训练中应注重发展股后肌群的力量,这样运动中就能够提高落地的稳定性,同时还能预防股后肌群损伤、减少下肢肌肉损伤的发生或将损伤程度降低。  相似文献   

Literature concerning the theoretical role of spinal reflex circuits and their sensorimotor signals in proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) muscle stretching techniques was examined. Reviewed data do not support the assertion commonly made in PNF literature that contraction of a stretched muscle prior to further stretch, or contraction of opposing muscles during muscle stretch, produces relaxation of the stretched muscle. Further, following contraction of a stretched muscle, inhibition of the stretch reflex response lasts only 1 s. Studies examined suggested that decreases in the response amplitude of the Hoffmann and muscle stretch reflexes following a contraction of a stretched muscle are not due to the activation of Golgi tendon organs, as commonly purported, but instead may be due to presynaptic inhibition of the muscle spindle sensory signal. The current view on the complex manner by which the spinal cord processes proprioceptive signals was discussed. The ability of acute PNF stretching procedures to often produce a joint range of motion greater than that observed with static stretching must be explained by mechanisms other than the spinal processing of proprioceptive information. Studies reviewed indicate that changes in the ability to tolerate stretch and/or the vis‐coelastic properties of the stretched muscle, induced by PNF procedures, are possible mechanisms.  相似文献   

Literature concerning the theoretical role of spinal reflex circuits and their sensorimotor signals in proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) muscle stretching techniques was examined. Reviewed data do not support the assertion commonly made in PNF literature that contraction of a stretched muscle prior to further stretch, or contraction of opposing muscles during muscle stretch, produces relaxation of the stretched muscle. Further, following contraction of a stretched muscle, inhibition of the stretch reflex response lasts only 1 s. Studies examined suggested that decreases in the response amplitude of the Hoffmann and muscle stretch reflexes following a contraction of a stretched muscle are not due to the activation of Golgi tendon organs, as commonly purported, but instead may be due to presynaptic inhibition of the muscle spindle sensory signal. The current view on the complex manner by which the spinal cord processes proprioceptive signals was discussed. The ability of acute PNF stretching procedures to often produce a joint range of motion greater than that observed with static stretching must be explained by mechanisms other than the spinal processing of proprioceptive information. Studies reviewed indicate that changes in the ability to tolerate stretch and/or the viscoelastic properties of the stretched muscle, induced by PNF procedures, are possible mechanisms.  相似文献   

短跑途中跑支撑阶段支撑腿关节肌肉生物力学特性的研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
采用测力、测角加速度和多机多分辨拍摄技术对短跑途中跑支撑阶段肌肉动力学特征进行关节内力矩的计算与分析。研究表明,运动员踝关节跖屈肌的最大力矩与跑的速度呈显著相关;膝关节的伸肌在接近一半的支撑时间内是做离心收缩,离心收缩肌力矩的峰值要高于向心收缩的肌力矩峰值,离地前20%时刻膝关节屈肌起重要作用;髋关节在支撑阶段存在关节屈伸肌群交替工作,在着地后瞬间有较大的屈肌力矩,在离地前髋关节伸肌起重要作用,支撑阶段下肢关节肌肉快速退让性的离心收缩与主动收缩起同样重要的作用。  相似文献   

健美操是在音乐的伴奏下,以身体练习为基本手段、以有氧运动为基础,达到增进健康、塑造形体和娱乐目的的一项体育运动。健美操最重要的技术是弹动技术,主要是依靠踝、膝、髋关节的屈伸缓冲而产生,减少运动对关节的冲力,从而减少对人体造成的损伤。踝关节本体感觉能力的增加,可提高踝关节周围神经肌肉控制能力,使踝关节在弹动、跳跃落地时保持身体的协调稳定,控制整个身体姿态,达到美化动作,提高运动技术水平的能力。本研究以健美操训练对女大学生踝关节力觉影响的实验研究为研究对象,旨在探讨健美操运动对踝关节的力觉各指标的影响,为减少踝关节运动损伤的发生和健美操的教学训练、比赛提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

文章运用文献资料法、专家访谈法、实验研究法和数理统计法对中国传统体育项目——太极拳在技法指导下练习对人体核心区域的肌肉力量的增强,从而提高人体核心区域的稳定性进行研究.文章以遵义师范学院体育学院2008、2009级体育教育专业武术主项提高班的30位同学为研究对象.30名同学通过两年的太极拳练习,在练习前期、中期和后期进行核心稳定性的四项测试(双腿压球两手支撑平衡式、软垫平衡式、单腿半蹲支撑平衡式、8级腹桥测试),并对所测试的数据进行分析,结果表明:在太极拳技法指导下练习太极拳,人体核心区域的肌肉在处于静态收缩或拉伸,持之以往,对其肌肉力量增强的同时确实提高了人体核心区域的稳定性.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the effect of leg muscle fatigue on the kinetics and kinematics of the instep football kick. Fatigue was induced by repeated, loaded knee extension (40% body weight) and flexion (50% body weight) motions on a weight-training machine until exhaustion. The kicking motions of seven male players were captured three-dimensionally at 500 Hz before and immediately after the fatigue protocol. The significantly slower ball velocity observed in the fatigue condition was due to both reduced lower leg swing speed and poorer ball contact. The reduced leg swing speed, represented by a slower toe linear velocity immediately before ball impact and slower peak lower leg angular velocity, was most likely due to a significantly reduced resultant joint moment and motion-dependent interactive moment during kicking. These results suggest that the specific muscle fatigue induced in the present study not only diminished the ability to generate force, but also disturbed the effective action of the interactive moment leading to poorer inter-segmental coordination during kicking. Moreover, fatigue obscured the eccentric action of the knee flexors immediately before ball impact. This might increase the susceptibility to injury.  相似文献   

女跆拳道运动员膝关节运动损伤情况调查与剖析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对集大体育学院35名跆拳道女运动员膝关节运动损伤进行调查,膝关节运动损伤发生率很高,人均1.31次,多数发生在对抗性训练和比赛中,局部负荷过重和训练水平低是致伤的主要因素。据女子膝关节的解剖生理特点,合理安排训练;正确掌握技术动作;加强膝关节周围肌肉、韧带特别是腘绳肌力量和伸展性锻炼;增强运动员自我保护意识。是避免损伤的有效手段。  相似文献   

大鼠骨骼肌模拟急性拉伤的生物力学实验研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
周里  陆爱云 《体育科学》1999,19(6):59-65
根据现有肌肉急性拉伤动物模型中存在的问题,即:拉伤前肌肉的机能水平低,拉伤过程中肌肉为静息状态、拉伸速率慢、拉伸幅度大等,结合运动实践,复制了肌肉急性拉伤动物模型,并从生物力学角度进行了研究,其结果如下:1)肌肉在收缩状态下拉伤(离心工作),能够影响肌肉中肌纤维与肌鞘(结缔组织)受损比例,结缔组织受损明显增加。2)肌肉的拉伸速率快,为300%的肌纤维长度/s,明显优于其它学者的模型(6.8%~68%)肌纤维长度/s),更好地模拟运动实践中肌肉急性拉伤的状况(400%肌纤维长度/s)。3)肌肉拉伸时的幅度小,为其肌腹长度的24%,在肌肉正常生理运动范围之内;这样不仅符合运动实践中肌肉离心收缩幅度小的特点,而且在模型中也避免了肌肉邻近关节受损的可能性,从而提高了模型的质量。  相似文献   

在查阅文献、专家访谈和问卷调查的基础上,进行了短跑准备活动组合练习中不同拉伸内容的实验比较研究,分别测试两组的股后肌群柔韧性、膝关节活动幅度、体温、心率等指标,通过数据比较分析,以探求短跑项目准备活动组合练习中不同拉伸内容的练习效果,为科学化训练提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   


The effects of flexibility conditioning on neuromuscular and sensorimotor performance were assessed near to full knee extension (25°). Eighteen males who were randomly assigned into two groups underwent eight weeks (three-times per week) of flexibility conditioning (hip region/knee flexor musculature; dominant limb) involving either proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) (n=9) or passive stretching (PASS) (n=9). Both modes of flexibility conditioning are popular within contemporary exercise and clinical settings and have demonstrated efficacy in improving range of motion. The contralateral limb and a prior ‘no exercise’ condition were used as controls. The PNF and PASS modes of conditioning improved passive hip flexibility to a similar extent (mean 19.3% vs. baseline, intervention limb, p<0.01) but did not alter knee flexor strength (overall mean 309.6±81 N) or sensorimotor performance (force and positional errors: 2.3±8.2% and 0.48±7.1%). Voluntary and magnetically evoked electromechanical delays (EMDV and EMDE, respectively) were increased but to a greater extent following PASS compared to PNF (PASS: 10.8% and 16.9% lengthening of EMDV and EMDE, respectively vs. PNF: 3.2% and 6.2%, p<0.01).The attenuated change to electromechanical delay (EMD) performance during PNF conditioning suggests a preserved capability for rapid muscle activation, which is important in the maintenance of dynamic joint stability. That PNF was also equally efficacious in flexibility conditioning would suggest that this mode of flexibility training should be used over passive to help preserve dynamic joint stability capabilities at this extended and vulnerable joint position.  相似文献   

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