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陕西省普通高校大学生体质健康状况的动态分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对2004年和2005年陕西省普通高校大学生身体形态、机能、素质的测试结果进行分析,并与全国大学生体质水平进行比较,结果表明,陕西高校城市学生的身高、体重、胸围及皮脂厚度总体上均优于乡村;速度、爆发性素质明显优于乡村男生,耐力、力量性素质明显低于乡村男生;速度、耐力和力量性素质明显好于城市女生,腰腹力量低于城市女生;与全国大学生体质健康平均水平相比,陕西大学生的身体形态和身体机能指标均好于全国平均水平;在身体素质指标方面,陕西高校男生的力量性素质优于全国平均水平,耐力、柔韧性素质比全国平均水平低;女生的速度、腰腹力量优于全国平均水平,而柔韧性素质比全国平均水平的低.城市学生的超重与肥胖率呈逐年增加趋势.  相似文献   

通过对内地西藏班学生的体质健康调研,结果显示:内地西藏班学生身体形态、身体机能等指标整体生长发育良好,健康指标不容乐观.与学校汉族学生比较,速度和下肢爆发力素质低于学校汉族学生,力量耐力和耐力素质略高于汉族学生,柔韧素质无明显差异;与全国藏族学生比较,速度、耐力、下肢爆发力素质均高于全国藏族平均水平,而力量、柔韧素质方面无显著性差异.  相似文献   

对西南地区5个世居少数民族青少年2000年和2010年10年间身体素质指标进行纵向对比分析,结果表明:(1)速度素质土族、藏族男生和藏族女生在提高,其他民族男女生均有所下降;(2)各民族男女青少年下肢力量素质都有所提高,男生上肢力量素质和女生腰腹力量素质除藏族外,其他民族具有随着年龄增长而下降的趋势;(3)耐力素质低年龄段的青少年在提高,高年龄段的青少年在下降,藏族男女青少年耐力素质优于其他民族;(4)随着年龄增长,各民族青少年身体素质仍然有下降的趋势.  相似文献   

为了解滇南少数民族地区初中生身体素质的发展情况,采用指标测试法(测试指标包括50米跑、立定跳远、引体向上(男)、仰卧起坐(女)、800米跑(女)、1000米跑(男)及坐位体前屈)和数理统计法对滇南少数民族地区中学生身体素质进行研究。研究结果发现:(1)除了初一、初二女生,各年级男女生的速度素质都优于合格标准(P<0.01);(2)男生上肢力量均低于或刚刚达到合格标准(P>0.01);女生腰腹力量初一女生低于合格标准,初二和初三优于合格标准(P<0.01);下肢力量,初三男女生均低于或刚达到合格标准(P>0.01),其它年级男女生优于优于合格标准);(3)各年级男女生的耐力素质、柔韧素质都显著优于合格标准(P<0.01)。此外,从城市班和农村班的比较来看,除女生速度素质和腰腹力量方面,农村班学生均优于城市班学生,但差异不显著(P>0.01)。  相似文献   

通过对陕西部分高校大学生体育锻炼意识、运动兴趣及大学生体质水平进行调查分析,并与全国平均水平比较,发现陕西高校大学生的身体形态指标和身体机能指标均好于全国平均水平,身体素质指标:男生的力量比全国平均水平好,而耐力和柔韧性全国平均水平比陕西高校男生好;女生的速度和腹肌力量比全国平均水平好,而全国平均水平女生的柔韧性比陕西高校女生好。建议:争取学校领导的重视,加大校园体育文化的宣传力度,充分利用课余时间,组织学生的一些小型多样的活动,让所有的学生都参与体育活动,树立终生体育锻炼意识。  相似文献   

研究目的:了解广西瑶、壮、汉族7~18岁学生的体质状况,获取他们的生长发育特点和规律等信息,探讨改善和增进学生体质健康的措施和途径.研究方法:运用文献资料调研与数理统计等方法,对体质的相关数据进行t检验与比较分析.研究结果:瑶、壮、汉族学生的身高、体重基本保持增长.汉族男、女生的身高、体重增长普遍高于瑶、壮族的;瑶族男、女生的胸围普遍出现负增长,壮、汉族学生的胸围有升有降.汉族男、女生胸围发育水平优于瑶族,壮族男、女生发育水平欠佳;瑶、汉族男生50m跑成绩基本保持稳中有进,瑶族男生普遍好于汉族男生,壮族男生较差,汉族女生有升有降,瑶族女生则普遍呈下降趋势,壮族女生下降最明显;汉族男、女生(15岁除外)的立定跳远成绩呈正增长,瑶、壮族整体呈负增长,而瑶族略好于壮族;壮、汉族女生的仰卧起坐有不同程度的增长,汉族学生普遍好于壮族,瑶族学生则有升有降.瑶、汉族学生的斜身向上基本保持增长,瑶族男生上臂屈肌群力量优于汉族男生,壮族男生相对较弱;耐力素质整体出现较为明显的下滑,壮族男、女生的耐力下滑较为严重,汉族男、女生次之,瑶族男、女生下滑较小;汉族男、女生的肺活量有升有降,壮族男、女生下降幅度普遍小于瑶族.研究结论:广西瑶、壮、汉族学生的身体形态发育各有差异,身体素质发展不平衡,耐力继续呈现下降趋势,速度素质有回升的迹象,肺活量整体呈下降趋势.  相似文献   

扈晓 《体育风尚》2020,(1):10-13
采用文献资料法、数理统计法、比较分析法,对我校2018学年学生体质健康测试结果进行分析,研究发现:学生体质健康水平合格率为92.9%,平均分为76.2分,均高于去年我省职校体质测试平均分值。女生体质健康水平总体高于男生。男生柔韧、耐力素质一般,力量素质相对较差,但速度水平优于女生。高三年级学生身体素质低于高一高二年级,有下滑趋势。本文为提高学生体质健康水平提出建议,也为完善学校学生体质健康工作提供帮助。  相似文献   

本研究主要运用文献资料法、数理统计法,对镇江市区七所不同类型高中2010级全体学生高一、高二《国家学生体质健康标准》的测试指标进行了比较与分析。研究表明,不同类型高中高一年级时身体形态、身体机能、耐力与力量素质都很接近;进入高二年级后不同年级高中男、女生都存在一定差异;不同类型高中学生除男生的耐力素质较好外,男、女生的身体机能,女生的耐力与腰腹力量素质都一般;男生身体形态、上肢力量素质指标整体水平都很低,进而提出建议。  相似文献   

目的了解库车县2所中学13~18岁维吾尔族男、女学生身体素质现状及城、乡差异。方法采用文献资料、问卷调查、测试、数理统计及比较分析等研究方法,对库车县2所城、乡中学的1 460名维吾尔族中学生的速度、爆发力、力量、耐力、柔韧性等身体素质指标进行体质测试及对比分析。同时,对城、乡学校场地器材情况、体育师资力量队伍、开展的课外体育项目以及学生参与课外体育活动、课余锻炼情况、做作业和睡眼时间状况进行对比分析。结果城市和乡村学校维吾尔族中学生50m跑、立定跳远、耐力跑、柔韧性和力量素质之间存在一定的差异。总体上,城市女生除立定跳远成绩优于乡村女生外,其他素质水平乡村男、女生均优于城市男、女生;乡村学生参加课外体育活动时间和次数、积极性,早晨、中午、晚上锻炼时间,睡眼时间等比例高于城市学生。结论库车县城市和乡村维吾尔族中学生身体素质存在差异,相关部门需高度重视,采取有效措施,促进城市和乡村学生健康成长。  相似文献   

目的:了解东乡族学生体质发展动态,为东乡族地区的学校体育、卫生监督及民族政策提供理论依据。方法:选取甘肃省2000年和2010年学生身体形态、机能、素质等方面的指标进行分析研究。结果:发现近10年来,甘肃省东乡族学生的身高、体重等身体形态呈增长趋势,但胸围却出现负增长,三者之间发展不平衡;肺活量均呈下降趋势;身体素质除男生的肌力、耐力和男、女生握力有所提高外,其余均呈下降趋势,多项指标均值均低于同期甘肃汉族水平。结论:要加强少数民族地区健康知识的普及和学生体质的科研工作。  相似文献   

主要采用修订的"蒙汉"双语文字的《蒙古族大学生体育锻炼行为改变量表》进行问卷调查的方法,运用跨理论模型对蒙古族大学生体育锻炼行为改变进行了研究,对内蒙古自治区1 000名蒙古族大学生的体育锻炼行为改变进行了实测和统计分析。结果表明,蒙古族大学生锻炼行为有阶段性的特点,基本呈"橄榄球"型的分布特点。在体育锻炼行为上,自我释放和自我管理与5个变化阶段高度相关,意识控制因素与后3个变化阶段高度相关,并在准备阶段出现了影响因素重叠的情况。  相似文献   

为了解忻州市初中学生的体质状况,采用文献资料法、数理统计法和逻辑分析法等研究方法,对忻州市三所初中学生体质与健康测试数据进行城乡对比的分析研究,并与2010年山西省初中学生体质调研测试数据进行横向比较分析。结果表明:形态上和山西省平均水平相比在身高体重方面不具有显著性差异;在身体机能上,忻州城市男生的肺活量低于山西省的平均值,并具有显著性差异,城市女生的肺活量高于乡村女生的肺活量,并具有显著性差异;在速度素质上,忻州市的男生成绩好于山西省男生的平均值,并具有显著性差异,而女生的成绩整体上低于山西省女生成绩的平均值,并具有显著性差异;在柔韧性素质方面,忻州市乡村男生和女生的柔韧素质水平整体上低于山西省同年龄段的平均水平,并具有显著性差异。  相似文献   

为了掌握傣族与汉族中学生的身体素质现状,文章运用文献资料法、对比分析法、数理统计法等,对汉族与傣族中学生的速度素质、耐力素质、力量素质、柔韧素质进行对比分析,结果表明:在速度素质方面,汉族男生优于傣族男生,傣族女生则优于汉族女生;在耐力素质中方面,13岁这个年龄段傣族男女生均优于汉族男女生,14、15岁则汉族男女生优于傣族男女生;力量素质方面,傣族男女生总体上优于汉族男女生;柔韧素质方面,汉族男女生优于傣族男女生。  相似文献   

耿献伟  陈婷 《体育科技》2010,31(4):106-109
采用测量法、数理统计法及逻辑分析法对平原地区藏族大学生身体形态、机能、素质等体质现状进行调查分析。结果表明:藏族大学生肺活量体重指数偏低,爆发力较差,心血管系统较好。体质综合水平与全国平均值有一定的差距,且随着年级的增长体质有下降的趋势。  相似文献   

The System for Observing Fitness Instruction Time (SOFIT) is commonly used to measure variables related to physical activity during physical education (PE). However, SOFIT does not yield detailed information about teacher practices related to children’s moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA). This study describes the modification of SOFIT (referred to as SOFIT+) to measure teacher practices related to students’ MVPA during PE lessons. Teacher practices that (a) promote and (b) limit children’s MVPA were identified and operationally defined via a literature review and Delphi Method. Reliability and validity data for SOFIT+ were obtained from 20 video recorded elementary PE lessons. Validity of teacher behaviors included in SOFIT+ was established using students’ accelerometer-derived MVPA. Twenty-seven teacher practices were identified. Inter-rater agreement ranged from 75.8% to 99.1% across 724 reliability scans. Six and seven practices were independently related to girls’ and boys’ MVPA, respectively. For example, during elimination activities, boys and girls were less likely to engage in MVPA. Boys were up to 1.51 times more likely to engage in MVPA while girls were up to 2.86 times more likely to engage in MVPA when a greater number of teacher practices were observed concurrently. Findings provide preliminary reliability and validity for SOFIT+, an instrument to comprehensively measure teacher practices related to children’s MVPA during PE.  相似文献   

大同市与全国汉族中学生身体机能的对比研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选取2005年大同市13-18岁汉族中学生为研究对象,对其身体机能进行分析,并与全国13-18岁汉族中学生的身体机能测试数据进行比较,通过分析发现大同市中学生身体机能发育水平都低于全国水平,总体表现为城乡男生低于全国水平,而且差距较大,而城市女生虽然也低于全国水平,但是差距不大。在此基础上给予相应的建议,为改善大同市中学生体质健康水平现状,完善学校体育卫生条件,推动学校体育改革提供相应依据。  相似文献   


Background: Assessment is crucial for the quality of teaching and learning in physical education (PE). Currently little is known about the students’ level of achievement in PE and about the parameters used for calculating the PE grades. Although there is evidence that boys are more active outside school than girls and participate more in organized sports, few studies have examined possible differences between genders in PE achievement. Furthermore, despite the current interest in the relationship between motor competencies and cognitive functioning, limited research has examined if PE grades are associated with academic achievement.

Purpose: Considering the lack of information on the current level of students’ success in PE, the main aim of this study is to examine the PE grades of Portuguese students in secondary school. Specifically, this study analysis the level of students’ achievement in PE, the relation of PE grades with other school subjects’ grades, compares the PE grades between boys and girls, and presents the PE summative assessment parameters used in schools.

Method: Participants were 1936 students (57% girls) from the 10th, 11th and 12th grades (16.8?±?1.3 years old) attending eleven Portuguese secondary schools. Information was gathered on their grades in PE and in the other school subjects at the end of the school year. Information on the specific assessment parameters used in each school was also collected.

Results: The average grades in PE were 14.9?±?2.3 points (20-point scale). Only ~1% of students with a final PE grade had a negative performance (<10 points). PE grades were relatively higher than in most of the other school-subjects and for most students (68.7%) the PE classification raised their overall average grade. The level of correlation between grades in PE and in other school subjects was statistically significant (r's?=?.13 to .29, p?<?.05) although lower than that between grades in the other school subjects (r's?=?.44 to .84, p?<?.01). There were significant differences between girls’ and boys’ grades in PE (14.3?±?2.3 and 15.9?±?2.1 points, respectively). The school assessment parameters prioritize physical performance over participation and attitude.

Conclusion: The Portuguese students’ level of achievement in PE seems to be very satisfactory. However, as boys have higher grades than girls it is urgent to find appropriate strategies to tackle this problem. The associations found between PE grades and academic achievement could have relevant repercussions considering the current debate about the status of PE and about the relationship between motor and cognitive competencies. It is also relevant that the schools’ summative assessment parameters are based mainly on skill mastery and not on effort and participation. This study provided a brief glance into some aspects of the assessment of PE in Portugal and is it is desirable that future investigations examine the teacher's assessment practices.  相似文献   

通过抽样调查、测试和分析新疆帕米尔高原1500名塔吉克族城乡男、女成年人身体机能的4项指标,揭示了新疆塔吉克族成年人身体机能的变化规律、发展趋势,城乡及与全国指标差异及其原因等,为研究塔吉克族成年人机能变化规律和制定各项体质评定标准提供科学数据。结果显示,塔吉克族成年人身体机能低于全国平均水平。  相似文献   


Third and fourth grade boys (n = 422) and girls (n = 390) in four Texas elementary schools reported their participation in moderate to vigorous physical activities (MVPAs) over a 3-day period. Students were surveyed during class on successive days. On a subsample (n = 44), the agreement between reported and observed physical activities during physical education or recess was 86.3%. Running, walking fast, games and sports, and bicycling accounted for 70% of Total MVPAs. Of Total MVPAs reported, 47.0% for boys and 44.6% for girls were 10 min or longer in duration (LMVPA). The average number of LMVPAs per day was 1.7 for both boys and girls. Students reported significantly more occurrences of LMVPAs out of school than during school. Significant interaction between grade and gender indicated that third grade boys reported more Total MVPAs and LMVPAs than third grade girls, but fourth grade boys reported fewer Total MVPAs and LMVPAs than fourth grade girls. During the 3-day reporting period, 12.3% of boys and 13.3% of girls reported no LMVPAs, and 35.6% of boys and girls reported fewer than one LMVPAs per day. While the majority of children reported obtaining at least some activity daily, a substantial proportion of children in this sample reported fewer than one LMVPA daily, indicating that many children may not be obtaining adequate amounts of physical activity.  相似文献   

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