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论美国印第安文学演变历程中的内外因素   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
印第安文学传统研究涉及美国文学的起始期确定问题,是美国文学发生学研究的重要内容之一。作为北美最早的居民,印第安人创造了辉煌的印第安文学传统。可是,由于印第安人在社会发展史上受到其民族发展阶段的制约和欧洲外来移民及其文学传统猛烈冲击的内外因素影响,致使美国印第安文学经历了由“主流文学”到“弱势文学”的演变过程。但是,印第安人及其文学为美利坚民族以及美国文学的产生和发展所起的不可磨灭的历史作用却是毋庸置疑的历史事实。  相似文献   

张斯琦 《鸡西大学学报》2010,10(3):127-128,141
涉及美国文学起源的印第安文学为美国文学作为世界性的"大熔炉"注入了属于自己的成份。印第安因素使得美国文学作品更加多样、作家更加多类以及文化背景更加多元化。试通过对印第安文学的发展历程分析其三个文学历史阶段形成的原因,探讨印第安人、印第安文学对美利坚民族及美国文学尤其是美国小说本土化和独立性所产生的重要影响。  相似文献   

印第安文学从最初的原始状态开始就蕴含着深厚悠远的印第安部落根基,那就是回归模式和文化认同,在不断地受到多元文化的影响过程中印第安文学始终没有摒弃自身的回归模式。同时在此过程中逐渐地与多元文化融合在一起,从转瞬即逝的明显回归,到在多元文化与印第安文学之间的文化桥梁,再到深层次的融合,印第安文学正在这种交融过程中不断地创新、发展。基于此,从最具代表性的印第安文学作品中对多元文化的影响和互相融合进行剖析和探索,旨在深化印第安文学作品中对于本族文化的认知和领悟,实现文化界限真正的突破。  相似文献   

印第安作为北美大陆最古老的土著民族,在长期的部落生活中形成了自身独特的文学特征,强调人与自然的高度融合。但是随着新大陆的发现和殖民者的不断涌入,印第安文学受到了前所未有的冲击甚至濒临消亡的边缘。其文学体现了被白人文化同化的同时尽量保留了自身的文学特点,直到美国高涨的民权运动引发的文化回归,印第安文学在美国当今多元文化的影响下才得以复兴并具备了新的特点。  相似文献   

20世纪60年代末以来,由于多元文化观深入人心、媒体的关注和扶持、印第安裔学者及活动家的推动,以往一直不为美国主流文化所承认的印第安文学迅速崛起并保持繁荣兴旺的势头。其复兴和发展表现出下述特点:印第安裔作家具有丰富的文学研究与写作经验和开阔的视野;他们的作品奠定在坚实的民族文化基础之上,植根于悠久的文学传统之中;他们的作品题材广泛、风格各异,但都表达了自己对有关社会人生和宇宙自然的重要问题的见解;具有强烈的民族意识和政治、文化自觉性。  相似文献   

在加拿大历史上,印第安与英纽特神话曾随同印第安人和英纽特人一起倍受摧残,且长期被斥为迷信和邪说;直到20世纪,随着种族歧视观念的淡化,印第安与英纽特神话才以其鲜明的特色与顽强的生命力受到了人们的普遍重视和欣赏,并在加拿大文学艺术中得以继承和发扬  相似文献   

典仪--印第安宇宙观的重要载体--印第安传统文化初探   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
印第安典仪不仅起着将印第安创世神话一代一代传扬下去的重要作用,而且通过仪式化地再现这些神话,传达出印第安民族对无尽循环之中万事万物和谐整体的信仰,从而帮助部族成员融入印第安传统,确立部族群体观念。在这一意义上,典仪是印第安宇宙观的重要载体。  相似文献   

美国印第安少年小说是美国少年小说、美国文学和美国多元文化不可或缺的重要一元,但是长久以来,由于美国主流文化的压制和忽视,处于美国文学和文化边缘位置的美国印第安少年小说并没有得到足够的重视,中国读者对此亦知之甚少。本文拟从历时的维度简介美国印第安少年小说从无到有、从被边缘化到渐入读者视野的发展历史,同时从共时的角度研究它在不同历史时期所呈现的特征,最终实现普及和推广此类型小说的目的。  相似文献   

美国印第安少年小说是美国少年小说、美国文学和美国多元文化不可或缺的重要一元,但是长久以来,由于美国主流文化的压制和忽视,处于美国文学和文化边缘位置的美国印第安少年小说并没有得到足够的重视,中国读者对此亦知之甚少。本文拟从历时的维度简介美国印第安少年小说从无到有、从被边缘化到渐入读者视野的发展历史,同时从共时的角度研究它在不同历史时期所呈现的特征,最终实现普及和推广此类型小说的目的。  相似文献   

美国印第安人教育经历了土著传统教育——为印第安人实施的教育——印第安人控制印第安人教育的发展历程。在这个进程中,印白两种文化体系和价值观念不断碰撞、冲突和融合,最终出现了印第安人控制印第安人教育的新趋势,印第安人对自己的教育获得了越来越多的自主权和控制权。当然,20世纪以来兴起的印第安人控制印第安人教育,与哥伦布踏上美洲大陆之前的土著传统教育已有天壤之别,二者在学校体制、资金来源等许多方面都大不相同。  相似文献   


Literature on American Indian student support in postsecondary education illustrates the importance of relationality in creating a positive college experience for Native students. That said, much of the literature examining ‘care relationships’ in Indian education focuses on student outcomes, with less attention given to the experiences of practitioners. Thus, the purpose of this paper is twofold. First, the author examines where and how American Indian higher education practitioners learned principles of communal care for supporting Indigenous students in non-Native postsecondary institutions. Second, she explores how these principles act as homesteads of mutuality to love, transform, resist, and enact refusal within the academy. She draws upon the literature on American Indian student support in postsecondary education, which illustrates the importance of relationality in creating a positive college experience for Native students.  相似文献   


The children's book, The Indian in the Cupboard, by British author Lynne Reid Banks, provides a case study which contrasts American Indian and non-Indian perspectives about stereotypes of Native Americans in children's literature, as reflected in the review literature. Exploration of the reasons why the book is becoming a classic in children's literature reinforce the need for teachers, librarians, and parents to find a role in: encouraging practitioners to understand what constitutes stereotypes of American Indians; educating potential teachers and librarians about cultural diversity; including works reflecting the voices of Native Americans in library collections for children; using caution when relying on book reviews; helping children learn critical thinking skills that enable them to recognize stereotyping; and providing and hearing the voices of Native Americans explaining why portrayals of Indian characters are often fantasized literary constructions.  相似文献   

College counselors can enhance the development of Native American Indian college students. College counselors need to be aware of traditional Native American Indian values, interpretation of mental health, content and process concerns in counseling, and indigenous healing practices. These areas are discussed, as well as implications for counseling practice.  相似文献   

"红种人权力"运动作为美国印第安人历史上的重大事件之一,并非仅具有象征性作用,而是产生了重大影响,推动印第安人族裔意识的勃兴.这主要表现在三个方面:一是推动印第安人在1960-1970年代广泛开展泛印第安人抗议运动;二是全国性土著组织如雨后春笋般纷纷建立;三是激发了印第安人个体的族裔认同感和民族自豪感.所有这些又进一步促使土著民族自治运动以星火燎原之势在全国范围内迅速展开.  相似文献   

In order to address the disparity of American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) doctorates in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM), culturally congruent mentorship program development is needed. Because traditional Western academic paradigms are typically constrained to a non-Indigenous perspective, the authors question how American Indian graduate students in STEM can successfully navigate graduate education with their cultural identity intact. Our review and synthesis of the literature addresses this question by considering 60 data sources that include peer-reviewed articles, personal communication with professionals working in the field of AI/AN academic success, and professional training literature. Our synthesis demonstrates that there is a dearth of Indigenous participation in the STEM fields that needs to be addressed by instituting a bicultural paradigm. This paradigm includes incorporating traditional academic mentoring into Indigenous values and kinship structures. A conceptual model is offered that delineates information necessary to conceptualize and develop an Indigenous mentoring program.  相似文献   

The low achievement of Native American students, as measured by standardized tests, results from a number of factors, including the lack of cultural relevance of curriculum materials used in their instruction. Using a pretest–posttest control group design, Native American students in Bureau of Indian Affairs schools in Grades 4–8 who were taught science using culturally relevant materials achieved significantly higher and displayed a significantly more positive attitude toward Native Americans and science than comparable students who were taught science without the culturally relevant materials. It is suggested that when educators of Native Americans teach science, they should use materials that incorporate frequent reference to Native Americans and science.  相似文献   

This article explains the creation of the Growing and Learning with Young Native Children curriculum toolkit. The curriculum toolkit was designed to give American Indian and Alaska Native early childhood educators who work in a variety of settings the framework for developing a research-based, developmentally appropriate, tribally specific curriculum to use with Native children aged 0–3. The curriculum toolkit should assist Native people in preserving and maintaining their unique culture and language. Challenges specific to the implementation of an early childhood program in Indian Country have been explained. A brief historical overview of Indian education has been included. The contents of this article were developed under Grant #P116Z05-0056 from the US Department of Education. However, the contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the US Department of Education and the reader should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.  相似文献   

This essay examines nineteenth-century Native resistance to the American Indian removal policy as a strategy of decolonization. Attention focuses in particular on the tactics of decolonization employed in the rhetoric of the Choctaw, Chickasaw, Creek, and Seminole nations as it functioned to expose the dilemmas and hypocrisies of U.S. government justifications for Native removal as animated by discourses of territoriality, republicanism, paternalism, and godly authority. This analysis of the rhetorical strategy and tactics of decolonization helps to reassess the agency of nineteenth-century American Native voices and to gauge in general how rhetorics of resistance can be articulated in colonial contexts.  相似文献   

美国著名印第安裔女作家莱斯利·希尔科在其作品中通过口述传统、神圣典籍和神话故事力图保存自己的文化和历史,同时将印第安传统文化元素与现代西方写作技巧相融合,将部落文化与当代主流文化相结合,通过叙事方面的"第三空间"来反抗殖民者的权威,构建自己的文字复兴策略。  相似文献   

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