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综述了红细胞免疫的作用机理以及运动与红细胞免疫研究的现况:红细胞膜上有C3b受体(CR1)。它是体内循环IC的主要清除者;运动通过影响内分泌、红细胞膜成分和性质、RBC-RFER和RBC-RFIR浓度等因素影响红细胞免疫粘附作用。红细胞免疫粘附可对不现运动应激产生不同应答,基本规律是:低强度短时间运动后红细胞免疫功能提高,较大运动量后即刻红细胞免疫功能下降,但恢复较快,大强度长时间运动或力竭运动可造成红细胞免疫功能下降,并且较长时问难以恢复。  相似文献   

运动干预作为2型糖尿病(T2DM)关键防治策略在世界范围内已被普遍接受。遗憾的是,各种身体活动指南推荐的“一刀切”干预方案,并不能让所有患者获得相同收益。究其原因:(1)T2DM的病因、发病机制和临床表现具有高度异质性;(2)T2DM患者对运动干预的应答反应存在异质性。这两个异质性影响了T2DM运动干预治疗的有效性,而要提高有效性,需要对糖尿病进行精确分型和精准干预。因此,有必要了解精准运动干预的原理和实施过程。总结T2DM的分子遗传基础、运动干预的分子机制和患者对运动应答的异质性,并对当前T2DM的精准分型、诊断、治疗、监测的研究进展进行评述,重点关注T2DM患者对运动应答反应个体差异的原因和机制,提出将运动处方各参数作为T2DM精准治疗关键变量的建议。  相似文献   

朱大梅 《辽宁体育科技》2005,27(5):31-32,36
白细胞是人体免疫功能的执行者之一,其中的淋巴细胞及亚群对于运动应激的应答更是有着重要意义.本文采用文献综述的研究方法,探讨在不同的运动强度、不同的运动时间下,白细胞的数目、活性变化及发生机制.在此基础上,进一步指出运动及营养对白细胞的影响.  相似文献   

本文通过文献资料法对网络成瘾机制、原因及其运动干预理论和实证研究进行梳理.当前对网络成瘾的概念界定还不成熟;对成瘾机制的研究还处在一般的描述水平;运动干预网络成瘾的研究对象主要集中在大学生人群;理论与实证研究都证明了运动干预网络成瘾的可行性及有效性.未来研究将进一步深入探究网络成瘾产生机制及其原因;运动干预对象应扩展到青少年儿童及成人网络成瘾群体中;实证研究方向将趋向于针对网络成瘾原因选取运动干预方案.本文意在锻炼心理学领域为网络成瘾干预提供理论依据.  相似文献   

不同的运动负荷对人体免疫机能的影响是不同的。细胞凋亡调节着体内免疫细胞群的合适比例,制约免疫应答的过程及强度,决定免疫耐受和免疫记忆的产生。文章运用文献资料研究方法,探讨运动对人体淋巴细胞凋亡的影响,以引起广大教练员的高度重视。  相似文献   

由于新型冠状病毒(2019-nCoV)感染的肺炎疫情暴发,人们将居家运动作为提高免疫力与保持健康的重要手段,运动与免疫的关系再度受到关注。一般认为,在充分恢复的前提下进行规律的中高强度运动可提高免疫功能,而急性运动(acute exercise)可能抑制免疫功能并增加感染风险。急性运动后外周血淋巴细胞计数及功能降低、免疫球蛋白A水平分泌减少被认为是运动抑制免疫的理论基础。但目前这种独立于非运动因素影响免疫功能增加感染风险的认识受到了现有研究的挑战。急性运动可通过应激反应将淋巴细胞亚群迅速动员至循环中,运动结束后,淋巴细胞亚群又会迅速迁移至外周组织。淋巴细胞的重新分布(lymphocyte redeployment)可能是一种进化保守的免疫机制,这一过程强化了外周组织的免疫监视与调节功能,有助于提升机体抵抗感染能力。因此,从这一视角就急性运动对机会性感染风险及免疫功能影响的现状进行综述。  相似文献   

目的:跟踪和展望大强度运动对免疫功能的影响及预防运动后免疫功能下降,保证运动员的身体机能良好并且更好地进行运动训练。方法:采用回顾性研究和前瞻性分析相结合的综述性研究方法,阐述了运动对免疫功能的影响及其可能机制、大强度运动对免疫功能抑制机制。结论:大强度运动后,机体的免疫功能会发生明显的变化,淋巴细胞及其亚群浓度下降,增值分化能力和活性降低,免疫球蛋白含量及功能也受到影响,出现运动后抑制现象。长时间、大负荷训练可以导致机体细胞免疫功能的显著降低,使血清Gln、Arg含量的降低和外周淋巴细胞凋亡速率增快,可能是运动性免疫抑制的重要机制。  相似文献   

运用UPI问卷对浙江某大学2009级新生进行心理健康测查,了解大学新生心理健康状况,针对大学新生心理健康状况采用运动干预。通过体育运动对大学新生进行为期十七周的心理干预,对干预后的UPI分值进行相关分析。结果如下:运动干预能改善学生心理健康UPI分值,不同的运动项目改善不同的心理状况。尤其对A类和B类的学生,干预前和干预后均存在着非常显著性差异(P<0.01),运动干预后的效果男生比女生更显著些。从而证明运动干预手段对大学生心理健康具有显著的效果。  相似文献   

目的:①综述近年来国内外对运动干预药物成瘾的研究成果;②探讨运动干预药物成瘾的主要理论机制和实践范式;③描述运动对干预药物成瘾的潜在影响。④确定该领域内值得进一步研究的方向和尚待解决的问题。方法:本文主要通过文献研究法检索了以物质使用障碍(SUDs)、药物成瘾以及运动锻炼为主题的国内外相关文献,同时对这些论文的参考文献进行了跟踪检索,以避免遗漏与此有关的研究成果,从而对已发表的研究论文进行了系统的回顾和总结。结果:①大量的理论和实践研究证实了运动干预对治疗药物成瘾的有效性;②运动干预药物成瘾的康复成效集中体现在运动对药物成瘾个体的生理、心理以及行为健康等方面产生积极影响;③目前运动干预药物成瘾理论基础主要涉及心理、行为、神经生物学机制,干预形式是以有氧运动为主的操类和团体运动项目;④目前研究面临的主要问题集中在最佳运动方案中各参数的设计,运动过程的整体监督与其它技术的结合,以及运动与药物干预的结合等方面。结论与建议:①运动可能是一种有效的、辅助性的、绿色安全的治疗手段,但仍需要样本量更大的、质量控制良好的实验研究来进行证实;②注重优化运动方案、效果指标与整体监督,建立运动干预的实践研究范式;③创新方法提高药物成瘾的个体对运动的坚持性,使运动行为替代觅药行为;④要建立运动治疗与药物成瘾标准化治疗相结合的分类、分级、分层模式,形成运动干预指南;⑤深化药物成瘾机制研究,为运动干预药物成瘾的理论机制与实践研究作铺垫。  相似文献   

目的运动干预对学生身体形态及素质有重要影响,为了更准确地了解有氧运动的强度不同是否有不同的监控体重的效果。方法采用两种不同有氧强度的运动干预方案探讨对超重、肥胖女大学生身体形态、身体循环机能和身体素质的影响。结果和结论运动干预前后,超重、肥胖女大学生各身体形态指标均值均有显著性下降。运动干预后,BMI指标下降最为明显(P<0.05),肥胖组女生WHR指标受大强度运动干预影响较大(P<0.05)。不同运动强度对超重、肥胖女大学生身体循环机能的显著性影响仅体现在大强度运动对各组内女生舒张压指标的影响(P<0.05)和中等强度运动干预对肥胖组女生舒张压的影响(P<0.05),对超重、肥胖学生减脂降重有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

The significance of in vitro changes in immune function accompanying exercise training is unclear. To determine the effect of exercise on the response of the intact immune system to a challenge in vivo, we measured the speed and overall immunoglobulin G (IgG) response to influenza vaccination in humans engaged in different intensities of activity. Male participants (n = 21) were split into heavy and light training groups. Venous blood samples were collected 0, 2, 4, 7, 10 and 14 days after vaccination with trivalent influenza vaccine, and also 12 months after initial vaccination. Serum IgG was determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbant assay. There was a significant difference in baseline IgG between groups, but no difference in IgG concentration 14 days after vaccination. The IgG concentration remained elevated 12 months post-vaccination in the heavy training group. The results suggest a positive relationship between habitual physical activity and baseline antibody concentrations, which, in turn, affects the relative magnitude (fold or percentage increase) of the antibody response to vaccination. The training loads of the participants in this study had no effect on overall IgG measured 14 days after vaccination.  相似文献   

红细胞生物学领域研究正在经历一场悄无声息的变革。长期以来,红细胞被认为是氧气的载体,现在正逐渐成为天然免疫反应的重要调节剂。红细胞结合并清除血循环中的趋化因子和病原体,同时根据环境的不同,红细胞可以促进免疫激活,也可以维持免疫静止。低氧训练一直是运动科学研究领域的热点,越来越多的研究发现,在低氧训练过程中运动员疾病易感性增加,免疫力发生改变,作为天然免疫重要组成部分的红细胞免疫如何改变值得探讨,究竟低氧坏境、运动训练与红细胞免疫之间有着怎样的联系。文章采用文献综述的方法,对国内外低氧、运动与红细胞免疫的研究进行总结与分析,为今后的研究提供理论参考。  相似文献   

The inflammatory responsive cytokine interleukin-6 (IL-6) helps regulate immune responses to exercise. Evidence suggests that increases in IL-6 are related to exercise duration and intensity. However, the moderating effect of sex and underlying mediators have received limited attention. We compared plasma IL-6 responses to two cycling tasks with a resting control in young male (n = 12) and female (n = 12) recreationally active adults. Both 45 min tasks comprised an incremental test, either maximal or submaximal, followed by steady-state exercise at 55% peak power output. Interleukin-6 was elevated above baseline immediately after the maximal but not the submaximal task. Compared with the control condition, IL-6 was increased at 30 and 60 min after both exercise tasks. The IL-6 response was greater in women than men at 60 min after maximal exercise. Cortisol increased in both tasks compared with the control condition, the increase being greater after maximal than submaximal exercise. No associations were found between IL-6 responses and cortisol, heart rate, fitness or body mass index. The results show that 45 min of moderate-intensity exercise can increase IL-6 and suggest that the inclusion of maximal effort may accelerate this response. The finding that women showed a greater IL-6 response to maximal exercise may reflect a gender dimorphism in the immune response to stress.  相似文献   

崔巍 《福建体育科技》2012,31(2):30-31,46
为了探讨有氧健身操运动对女高中生机体免疫功能的影响,对其进行了六个月的系统有氧健身锻炼,分别利用了放射免疫法和常规血检测定了系统进行有氧训练前后血清中IgG、IgM、IgA和WBC。结果显示:经过六个月的有氧健身操训练,实验后与实验前相比,IgG、IgM、IgA和WBC均具有显著性,说明有氧健身操训练可以很好地提高女中学生免疫系统的功能,同时也为有氧健身操在中学的广泛开展提高了科学的训练依据。  相似文献   


The inflammatory responsive cytokine interleukin-6 (IL-6) helps regulate immune responses to exercise. Evidence suggests that increases in IL-6 are related to exercise duration and intensity. However, the moderating effect of sex and underlying mediators have received limited attention. We compared plasma IL-6 responses to two cycling tasks with a resting control in young male (n = 12) and female (n = 12) recreationally active adults. Both 45 min tasks comprised an incremental test, either maximal or submaximal, followed by steady-state exercise at 55% peak power output. Interleukin-6 was elevated above baseline immediately after the maximal but not the submaximal task. Compared with the control condition, IL-6 was increased at 30 and 60 min after both exercise tasks. The IL-6 response was greater in women than men at 60 min after maximal exercise. Cortisol increased in both tasks compared with the control condition, the increase being greater after maximal than submaximal exercise. No associations were found between IL-6 responses and cortisol, heart rate, fitness or body mass index. The results show that 45 min of moderate-intensity exercise can increase IL-6 and suggest that the inclusion of maximal effort may accelerate this response. The finding that women showed a greater IL-6 response to maximal exercise may reflect a gender dimorphism in the immune response to stress.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the effect of carbohydrate (CHO) versus placebo (PLA) beverage consumption on the immune and plasma cortisol responses to a soccer-specific exercise protocol in 8 university team soccer players. In a randomized, counterbalanced design, the players received carbohydrate or placebo beverages before, during and after two 90min soccer-specific exercise bouts (3 days apart) designed to mimic the activities performed and the distance covered in a typical soccer match. Blood and saliva samples were collected before, during and after the exercise protocol. Plasma lactate concentration increased to ~4 mmol.l-1 at 45 and 90 min of exercise in both treatments (P? 0.01). Plasma glucose concentration was significantly lower after 90 min of exercise with ingestion of the placebo than the carbohydrate (PLA: 4.57 +/- 0.12 mmol.l-1; CHO: 5.49 +/- 0.11 mmol.l-1; P? 0.01). The pattern of change in plasma cortisol, circulating lymphocyte count and saliva immunoglobulin A secretion did not differ between the carbohydrate and placebo trials. Blood neutrophil counts were 14% higher 1 h after the placebo trial than the carbohydrate trial (PLA: 4.8 =/- 0.5 x 10 9 cells.l-1; CHO:4.2 +/- 0.5 x 10 9 cells.l-1; P=0.06),but the treatment had no effect on the degranulation response of blood neutrophils stimulated by bacterial lipopolysaccharide. We conclude that, although previous studies have shown that carbohydrate feeding is effective in attenuating immune responses to prolonged continuous strenuous exercise, the same cannot be said for a soccer-specific intermittent exercise protocol. When overall exercise intensity is moderate,and changes in plasma glucose, cortisol and immune variables are relatively small, it would appear that carbohydrate ingestion has only a minimal influence on the immune response to exercise.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the effect of carbohydrate (CHO) versus placebo (PLA) beverage consumption on the immune and plasma cortisol responses to a soccer-specific exercise protocol in 8 university team soccer players. In a randomized, counterbalanced design, the players received carbohydrate or placebo beverages before, during and after two 90 min soccer-specific exercise bouts (3 days apart) designed to mimic the activities performed and the distance covered in a typical soccer match. Blood and saliva samples were collected before, during and after the exercise protocol. Plasma lactate concentration increased to approximately 4 mmol x l(-1) at 45 and 90 min of exercise in both treatments (P<0.01). Plasma glucose concentration was significantly lower after 90 min of exercise with ingestion of the placebo than the carbohydrate (PLA: 4.57+/-0.12 mmol x l(-1); CHO: 5.49+/-0.11 mmol x l(-1); P<0.01). The pattern of change in plasma cortisol, circulating lymphocyte count and saliva immunoglobulin A secretion did not differ between the carbohydrate and placebo trials. Blood neutrophil counts were 14% higher 1 h after the placebo trial than the carbohydrate trial (PLA: 4.8+/-0.5x10(9) cells x l(-1); CHO: 4.2+/-0.5x10(9) cells x l(-1); P = 0.06), but the treatment had no effect on the degranulation response of blood neutrophils stimulated by bacterial lipopolysaccharide. We conclude that, although previous studies have shown that carbohydrate feeding is effective in attenuating immune responses to prolonged continuous strenuous exercise, the same cannot be said for a soccer-specific intermittent exercise protocol. When overall exercise intensity is moderate, and changes in plasma glucose, cortisol and immune variables are relatively small, it would appear that carbohydrate ingestion has only a minimal influence on the immune response to exercise.  相似文献   

目的:系统评价运动锻炼对机体外周血淋巴细胞、T细胞亚群及炎症细胞因子的影响,并根据不同运动处方的效果量,为人们制定提高免疫能力的最优运动处方提供依据。方法:计算机检索中国知网、万方、EBSCOhost、Science Direct、Sports Discus、Springer Link、PubMed和Web of Science各数据库,检索期限均从1997年1月至2017年5月,收集运动锻炼影响机体外周血淋巴细胞及亚群和细胞因子含量的实验性研究,应用Cochrane偏倚风险评估工具,使用Revman5.3对纳入研究进行质量评价,stata12.0软件进行统计分析。结果:纳入研究文献19篇,文献质量A级3篇、B级9篇、C级7篇。meta分析结果:敏感性分析剔除文献后,运动锻炼使淋巴细胞含量提高,效应量为0.35;运动锻炼能使T、B细胞含量提高,效应量为0.92、0.51,但对NK细胞增加不明显(P>0.05);运动锻炼能使CD4+/CD8+的比值、CD4+含量升高,效应量为1.09、0.71,但对CD8+T细胞的含量未出现明显变化(P>0.05);运动锻炼后外周IL-6含量明显降低,效应量为0.73,外周TNF-a含量提高,效应量为0.55。结论:运动锻炼能显著提高T、B细胞、CD4+T细胞、CD4+/ CD8+的比值和TNF-a的含量,但NK细胞和CD8+T细胞的影响不大,这不仅增强了机体的抗感染能力,而且提高了机体的免疫应答和免疫调节功能;运动锻炼后外周血IL-6含量显著降低,有利于其聚集骨骼肌中消除因运动性微损伤引起的炎症反应。  相似文献   

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