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语言学与教育学有交互的可能与必要。教育语言学以教育学文本和教育学活动中的语言现象为对象,运用和改造某种(些)语言学的分析框架和理论视野,把语言学的知识转化为教育学语言的分析工具。这是一条清理和增益教育学知识的新路。  相似文献   

和谐社会与“民工荒”现象的解读:社会保障视角   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对引致“民工荒”现象的社会保障因素进行了归纳与分析  相似文献   

论湿地对古代广州城市发展的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
广州是在湿地环境中发展起来的国际性贸易港市  相似文献   

高校作为一个相对独立的市场主体,也面临着各种各样的风险,把风险管理的理论和方法应用于教育质量风险的管理,是高等教育质量保障领域中开拓性的尝试。对我国当前的高等教育进行教育质量风险管理具有非常重要的现实意义和长远的战略意义。  相似文献   

从花木兰到女勇士——试析汤亭亭对中国故事的改写   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为华裔美国文学的杰出代表, 汤亭亭作品的普及程度在当代美国文坛几乎是无人比拟, 她的作品不仅受到普通读者的欢迎, 历年来居于畅销之列, 而且在学术界也占居一定地位。汤亭亭的文本的一个突出特征, 就是对中国材料的使用, 她大量移植、挪用、改写中国神话传说、历史故事以及文学典籍。以她在∀女勇士#中对中国花木兰故事改写为范例, 探讨作者在故事的移植变形中传达出的独特的个人的、族裔的经验, 以及这种移植在文学表现中也有其意义。  相似文献   

新课程的评价理念、结构特点和内容都和现行高中的学生学业评价不吻合,有必要重构普通高中学生学业评价体系。新的高中学生学业评价体系分模块水平和毕业水平两个层次、采用包括过程性评价与终结性评价两种方式,简称为2×2的评价体系。过程性评价的主要作用在于促进学生及时地进行反思和展示学生学习的过程。终结性评价可根据模块的内容和类型的不同,组织书面笔试或开放式、表现式的测试。  相似文献   

广东产业出口竞争力研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用贸易竞争力指数和产业内贸易指数对广东产业的出口竞争力进行实证考察, 结果表明尽管广东产业的出口竞争力整体得到了提升, 但优势仍集中在低技能的劳动密集型产品上。广东在国际分工中仍处于产业链的价值低端, 机械设备、基础原料和高新技术等产业的相对滞后制约了其工业化进程。广东应积极采取措施, 提高产业的出口竞争力, 更好地促进经济发展。  相似文献   

文化的历史传统与诗人活动的地域空间构成了时间和空间的交叉和叠合  相似文献   

德国高等教育管理体制改革的新思维   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以1998年《高等教育总法》第四次修订为标志,德国开展了战后第二轮高等教育改革。在这场以竞争与效率为目标的改革中,高教管理体制改革是其中重要的内容。政府希望通过分权、放松规制、委托等私营机构运用的管理技术改善高校管理,提高办学效率。  相似文献   

犯罪分子和恐怖组织正利用合法的金融机构转移、隐藏财产, 立法者必须依据以上事实对该犯罪行为作出创新和更为有效的反应。洗钱犯罪目的是为了给自己􀀂 肮脏 的资金披上一层合法的外衣, 而恐怖主义融资是为了掩盖其财产的来源, 它们的区别是非常明显的。  相似文献   

This is the second of four essays discussing Wu’s ‘Interpretation, autonomy, and transformation: Chinese pedagogic discourse in a cross-cultural perspective’ (JCS, 43(5), 569-590). The essay is interesting against the background of recent debates, both inside and outside China, about the relationship between the Chinese and Western traditions of curriculum and pedagogy. The essay helps one to understand that there is no clear divide between the so-called Chinese and Western traditions. The modern Chinese language as well as its pedagogical discourse have been hybridized with something western, with the implication that it is difficult to distinguish one from the other. However, the paper falls into a trap of cultural judgement: it (re)interprets the Confucian ‘authentic’ texts as ‘desirable’ and attributes many ‘contemporary’ pedagogical practices and/or the discourse of the so-called ‘Confucian heritage’ to the influence of the West.  相似文献   

Applying the concept of 'quality' to education has been controversial, making it difficult for educators to develop systems for sustainable quality development in schools that meet the needs of governmental accountability and pedagogical practice. The varying perspectives reflect conflicting views about what is quality and, morevoer, how quality can and should be measured. Over the last several decades, numerous programmes and strategies have been developed at the European level to assist schools in developing quality in education, as well as giving perspective to the underlying questions. In 2003, the European Education Quality Benchmark System (2EQBS) was designed with the intent to bridge the paradigmatic camps regarding quality in education, providing educators with a holistic framework to examine their practices in relation to the needs of their community, national curricula, pedagogical principles, and European partners. A formal content validation and usability study were conducted of the quality development tool to examine the degree to which the 2EQBS provides educators with a framework to facilitate school development through cross-cultural partnerships in an age of accountability. Findings from this study are presented in this article and contribute insight into the possibilities for creating a framework that facilitates school development through cross-cultural partnerships and provides teachers with a system for helping to sustain change.  相似文献   

文章基于德国哲学家尤尔根·哈贝马斯(Jürgen Habermas)提出的主体间交往行为理论,探讨跨文化交际中的主体间身份建构的意义与语用原则。主张在跨文化交际过程中,具有不同语言文化背景的语用者都应该尊重交际对方的语言文化主体身份、遵守"真诚情、理解性、公正性、平等性"的主体间语用原则,通过意义协商、文化认同和公正平等的方式进行跨文化交际,最大限度地减少或者避免在跨文化交际中出现语言文化霸权式的思维倾向和话语行为。  相似文献   

This paper draws together two important agendas in science education. The first is making science education more inclusive such that students from non-Western or indigenous cultures can benefit from culturally relevant curricula. The second is integrating technology into the curriculum under the umbrella of Science–Technology–Society (STS) education to embrace the social aspects of science, with technology serving as a bridge. The advancement of the first agenda is hindered by the pursuance by both Western and non-Western societies of narrow cultural and practical goals without considering the development of science and technology from a cross-cultural perspective. The second agenda is limited by the misconception that technology is applied science, leading to the exclusion from STS discussions of pre-science or indigenous technologies developed by non-Western cultures. Through selected case studies of the evolution of Chinese traditional technologies and their interaction with science, this paper offers a perspective from the Far East, and argues for situating culturally responsive science education in broader historical and cross-cultural contexts to acknowledge the multi-cultural contributions to science and technology. A form of cross-cultural STS education is advanced, encompassing the cultural basis of technological developments, technology diffusion, interactions of traditional technology with science, and the potential development of traditional or indigenous technologies. This approach provides a bridge between the existing universal science education paradigm promoted in the West and the different forms of multi-cultural education advocated by indigenous science educators. To translate theory into practice, a conceptual framework is proposed in which the essential transdisciplinary knowledge base, curricular goals, and pedagogical approaches are embedded.  相似文献   

大学英语教学中的文化导入   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
由于文化知识的缺乏,大学生在跨文化交际中屡屡受挫,因此英语教师必须加大文化导入的力度。文章从文化的定义及其分类入手,探讨了大学英语教学中应涉及的文化范畴,同时结合实际提出了文化导入的原则和方法。文章强调不同专业的文化导入的侧重应有所区别,此外不可片面追求高级文化的传授,相反,对低年级的学生应多介绍些大众文化和深层文化。  相似文献   


Given urgent need for culturally competent early childhood educators and the strategic encouragement by colleges for students to travel internationally, this analysis focuses on the question: What is the relationship between international experiences and preservice early childhood educators’ cultural competence? More specifically, three questions were examined: 1) What theories are applied to explain this relationship? 2) What pedagogical strategies are most frequently used during international experiences to develop cultural competence among preservice educators? and 3) What evidence is provided that preservice educators changed (if at all) as a consequence of international experiences? PRISMA analysis of the literature from 2002 to 2016 revealed pedagogical strategies such as immersion and critical reflection led to preservice educators’ self-reports of gains in personal and professional growth, cultural awareness, cultural sensitivity, and cultural competence. Faculty using international travel to develop cultural competence should consider engaging preservice educators in higher order thinking assignments before, during, and after international experiences.  相似文献   

格莱斯的CP原则和利奇的PP原则是语篇分析研究中的重要原则。在这些原则提出的基础上,不少学者又对它们不断进行发展、完善。在对这些理论研究成果的应用与实践中,我们要注意到它们所隐含体现的西方文化问题,做好洋为中用。  相似文献   

本文主要从跨文化交际的角度,对服饰词语的象征意义和由服饰词语构成的习语进行 了语 义分析和译法探讨,说明了文化语境对译文的影响和制约,并讨论了翻译服饰词语时易蹈入 的误区。  相似文献   

Nowadays, cross-cultural study is turning to pragmatic fields concerning communication, such as business negotiation,overseas life and language teaching, etc. This paper reviews previous studies of culture and communication, attempting to reveal how to have affective communication from perspective of cultural context by case studies. As a result, theoretical foundation and case studies prove that although we have cooperative principles as general guidelines for communication, cultural awareness, especially awareness of High Context(HC) and Low Context(LC), still plays a key role in cross-cultural communication by making up for the lost of meaning while transmission.  相似文献   

本论文以中美两国为倒,指出由于在以下四个方面存在很大的不同:意识形态,面子体秉,话语形式和传统文化,因此人们在跨文化言语交际中所遵循的合作原则和礼貌原则的佣重点不同,这也就导致误解与不快,因此,在跨文化交际中,不仅要学习其他国家的文化特征,而且更应尊重其他国家的文化,这样跨文化交际才能持续和顺利地发展。  相似文献   

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