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印第安文学从最初的原始状态开始就蕴含着深厚悠远的印第安部落根基,那就是回归模式和文化认同,在不断地受到多元文化的影响过程中印第安文学始终没有摒弃自身的回归模式。同时在此过程中逐渐地与多元文化融合在一起,从转瞬即逝的明显回归,到在多元文化与印第安文学之间的文化桥梁,再到深层次的融合,印第安文学正在这种交融过程中不断地创新、发展。基于此,从最具代表性的印第安文学作品中对多元文化的影响和互相融合进行剖析和探索,旨在深化印第安文学作品中对于本族文化的认知和领悟,实现文化界限真正的突破。  相似文献   

路易斯·厄德里克是美国当代杰出的土著作家。其作品《爱药》以北科达他州北部靠近加拿大边境的齐佩瓦人居留地作为创作背景,真实地讲述了印第安人的生存状况,是研究族裔文学的重要作品之一。揭示了印第安传统文化和白人工业文明之间的融合与冲突。本文从福柯的异质空间理论来解读《爱药》中的异质空间,阐述了印第安人在异质空间中对自身身份的重新构建,传递出当代印第安人对印第安文化保持其独特性并能够得以传承的期望。  相似文献   

美国印第安少年小说是美国少年小说、美国文学和美国多元文化不可或缺的重要一元,但是长久以来,由于美国主流文化的压制和忽视,处于美国文学和文化边缘位置的美国印第安少年小说并没有得到足够的重视,中国读者对此亦知之甚少。本文拟从历时的维度简介美国印第安少年小说从无到有、从被边缘化到渐入读者视野的发展历史,同时从共时的角度研究它在不同历史时期所呈现的特征,最终实现普及和推广此类型小说的目的。  相似文献   

美国印第安少年小说是美国少年小说、美国文学和美国多元文化不可或缺的重要一元,但是长久以来,由于美国主流文化的压制和忽视,处于美国文学和文化边缘位置的美国印第安少年小说并没有得到足够的重视,中国读者对此亦知之甚少。本文拟从历时的维度简介美国印第安少年小说从无到有、从被边缘化到渐入读者视野的发展历史,同时从共时的角度研究它在不同历史时期所呈现的特征,最终实现普及和推广此类型小说的目的。  相似文献   

美国文学是经过印第安本土文化与欧洲移民多元文化之间的碰撞与整合,在欧洲政治哲学的影响下而形成的多元性文学。民族的多元性必然具有文化的多元性,因此,服务于政治认同的早期政论文学,是美国民族及其文学发展的开端,也是其文化全球化的产物。追根溯源,早期印第安文学传统应该名正言顺地被划归为美国文学的起始期。事实上,直到北美革命时期,才显示出欧洲文学传统进军北美的强劲势头,而首当其冲的是欧洲政治哲学对北美殖民地革命时期政论文学的影响。正是由于美利坚民族的形成具有多元开放的性质,才助使美国文学沿着全球化的轨迹持续发展下去,进而形成了20世纪美国文学的繁荣景象并产生了当今美国文化殖民的发展倾向。  相似文献   

张斯琦 《鸡西大学学报》2010,10(3):127-128,141
涉及美国文学起源的印第安文学为美国文学作为世界性的"大熔炉"注入了属于自己的成份。印第安因素使得美国文学作品更加多样、作家更加多类以及文化背景更加多元化。试通过对印第安文学的发展历程分析其三个文学历史阶段形成的原因,探讨印第安人、印第安文学对美利坚民族及美国文学尤其是美国小说本土化和独立性所产生的重要影响。  相似文献   

美国印第安英语文学在文学在发展的初期阶段趋向于认同主流文化。而20世纪六、七十年代以来的印第六安英语文学,表现出强烈的印第安民族意识,深入探索如何通过在当代社会中坚持印第安传统与价值取向,寻找印第安身份,回归印第安自我。  相似文献   

20世纪60年代末以来,由于多元文化观深入人心、媒体的关注和扶持、印第安裔学者及活动家的推动,以往一直不为美国主流文化所承认的印第安文学迅速崛起并保持繁荣兴旺的势头。其复兴和发展表现出下述特点:印第安裔作家具有丰富的文学研究与写作经验和开阔的视野;他们的作品奠定在坚实的民族文化基础之上,植根于悠久的文学传统之中;他们的作品题材广泛、风格各异,但都表达了自己对有关社会人生和宇宙自然的重要问题的见解;具有强烈的民族意识和政治、文化自觉性。  相似文献   

论美国印第安文学演变历程中的内外因素   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
印第安文学传统研究涉及美国文学的起始期确定问题,是美国文学发生学研究的重要内容之一。作为北美最早的居民,印第安人创造了辉煌的印第安文学传统。可是,由于印第安人在社会发展史上受到其民族发展阶段的制约和欧洲外来移民及其文学传统猛烈冲击的内外因素影响,致使美国印第安文学经历了由“主流文学”到“弱势文学”的演变过程。但是,印第安人及其文学为美利坚民族以及美国文学的产生和发展所起的不可磨灭的历史作用却是毋庸置疑的历史事实。  相似文献   

1500年前,世界各地原住民的文化处于自然发展状态,而其教育旨在传承他们的传统文化。印第安人是北美大陆的最早主人,在长期的历史发展过程中,他们不仅形成了与其生存环境相适应的生活方式、社会组织和文化传统,而且创造了传承其本土文化的传统教育。本文在阐述北美印第安人生命哲学及其教育理念的基础上,对其传统教育的基本内容及其形式进行了探讨,认为印第安人的传统教育是美国、加拿大乃至北美大陆教育历史的逻辑起点。  相似文献   

谭恩美作为华裔文学的畅销作家创作了一系列深受读者喜爱的作品。《喜福会》、《接骨师之女》以及《灶神之妻》等作品都围绕着女性的故事展开,其中也不乏对华人男性和美国男性的刻画。但总体而言,谭恩美笔下的华人男性总是以负面的、"恶棍"式的形象展示于读者眼前,而美国男性则多以正面的、"英雄"般的形象出现。从比较文学形象学出发,对谭恩美作品中的男性形象进行解读,可从"他者"中反观到作者自身。  相似文献   

High infant mortality rates among American Indians are disproportionate to state statistics for other races and higher than the national average. These findings prompted a community health center in a large Midwestern city to create and provide an American Indian infant mortality reduction project in the early 1990s. Strategies for program implementation included networking with local organizations, communicating with reservation health clinics throughout the state, educating American Indian mothers and their community about factors contributing to American Indian infant mortality, and providing individual case management to American Indian women and infants. We offer this article for three reasons: This grant project was successful, disparity in rates of infant mortality among peoples of color continues, and a paucity of information exists about the health behaviors of American Indian women.  相似文献   

This essay examines how the ideograph <freedom> was crafted through dialectical struggles between Euro-Americans and American Indians over federal Indian policy between 1964 and 1968. For policymakers, <freedom> was historically sutured to the belief that assimilation was the only pathway to American Indian liberation. I explore the American Indian youth movement's response to President Johnson's War on Poverty to demonstrate how activists rhetorically realigned <freedom> in Indian policy with the Great Society's rhetoric of “community empowerment.” I illustrate how American Indians orchestrated counterhegemonic resistance by reframing the “Great Society” as an argument for a “Greater Indian American.” This analysis evinces the rhetorical significance of ideographic transformation in affecting policy change.  相似文献   

Supplemental instruction (SI) is a small-group, peer-mentored programme which is compatible with the learning preferences of American Indian students. We tested the hypothesis that SI is a compensatory strategy that reduces the differences in the grades earned in introduction to psychology by Euro-American and American Indian students. The sample consisted of 129 American Indian students and 4588 Euro-American students enrolled in introduction to psychology at a US university. As hypothesised, a multi-level model yielded a significant (p < .01) interaction between SI and ethnicity on course grade. Whereas for non-SI users, the gap between Euro-American and American Indian students was .71 grade points, for SI users, it was only .15 grade points. Strategies should be devised for increasing SI visits by students enrolled in introduction to psychology, particularly those who belong to American Indian tribes.  相似文献   

Developmental trajectories of personal and collective self-concept were examined among American Indian adolescents. Personal self-concept (self-esteem) and collective self-concept (American Indian identity, Euro-American identity, community-mindedness) were assessed 6 times over 3 years in 4 cohorts of adolescents from 3 American Indian cultural groups (N=1,252). An accelerated longitudinal design was used to estimate developmental trajectories from 14 to 19 years; parallel-process and covariate models were used to examine variation in trajectories. Both personal and collective self-concepts were generally positive and showed small gains; they were moderately related to one another and differentially related to cultural group, gender, and perceived social support. The findings highlight the complexity of self-concept for American Indian youth and the significance of both personal and collective identity.  相似文献   

This study compared the financial literacy and teaching practices of 82 early and elementary teachers in India and US using a 43-item survey. Analysis showed that financial literacy of Indian teachers was lower than their American counterparts. Teachers in India enjoyed teaching financial literacy more than teachers in the US. Indian teachers received more professional development training than American teachers. Indian teachers reported using the school store, children’s literature and pictorial worksheets while American teachers reported using learning centres, play money, fake credit cards, technology and games to teach financial literacy.  相似文献   

美国英语在其早期形成过程中与印第安语之间存在一定的关系,它们之间在拼写、用词和语法方面都存在差异。文章从社会和时代发展的观点及美国历史变迁的视角,分析了印第安语在美国英语中存在的现象及对美国英语的影响。  相似文献   

This paper reports our experiences in working with precollege and undergraduate American Indian students. In 1990, we began a fourth-grade after-school science program for 30 American Indian students. At the present time the program, called Scientific Knowledge for Indian Learning and Leadership (SKILL), involves over 200 American Indian 4th-9th grade students in weekly science/mathematics activities, quarterly Saturday seminars, and summer science camps. We have collected data to try to determine factors that help to improve student attitudes towards mathematics and science. Conclusions are drawn from these analyses and from our own subjective observations. The development of American Indian involvement in undergraduate science and engineering education on our campus has been aided by the establishment of an American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) chapter and also by the promotion of collaborative learning. A comparison of our observations in the framework of other more well-established programs is given. Changes that have occurred as a result of both precollege and college activities are described and discussed. It appears that each of these activities has had beneficial influences on the other. We also report problems and concerns as well as recommendations to other groups or institutions who may be embarking on similar endeavors.  相似文献   

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