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王霆在《教育与经济》杂志2007年第4期撰文指出.我国社会经济的发展不仅需要高层次的技术创新人才.也需要一大批能够适应产业发展需要的高技能劳动者.职业技术教育担负着培养高素质技能人才的使命.在我国现代化教育体系中发挥着越来越重要的作用。以市场需求为导向培养学生就业能力以实现毕业生有效就业已成为职业技术教育发展的重要目标.2005年全国职业教育工作会议就明确提出“提高职业技术学校办学水平和质量的关键在于以就业为导向”。就业能力是“个体获得和保持工作、在工作中进步以及应对工作生活中出现的变化的能力”(国际劳动组织定义)。职业技术教育是培养高技能劳动者就业能力的重要途径。世界各国都从自身劳动力市场的特点对劳动者就业能力开展了研究.并以此作为指导教育培训事业发展的重要依据。  相似文献   

知识经济时代,对教育的结构体系及人才的培养目标提出了新的要求,现代教育体系中重要组成部分的职业技术教育则肩负着为社会主义现代化建设培养大批具有实践能力的高素质的劳动者的重任。作为一个历史悠久的农业大国,我们拥有世界上最丰富的劳动力资源,然而不容乐观的是:我国目前劳动力总体素质还相当低下,这  相似文献   

教育技术是通过创造、使用、管理适当的技术过程和资源,促进学习和改善绩效的研究与符合道德规范的实践。而现代社会生产一线的技能人才特别是高技能人才严重短缺,广大劳动者的职业技能和创业能力与劳动力市场需求有较大差距,因此,职业技术教育在现阶段显得越来越重要。而要培养大量的技术性人才就必须要实现职业技术教育的现代化,就必须加强职业技术教育院校现代教育技术的开发、建设与应用。文章详述了教育技术在职业技术教育中的应用。  相似文献   

教育技术是通过创造、使用、管理适当的技术过程和资源,促进学习和改善绩效的研究与符合道德规范的实践.而现代社会生产一线的技能人才特别是高技能人才严重短缺,广大劳动者的职业技能和创业能力与劳动力市场需求有较大差距,因此.职业技术教育在现阶段显得越来越重要.而要培养大量的技术性人才就必须要实现职业技术教育的现代化,就必须加强职业技术教育院校现代教育技术的开发、建设与应用.文章详述了教育技术在职业技术教育中的应用.  相似文献   

在我国虽然有丰富的劳动力资源,但劳动力的素质并不高,劳动者技术能力水平偏低,其科技创新能力比之发达国家差距更大,这已经成为影响我国经济发展和国际竞争力增强的一个瓶颈.最近,中共中央十六届三中全会作出的<关于完善社会主义市场经济体制若干问题的决定>指出:"构建现代国民教育体系和终身教育体系,建设学习型社会,全面推进素质教育,增强国民的就业能力、创新能力、创业能力,努力把人口压力转变为人力资源优势."可见,提高劳动力素质已经成为当前国民教育的一项重要内容.职业教育作为我国现代教育的重要组成部分,为劳动者素质提高和社会经济发展作出了巨大贡献.为使我国巨大的人口压力转变为人力资源优势,职业教育还应该发挥它应有的优势,起到更大的作用.  相似文献   

(一)教育事业计划是为贯彻党和国家的教育方针政策,实现教育目的任务,发展教育事业的指导性文件。它指导和管理社会主义教育事业的发展。教育担负着劳动力再生产的重要任务,劳动者的熟练程度,除通过实践外,主要依靠教育。在现代化生产条件下,新成长的劳动力在就业前应该经过培养教育,学文化,学科学,学技术,已经就业的劳动者也需要通过再教育,不断提高他们的劳动素质。实践证明,劳动者受教育的程度,是提高劳动力质量,提高劳动生产率和加速发展国民经济的基础。实现“四化”,要靠教育培养出多规格、多层次的各种专门人才。教育事业计划,实际上是对未来四  相似文献   

建构和实施有效的教育培训政策以应对技术的扩散《外国教育研究》近期发表东北师范大学孟宪生和唐德先的文章,认为技术的全球扩散和传播,不断改变着发展中国家劳动力市场结构以及不同就业群体的福利水平。先进技术的涌入与扩散,使工作岗位对劳动力技能水平的要求越来越高,这  相似文献   

发展职业技术教育和建立劳动力市场,是为了提高劳动者的素质,以适应我国经济社会发展的客观需要。一般来说,职业技术教育的发展可以为劳动力市场的形成创造条件,而劳动力市场的形成,又可以促进职业技术教育的发展。然而,发展职业技术教育和建立劳动力市场尽管有较密...  相似文献   

跨国公司对东道国企业的技术外溢:劳动力流动的视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
劳动力从跨国公司流向东道国企业,可以引起技术外溢和技术扩散,这种技术外溢是高新技术产业企业网络中技术扩散的一种主要形式,是实现东道国企业模仿和学习跨国公司技术的重要途径,对于发展中国家来说尤其重要。劳动力从跨国公司流向东道国企业是一个博弈过程,研究该博弈中劳动力流动引起技术扩散的条件与收益,对指导发展中国家构建高新技术产业企业网络具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

窦聚山 《教育与职业》2008,(14):165-167
就业是民生之本,安国之策。劳动力供大于求的矛盾和劳动者素质与经济结构调整不相适应的矛盾是我国就业的两大突出问题。通过教育培训提高劳动者素质和就业能力,是扩大就业、缓解就业压力的重要途径。社区教育作为一种以满足社区民众需求为目的的新兴教育形式,在提高劳动者素质和就业能力方面大有可为。  相似文献   


The major challenges facing education systems in the information age include issues of how to prepare for and capitalize on the technological revolution and how to integrate computer technology into the curriculum. Jamaica, like most developing countries, is taking on these challenges with perhaps as much focus and increased importance as any developed country such as the United States. This paper explores the approach taken, particularly with teacher educators in Jamaican colleges, to begin the process by an assessment of the computer-related professional development needs of the college faculty. The paper makes recommendations for developing a technology training program based on the needs assessment. Underlying these issues is the necessity for a national policy to coordinate the country's efforts to integrate information technology into teacher education. Additional recommendations intended to provide guidance for the formulation of such an integrated policy development and implementation framework are offered.  相似文献   

公共图书馆建设,应该是科教兴国战略的重要组成部分。如同科技、教育对经济发展具有战略意义一样,公共图书馆建设也具有战略意义。因此,它应该同科技、教育一样,处于优先发展的战略中。应该建立城乡图书馆网,使全国人民都有书读,并把培养全社会的读书风气,当作一项基本国策。  相似文献   

信息技术是经济增长的主要推动力,网络经济起因于信息技术的突破和这种技术对经济系统的渗透和扩散,网络经济有与信息技术相联系的法则、特征与规律,国外发展信息技术产业及网络经济的做法对我国有启示意义。我国应加快以网络技术为核心的信息化建设,迎接网络经济的挑战。  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of the status of educational technology in Turkey. In the face of severe social and economic challenges, many developing nations, including Turkey, are looking to education as a potential remedy. Recognizing that in an increasingly technology-dependent world, information and communications technology skills and knowledge are critical in order to compete in the global marketplace, Turkey is firmly committed not only to improving its education system, but also to incorporating the use of educational technologies into the instructional strategy and curriculum used in schools. This is a critical initiative because, as research shows, technology-enriched educational environments can provide students with significantly expanded learning opportunities, which are linked with increased levels of academic achievement. However, like many other developing countries, Turkey is struggling to overcome a number of serious barriers to full technology integration at the classroom level, the most significant of which is non-compliance on the part of teachers. With respect to technology use in education, teachers are consistently failing to utilize technological tools for instruction purposes, for a variety of reasons. Turkey must address these reasons in order to ensure that the agenda of technology adoption into schools, an enormously expensive undertaking, does not fail.  相似文献   

Inclusive education in general, and disability-inclusive education in particular, is a high-level priority for development work in aid-supported countries. This paper presents a bottom-up process of developing disability-inclusive education policy in one country – the Solomon Islands. It is well understood that the promotion of quality in disability-inclusive education requires a clearly stated policy; however, in many developing countries, there has been a history of policy borrowing rather than culturally informed policy development. This paper will critically discuss how policy development occurs in aid-funded development work and then offers an alternative model of Australian aid-supported policy development as an in-depth case study.  相似文献   

海南实施“科教兴琼”战略以来,取得了显著成效,但仍然存在资金和投资人才政策效应不明显,引导机制失效陷等政策机制上的问题。海南继续实施“科教兴琼”战略必须认真解决这些问题,大力发展科技教育既是首要选择,美国、以色列、东盟五国等大力发展科技教育的经验值得借鉴。  相似文献   

上世纪50年代初,日本基本走出了战败后的阴影,经济获得了较大的发展.自1995年起,日本进入经济高速增长期.随着经济的快速发展,技术人才的需求日趋凸显.为此,日本政府制定了高等教育理工科扩充政策.这一政策的出台,不仅为日本经济增长和产业发展提供了人才资源,促进了日本经济的快速发展和社会繁荣,同时也带动了高等教育的发展与规模扩大,为日本高等教育进入大众化和确立"科学技术立国"发展战略打下了基础.  相似文献   

Information and communication technologies such as radio and television have long been used in education. The advent of the technology of the Internet has created pressure for Internet access in primary and secondary schools across the world. This paper reviews some of the available evidence on the impact and cost of such technologies in developing countries. It concludes that while there is strong evidence for the efficacy and efficiency of interactive radio instruction, the evidence on the impact of computer-supported education remains mixed, and costs are prohibitive for many LDCs (less developed countries).  相似文献   

Twenty years after its inauguration, the information communication and technology for accelerated development (ICT4AD) policy intended to transform Ghana into an information and technology-driven high-income economy through digital education has been unsuccessful. In this digital era, young adults' attachment to technological tools is anticipated to expedite technological adoption in the education sector. Still, there are less promising indicators of realizing this expectation because of situational factors that curtail technology usage and adoption in higher education (HE). It is estimated that the adoption of technology in HE will aid Ghana in using ICT as its engine of growth. This paper gauges the progress of the ICT4AD policy after two decades, presents an intricate account of why technology integration in HE in Ghana is still in its infancy and proposes interventions for sustaining and advancing the objectives of the ICT4AD policy. Drawing from an extensive review of literature on three conceptualized thematic themes relating to technology (ie, addiction, abduction and adoption), policymakers in education and stakeholders in HE will be able to identify their roles in guaranteeing the success of the promulgated ICT4AD policy. Viable areas of research are also discussed in the study.

Practitioner notes

What is already known about this topic?

  • The promulgated information communication and technology for accelerated development (ICT4AD) policy of Ghana hopes to transform the country into a technology-driven economy.
  • Technology integration in education and society is still in its infancy in Ghana in this information age.

What this paper adds?

  • It gauges the progress of the ICT4AD policy and presents an intricate account of why technology integration in HE in Ghana is still in its infancy and proposes interventions for sustaining and advancing the objectives of the ICT4AD policy.
  • It sounds the alarm that the ICT4AD policy is at its terminal stage and calls on policymakers in education to revisit and revise the policy.
  • It identifies the main factors curtailing effective technology integration in Ghana.
  • It suggests promising steps for Ghana to adopt technology as its engine of growth.

Implications of this study for practice and/or policy

  • It provides information to education practitioners and relevant school stakeholders on how to effectively adopt technology to develop 21st-century skills among learners.
  • It explores the potential channels for policymakers in education to revisit and reinvest in the ICT4AD policy for the successful attainment of the policy objectives.
  • It calls on countries with similar contexts like Ghana to adopt a multifaceted approach to drive ICT initiatives.

科技跨越发展政策是发展中国家的必然选择。科技跨越发展政策选择的理论基础包括,跨越发展论、后发优势论和比较优势论。自主创新的突出功能与作用、宏观主体多为后发国家、基础较为薄弱、资源集约配置和发挥国家的宏观调控作用是科技跨越发展政策选择的基本特征。中国科技跨越发展政策选择路径应突出知识创新并实现知识创新与技术创新的有机结合.充分发挥中国的社会制度优势以实现科技发展资源的优化配置,以及体现自主创新能力作为科技跨越发展的内在规定性。  相似文献   

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