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排球自由防守队员的作用及其训练要点   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对国内外重大排球比赛的统计数据分析表明:自由防守队员接发球和后排防守的成功率高,效果优于其他队员,同时在稳定军心、鼓舞士气、协调整体配合方面均起到重要的作用。本阐述了训练自由防守队员应注意的3个要点。  相似文献   

沈弘  陈辉 《体育世界》2012,(6):123-125
本文主要采用文献资料法、录像观察法和数理统计法等研究方法,对第十一届全运会上海女排"自由人"的接发球、防守效果进行分析,并就全运会中江苏、河南、浙江队自由防守队员的接发球、防守效果进行对比,结果表明:上海女排"自由人"接发球技术好于本队其她队员,;上海女排"自由人"与本队其她队员防守水平相当,"自由人"作用不突出;上海女排"自由人"接发球技术好于部分强队"自由人",但还有一定的提升空间;上海女排"自由人"后防保护意识相对较弱,亟待提高;上海女排"自由人"3、4号位防守弱于部分强队"自由人",5号位防守次数多,但防守效果差,其防守已失去优势。  相似文献   

自由防守队员的作用与培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据排球运动自身特点及发展趋势,通过实战调研,总结出自由防守队员在实战中的作用;针对我国自由防守队员的现状和自由防守队员自身特点对其使用和培养提出了建议。  相似文献   

新规则下排球比赛规律初探   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
在排球运动管理中心指导下,分析探讨了实施新规则对排球技战术发展带来的变化。研究得出:新规则实施后,一攻作用得到根本改变,防反仍占举足轻重位置,提高防反能力关系到我国排球市场的前途;比赛中各项技术得分比例发生变化,二传队员压力增大,发球作用影响深远:自由防守队员接发球和防守效果优于其他队员,我国自由防守队员接发球能力与外国队相比还有较大差距:强弱队之间比分差距缩小,比赛激烈程度加强,胜负偶然性增强;比赛时间相对缩短,比赛强度和难度提高,这对运动员提出了更高的要求;队员运动寿命延长,新人使用风险加大;我国排球技术指导思想的内涵需作适当调整与补充。  相似文献   

从排球规则的变化看自由防守运动员在比赛中的作用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文采用观察与现场统计相结合的方法 ,对 1998~ 1999年度全国排球甲 A联赛自由防守运动员在比赛中的接发球、防守效果进行了统计与分析 ,并将其与全队的接发球、防守效果进行比较 ,从而说明自由防守运动员在比赛中所起的作用 ,旨在为排球自由防守运动员的使用和训练提供参考依据。  相似文献   

防守是篮球运动的重要组成部分,“得分看进攻,胜负看防守”是篮球场上流传的著名格占,在现代篮球运动中防守已经成为决定胜负的主要因素。1.防守无球队员是防守的重要环节在一场篮球比赛中,大量的战术配合是有球队员和无球队员通过各种穿插跑位进行的。无球队员通过跑位寻找最有利的接球位置、  相似文献   

国际排联决定自1999年开始执行新规则,其中很主要的一条就是增加自由防守队员,规则规定:“每队可以有一名自由防守队员,其可以作为候补队员上场,自由防守队员换人不计算在正式换人次数之内,次数不限。自由防守队员在全场任何地区不得将高于球网的球直接  相似文献   

当今排球比赛进攻强于防守 ,减少了来回球的争夺 ,使排球比赛缺乏精彩性 ,因此国际排联在新修订的规则中 ,正式加入了自由防守队员 (简称自由人 )的使用条例 ,明确规定每个队可以在最后确定的 12名比赛队员中选择登记一名专门防守的队员。自由人专司接发球和后排防守 ,其上下场之间只需经过一次发球比赛过程 ,换人不通过裁判 ,且次数不限。因此 ,选择接发球和后排防守技术高超的队员作为自由人 ,能明显提高全队的防守水平 ,正确地选择并运用自由人是战术运用的一个方面。另外 ,自由人上场后替换下场的主力队员 ,可作暂短的体息使体力得以恢复 ,以更好的状态投入比赛。可以说合理地运用自由人不但能提高全队的防守水平 ,同时也能促进全队整体水平的发挥 ,使比赛每一分的争夺 ,变得更加激烈 ,增加了排球运动的对抗性、精彩性。规则修订后已使用近两年了 ,在高校排球比赛中自由人的作用和使用情况究竟如何 ,它对本队接发球、防守是否带来明显的改观 ,自由人在接发球和防守的能力上是否优于其他队员。为此 ,本文对自由人的接发球、防守效果进行统计与分析 ,了解高校排球比赛中自由防守队员的作用和使用情况 ,为排球训练和使用自由人提供参考。1 研...  相似文献   

对排球后排自由防守队员相关问题的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对第13届世界女排锦标赛和‘98-’99维达杯全国排球联赛电视现场直播的技术统计,以各队上场队员与后排自由防守队员在比赛中一传和防守统计相对比,阐述了后排自由防守队员在比赛中的作用和影响,以及如何选拔、培养和动用后排自由防守队员。  相似文献   

篮球场上中锋队员一种自己的身体素质、技术特点、生理结构占据于限制区附近,构建了一个坚不可摧的防守堡垒。对对手无情的封盖、快速真确的断球;凶狠的冲抢篮板球;集市、有效的补防空位,这都是中锋队员强悍防守技术的表现。这也是决定这场上的雌雄。中锋的防守起着重要的作用。  相似文献   

对2013~2014赛季中国男排联赛运动员年龄、身体形态、网上高度与2013世界男排联赛运动员进行比较,结果表明:我国联赛运动员的整体年龄偏小,年龄层次结构不合理;身高无显著性差异,但我国2m以上运动员所占比例较低,体重、克托莱指数的差异非常显著,身高与体重的发展不协调;扣球高度、拦网高度指标显示我国在网上高度方面具有一定的实力。  相似文献   

A method is presented for assessing the serve speeds of tennis players based on their body height. The research involved a sample of top world players (221 males and 215 females) who participated in the Grand Slam tournaments in 2008 and 2012. The method is based on the linear regression analysis of the association between the player’s body height and the serve speed (fastest serve, average first-serve, and second-serve speed). The coefficient of serve speed (CSS) was calculated as the quotient of the measured and the theoretical value of the serve speed on a regression line relative to the player’s body height. The CSS of >1, 1 and <1 indicate above-average, average, and below-average serve speeds, respectively, relative to the top world tennis players with the same body height. The CSS adds a new element to the already existing statistics about a tennis match, and provides additional information about the performance of tennis players. The CSS can be utilised e.g. for setting the target serve speed of a given player to achieve based on his/her body height, choosing the most appropriate match strategy against a particular player, and a long-term monitoring of the effectiveness of training focused on the serve speed.  相似文献   

This study investigated age-related differences in maturity, physical and functional characteristics and playing performance in youth Australian Football (AF). Young male players (n = 156) were recruited from 12 teams across 6 age groups (U10–U15) of a recreational AF club. All players were tested for body size, maturity and fitness. Player performance was assessed during a match in which disposals (kicks and handballs) and their effectiveness were coded from a video recording and match running performance measured using Global Positioning System. Significant main effects (P < 0.01) for age group were observed for age, years to peak height velocity, body mass, height, 20 m sprint, maximal speed over 20 m, vertical jump, 20 m multistage shuttle run, match distance, high-speed running distance, peak speed, number of effective disposals and percentage of effective disposals. Age-related differences in fitness characteristics (speed, lower body power and endurance) appeared to transfer to match running performance. The frequency in which players disposed of the football did not differ between age groups, however the effectiveness of each disposal (i.e., % effective disposals) improved with age. Match statistics, particularly those that evaluate skill execution outcome (i.e., effectiveness), are useful to assess performance and to track player development over time. Differences between age groups, and probably variability within age groups, are strongly associated with chronological age and maturity.  相似文献   

本文借鉴体育统计学,运动训练学等理论与方法,对江门市在训篮球业余运动员的体型及选材进行调查分析。研究认为:1江门地区篮球后备人才在身体形态方面的主要表现为身材不高,相当部分在训运动员的身高、体重指标未能进入《大纲》选材的评价范围。2江门市篮球队员的克托莱指数的均数与我省高水平队伍相近,与我国高水平队伍仍存在较大差距。  相似文献   

我国优秀青年足球运动员的身高达到或超过了世界优秀足球运动员的水平,但是体重相对较轻;我国优秀青年足球运动员各位置之间,在身体形态和身体素质上有各自的特点;他们的血液生化指标基本正常,身体机能状态良好,但血红蛋白还没有达到最佳水平。  相似文献   

通过对世界优秀男子篮球运动员的身高、体重、年龄等的统计分析表明 :优秀男子篮球运动员的身高、体重、年龄等有其特点和规律 ,并与其运动竞技水平紧密相关。与之相比 ,我国优秀男子篮球运动员存在明显差距  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare measures of body size in two samples of youth baseball players with normative data from the United States National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) growth charts. One sample of youth baseball players participated in a local little league. The second sample of youth baseball players were members of eight of the twelve teams participating in the 1995 Dixie Youth World Series. Normative data for the United States (NCHS) were used as comparative data. Two trained anthropometrists measured standing height, sitting height, lower limb height, upper limb length, arm girth, calf girth, tricep skinfold, and abdomen skinfold on all participants. In both samples, pitchers, short stops, and first basemen were a more highly skilled group and exhibited larger body size (greater standing height, sitting height, lower limb height, upper limb length) than children who played at other positions. The standing height of local little league players was similar to the median of reference data at ages 7, 8, and 9 years. The standing height and weight of skilled players in both samples approximated the 75th percentile for standing height and weight at ages 10, 11, 12, and 13 years. The results suggest that baseball players exhibit larger body size than the normal population at young ages. Body size may be an important criterion used by coaches to select and assign young players to certain positions.  相似文献   

WCUBA和WCBA优秀女篮运动员的身高、体重、年龄的比较研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
通过对优秀女子篮球运动员的身高、体重、年龄的统计分析表明:WCBA优秀女子篮球运动员的身高、体重、年龄有基本特点和规律,与其相比,WCUBA优秀女子篮球运动员存在不足,应引起注意并采取有针对性的措施加以解决,尽快提高WCUBA女篮的水平。  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to compare measures of body size in two samples of youth baseball players with normative data from the United States National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) growth charts. One sample of youth baseball players participated in a local little league. The second sample of youth baseball players were members of eight of the twelve teams participating in the 1995 Dixie Youth World Series. Normative data for the United States (NCHS) were used as comparative data. Two trained anthropometrists measured standing height, sitting height, lower limb height, upper limb length, arm girth, calf girth, tricep skinfold, and abdomen skinfold on all participants. In both samples, pitchers, short stops, and first basemen were a more highly skilled group and exhibited larger body size (greater standing height, sitting height, lower limb height, upper limb length) than children who played at other positions. The standing height of local little league players was similar to the median of reference data at ages 7, 8, and 9 years. The standing height and weight of skilled players in both samples approximated the 75th percentile for standing height and weight at ages 10, 11, 12, and 13 years. The results suggest that baseball players exhibit larger body size than the normal population at young ages. Body size may be an important criterion used by coaches to select and assign young players to certain positions.  相似文献   

中外优秀女篮运动员的身高、体重、年龄特征比较   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
张志  邓飞 《体育学刊》2002,9(5):129-131
通过对世界女子篮球优秀运动员的身高、体重、年龄等的统计分析表明:优秀女子篮球运动员的身高、体重、年龄等有其基本特点和规律。与之相比,我国优秀女子篮球运动员及运动队存在不足,应引起注意并采取有针对性的措施加以解决,尽快提高我国女子篮球运动的水平。  相似文献   

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