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目的:对5~18岁学龄期儿童青少年的24 h活动研究进行系统综述,总结并归纳现有文献报道的研究特征、研究方法与研究结果。通过系统检索,共有20篇文献纳入本综述,结果发现,平均30.84%、41.32%、45.04%的儿童青少年分别达到了身体活动、屏幕时间、睡眠时长3项指标推荐量,17.56%、46.16%、35.06%、6.85%的儿童青少年分别达到了0、1、2、3项24 h活动指标推荐量。男生的身体活动达标率优于女生,但男生屏幕时间指标达标率普遍低于女生。随着年龄的增长,屏幕时间的达标率显著降低。父母教育程度越高,其子女的24 h达标条数越多。并且,纳入的研究一致发现24 h活动的指标多项达标可以改善儿童青少年不同的健康指标,包括体重状况、心血管健康、心理状况、认知发展、生活质量以及饮食模式。  相似文献   

在4个英文数据库(WoS核心合集、PubMed、Embase、MEDLINE)和4个中文数据库(CNKI、万方数据库、维普数据库、中国生物医学文献数据库)中检索2020年5月1日前发表的0~5岁婴幼儿24 h活动相关文献,对文献的基本特征信息进行提取,并运用文献归纳法对所纳入研究的结果进行分析与提炼。共有12篇文献纳入研究,平均61.95%、26.59%、82.61%的婴幼儿分别达到了身体活动水平、屏幕时间、睡眠时长3项指标推荐量,3.44%、29.53%、58.25%、9%的婴幼儿分别达到了身体活动水平、屏幕时间和睡眠时长3项指标0、1、2、3条的建议标准;家庭经济水平、屏幕时间、种族是影响婴幼儿24 h活动的重要因素,但因研究数量过少无法确定其具体影响机制;24 h活动的多项指标达标可改善婴幼儿不同的身心健康指标。  相似文献   

目的 探讨24 h活动达标情况与小学生全身性肥胖及中心性肥胖纵向变化的关系。方法 对上海市318名三年级小学生进行为期2年的纵向调查,运用加速度计和问卷测量24 h活动行为,以标准测量仪器测量身高、体质量和腰围,采用配对样本t检验比较连续2年的全身性肥胖和中心性肥胖增长率差异,并以分层线性回归模型分析24 h活动指南达标情况与连续2年肥胖进展的纵向关系。结果 (1)在24 h活动行为中,屏幕时间达标率(79.9%)最高,中高强度身体活动(MVPA)达标率(42.5%)最低,3项活动均达标占比22.6%。(2)小学生的全身性肥胖率和中心性肥胖率随年龄增长不断提升,且全身性肥胖率的进展速度高于中心性肥胖率。(3)MVPA的独立达标能有效控制小学生全身性及中心性肥胖的进展,而屏幕时间与睡眠时长达标率与肥胖进展无显著相关性;身体活动与屏幕时间组合、睡眠时长与屏幕时间组合达标率均与全身性肥胖进展呈负相关,而身体活动与睡眠时长组合与中心性肥胖进展呈负相关。结论 MVPA达标率是小学生肥胖进展的独立影响因素,24 h活动不同行为组合达标会减缓儿童青少年肥胖进展,未来应通过增加儿童青少年的身体活动时间...  相似文献   

文章以web of science^TM核心合集数据库中收录的2017年到2020年间以儿童青少年身体活动为主题的文献信息为研究数据来源,运用文献资料法和Cite Space知识图谱分析国外儿童青少年身体活动研究外部特征和基本情况,解析当前儿童青少年身体活动研究的经典引文,揭示研究热点。国外儿童青少年身体活动的研究呈现出跨众多学科且多领域之间相互交叉的态势;研究来源期刊种类丰富多样,涉及学科领域广泛;美国和澳大利亚虽发文量最多,中心性较低;英格兰、新加坡和南非其研究影响力较高;大学是该研究领域的核心机构;儿童青少年的体质和健康问题,锻炼对儿童体质和健康的干预尤其是对肥胖儿童青少年体质健康干预与慢性病方面研究是国际上关注的焦点;身体活动水平对非传染性疾病的预防方案的制定和实施、儿童和青少年身体活动准则的制定、儿童青少年久坐行为与多项身体以及心理健康指标之间的关系等研究构成了该领域的经典被引文献。  相似文献   

目的了解大学新生一周身体活动现状。方法选取在校非体育专业新生采用国际体力活动问卷进行身体活动评估,涉及静坐、散步、慢跑、逛街、家务等16种主要活动形式,涵盖静止、轻、中和高强度4种类型。结果 1)68.4%以上学生每天以静态生活方式为主,超300 min;仅有18.3%学生达每日75min的中高强度国家身体活动推荐量。2)女生静坐少动时长高于男生,男生中高强度身体活动时间高于女生。3)文科生工作日静坐少动时长较理科生高,理科生中高强度身体活动时间较文科生长。结论男生比女生、理科生比文科生的中高强度身体活动水平更高,应针对不同特征群体提供每周锻炼活动指导方案。  相似文献   

马晓凯  朱政  孙晨  赵胜  曹振波 《体育科学》2022,(4):43-49+97
目的:探讨儿童青少年中高强度身体活动(MVPA)构成时长特征及其与体质健康间的关系。方法:在上海市3个区招募四年级和八年级学生各360名,根据《国家学生体质健康标准(2014年修订)》要求对儿童青少年进行身体形态及素质测评,使用三轴加速度传感器测量其身体活动水平,统计不同时长分类的MVPA时间(零星:0<单次MVPA<5 min;短时:5≤单次MVPA<10 min;中长时:单次MVPA≥10 min)。有效样本为每天佩戴加速度传感器10 h以上,每周佩戴至少4天(3个工作日,1个周末日)。结果:共407名9~14岁儿童青少年符合数据纳入标准,其中男生185名(占45.5%),四年级学生223名(占54.8%),BMI中位数18.6 kg/m2(16.4,21.0),达到平均每天60 min及以上MVPA的人数比例为6.6%。儿童青少年MVPA构成中,零星MVPA占比最大(占59.9%);男生中长时MVPA占比(占24.4%)显著高于女生(占12.3%)(P<0.05),而零星和短时MVPA占比趋势则相反(P<0.05,P=0.033);四年级学生零星MV...  相似文献   

大学生体质与体力活动的相关分析和研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
采用《学生体质健康标准》和体力活动概念研究大学生体质、体力活动现状及相互关系。从南京大学、南京理工大学等11所院校共抽取研究对象2 614人,其中男生1 313人,女生1 301人。体质测试采用《学生体质健康标准》,体力活动调查采用国际体力活动问卷。结果显示:大学生体质总体良好,男生体质综合得分、体质健康达标优秀率均优于女生;男生超重或肥胖发生率为9.5%,女生低体重发生率为24.5%,身体成分不合理对体质健康构成负面影响;大学生大中强度体力活动主要来源于体育课,课余时间体力活动偏少,女生活动比男生少,大学生每天静坐时间较长;每周有规律地参加大中强度体力活动,尤其是大强度活动可以有效提高大学生体质健康水平。  相似文献   

儿童、青少年时期是人生中最为重要的生长发育阶段,人体的各个器官系统都发生了巨大的变化.人体形态也随之发生快速变化,对其形态特征的研究可以为指导体育教学和适宜健身器械的开发提供依据.共计测量了7~18岁儿童、青少年25个身体形态指标,分为长度、宽度、围度等方面指标,通过对25个指标数据进行聚类分析,显示7~18岁的儿童、青少年身体形态指标的平均数变化趋势遵循“向心律”规律,女生生长发育提前于男生,但都遵循“先快后慢”的趋势,其增长最快的年龄段基本一致,出现在7~14岁阶段.通过对各年龄组男、女生身体形态指标平均数差值的聚类分析,提示较为适合的以形态差异为依据的性别年龄分组应该是:7~9岁年龄组(无性别差异);10~12岁年龄组(无性别差异);13~15岁年龄组女生;13~15岁年龄组男生;16~18岁年龄组女生;16~18岁年龄组男生.  相似文献   

【目的】总结儿童青少年体力活动实验研究中使用的执行功能测试方法、形式和特征,为未来的研究。并对检索到的文献中体力活动对儿童青少年执行功能和相关人生益处影响的研究进展做出综述。【方法】检索4个数据库(Pubmed数据库、EBSCOhost数据库、中国知网数据库、万方数据库),时间为2021年12月。符合以下标准的研究有资格入选:实验研究设计:5-18岁的健康儿童青少年;利用体力活动;使用基于表现的执行功能测试。抽取执行功能测试的报告、操作特点、实验设计的特点。【结果】纳入的研究(n=21),在纳入的21项研究中,采用了32项独特的认知测试。有11项研究(52.3%)采用了运动干预时间周期超过一周以上的纵向体育运动计划,另外10项(47.7%)则采用了一次性的且运动总时间不超过3小时的急性运动干预。60.0%的急性研究对被试的运动干预内容采取了单独进行的形式,而91.0%的纵向研究却采取了小组形式的运动干预。共报告了61项测试。81.0%的测试是通过计算机实施的;干预变量的为运动类型7项(33.3%),运动剂量14项(66.6%)。【结论】文章纳入研究对执行测试过程时间的控制是主要的局限性...  相似文献   

目的探讨国外社区建成环境对儿童青少年身体活动的影响,以求对国内社区建成环境的完善提供借鉴,为国内儿童青少年身体活动营造更好的发展环境。方法采用系统文献综述法,在Spriner Link、 PubMed和Web of science等电子文献数据库中进行文献检索,根据纳入标准和排除标准筛选出14篇关于社区建成环境和身体活动的相关文献开展综述研究。结果社区建成环境特征中,土地混合利用、街道连通性、街道大小、交通安全、目的地可及性对促进儿童青少年身体活动有积极影响;而安全(照明差、路面裂痕)、景观性(社区美学,卫生问题)与交通环境(减速带少、车流量大)等则对儿童青少年身体活动有阻碍作用。结论不同国家所具备的研究背景、研究设计和测量工具等的多样性都会在不同程度上导致研究结果出现差异。这项研究发现可以为实践者和研究者提供参考,使他们能够在不同的环境下对促进或阻碍儿童青少年身体活动水平的社区建成因素做出合理的决定。  相似文献   

BackgroundAdopting a healthy lifestyle during childhood could improve physical and mental health outcomes in adulthood and reduce relevant disease burdens. However, the lifestyles of children with mental, behavioral, and developmental disorders (MBDDs) remains under-described within the literature of public health field. This study aimed to examine adherence to 24-hour movement guidelines among children with MBDDs compared to population norms and whether these differences are affected by demographic characteristics.MethodsData were from the 2016–2020 National Survey of Children's Health—A national, population-based, cross-sectional study. We used the data of 119,406 children aged 6–17 years, which included 38,571 participants with at least 1 MBDD and 80,835 without. Adherence to the 24-hour movement guidelines was measured using parent-reported physical activity, screen time, and sleep duration.ResultsAmong children with MBDDs, 20.3%, 37.0%, 60.7%, and 77.3% met the physical activity, screen time, sleep, and at least 1 of the 24-hour movement guidelines. These rates were lower than those in children without MBDDs (22.8%, 46.2%, 66.7%, and 83.4%, respectively; all p < 0.001). Children with MBDDs were less likely to meet these guidelines (odds ratio (OR) = 1.21, 95% confidence interval (95%CI): 1.13–1.30; OR = 1.37, 95%CI: 1.29–1.45; OR = 1.29, 95%CI: 1.21–1.37; OR = 1.45, 95%CI: 1.35–1.56) than children without MBDDs. Children with emotional disorders had the highest odds of not meeting these guidelines (OR = 1.43, 95%CI: 1.29–1.57; OR = 1.48, 95%CI: 1.37–1.60; OR = 1.49, 95%CI: 1.39–1.61; OR = 1.72, 95%CI: 1.57–1.88) in comparison to children with other MBDDs. Among children aged 12–17 years, the difference in proportion of meeting physical activity and screen time guidelines for children with vs. children without MBDD was larger than that among children aged 6–11 years. Furthermore, the above difference of meeting physical activity guidelines in ethnic minority children was smaller than that in white children.ConclusionChildren with MBDDs were less likely to meet individual or combined 24-hour movement guidelines than children without MBDDs. In educational and clinical settings, the primary focus should be on increasing physical activity and limiting screen time in children aged 12–17 years who have MBDDs; and specifically for white children who have MBDDs, increasing physical activity may help.  相似文献   

BackgroundMeeting 24-h movement guidelines by children and adolescents has been associated with improved indicators of health, although it has been under-studied in China. Hence, this study aimed to investigate the prevalence of meeting the 24-h movement guidelines, its correlates, and its relationships with body mass index in children and adolescents in China.MethodsCross-sectional data from the 2017 Youth Study in China of 114,072 children and adolescents (mean age = 13.75 years, 49.18% boys) were used. Meeting 24-h movement guidelines (≥60 min of daily moderate-to-vigorous physical activity, ≤2 h of daily leisure screen time, 9–11 h and 8–10 h nightly sleep duration for 6–13-year-olds and 14–17-year-olds, respectively) and height and weight of all participants were assessed. The prevalence of meeting the 24-h movement guidelines and World Health Organization weight status categories were determined. Generalized linear models were used to determine the correlates of meeting the 24-h movement guidelines and the relationships of meeting the 24-h movement guidelines with overweight (OW) and obesity (OB).ResultsOnly 5.12% of Chinese children and adolescents met the 24-h movement guidelines, and 22.44% were classified as OW/OB. Older children and adolescents were less likely to meet the 24-h movement guidelines. Parental education level and family income were positively related to meeting the 24-h movement guidelines. Children and adolescents meeting the 24-h movement guidelines showed lower odds ratios for OW/OB. Compared with participants meeting the 24-h movement guidelines, boys in 4th–6th grades met none of the recommendations (OR = 1.22, 95%CI: 1.06–1.40), met the screen time recommendation only (OR = 1.13, 95%CI: 1.01–1.28), met the nightly sleep duration recommendation only (OR = 1.14, 95%CI: 1.03–1.28), and had significantly higher odds ratios for OW/OB. Similar trends were observed for girls in 4th–6th grades: meeting none of the guidelines (OR = 1.35, 95%CI: 1.14–1.59), meeting sleep duration guidelines only (OR = 1.23, 95%CI: 1.08–1.39), and meeting moderate-to-vigorous physical activity + nightly sleep duration guidelines (OR = 1.24, 95%CI: 1.01–1.54). For girls in 7th–9th grades, the following trend was observed: meeting none of the guidelines (OR = 1.30, 95%CI: 1.01–1.67).ConclusionVery few Chinese children and adolescents met the 24-h movement guidelines. Age (negatively correlated), parental education level, and family income (both positively correlated) were correlates of meeting the 24-h movement guidelines. Children and adolescents meeting the 24-h movement guidelines were more likely to have lower risks for OW/OB, especially in the youngest age group (Grades 4–6); and girls in the middle age group (Grades 7–9) were also more likely to have lower risks for OW/OB. Further research studies should explore additional correlates and determinants for meeting the 24-h movement guidelines. Also, future studies should use longitudinal or interventional designs to determine the relationships between meeting the 24-h movement guidelines and OW/OB and other health indicators, while taking sex and age differences into account.  相似文献   

Purpose:The aim of the present study was to determine the association between adherence to the 24-h movement guidelines during middle adolescence and glucose outcomes(glycated hemoglobin and fasting glucose) and type 2 diabetes mellitus(T2DM) in adulthood,14 and 22 years later.Methods:We analyzed data from apparently healthy adolescents aged 12-18 years who participated in Waves Ⅰ and Ⅱ(1994-1996,n=14,738),Wave Ⅳ(2008-2009,n=8913),and Wave V(2016-2018,n=3457) of the National Longitudinal Study o...  相似文献   

BackgroundMeeting the 24-Hour Movement Guidelines (physical activity, screen time, and sleep duration) has been associated with positive health indicators. However, there are no previous meta-analyses that have examined the overall adherence to the 24-Hour Movement Guidelines from pre-school to adolescence across the world. Therefore, the main purpose of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to examine the overall (non)adherence to the 24-Hour Movement Guidelines among preschoolers, children, and adolescents worldwide.MethodsFour electronic databases (MEDLINE, Scopus, Web of Science, and Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews) were searched for quantitative studies published in Spanish and English between January 2016 and May 2021. Studies that were conducted with apparently healthy participants and reported the overall (non)adherence to the 24-Hour Movement Guidelines in preschoolers and/or children and/or adolescents were included.ResultsSixty-three studies comprising 387,437 individuals (51% girls) aged 3–18 years from 23 countries were included. Overall, 7.12% (95% confidence interval (95%CI): 6.45%–7.78%) of youth met all three 24-Hour Movement Guidelines, and 19.21% (95%CI: 16.73%–21.69%) met none of the 3 recommendations. Concerning sex, adherence to all recommendations was significantly lower in girls (3.75%, 95%CI: 3.23%–4.27%) than in boys (6.89%, 95%CI: 5.89%–7.89%) (p < 0.001). However, there were no sex differences regarding adherence to any of the 3 individual recommendations (girls, 15.66%, 95%CI: 8.40%–22.92%; boys, 12.95%, 95%CI: 6.57%–19.33%). In terms of age group, adherence to the 3 recommendations was 11.26% (95%CI: 8.68%–13.84%), 10.31% (95%CI: 7.49%–13.12%), and 2.68% (95%CI: 1.78%–3.58%) in preschoolers, children, and adolescents, respectively. Conversely, 8.81% (95%CI: 5.97%–11.64%) of preschoolers, 15.57% (95%CI: 11.60%–19.54%) of children, and 28.59% (95%CI: 22.42%–34.75%) of adolescents did not meet any of the recommendations. South America was the region with the lowest adherence (all: 2.93%; none: 31.72%). Overall adherence to the 24-Hour Movement Guidelines was positively related to country Human Development Index (β = –0.37, 95%CI: –0.65 to –0.09; p = 0.010).ConclusionMost young people fail to meet the three 24-Hour Movement Guidelines, particularly adolescents, girls, and those who are from countries with a lower Human Development Index. Moreover, 1 in 5 young people did not meet any of these recommendations. Therefore, these results highlight the need to develop age- and sex-specific strategies to promote these movement behaviors from the early stages of life.  相似文献   

BackgroundFew studies have investigated associations between academic achievement and meeting recommendations from the 24-hour (24-h) movement guidelines. The specific guidelines associated with the most benefit academic achievement are unknown. Utilizing both self-report and objective movement data, this study examined associations between academic achievement and meeting individual recommendations and combinations of recommendations from the 24-h movement guidelines (sleep, physical activity, and screen time).MethodsData from CheckPoint, a cross-sectional study nested between Waves 6 and 7 of the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children, were used. Movement behaviors were measured using 24-h wrist-worn accelerometry (GENEActiv (Activinsights, Kimbolton, UK)) and were self-reported by children using the Multimedia Activity Recall for Children and Adolescents. Academic achievement was measured using a nationally administered standardized test in literacy and numeracy. Analysis of covariance, with t tests with sequential Bonferroni adjustments, was used to compare academic achievement with all possible combinations of meeting recommendations, adjusting for demographic confounders. Two models were considered: guideline compliance assessed by self-report (n = 1270, mean age = 11.99 years, 52% males) and by accelerometry (for moderate-to-vigorous intensity physical activity (MVPA) and sleep)) and self-report (screen time) in combination (n = 927, mean age = 11.97 years, 52% males).ResultsLiteracy achievement significantly differed based on self-report (F(7, 1258) = 3.08, p = 0.003) and accelerometer derived (F(7, 915) = 2.40, p = 0.02) guideline compliance. Numeracy achievement significantly differed based on self-report (F (7, 1258) = 2.92, p = 0.005) but not accelerometer derived guideline compliance (F(7, 915) = 0.80, p = 0.58). When assessed by self-report, children who met all guidelines (t (334) = ?4.05, p = 0.0001) or met the screen time and sleep guidelines in combination (t (125) = ?5.02, p < 0.001) had superior literacy achievement. Meeting the self-report MVPA guideline in any combination was associated with higher numeracy scores (p < 0.05). Post-hoc analyses showed no differences in academic achievement for any category of accelerometer derived guideline compliance.ConclusionThe findings suggest that limiting recreational screen time is important for literacy achievement and that encouraging compliance with the MVPA guideline is important for numeracy achievement.  相似文献   

Objectives: To analyse the associations between high screen time and overweight, poor dietary habits and physical activity in adolescents according to sex. Methods: The study comprised 515 boys and 716 girls aged 14–17 years from Londrina, Brazil. Nutritional status (normal weight or overweight/obese) was assessed by calculating the body mass index. Eating habits and time spent in physical activity were reported using a questionnaire. The measurement of screen time considered the time spent watching television, using a computer and playing video games during a normal week. Associations between high screen time and dependent variables (nutritional status, eating habits and physical activity levels) were assessed by binary logistic regression, adjusted for sociodemographic and lifestyle variables. Results: Most adolescents (93.8% of boys and 87.2% of girls) spent more than 2 hours per day in screen-time activities. After adjustments, an increasing trend in the prevalence of overweight and physical inactivity with increasing time spent on screen activities was observed for both sexes. Screen times of >4 hours/day compared with <2 hours/day were associated with physical inactivity, low consumption of vegetables and high consumption of sweets only in girls and the consumption of soft drinks in both sexes. Conclusions: The frequency of overweight and physical inactivity increased with increasing screen time in a trending manner and independently of the main confounders. The relationship between high screen time and poor eating habits was particularly relevant for adolescent girls.  相似文献   

Researchers and practitioners require guidelines for using electronic pedometers to objectively quantify physical activity (specifically ambulatory activity) for research and surveillance as well as clinical and program applications. Methodological considerations include choice of metric and length of monitoring frame as well as different data recording and collection procedures. A systematic review of 32 empirical studies suggests we can expect 12,000-16,000 steps/day for 8-10-year-old children (lower for girls than boys); 7,000-13,000 steps/day for relatively healthy, younger adults (lower for women than men); 6,000-8,500 steps/day for healthy older adults; and 3,500-5,500 steps/day for individuals living with disabilities and chronic illnesses. These preliminary recommendations should be modified and refined, as evidence and experience using pedometers accumulates.  相似文献   

This study aimed to determine cross-sectional associations of dog ownership, dog walking, and physical activity (PA) among children and their parents. Objective measures of PA were obtained for children ages 5-6 and 10-12 years from 19 primary schools across Melbourne, Australia. Parents self-reported their PA, dog ownership, and frequency of dog walking: 53% of families owned a dog, 41% of children who owned a dog did not walk their dog at all, and 32% reported never or rarely walking their dog as a family. Dog ownership was associated with an additional 29 min/day in PA among younger girls, and 70 and 59 min/week more in PA among mothers of younger boys and older girls, respectively. Among mothers of older girls, dog owners were 1.6 times as likely to meet PA guidelines. Mothers with older boys and girls, and fathers with younger boys, who reported walking the dog regularly as a family, spent more time in PA (105, 90, and 158 more min/week, respectively). Promoting dog ownership and dog walking among children and as a family are potential strategies for increasing PA participation in some families.  相似文献   

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