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Changes in the European University: From Traditional to Entrepreneurial   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Major changes are happening in European universities, associated with changes in the funding awangements. Success in the market place is supplanting peer group recognition as a criterion of university achievement. Science is being supplanted by technology. This article examines these changes in the light of the historical devebpent of the European university and with particular reference to changes in Swedish universities.  相似文献   

改革开放以来,中国社会发生了巨大的变化,人们的精神生活也焕然一新。随着大众价值观的变更,在审美领域便有审美新潮的不断涌动与审美风尚的巨大变迁,而这些变化,又将在一定程度上进一步推动社会变革,改变人们的日常生活,使审美进一步走向大众。这一切变迁既随世界潮流,又不乏鲜明的本土特色,给当代美学的发展提出了新的课题。  相似文献   

为了研究龙胆酒炙前后化学成分的整体变化,寻求炮制增效,改变药性及减毒的物质基础,揭示炮制机理。取龙胆生品和酒炙品,分别用甲醇和水提取。将提取液进行高效液相色谱分析。比较龙胆生品和酒炙品醇提液和水煎液的色谱图。经仔细核对各色谱图,结合紫外光谱分析,发现酒炙品中化学成分确实发生了量的和质的变化。研究表明,龙胆酒炙品药性的显著变化正是其化学成分整体变化所导致的,有效成分溶出增加,药效增强。  相似文献   

作品《飘》以19世纪60年代美国南北战争和战后重建时期为背景。米切尔对主要人物斯佳丽、玫兰妮、阿希礼和瑞特的性格刻画离不开人物活动的时代和社会背景,因此时代和社会背景的变化必会带来主要人物性格的变化。文章主要探讨作品中南方社会在南北战争前后所经历的深刻变化以及这些变化对主要人物的影响。  相似文献   

词汇的意义总是随着时代的发展而变化的,其间往往会有很多反复。本拟从考察“乌衣”一词的演变入手,大致勾勒出该词变迁的轮廓,从而说明词义演变的轨迹。  相似文献   

由于三等介音j的产生及作用,上古后期汉语韵母的元音舌位发生过央化、前化与高化,与之相应,声母也发生了央化、前化;在不同方言区,声母的变化也不一样。这些声母变化与韵母变化在舌位移动方向上是一致的,从而是可以得到相互解释和证明的。目前,还没有条件为上古不同时段的不同方言构建各自的音系,暂时只能用一个统一的上古音系衡量有时地差异的声、韵关系,这在解释声韵部类关系上必然会出现统一音系与有时地差异音系的矛盾:韵母元音舌位的变化传统上用"转"来解释;声母这种发音部位历时的移动,统一音系的平面上表现为一个声母具有不同发音部位的音素,传统也是用"转"解释,现代语音学主流则从复声母来源角度解释。这是用不变即"共时"共域"的标准来衡量上古后期语音材料中存在的异时、异域因素。本文认为,从上古语音有分期、有方音的角度看,这些都是汉语在上古后期发生的历史音变。  相似文献   

村落公共空间是乡村文化建设的重要场所。改革开放之后,随着经济体制和管理体制的变化以及农民经济生活水平的提高,农民的公共生活发生了一定的变化。研究农村公共空间的变化,有助于了解农村的变化,推动乡村文化建设,推动城乡一体化的发展。  相似文献   

Within the framework of cognitive load theory, the element interactivity and the expertise reversal effects usually are not treated as closely related effects. We argue that the two effects may be intertwined with the expertise reversal effect constituting a particular example of the element interactivity effect. Specifically, the element interactivity effect relies on changes in element interactivity due to changes in the type of material being learned, while the expertise reversal effect also relies on changes in relative levels of element interactivity but in this case, due to changes in relative levels of expertise. If so, both effects rely on equivalent changes in element interactivity with the changes induced by different factors. Empirical evidence is used to support this contention.  相似文献   

在分析新制度经济学派对制度变迁解释的基础上,结合泉州师院后勤集资合股股份合作制改革的历程进行分析,说明股份合作制的变迁是供给主导型制度的变迁,旨在说明高校后勤制度变迁应实现从强制性制度变迁到供给主导型制度变迁再到诱致性制度变迁的转变.  相似文献   

新晃汉语方言与其他语言和方言的频繁接触影响和加速了它的变异.这种变异在外出求学和工作人员的语言中尤为突出,有些变异是暂时的,有些变异则体现了这种方言总体性的变化方向。新晃高139班40名同学1997—2007年问方言在语音、词汇、语法方面的变异能为我们探讨方言的变化趋势提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

第二次世界大战以后 ,资本主义发生了许多令人瞩目的新变化。分析了新变化的表现、新变化的原因 ,阐述了如何看待这些新变化 ,指出当代资本主义出现的新变化不是偶然的现象 ,而是合规律的现象  相似文献   

报道了等离子体浸没N~+注入豌豆种子后,引起幼苗过氧化物酶同工酶和酯酶同工酶的酶带数量和活性均起变化;过氧化物酶的变化与离子注入剂量有关.35分钟处理的两种酶的同工酶酶谱变化最大.且种子萌发率明显下降.  相似文献   

Conclusion The present research employed data collected in two separate studies related to ASEP to investigate relationships of changes in seven pupils learning outcomes with four teacher characteristics and four instruction-teacher interactions. A significant relationship (p<.05) emerged between changes in a learning outcome and a teacher characteristic in the following three cases: changes in critical thinking in science were more favourable in classes with less pupil-centredness teachers, and changes in attitude to science were more favourable in classes with female teachers and those with more pupil-centredness teachers. A significant relationship also emerged between changes in a learning outcome and the interaction of the instructional variable (ASEP/control) with a teacher characteristic in four cases, and these were interpreted in the paper. In addition to the specific findings outlined above, two more general tentative conclusions can be advanced. First, the use of common samples in separate studies appears useful for allowing the investigation of worthwhile questions which go beyond the bounds of the individual studies. Second, in view of the number of interesting relationships found between changes in learning outcomes and teacher and instruction-teacher interaction variables, it could be useful to replicate the present study.  相似文献   

The extent to which teachers make changes in classroom seating reflects, in part, the degree to which they value promoting positive peer relationships in the classroom. We assessed the frequency with which teachers made both minor (i.e., involving only 2–3 students) and major (involving half or more students in the class) changes in classroom seating. We tested whether the frequency of seating changes was linked to teachers' beliefs about promoting positive peer relationships, their attunement to child- or peer-reports of peer victimization, and their concern about bullying at the school. Participants were 37 fourth-grade teachers and their students (N = 677). The frequency of major seating changes was negatively associated with teachers' peer-focused classroom seating (PFCS) beliefs and to their attunement to student peer victimization. Minor seating changes were positively associated with PFCS beliefs for teachers with low or average attunement to peer victimization; however, teachers highly attuned to peer victimization made fewer minor seating changes regardless of their PFCS beliefs. Implications for research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

知识经济的勃兴意味着人类正由对外部资源的开发和利用进一步转向对人自身资源的更充分开发和利用,并由此带来了人类知识体系结构性变动、知识活动的信息化变迁和知识价值的跃迁式变易。与知识变更紧密联系的教育,特别是职业教育也因此面临着理念转换、配制优化、功能重组和体制再造等方面的创新。  相似文献   

郑芹 《南平师专学报》2011,30(5):19-24,28
本文通过分析各种不同的软件项目中产生的源代码修改记录,探索代码修改和错误修复之间的关系来更好地理解代码修改之间的关联并挖掘它们之间的关联规则,从而得到代码修改和错误修复之间的因果关系,找出修复错误的方法以更好地降低代码修改所引起的错误。  相似文献   

Based on the Job Demands-resources (RD-R) model, the aim of the current study was to examine how pressure arising from imposed curriculum changes and teacher self-efficacy relate to perceived stress in teachers. Participants (839 teachers working in English schools) completed an online survey that contained questions about demographics, self-reported pressure from imposed curriculum changes, teacher self-efficacy, and perceived stress. Pressure from imposed curriculum changes was positively, and teacher self-efficacy negatively, related to perceived stress. Teacher-self efficacy moderated relations between pressure from imposed curriculum changes and perceived stress. High teacher self-efficacy was associated with lower perceived stress, relative to low teacher self-efficacy, when pressure from imposed curriculum changes was low. The differential advantage offered by high self-efficacy declined as pressure from imposed curriculum changes increased.  相似文献   

语言作为人类所特有的交际工具,总是和着人类社会发展的脉搏而发展变化。改革开放20年来,我国社会的各个方面都发生了令人瞩目的变化。同时期,汉语中外来词大量入、经济词语逐日升温、科技术语广泛应用于等新的语言现象就折射出这种社会的变化。  相似文献   

自1970年前后以来,广西南部环北部湾地区上思县百管屯瑶族经济生产方式经历了从刀耕火种到公社化农业、从传统的自给自足的山地农业向商品性农林经济的两个阶段的转变,瑶族人民生活水平也逐步得到了提高。在社会文化方面,改革开放以来,外来的天主教得到了复兴,瑶族人民衣食住行等传统文化也发生了变迁。经济生产方式的转型是瑶族农村经济建设的重要动力;瑶族宗教文化的某些积极因素,可以为瑶族和谐社会的构建服务。  相似文献   

自1977年恢复高考制度以来三十余年,高考政策发生了巨大的变化,相伴而随的是对于高考政策研究文献数量逐年增加,而且所评说的主题、运用的学科视角、使用的话语体系等也发生着极大变迁.对于高考政策研究所呈现出的这种变化,固然与政策自身的变迁有着密切的关系,但同时与社会结构的变迁、政治文化的影响、政策合法性危机以及研究群体成分的改变有着密切的关系.  相似文献   

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