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Turnout, or external rotation (ER) of the lower extremities, is essential in ballet. The purpose of this study was to utilise physical examination and a biomechanical method for obtaining functional kinematic data using hip and knee joint centres to identify the relative turnout contributions from hip rotation, femoral anteversion, knee rotation, tibial torsion, and other sources. Ten female dancers received a lower extremity alignment assessment, including passive hip rotation, femoral anteversion, tibial torsion, weightbearing foot alignment, and Beighton hypermobility score. Next, turnout was assessed using plantar pressure plots and three-dimensional motion analysis; participants performed turnout to ballet first position on both a plantar pressure mat and friction-reducing discs. A retro-reflective functional marker motion capture system mapped the lower extremities and hip and knee joint centres. Mean total turnout was 129±15.7° via plantar pressure plots and 135±17.8° via kinematics. Bilateral hip ER during turnout was 49±10.2° (36% of total turnout). Bilateral knee ER during turnout was 41±5.9° (32% of total turnout). Hip ER contribution to total turnout measured kinematically was less than expected compared to other studies, where hip ER was determined without functional kinematic data. Knee ER contributed substantially more turnout than expected or previously reported. This analysis method allows precise assessment of turnout contributors.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of hip external rotation (turnout) on lower limb kinetics during vertical jumps by classical ballet dancers. Vertical jumps in a turnout (TJ) and a neutral hip position (NJ) performed by 12 classical female ballet dancers were analysed through motion capture, recording of the ground reaction forces, and inverse dynamics analysis. At push-off, the lower trunk leaned forward 18.2° and 20.1° in the TJ and NJ, respectively. The dancers jumped lower in the TJ than in the NJ. The knee extensor and hip abductor torques were smaller, whereas the hip external rotator torque was larger in the TJ than in the NJ. The work done by the hip joint moments in the sagittal plane was 0.28 J/(Body mass*Height) and 0.33 J/(Body mass*Height) in the TJ and NJ, respectively. The joint work done by the lower limbs were not different between the two jumps. These differences resulted from different planes in which the lower limb flexion–extension occurred, i.e. in the sagittal or frontal plane. This would prevent the forward lean of the trunk by decreasing the hip joint work in the sagittal plane and reduce the knee extensor torque in the jump.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the intra and inter-assessor repeatability of a modified Rizzoli Foot Model for analysing the foot kinematics of ballet dancers. Six university-level ballet dancers performed the movements; parallel stance, turnout plié, turnout stance, turnout rise and flex-point-flex. The three-dimensional (3D) position of individual reflective markers and marker triads was used to model the movement of the dancers’ tibia, entire foot, hindfoot, midfoot, forefoot and hallux. Intra and inter-assessor reliability demonstrated excellent (ICC ≥ 0.75) repeatability for the first metatarsophalangeal joint in the sagittal plane. Intra-assessor reliability demonstrated excellent (ICC ≥ 0.75) repeatability during flex-point-flex across all inter-segmental angles except for the tibia-hindfoot and hindfoot-midfoot frontal planes. Inter-assessor repeatability ranged from poor to excellent (0.5 > ICC ≥ 0.75) for the 3D segment rotations. The most repeatable measure was the tibia-foot dorsiflexion/plantar flexion articulation whereas the least repeatable measure was the hindfoot-midfoot adduction/abduction articulation. The variation found in the inter-assessor results is likely due to inconsistencies in marker placement. This 3D dance specific multi-segment foot model provides insight into which kinematic measures can be reliably used to ascertain in vivo technical errors and/or biomechanical abnormalities in a dancer’s foot motion.  相似文献   

下肢鞭打应属于打击性鞭打动作,选择踢球这一典型的下肢鞭打动作作为研究对象,利用三维录像拍摄与解析技术、逆向动力学计算方法和无线遥测肌电测试与分析技术对其进行了同步研究,以期能够从运动学、动力学、肌电学3个不同的层面来揭示下肢鞭打动作的特征与机制。研究表明:1)下肢鞭打动作角速度特征为后摆时表现为大腿逐渐减速,小腿加速→最大角速度→减速的特点;前摆时表现为大腿加速→最大角速度→减速,小腿持续加速的特点。2)髋关节的屈肌力矩、膝关节的伸肌力矩、踝关节的背屈力矩在下肢鞭打动作前摆阶段起主导作用;髋关节的内收/外展力矩起定向作用;髋关节旋内/旋外力矩、膝关节旋内/旋外力矩以及踝关节内翻力矩的主要作用是对脚的方位及倾斜程度进行调整。3)股直肌、股内肌、股外肌、胫骨前肌在下肢鞭打动作前摆阶段起主导作用。4)小腿加速前摆的初期伸膝肌群产生的伸膝力矩在起支配作用,后期是伸膝力矩与来自大腿角动量的传递共同在起作用。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine how often flaws in pitching mechanics identified from biomechanical analysis are corrected. The biomechanics of 46 baseball pitchers were evaluated twice, with an average of 12 months (range 2–48 months) between evaluations. Pitchers were healthy at the time of both evaluations, competing at the high school, college, minor league or Major League level. After warming up, each participant pitched 10 full-effort fastballs. Automated three-dimensional motion analysis was used to compute eight kinematic parameters which were compared with a database of elite professional pitchers. Flaws—defined as deviations from the elite range—were explained to each participant or coach after his initial evaluation. Data from the second evaluation revealed that 44% of all flaws had been corrected. Flaws at the instant of foot contact (stride length, front foot position, shoulder external rotation, shoulder abduction, elbow flexion) or slightly after foot contact (time between pelvis rotation and upper trunk rotation) seemed to be corrected more often than flaws near the time of ball release (knee extension and shoulder abduction). Future research may determine which level athletes or which training methods are most effective for correcting flaws.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare and evaluate the kinematics of baseball pitchers who participated in the 1996 XXVI Centennial Olympic Games. Two synchronized video cameras operating at 120 Hz were used to video 48 pitchers from Australia, Japan, the Netherlands, Cuba, Italy, Korea, Nicaragua and the USA. All pitchers were analysed while throwing the fastball pitch. Twenty-one kinematic parameters were measured at lead foot contact, during the arm cocking and arm acceleration phases, and at the instant of ball release. These parameters included stride length, foot angle and foot placement; shoulder abduction, shoulder horizontal adduction and shoulder external rotation; knee and elbow flexion; upper torso, shoulder internal rotation and elbow extension angular velocities; forward and lateral trunk tilt; and ball speed. A one-way analysis of variance (P ? 0.01) was used to assess kinematic differences. Shoulder horizontal adduction and shoulder external rotation at lead foot contact and ball speed at the instant of ball release were significantly different among countries. The greater shoulder horizontal abduction observed in Cuban pitchers at lead foot contact is thought to be an important factor in the generation of force throughout the arm cocking and arm acceleration phases, and may in part explain why Cuban pitchers generated the greatest ball release speed. We conclude that pitching kinematics are similar among baseball pitchers from different countries.  相似文献   

Kinematic comparisons of 1996 Olympic baseball pitchers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aim of this study was to compare and evaluate the kinematics of baseball pitchers who participated in the 1996 XXVI Centennial Olympic Games. Two synchronized video cameras operating at 120 Hz were used to video 48 pitchers from Australia, Japan, the Netherlands, Cuba, Italy, Korea, Nicaragua and the USA. All pitchers were analysed while throwing the fastball pitch. Twenty-one kinematic parameters were measured at lead foot contact, during the arm cocking and arm acceleration phases, and at the instant of ball release. These parameters included stride length, foot angle and foot placement; shoulder abduction, shoulder horizontal adduction and shoulder external rotation; knee and elbow flexion; upper torso, shoulder internal rotation and elbow extension angular velocities; forward and lateral trunk tilt; and ball speed. A one-way analysis of variance (P < 0.01) was used to assess kinematic differences. Shoulder horizontal adduction and shoulder external rotation at lead foot contact and ball speed at the instant of ball release were significantly different among countries. The greater shoulder horizontal abduction observed in Cuban pitchers at lead foot contact is thought to be an important factor in the generation of force throughout the arm cocking and arm acceleration phases, and may in part explain why Cuban pitchers generated the greatest ball release speed. We conclude that pitching kinematics are similar among baseball pitchers from different countries.  相似文献   

Turns (pirouettes) are an important movement in ballet and may be affected by “lateral bias”. This study investigated physiological differences exhibited by experienced and novice dancers, respectively, when performing pirouette with dominant and non-dominant leg supports, respectively. Thirteen novice and 13 experienced dancers performed turns on dominant or non-dominant legs. The maximum ankle plantarflexion, knee extension and hip extension were measured during the single-leg support phase. The inclination angle of rotation axis is the angle between instantaneous rotation axis and global vertical axis in the early single-leg support phase. Both groups exhibited a greater hip extension, knee extension, and ankle plantarflexion when performing a turn on the non-dominant leg. For experienced dancers, the inclination angle of rotation axis during the pre-swing phase was generally smaller for dominant leg support than non-dominant leg. However, no significant difference was found in inclination angle of rotation axis of novice dancers. For experienced dancers, an improved performance is obtained when using the dominant leg for support. By contrast, for novice dancers, the performance is independent of choice of support leg. The significant lateral bias in experienced dancers indicates the possible influence of training. That is, repetitive rehearsal on the preferred leg strengthens the impact of side dominance in experienced dancers.  相似文献   

为进一步明确影响棒球投手投球速度的关键因素,通过中国知网、Web of Science和PubMed等平台以棒球投手、投球速度、运动生物力学和鞭打动作等为关键词,检索并整理归纳20世纪90年代至今的相关文献资料。通过对比国内外优秀棒球投手投球速度和专项技术能力,发现投球时投掷臂肩关节外旋角度、肩关节水平外展角度、肘关节角度、躯干前倾幅度、前腿膝关节角度等运动学指标,投掷臂各环节受力峰值、前腿受到的最大地面反作用力等动力学指标均对投球速度起关键性影响作用。教练员和棒球投手可通过改善上下肢关节角度和角速度等指标参数的大小、增强肌肉力量和柔韧性等手段,完善投手投球技术动作,提高投球速度。  相似文献   

目的:探索跆拳道运动员前横踢动作下肢优势侧和非优势侧的运动生物力学特征差异性。方法:采用Vicon三维运动捕捉系统、Kistler三维测力台和Deado电子护具计分系统,采集13名跆拳道运动员前横踢动作下有效得分时髋、膝、踝关节的运动学和动力学数据,使用Visual3D软件对采集数据进行逆向运动学和动力学计算,并对结果采用配对样本T检验的方法进行差异性分析。结果:(1)进攻腿:髋关节屈曲力矩峰值、膝关节伸展力矩峰值优势侧大于非优势侧(p<0.05),膝关节屈曲最大角度优势侧大于非优势侧(p<0.01),髋关节伸展力矩峰值、外展最大角度非优势侧大于优势侧(p<0.01)。(2)支撑腿:髋关节屈曲幅度、屈曲功率峰值、外展功率峰值优势侧大于非优势侧(p<0.05),髋关节外展力矩峰值、膝关节伸展力矩峰值优势侧大于非优势侧(p<0.01),髋关节伸展角速度峰值、踝关节跖屈力矩峰值非优势侧大于优势侧(p<0.05),髋关节外展角速度峰值、膝关节屈曲力矩峰值、踝关节旋外角速度峰值非优势侧大于优势侧(p<0.01)。(3)进攻腿击打力度值及进攻腿和支撑腿垂直...  相似文献   

In lateral reactive movements, core stability may influence knee and hip joint kinematics and kinetics. Insufficient core stabilisation is discussed as a major risk factor for anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries. Due to the higher probability of ACL injuries in women, this study concentrates on how gender influences trunk, pelvis and leg kinematics during lateral reactive jumps (LRJs). Perturbations were investigated in 12 men and 12 women performing LRJs under three different landing conditions: a movable landing platform was programmed to slide, resist or counteract upon landing. Potential group effects on three-dimensional trunk, pelvic, hip and knee kinematics were analysed for initial contact (IC) and the time of peak pelvic medial tilt (PPT). Regardless of landing conditions, the joint excursions in the entire lower limb joints were gender-specific. Women exhibited higher trunk left axial rotation at PPT (women: 4.0 ± 7.5°, men: ?3.1 ± 8.2°; p = 0.011) and higher hip external rotation at both IC and PPT (p < 0.01). But women demonstrated higher knee abduction compared to men. Men demonstrated more medial pelvic tilt at IC and especially PPT (men: –5.8 ± 4.9°, women: 0.3 ± 6.3°; p = 0.015). Strategies for maintaining trunk, pelvis and lower limb alignment during lateral reactive movements were gender-specific; the trunk and hip rotations displayed by the women were associated with the higher knee abduction amplitudes and therefore might reflect a movement strategy which is associated with higher injury risk. However, training interventions are needed to fully understand how gender-specific core stability strategies are related to performance and knee injury.  相似文献   

Female athletes are considered to exhibit knee and trunk motion that is characteristic of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury. The aim of this study was to examine the in vivo motion of the trunk and knee during a cutting manoeuvre and determine the relationship between them. All participants (10 male and 10 female college athletes) performed a shuttle run cutting task with the left limb. Trunk inclination (forward and lateral) and knee joint angles (flexion/extension, abduction/adduction, and internal/external tibial rotation) were calculated. Differences between the sexes and associations between knee motion and trunk inclination were examined. An increase in trunk forward inclination was strongly correlated with an increase in knee flexion angle and moderately correlated with a decrease in the excursion of internal tibial rotation. An increase in right trunk lateral inclination was moderately correlated with an increase in excursion of internal tibial rotation. The results also showed differences between the sexes in trunk forward inclination, lateral inclination, and knee flexion angle, but no such differences in knee abduction or internal tibial rotation. Trunk inclination is related to knee flexion and excursion of internal tibial rotation. Female athletes demonstrate a low trunk forward inclination and knee flexion angle, a posture that resembles that of ACL injury.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to quantify and compare kinematic, temporal, and kinetic characteristics of American and Korean professional pitchers in order to investigate differences in pitching mechanics, performance, and injury risks among two different cultures and populations of baseball pitchers. Eleven American and eight Korean healthy professional baseball pitchers threw multiple fastball pitches off an indoor throwing mound positioned at regulation distance from home plate. A Motion Analysis three‐dimensional automatic digitizing system was used to collect 200 Hz video data from four electronically synchronized cameras. Twenty kinematic, six temporal, and 11 kinetic variables were analyzed at lead foot contact, during the arm cocking and arm acceleration phases, at ball release, and during the arm deceleration phase. A radar gun was used to quantify ball velocity. At lead foot contact, the American pitchers had significantly greater horizontal abduction of the throwing shoulder, while Korean pitchers exhibited significantly greater abduction and external rotation of the throwing shoulder. During arm cocking, the American pitchers displayed significantly greater maximum shoulder external rotation and maximum pelvis angular velocity. At the instant of ball release, the American pitchers had significantly greater forward trunk tilt and ball velocity and significantly less knee flexion, which help explain why the American pitchers had 10% greater ball velocity compared to the Korean pitchers. The American pitchers had significantly greater maximum shoulder internal rotation torque and maximum elbow varus torque during arm cocking, significantly greater elbow flexion torque during arm acceleration, and significantly greater shoulder and elbow proximal forces during arm deceleration. While greater shoulder and elbow forces and torques generated in the American pitchers helped generate greater ball velocity for the American group, these greater kinetics may predispose this group to a higher risk of shoulder and elbow injuries.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to quantify and compare kinematic, temporal, and kinetic characteristics of American and Korean professional pitchers in order to investigate differences in pitching mechanics, performance, and injury risks among two different cultures and populations of baseball pitchers. Eleven American and eight Korean healthy professional baseball pitchers threw multiple fastball pitches off an indoor throwing mound positioned at regulation distance from home plate. A Motion Analysis three-dimensional automatic digitizing system was used to collect 200 Hz video data from four electronically synchronized cameras. Twenty kinematic, six temporal, and 11 kinetic variables were analyzed at lead foot contact, during the arm cocking and arm acceleration phases, at ball release, and during the arm deceleration phase. A radar gun was used to quantify ball velocity. At lead foot contact, the American pitchers had significantly greater horizontal abduction of the throwing shoulder, while Korean pitchers exhibited significantly greater abduction and external rotation of the throwing shoulder. During arm cocking, the American pitchers displayed significantly greater maximum shoulder external rotation and maximum pelvis angular velocity. At the instant of ball release, the American pitchers had significantly greater forward trunk tilt and ball velocity and significantly less knee flexion, which help explain why the American pitchers had 10% greater ball velocity compared to the Korean pitchers. The American pitchers had significantly greater maximum shoulder internal rotation torque and maximum elbow varus torque during arm cocking, significantly greater elbow flexion torque during arm acceleration, and significantly greater shoulder and elbow proximal forces during arm deceleration. While greater shoulder and elbow forces and torques generated in the American pitchers helped generate greater ball velocity for the American group, these greater kinetics may predispose this group to a higher risk of shoulder and elbow injuries.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to test the correlation between knee-to-hip flexion ratio during a single leg landing task and hip and knee strength, and ankle range of motion. Twenty-four male participants from a professional soccer team performed a continuous single leg jump-landing test during 10s, while lower limb kinematics data were collected using a motion analysis system. After biomechanical testing, maximal isometric hip (abduction, extension, external rotation), knee extension and flexion strength were measured. Maximum ankle dorsiflexion range of motion was assessed statically using the weight bearing lunge test. Pearson correlation coefficients were calculated to determine the associations between the predictor variables (knee and hip strength, and ankle ROM) and the main outcome measure (knee-to-hip flexion ratio). Correlation between knee-to-hip flexion ratio and hip abductors strength was significant (r = ?0.47; p = 0.019). No other significant correlations were observed among the variables (p > 0.05). These results demonstrated that a lower hip abductors strength in male soccer players was correlated with a high knee-to-hip flexion ratio during landing from a single leg jump, potentially increasing knee overload by decreasing energy absorption at the hip. The results provide a novel proposal for the functioning of hip muscles to control knee overload.  相似文献   


Field-based screening methods have a limited capacity to identify high-risk postures during netball-specific landings associated with anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries. This study determined the biomechanical relationship between a single-leg squat and netball-specific leap landing, to examine the utility of including a single-leg squat within netball-specific ACL injury risk screening. Thirty-two female netballers performed single-leg squat and netball-specific leap landing tasks, during which three-dimensional (3D) kinematic/kinetic data were collected. One-dimensional statistical parametric mapping examined relationships between kinematics from the single-leg squat, and the 3D joint rotation and moment data from leap landings. Participants displaying reduced hip external rotation, reduced knee flexion, and greater knee abduction and knee internal rotation angles during the single-leg squat exhibited these same biomechanical characteristics during the leap landing (p < 0.001). Greater ankle dorsiflexion during the single-leg squat was associated with greater knee flexion during landing (p < 0.001). Ankle eversion during the single-leg squat was associated with frontal and transverse plane knee biomechanics during landing (p < 0.001). Biomechanics from the single-leg squat were associated with landing strategies linked to ACL loading or injury risk, and thus may be a useful movement screen for identifying netball players who exhibit biomechanical deficits during landing.  相似文献   


The purpose was to quantify the effects of mid-flight whole-body and trunk rotation on knee mechanics in a double-leg landing. Eighteen male and 20 female participants completed a jump-landing-jump task in five conditions: no rotation, testing leg ipsilateral or contralateral (WBRC) to the whole-body rotation direction, and testing leg ipsilateral (TRI) or contralateral to the trunk rotation direction. The WBRC and TRI conditions demonstrated decreased knee flexion and increased knee abduction angles at initial contact (2.6 > Cohen’s dz > 0.3) and increased peak vertical ground reaction forces and knee adduction moments during the 100 ms after landing (1.7 > Cohen’s dz > 0.3). The TRI condition also showed the greatest knee internal rotation angles at initial contact and peak knee abduction and internal rotation angles and peak knee extension moments during the 100 ms after landing (2.0 > Cohen’s dz > 0.5). Whole-body rotation increased contralateral knee loading because of its primary role in decelerating medial-lateral velocities. Trunk rotation resulted in the greatest knee loading for the ipsilateral knee due to weight shifting and mechanical coupling between the trunk and lower extremities. These findings may help understand altered trunk motion in anterior cruciate ligament injuries.  相似文献   

PurposeTo determine the effect of unanticipated mid-flight medial-lateral external perturbation of the upper or lower trunk on anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) loading variables during jump-landings.MethodsThirty-two participants performed double-leg vertical jump-landings while bilateral kinematics and kinetics were collected under 6 conditions (upper or lower trunk perturbation locations; no, left, or right perturbation directions). Two customized catapult apparatuses were created to apply pushing perturbation to participants near the maximal jump height.ResultsThe ball contacted participants near the center of mass for the lower-trunk conditions and approximately 23 cm above the center of mass for the upper-trunk conditions. Under upper-trunk perturbation, the contralateral leg demonstrated significantly smaller knee flexion angles at initial contact and greater peak knee abduction angles, peak vertical ground reaction forces, peak knee extension moments, and peak knee adduction moments compared to other legs among all conditions. Under lower-trunk perturbation, the contralateral leg showed significantly smaller knee flexion angles at initial contact and increased peak vertical ground reaction forces and peak knee extension moments compared to legs in the no-perturbation conditions.ConclusionMid-flight external trunk pushing perturbation increased ACL loading variables for the leg contralateral to the perturbation. The upper-trunk perturbation resulted in greater changes in ACL loading variables compared to the lower-trunk perturbation, likely due to trunk and ipsilateral leg rotation and more laterally located center of mass relative to the contralateral leg. These findings may help us understand the mechanisms of indirect-contact ACL injuries and develop jump-landing training strategies under mid-flight trunk perturbation to better prevent ACL injury.  相似文献   


Female athletes are considered to exhibit knee and trunk motion that is characteristic of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury. The aim of this study was to examine the in vivo motion of the trunk and knee during a cutting manoeuvre and determine the relationship between them. All participants (10 male and 10 female college athletes) performed a shuttle run cutting task with the left limb. Trunk inclination (forward and lateral) and knee joint angles (flexion/extension, abduction/adduction, and internal/external tibial rotation) were calculated. Differences between the sexes and associations between knee motion and trunk inclination were examined. An increase in trunk forward inclination was strongly correlated with an increase in knee flexion angle and moderately correlated with a decrease in the excursion of internal tibial rotation. An increase in right trunk lateral inclination was moderately correlated with an increase in excursion of internal tibial rotation. The results also showed differences between the sexes in trunk forward inclination, lateral inclination, and knee flexion angle, but no such differences in knee abduction or internal tibial rotation. Trunk inclination is related to knee flexion and excursion of internal tibial rotation. Female athletes demonstrate a low trunk forward inclination and knee flexion angle, a posture that resembles that of ACL injury.  相似文献   

通过对13名高水平女子羽毛球运动员进行下肢等速肌力测试,以及静态、行走、跑步、起跳、正反手跨弓步共5种运动状态的足底压力分析,发现:女子羽毛球运动员下肢肌群力量双侧较为均衡,髋部内收肌群、屈膝肌群、膝部内旋肌群、踝内旋肌群随运动速度加快而贡献程度不断增加;常速行走时左侧下肢用力自动化过程较敏感,双腿反向纵跳(CMJ)落地时右侧下肢承担了主要的缓冲负荷,单腿CMJ落地时左侧下肢离心负荷较右侧更大;反手区域步法受力高于正手区域,反手区域步法更多是足跟部受力,正手区域步法更多是足前部受力,限制下肢旋内运动的肌群均能影响常见步法的足内侧足底受力。  相似文献   

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