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The aim of this paper is to deepen our understanding of the inherent purpose of sports competitions. In ‘On Winning and Athletic Superiority’, Nicholas Dixon states that the central comparative purpose of an athletic contest is to determine which team or player is superior, or, synonymously, to provide an accurate measure of athletic superiority. Dixon identifies athletic skill as the standard of athletic superiority in competitive sport. However, I argue there are three separate standards of athletic superiority: the demonstration of athletic skill, the achievement of prelusory goal using lusory means, and achievement of superior formal result. This stance responds to Dixon’s argument that failed athletic contests are contests that have not fulfilled the central purpose of competitive sport, because they have been undermined by refereeing errors, cheating, gamesmanship or bad luck. I argue that a failed athletic contest occurs when any of the three standards of athletic superiority conflict.  相似文献   

通过实行主客场联赛来开发体育竞赛市场是体育产业化改革中的一个重要组成部分,它的重要性就在于竞赛是体育的核心,而赛制则是体育竞赛的核心。本文以中国男子篮球甲级联赛为例,通过资料分析、实地采访、亲临赛场,归纳总结了一个循环模式图,用以展示和说明主客场联赛制是如何给体育竞赛市场带来活力的;同时也提出了实行主客场制给体育竞技水平带来的一些弊端以及解决的方法和建议。最后得出这样的结论:只有将体育与经济紧密相联,才能给体育事业以活力,这是一条新思路,也是一条在社会主义市场经济条件下发展体育的必由之路。  相似文献   

Hegemonic masculinity, a framework where stereotypically masculine traits are over-emphasized, plays a central role in sport, partly due to an excessive focus on winning. This type of masculinity marginalizes those that do not possess specific traits, including many women and men. I argue sport reform focused on mitigating hypercompetitive attitudes can reduce this harmful and marginalizing hegemonic masculinity in sport. I make this argument first by challenging the dichotomous nature of sport, especially in recognizing that all outcomes are a blend of winning and losing, that ties are relevant and informative outcomes to contests, and that winning and losing do not always tell accurate stories of the outcome. Secondly, I contend that expanding the potential outcomes in sport can help broaden the emphasis of competitive sport to take into account playing well and improving, in terms of both the test and the contest. I conclude that these reforms decrease hegemonic masculinity, making sport better for all.  相似文献   

新世纪现代科技与竞技体育   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
论述现代科技在竞技体育中的广泛应用,揭示竞技体育的发展越来越离不开现代科技的发展,并指出应高度重视现代科技对竞技体育发展的负效应。  相似文献   

Head-to-head records are often used in round-robin contests for breaking ties between athletes or teams that are equal on points or wins. In this paper, I argue, on the one hand, that tie-breaking systems of round-robin soccer contests should give more importance to overall goal difference than to head-to-head records. On the other hand, I also argue that even the mere inclusion of head-to-head records in the tie-breaking criteria of a round-robin soccer contest is problematic.  相似文献   

山东省竞技体育人力资源现状与开发对策研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
运用文献资料法、问卷调查法、访谈法、统计法,从"国内体育竞技能力"、"洲际体育竞技能力"、"国际体育竞技能力"三个层面,分析山东省竞技体育的实力现状;从数量和质量两个维度探讨山东竞技体育人力资源的优势和存在的问题,提出开发竞技体育人力资源的策略。  相似文献   

随着改革的进一步深入,在日趋激烈的竞争环境下,行业体协要继续在竞技体育方面有所作为,必须走集约化,精兵化的路子。从火车头竞技体育发展的历史,特别是近年来火车头体工队的发展变革出发,论述了行业体协竞技体育发展走精兵之路的必然性和具体做法。认为行业体协通过走精兵之路,参与高水平竞争,推动行业体协竞技体育发展不仅具有理论意义,而且是在实践中是可行的。  相似文献   

省级体育运动学校是我省业余训练与竞技体育的一个关键衔接点,也是竞技体育不可忽视的一个重要组成部分.本文在调研的基础上,立足我省竞技体育阶段战略走向,从如何尽快适应竞技体育发展需要的角度,围绕对省体校现状的分析及工作定位的选择,提出了相应的对策,以期引起重视,加快体校建设,在我省竞技体育格局中发挥应有的作用.  相似文献   

目的:通过对网络成瘾大学生进行8周体育运动干预,探讨体育运动干预对网络成瘾进行矫正的效果。方法:通过对长春市5所高等学校的5 000名在校本科生进行Young的网络成瘾量表和临床症状自评量表(SCL-90)测量,按照不同年级、性别、专业、网络成瘾程度、心理健康程度比例从被试者中筛选出69名网络成瘾者,随机将其分为两组分别为实验组(35人)和对照组(34人),通过对实验组进行8周体育运动干预,对照组在同一时间内静坐,再通过Young的网络成瘾量表和临床症状自评量表(SCL-90)对实验组、对照组进行体育运动干预前、后测量,对测量的得分进行横向与纵向对比。结果:大学生中网络成瘾的比例占到了36%,并且网络成瘾者在年级、性别、专业等比例上存在着显著的差异(P<0.05);体育锻炼对网络成瘾者的治疗具有积极的作用(P<0.01),对轻度、中度、重度网络成瘾者都具有较好的矫正效果;体育锻炼对网络成瘾者心理健康矫正具有较好的疗效(P<0.01),但是对于中度、重度患者治疗效果并不理想(P>0.05)。结论:通过8周的体育运动干预对网络成瘾者的治疗具有积极的作用,但是随着网络成瘾的程度加深治疗效果随之下降,提示心理健康品质属于错综复杂的心理疾病,对其进行治疗应该辅以其他干预措施。  相似文献   

对体育院校新设民族传统体育专业的思考   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
武术专业更改为民族体育专业后,拓展了专业口径,扩大了知识面,但单科院校在扩大专业口径的同时,切不可丢掉专业的特色和失去专业水准,这是单科院校生存和发展的前提和条件.短时期内,本专业以武术为龙头、为主体的办学方针不可动摇.民族民间体育和传统体育养生两个专业方向,从开课之日起,就得解决师资、器材、场馆等问题.  相似文献   

运动竞技与社会公共秩序   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
竞技运动作为一种社会文化存在方式,那么,竞技运动中的人群以及运动人群的行为与社会生活建构具有怎样的关系呢,这是本文阐释的问题。文章论证了“公平性”这一运动竞技的本质属性与社会公共秩序具有内在的价值同构,公平竞争的“游戏规则”不仅仅属于运动竞技,而是属于整个社会生活的,为此,运动竞技这种社会文化形式成为培养、激发人们公平竞争精神的积极诱因和有效手段。  相似文献   

竞赛中紧张情绪及其控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着体育科学的不断发展,竞赛中的情绪问题已成为运动心理学研究的热点。本文分析了在运动竞赛中紧张情绪的产生及对运动成绩的影响,总结介绍了控制紧张情绪的手段和方法。  相似文献   

运动训练方法学的建构是现代竞技体育发展的一种必然,也是运动训练发展的需要。运动训练方法学是专门研究运动训练方法的系统理论,主要内容包括运动训练方法学的研究对象,研究方向;运动训练方法学研究的实践,理论基础;研究方法体系以及研究的专门人才等。建构我国的运动训练方法学应成为我国竞技体育发展历史进程中一项具有战略性意义的理论工作。  相似文献   

In their recent contribution to JPS, Gleaves and Llewellyn argue on lusory and ethical grounds that elite sporting competition should cease to be predicated on competitions between nations. From a lusory perspective, they argue that inter-national sports’ limitation on who can compete (due to it being based on national and cultural criteria) undermines some of the central principles of elite sport, such as athletic supremacy and merit. From an ethical perspective, they argue that inter-national sport is categorically unethical because the national and cultural narratives that frame such contests are inherently untruthful and inauthentic. In this article, we challenge Gleaves and Llewellyn on both these grounds and argue that national identity and representation are worthy values that can be achieved through sport, and that inter-national sport, far from being categorically unethical, has the potential to stimulate meaningful cultural conversations, both within and between national communities.  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2019,22(3):395-406
Scholars and policy makers have long considered sport as a vehicle for promoting young athletes’ well-being, educational experience, and citizenship skills. Athletic directors can play a significant role in this process by establishing organizational goals that can foster the development of young athletes and also by ensuring that other personnel abide by these goals. However, little is known about methods athletic directors can use to focus on such development goals in the midst of the current winning-at-all-costs culture surrounding sports. Thus, the purpose of this study is to examine the relationships between emotional intelligence, servant leadership, and development goal orientation among high school athletic directors. A total of 445 athletic directors located in 48 states in the United States completed an online survey. The results indicated that emotional intelligence is positively associated with servant leadership, which in turn is positively associated with development goal orientation. The mediation analysis also revealed that servant leadership fully mediates the relationship between emotional intelligence and development goal orientation among athletic directors. The findings of this research assist in understanding how sports governing bodies can educate athletic directors to initiate development-oriented reform of the winning-at-all-costs culture in sports.  相似文献   

广东等六省市竞技体育后备人才培养状况的比较研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
广东、辽宁、上海、江苏、北京、山东六省市是我国的传统竞技体育强省,六省市竞技体育后备人才培养的状况将在一定程度上影响着我国今后几年整体竞技体育在国际上的表现。笔者运用文献资料法、访谈法、数理统计法等研究方法,对六省市的二线、三线的体育后备人才数量、质量、项目布局、培养途径和社会学因素进行了分析研究,为相关部门提供决策参考。  相似文献   

闽台体育竞赛表演业的交流与合作   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了进一步推动闺台体育竞赛表演业的发展,采用文献资料法、实地调查法、访谈法等研究方法,对闽台体育竞赛表演业进行了分析与研究。结果表明:体育竞赛表演业呈现出良好的发展势头,但存在区域、竞赛项目发展不平衡及双方交流与合作不平衡等问题。根据经济学相关理论及闽台的实际情况提出:建立体育中介机构,加强体育经纪人的培养与合作;建立竞技体育人才合作机制,提高竞技水平,促进竞赛表演业的发展;携手组建职业俱乐部,参与大陆职业联赛,扩大竞赛市场;加强大型体育赛事的交流与合作,打造共同品牌赛事的对策。  相似文献   

通过文献资料法、专家访谈法、对比分析法和逻辑分析法等方法,总结了新中国竞技体育服饰文化的发展变迁和作用,对其进行了反思,并总结出我国竞技体育服饰文化的发展具体做法:从竞技体育服饰文化的物质层面、制度层面、精神层面入手,具体的策略方法包括:①融入高科技②融入民族元素③与运动项目结合④结合大众健身需要⑤引领时尚⑥人才引进⑦媒体宣传。  相似文献   

论高校运动会发展方向与模式   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
2002和2003年连续两年将学校每年一度的田径运动会改为体育节,竞赛赛制和项目设立向着"趣味性强、普及面广、参与性高"等综合性运动竞赛方向发展。现代高校运动会应将充分调动广大学生积极参与热情,使他们在体育比赛中享受快乐,在快乐中锻炼身体为首要目标,真正达到"以人为本、淡化竞技、学生个性"的学校体育教学宗旨。  相似文献   

陕西省省级体育传统项目学校田径比赛是发现、选拔与培养我省田径后备人才的重要赛事。通过对比赛及专项素质和专项成绩测试结果的统计与分析,认为身体素质水平较高的运动员人数较少;专项素质训练总体水平一般;专项成绩也不尽如人意,但有一批身体形态较好的新人;比赛内容安排欠合理,缺少对少年儿童专项技术的评定环节。  相似文献   

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