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瑞吉欧学前教育的很多方面工作值得我们借鉴。从瑞吉欧的家长参与、环境、课程、教师角色等四个方面对比中国幼儿园教育,通过翻译《儿童的一百种语言》以及与欧洲访学归来的滕守尧先生的谈话,可以反思出中国学前教育所缺失的东西。  相似文献   

瑞吉欧的幼儿教育思想不论在理论还是实践上都获得了世界范围内的认可,瑞吉欧幼儿园的环境更是独具特色,被争相学习。当前我国对瑞吉欧环境创设思想的研究可以分为两大类,一是关于瑞吉欧环境创设思想本身、其教育取向、对幼儿园环境创设的启示及教师在环境创设中所扮演的角色等,关注的侧重点是理论研究;二是侧重于瑞吉欧环境创设思想在幼儿园环境创设中的实践研究,包括节庆活动的设计及主题环境的创设等。同时也反映出这一思想在中国的传播经历了从理论介绍到对理论的思考最终应用于实践的过程。  相似文献   

瑞吉欧的教育理念被广泛认为是世界上最好的教育体系之一。在瑞吉欧教育体系中非常重视环境的教育作用,认为"环境是儿童的第三位老师",对儿童活动空间的设计具有重要影响。应通过对瑞吉欧教育理念下幼儿园活动空间设计特色的深入了解,运用空间认知意识转变、主体转变、学习资源转变、文化折射、时间和空间等优化策略进行幼儿园活动空间的创设。  相似文献   

瑞吉欧幼儿园教育是受到官方、学者、教师广泛好评的"最先进"的幼儿教育,其教育经验极具特色,尤其是作为其主要特征并将理论运用于幼教实践的方案教学对形成适合我国幼儿园实际情况的方案教学有重要的指导借鉴价值。文章结合案例"鱼"从"我们的瑞吉欧方案教学"应具备的基本教育理念,实施过程,反思三个方面进行了尝试性探索。  相似文献   

方案教学是瑞吉欧教育体系的核心部分,瑞吉欧方案教学在教师角色、人际互动合作、环境平台、纪录等方面的特点值得我们借鉴.学习瑞吉欧教育,要转变教师角色、提倡协商性课程、鼓励儿童多样的学习和表现方式、提升教师行为研究和反思能力以及充分利用资源等.  相似文献   

文章围绕近年来中国幼儿教育界讨论的热点———意大利瑞吉欧教育体系展开论述。通过分析瑞吉欧教育体系,总结了该教育体系在师幼关系、活动时间和空间、教育内容和过程等方面对中国幼儿教育改革的启示。  相似文献   

正瑞吉欧·艾米利亚(Reggio Emilia)是意大利北部的一个小镇。近几十年推出了一个颇具特色的、影响世界的幼儿教育体系——瑞吉欧教育体系。瑞吉欧教育体系由马拉古兹(Malaguzzi)发起和领导,该体系一经发起便受到世界各地的热切推崇。此后,瑞吉欧成为欧洲幼教的变革中心。该市黛安娜幼儿园曾被美国的《新闻周刊》评为"世界上最富创意、最先进"的幼儿园,瑞吉欧教育体系在1990年被美国《新闻周刊》  相似文献   

在当前众多的幼儿园教育模式中,蒙台梭利幼儿教育模式、瑞吉欧幼儿教育模式等是大家比较熟知的.最近在欧洲引起热烈讨论的是"森林幼儿园"教育模式.  相似文献   

方案教学是瑞吉欧教育的一大特色,结合其自身特点和实施步骤,在学前儿童家庭教育中可采用在家庭内部成员之间配合学前儿童开展方案教学、在合作家庭中开展方案教学以及结合幼儿园教育教学的课程延伸三种方式,可以弥补幼儿园教育的不足,丰富学前儿童的主客观经验,表达和记录方式。家长不仅需要转变育儿观念,而且需要掌握瑞吉欧方案教学的基本理念和实践操作步骤。  相似文献   

瑞吉欧教育模式是经典的幼教模式之一,近年来被较多借鉴且影响较大。文章结合瑞吉欧教育模式的典型特征,探讨对我国学前教育发展的启示:营造宽松、自由的幼儿教育氛围,建立新型的师幼关系,构建幼儿园、家庭、社区"三位一体"的协同教育机制,依照方案课程,实行弹性课堂,预设性和生成性相结合;合理创设幼儿园环境,突出地方文化特色。  相似文献   

This ethnographic study explored aspects of how the natural sciences were represented in a Reggio Emilia‐inspired laboratory preschool. The natural sciences as a discipline—a latecomer to preschool curricula—and the internationally known approach, Reggio Emilia, interested educators and researchers, but there was little research about science in a Reggio Emilia classroom. The current research aimed to gain insight into natural science experiences in a Reggio Emilia‐inspired classroom. To gain in‐depth information, this inquiry‐based study adapted a research design with ethnographic data collection techniques (i.e., interview, observation, document/artifact collection, and field‐notes), namely Spradley's Developmental Research Sequence Method, which was a well‐known, pioneer ethnographic method. The data were analyzed from an interpretive perspective using multiple lenses. These lenses included Spradley's DRS for the classroom culture, Corsaro's peer culture theory, the Reggio Emilia approach, and Ohio's Early Learning Content Standards. The study involved 18 preschoolers, 10 teachers, and a program director. The results indicated that the Reggio Emilia‐inspired preschool offered a science‐rich context that triggered and supported preschoolers' inquiries, and effectively engaged preschoolers' hands, heads, and hearts with science. The natural sciences learning in this Reggio Emilia‐inspired preschool classroom met and exceeded some of Ohio's prekindergarten standards. The results suggested that the Reggio pedagogy, grounded in inquiry, is compatible with science education goals. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 47: 1186–1208, 2010  相似文献   

瑞吉欧人创造出来的平等、合作、协商、共同建构的教育状态,也是许多人理想中的学前教育形式。瑞吉欧教育以利益统一、共存共生超越了学前教育中矛盾两端求平衡的思维状态。以平等的空间关系构建了学前教育和谐、充盈的发展。面对学前教育改革新典范的瑞吉欧,我们一方面要认识到它所依存的文化背景,承认该事件的“动态性”和“生成性”,切不可作为一种模式化的课程盲目照搬,另一方面要始终坚持批判吸收的精神,在客观认识本国文化环境、教育传统的基础上,选择性地改造和利用,从而深化和丰富我国学前教育事业的发展。  相似文献   

In Wales, concerns about the perceived over‐formalisation of young children’s educational experiences led to the introduction of a Foundation Phase Framework for children aged three to seven years that advocates a more holistic, play‐based approach. Following the staging of the Reggio Emilia travelling exhibition, funding was secured for a project in which teachers explored Reggio philosophy and practices as a means of gaining insight into their thinking and pedagogy. Given the introduction of the Foundation Phase, the project also intended to support teachers’ explorations of child‐led learning. Looking at their practice ‘through another lens’ exposed teachers’ commitment to an approach dominated by prescribed, subject‐related outcomes. This approach influenced the way in which the teachers interpreted key aspects of Reggio philosophy and contributed to their difficulties with ‘supporting’ child‐led learning. The paper concludes that moving away from a ‘subject‐centred’ approach, particularly when the Framework includes prescribed learning outcomes, may be extremely challenging for teachers.  相似文献   

瑞吉欧教育可以被认为是<超越早期教育保育质量>一书作者解构"质量话语"之后认为理想的一种学前教育形态,该书也可以被视作对瑞吉欧教育在教育哲学层面上的一种解读.瑞吉欧教育以"文明社会"的定位超越了以往学前教育国家和经济组织的功能定位,以文明社会的论坛超越了以往学前教育机构的定位,并通过在儿童观、教育中的关系、方案教学和教学记录等方面的创新实现了这种超越性的认识和做法,创造了一种新的文化.对瑞吉欧教育实现的这种种超越,我们一方面要认识到它所依存的文化背景.切不可盲目照搬,另一方面要始终坚持批判的精神,超越后现代主义这一单一视角,努力促成多种视角的对话与沟通,深化和丰富我们对学前教育本质、功能、关系等的思考与认识.  相似文献   

周凯 《天津教育》2021,(6):187-188
当前,瑞吉欧教育以其鲜明的教育特色和先进的教育理念风靡全球,越来越多的学前教育工作者把目光转向了瑞吉欧教育模式。瑞吉欧教育的儿童观、教师观、课程观、环境观、合作观等对我国学前教育的发展都有重要的启示意义。本文从瑞吉欧教育模式的特点出发,深入解读其成功的原因,有助于我们在学习瑞吉欧精神的同时,走中国特色学前教育道路。  相似文献   

During the past century Loris Malaguzzi (1920–1994), a principal figure in the establishment and creation of the preschools of Reggio Emilia, Italy, was one of the seminal thinkers in early childhood education. The influence of John Dewey, one of the most important American philosophers, is visible in contemporary early childhood classrooms of Reggio Emilia. However, as this editorial contends, in the author’s experience, many pre-service teachers have the misconception that the two programs that originated in Italy—Maria Montessoir and Reggio Emilia—are synonymous. This editorial discusses another connection; namely, the relationship between John Dewey’s philosophy of education and the pedagogy of Reggio Emilia preschools. Pre-service teachers’ understanding of Dewey’s theory and the Reggio Emilia experience makes an important contribution to the development of their personal teaching philosophy and understanding of best practices in the field.  相似文献   

"瑞吉欧"课程模式的特点就是方案活动,注重师生共同建构、注重合作参与与分享、注重记录、注重创造性能力的培养。其中,教师在其中扮演了独特的角色。"瑞吉欧"课程模式对我国幼儿教育的启示是多方面的,特别是在更新课程理念、树立新型师生关系、树立新型儿童观以及构建学校、家庭、社区一体化的系统教育网络方面有着重要的启示作用。  相似文献   

This article describes the application of technology in Reggio Emilia inspired early childhood and teacher education programs at the University of Michigan-Dearborn. We have found that technology used in a Reggio inspired program can be a valuable tool for the representation and organization of ideas, collaboration among a specific learning community, visualization and reflection on thinking, and communication of learning to the broader community. Our experiences and reflections suggest that the integration of technology in a Reggio inspired curriculum supports knowledge construction of both children and student teachers.  相似文献   

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