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融合体育教育是国际残疾人体育教育发展的主流。维护残疾学生融合体育教育权对其康复身心、健全人格、增强平等参与社会的能力有着重要作用。对残疾学生融合体育教育权的概念及国际法渊源进行阐释,通过对美、英、澳3国残疾学生融合体育教育权法律保障的考察,并与中国残疾学生体育维权法律保障进行比较,借鉴发达国家的有益经验,根据中国国情和实际需要提出完善立法形式、完善残疾人教育法规、加强法规配套建设和建立多元化救济机制等建议,以期建立健全融合体育教育法律保障体系,使残疾学生充分享有公平的体育教育权。  相似文献   

残疾人体育是我国体育事业的有机组成部分之一,我国残疾人体育事业发展已有显著成效,尤其是在竞技体育方面,但在残疾人体育公共服务方面仍处于起步阶段。该文运用了文献资料法、访谈法、实地调查法等方法,对呼和浩特市残疾人群众对于体育活动、体育场馆设施的需求与供给,体育参与,体育建设残健融合情况等物态、制度及心理层面进行研究。研究发现,当前,呼和浩特市残疾人体育公共服务存在残健机制、设施不完善;尚未建立公共服务平台;公共服务体系制度不完善,导致供需失衡;投入经费不足,体育公共服务及公共产品供给不足,导致残疾人群参与机会不均;信息传播渠道不足、消息闭塞等问题。针对以上问题,提出以下对策:建立并丰富自己的残疾人体育公共服务平台;更新并完善当前残疾人体育公共服务体系;增加残疾人体育经费投入;提升残疾人群体育参与意识;最大化利用资源,实现残、健融合,共享体育运动的目标。  相似文献   

开展残疾学生体育活动的思考   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
残疾学生体育是一个特殊的教育过程,是我国学校体育教育的重要组成部分,学校开展残疾学生的体育教育有其特殊的社会意义。本文对学校开展残疾学生体育教育的重要性,学校体育对残疾学生的功能,以及对残疾学生实施体育教学应注意的问题等作了探讨。  相似文献   

钱辉 《中华武术》2022,(2):77-79
把学生培养成为身心健康的全面发展型的人才,必须加强体育教学与健康教育的融合。初中阶段正是学生身体发育生长的黄金时期,实现体育与健康教育的融合显得尤其必要。教师要抓住机体生理结构的认识、健康心理知识的传授、科学行为规范的指导三个方面的融合内容,运用运动感知、挫折抗压、目标锚定、精神熏陶等方法来促进与加强体育教学与健康教育的融合,使初中学生拥有健康的体魄和健全的心理。  相似文献   

从分隔到融合:让残疾儿童回到正常体育之中   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
由于融合教育运动影响着千千万万不同类别及不同程度的残疾儿童由特殊学校及机构转到普通学校中来,因此,正确认识融合教育的由来及正确理解其定义极为重要。为了使融合教育能够在中国得到正确的发展,该文综合分析了美国残疾体育的理论及实践,从若干方面探讨了这些理论及实践对残疾体育的影响。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法等,对我国聋哑学校体育教育现状进行综合分析。主要结论:我国聋哑学校体育教育整体开展和实施效果不甚理想,表现在体育课设施不健全、学生学习效果差、教师教学质量不高;残疾人事业是我国教育事业的特殊和重要组成部分,搞好这个弱势群体的体育教育意义重大。建议:重视聋哑学生的体育教育,完善体育场地和运动设施;重视体育教师队伍建设,保证教师层次的合理性、教师素质的专业性;正视学生理解能力差现实,有耐心、亲示范、重反馈;引导学生克服自卑心理,培育学生自信心;尊重聋哑学生生理和心理特点,采用多样化的教学方法。  相似文献   

凌霄 《体育风尚》2023,(8):71-73
采用文献资料法和逻辑分析分法对上海中职学校体育教学与健康教育融合实践进行了研究,阐述了中职体育教学与健康教育融合具有促进学生身心健康发展、培养学生综合素质和促进学生职业发展等重要价值。研究结果表明:上海中职学校体育教学与健康教育融合问题主要表现为教师对健康教育认识不足、教学资源相对匮乏和评估与反馈机制不完善,并提出了提升教师综合素质、丰富教育资源、在体育教学中融入健康教育和完善评估与反馈机制等策略。  相似文献   

在推进国家治理能力现代化建设和深化体教融合发展的背景下,综合运用文献资料、个案分析、对比分析等研究方法,归纳了美国体育教育制度的演进历程与治理特征,提出了提升我国体育教育制度治理能力的举措。研究认为,美国体育教育制度经历了4个发展阶段,形成了一套系统的治理体系,治理特征体现在:联邦、州和地方教育部门上下联动的分权化治理,地方学校、社区和家庭多元主体参与的协同化治理,以体质健康促进为导向的法治化治理,国家体育教育标准的保障性治理,学校体育教育计划的引导性治理,青少年体育教育健康法案的靶向性治理,特殊体育教育制度的补偿性治理。研究提出,要健全我国体育教育制度治理体系,完善政府、学校、社会、家庭联动的体制制度,推动体育教育的协同化治理;打造以体教融合为导向的精准扶持制度,强化体育教育的补偿性治理;制定青少年体质健康教育强化制度,实施体育教育的靶向性治理;健全监督、评估、激励"一体化"制度体系,实现体育教育的法治化治理。  相似文献   

从运动心理和运动能力两个方面就融合教育下普通大学生对听障、视障、肢体残疾大学生体育刻板印象进行了调查,同时分析了两种刻板印象的影响因素。研究表明,普通大学生对残疾大学生的意志品质有积极评价,但在自信心、耐挫折感、运动能力等方面较为消极。为残疾大学生创造活动的条件,推进无障碍化建设,提倡残健大学生要双向融合,充分调动残疾大学生的主体性,是改善其体育刻板印象的主要对策。  相似文献   

随着2008年奥运会、残奥会的成功举行,残疾人数量的上升和残疾人事业的长足发展,对以残疾人为主体的特殊体育教育工作提出了新要求。为了培养特殊体育教育的师资力量,促进残疾人教育事业的发展。研究主要通过文献资料法、访谈法等,对娄底市体育教育专业开设特殊体育专修课的可行性进行分析。认为体育教育专业开设特殊体育专修课是在国家政策鼓励与社会需求下发展的产物,符合残疾人教育事业的发展,并具备师资、场地器材资源、课程设置等诸多有利条件。  相似文献   

Background: Laws and legislation have prompted movement from special education towards inclusive education, whereby students with disabilities are included in mainstream physical education (PE) classes. It is widely acknowledged that including students with disabilities in PE presents significant challenges in relation to meeting the diverse needs of all students. Significantly, little is known about how teachers include junior primary students with a disability in PE.

Aims: This paper aims to explore pedagogical practices for the inclusion of junior primary students with disabilities in PE as well as environmental accommodations teachers make. In order to address these aims, the research undertaking was guided by the question: ‘What pedagogies do teachers draw upon to include junior primary students with disabilities in PE’?

Methods: This qualitative research undertaking incorporated a critical case study approach, which utilised semi-structured interviews and field observations as data collection tools. Three teachers of PE in primary schools located in Adelaide, South Australia, participated in the research undertaking. Given this small sample group we make no claims for generalisability, but seek to provide connections for others teaching in PE.

Results: Findings are presented in three general themes of: Relationships for inclusion, Practices of Inclusion and Complexity and inclusion. Participants’ statements are used to illuminate discussions about discourses drawn on and to make links between previous research and theoretical perspectives. In general terms, findings revealed that despite barriers, such as catering for multiple forms of disabilities with minimal assistance from support staff and negotiating school environments, participants embraced inclusion and made pedagogical modifications to ensure meaningful involvement in PE lessons for all students. This research also identified the important role teachers play in terms of relationships, adaptations and safe learning environments, which collectively enable the inclusion of junior primary students with disabilities.

Conclusion: Students with disabilities warrant specific recognition and access to educational resources including within the field of PE.  相似文献   

Background: Teachers in various countries worldwide have been confronted with the placement of students with disabilities in general classes, and the need to provide them with support and adapted physical education (APE). However, physical education (PE) teachers often do not feel prepared or self-confident enough for this inclusion. While a considerable amount of research has been identified, researchers have emphasized a need for additional studies that can shed more light on the influencing factors relevant to shaping teachers’ attitudes towards inclusion, as well as on their inclusion practices.

Purpose: The current article aims to provide a narrative summary of international research perspectives and findings regarding PE teachers’ attitudes and self-efficacy (SE) toward inclusion, as well as to develop a model for conducting further research.

Design: A narrative literature review was performed, based on a search of the databases SPORT Discus and MEDLINE (combined via EBSCO host and screened for peer-reviewed academic journals only), and Google Scholar. The search used the following terms: physical education teachers, inclusion, disability, and attitudes or SE. The narrative review begins with setting the scope of this topic via definitions and theoretical frameworks used to enable the understanding of attitudes and SE within inclusive PE. The Social Learning Theory (SLT) and the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) were outlined in order follow up with an explanation of the link between attitudes and SE. In the next section, the literature on attitudes and SE of PE teachers is presented. This section is comprised of subsections describing the development of instruments and their utilization in the field of study, as well as contextual variables influencing PE teachers’ attitudes and SE toward inclusion.

Findings: Seventy-five articles were included in total, of which 54 discussed research on teachers’ attitudes towards inclusive PE, 12 were related to research on teachers’ SE (three of which also included research on teachers’ attitudes towards inclusion), and 12 were considered reviews or viewpoints. The article ends with a model, including the following parts: background variables (regarding teachers’ personal attributes, school attributes, and disability attributes); moderating variables (attitude and SE); and, teachers’ behavior toward inclusion, all of which are interrelated and include a feedback loop. This model can be used for designing future research, as well as evidence-based interventions aimed at facilitating teacher training toward inclusion.

Summary for practitioners: From a practical point of view, educational inclusion practitioners should be aware of several factors influencing attitudes and/or SE while engaging in inclusion of children with disabilities in PE: (a) The teachers’ volume and type of experience with persons with disabilities at school, in the family or in the community; (b) The professional and academic training toward inclusion; (c) Individual factors, including gender; (d) School environmental factors, such as a process rather than performance orientation; and, finally, (e) The type and degree of disability.  相似文献   

Background: Students with disability show an increasing incidence of school failure. Quality teaching and appropriate support may foster high self-efficacy, a predictive factor for successful school outcomes. Physical Education (PE) can provide students with a context in which self-efficacy and participation are promoted leading to improved academic achievement. The transition into secondary school can be challenging for many students with increased educational demands, developmental changes and individual social identification coinciding. A disability may add to the challenge of success.

Methods: Three groups of students, aged 13 years and enrolled in Swedish mainstream schools were targeted (n?=?439). Groups included students with 1. A diagnosed disability, 2. Low grades in PE (D–F) and 3. High grades (A–C) in PE. Questionnaires were collected and analyzed from 30/439 students with a diagnosed disability (physical, neuro-developmental and intellectual) from 26 classes, their classmates and their PE-teachers (n?=?25). Relationships between student self-reports and PE-teachers’ self-ratings were investigated. Also examined was the potential to which students’ functional skills could predict elevated general school self-efficacy, PE specific self-efficacy and aptitude to participate in PE. Results were compared with the total sample and between the three target groups (n?=?121).

Results: For students with disabilities, better self-rated teaching skills were related to lower student perceived general school self-efficacy, PE specific self-efficacy and aptitude to participate in PE. The impact of classroom climate in PE was more obvious among students with disabilities. Perceived functional skills were associated with elevated general school self-efficacy, PE specific self-efficacy and aptitude to participate in PE. Better socio-cognitive functional skills had an overall positive effect on all outcomes. Students with disabilities reported results similar to the total sample, the D–F group scored lower and the A–C group higher than the total sample and the disability group. Elevated self-efficacy in PE is six times less probable in students with disabilities, compared to the A–C group.

Conclusions: Our findings that better teacher planning and grading skills, are detrimental to students disadvantaged by disability is contradictive. Improving the establishment and communication of adapted learning standards at the transition to secondary school is a crucial and a predictive factor for promoting positive school experiences for students with disability. Students with disabilities need to be assured that the intended learning outcomes can be reached by doing activities differently than their typically functioning peers. Consideration of class composition is suggested as a means of promoting a positive learning climate, which would particularly benefit students with disabilities. Allocation of resources to support student socio-cognitive skills would improve experiences for the D–F group and likely promote a positive learning environment.  相似文献   

The main aim of our study was to analyse, through a content analysis of the photographs, how bodies with and without disabilities are represented in secondary Spanish physical education (PE) textbooks. Only 10% of the photographs portray bodies with disabilities. Bodies with disabilities were fully engaged in adapted sports activities, while bodies without disabilities were engaged in a variety of physical activity domains. Our results showed a step back in the general construction of an environment that respects the construction of personal identity and reflects the new human rights-based approach to education. Taking into account that the visual representation in the education context plays an important role in the construction of difference, our research updates the dominant discourse about ability in the school setting. In conclusion, a critical evaluation of curriculum materials could help to promote discussions about alternative discourses on body diversity in schools and particularly in PE.  相似文献   

Social policies facilitate equity of access for participation in physical activity by all groups of people in society. While the sport participation of able-bodied people has been widely examined, much less attention has been given to the participation of people with disabilities. The purpose of this study is to investigate the patterns of participation in physical activity of people with disabilities. Based on the leisure constraint theory, a theoretical framework is developed that describes participation as a function of intrapersonal, interpersonal, and structural constraints. The framework is tested using a comprehensive sample of people in Australia from 2009 and 2010. From the dataset a sub-sample of people with disabilities was identified (n = 4342). As 78.1% of participants were aged 45 years and older, the sample represents an ageing population and a selected segment of the population of people with disabilities. Therefore, generalisations to disability sport need to be made with caution. The results show that 57% of the respondents participate in physical activity for an average of 4 h per week. The regression results indicate that the type of disability, the extent to which the person is restricted by the disability, age, gender, and education have a significant effect on participation. People with high workloads who are in a relationship participate less frequently. The cluster analysis resulted in two non-participant clusters and three participant clusters. The results inform policy makers and sport managers on ways to better support the participation of people with disabilities and specifically target their needs.  相似文献   


Interventions aimed at increasing the participation of young people with disabilities in recreational sport have had mixed success. The authors draw on in-depth interviews with representatives from State Sporting Associations, local government officers and volunteers within community sports clubs in Victoria, Australia, to examine why some sports clubs are unable or unwilling to translate policy ambitions into practice. The findings indicate how by framing disability provision as ‘too difficult’, ‘not core business’ and antithetical to competitive success, community sports clubs are able to resist policy ambitions to modify existing structures and develop more inclusive practice. Greater priority needs to be given to transformational inclusion objectives and challenging ableism if clubs are to structurally progress the development of participation opportunities for young people with disabilities.  相似文献   

通过资料法、调查法对山东省特殊人群的体育开展状况进行分析,对特殊类体育人才的社会需求进行研究,得出体育类特殊教育专业较大的社会需求和广阔就业前景的结论。同时,结合山东体育学院特殊教育专业的培养目标与课程设置提出合理化建议,为本专业的良性发展提供有效的理论依据。  相似文献   

为了响应"健康中国"的号召,教育部为此针对高中体育提出了新的教学目标,需要对体育课程的教育进行全面改革。不同于传统意义上的教学体育而言,新的教育方式是"走班制",这种教学方式可以更加调动学生对体育学习的兴趣和爱好。走班制的教学模式的出现,在高中体育教学中,使学生能够选择自己喜欢的体育运动,从而对体育课程有更浓郁的学习兴趣,推动教学改革发展。实践证明,"体育走班制教育"是一种新型的教育方式,它是未来体育课堂的主流趋势。本文以当前高中进行"走班制"改革遇到的问题进行探究并且提出解决办法,为其他进行的学校提供关于走班制的参考建议。  相似文献   

The field of physical education (PE), as it exists in teacher education, is dynamic as ways of preparing teachers to meet the needs of young people in contemporary times change. Such endeavours are underpinned by concerns about school-based PE, the alienation of students from PE, and responsibility for producing healthy students. Concerns also exist around a perceived propensity amongst pre-service teachers of PE to steadfastly retain initial beliefs and values and resist more socially critical perspectives and pedagogies. An engagement with socially critical discourses in teacher education is critical if PE is to be a site of inclusion rather than marginalisation and exclusion. This paper examines how a group of pre-service teachers of PE, who experienced a teacher education programme, at an Australian university, that was infused with strong social justice discourses constituted subjectivities and pedagogical practices. We explore how, emotional connectivity, and an ‘ethic of care’, instil broadened perspectives and engagement with socially critical pedagogical practices. Whilst emotions and caring are generally perceived as marginal attributes in the field of PE, we suggest that the affective domain is significant to effective pedagogical practices, subjectivities of teachers of PE and the reality of teaching. We seek to trouble ‘truths’ disseminated by hegemonic discourses that construct PE teaching as a technical undertaking, founded on disciplinary knowledge and curricular expertise. We close by providing possibilities for others working with PE pre-service teachers around foregrounding affective dimensions of pedagogical practices and teacher subjectivities and propose that these possibilities might address calls for a new type of PE teacher.  相似文献   

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