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通过运用三维运动学分析的方法,对陕西省优秀男子标枪运动员胡海龙和国内优秀的选手的最后用力技术研究发现,胡海龙最后用力时间严重偏长,特别是双支撑时间过长,过渡阶段技术差,右脚着地瞬间身体重心的速度大,身体移动的速度快,"交叉步"速度快,过渡阶段对身体重心的控制能力减弱,增加了缓冲的时间,右腿蹬伸不积极、左脚着地速度慢。过渡阶段下肢移动速度较快,不利于超越器械动作的形成,用力顺序存在着问题,器械出手瞬间右髋速度较低,下肢向投掷方向蹬伸不积极,转动速度慢。  相似文献   

采用运动生物力学研究方法,对现阶段我国4名优秀男子铅球运动员背向滑步推铅球技术进行研究.发现:刘×滑步过程中重心抬起幅度较大,上体过早上抬,减小超越器械的效果,过渡阶段刘×右侧下肢伸展幅度大,上体抬起过高,减小用力的距离,姚××过渡阶段上体抬起幅度大,增量大,右膝关节处压紧效果差,最后用力阶段王××右侧下肢髋、膝关节用力时机一致,协调性好,姚××踝关节伸展幅度小,蹬伸不积极,刘×膝关节处伸展幅度大,冯×右髋关节伸展速度慢,用力阶段主要以蹬伸下肢为主,协调用力差.  相似文献   

以我国女子铁饼运动员李艳凤和宋爱民为研究对象,通过生物力学测试对她们的运动技术特征进行分析,结果发现,李艳凤和宋爱民掷铁饼具有动作幅度大、时间短、出手角度小、完成动作快,技术稳定的特点;李艳凤起转速度低、肩髋扭转小、上肢伸展大、单支撑旋转铁饼加速快,腾空用力早,转换着地重心高,最后用力旋转幅度大、两脚距离长、出手速度快.宋爱民起转躯干扭转大、上肢伸展小,单支撑旋转时间长,腾空和转换阶段速度损失大、身体重心低,最后用力蹬伸幅度大、出手速度低.建议二人增大出手角度;李艳凤减小预摆幅度;宋爱民减小腾空和转换阶段的速度损失,增大摆动半径,加大最后用力两脚距离.  相似文献   

优秀速滑运动员弯道蹬冰技术动作结构的模式特征研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
建立优秀速滑运动员弯道蹬冰技术动作结构的模式特征 ,对技术动作的诊断和评价具有重要意义。通过运动生物力学方法从三维角度对世界优秀运动员的弯道蹬冰技术进行研究 ,认为 :步长间滑步长度和滑步宽度的组合应遵循 3.6∶1的原则 ;蹬冰过程中人体重心的纵向位移幅度明显大于横向 ,并非传统认识中的横向移动幅度大于纵向 ;优秀速滑运动员运用Clap式冰刀时的展膝程度并非传统认识上的充分伸直 ,而与采用传统冰刀时的展膝程度相似 ;提供了用起蹬条件作为判断和评价运动员蹬冰初始条件的方法 ,并推测了下肢关节的有效蹬伸范围  相似文献   

选定进入2013年全国田径大奖赛(苏州站)女子铅球决赛运动员巩立姣最后用力阶段技术为研究对象,研究结果显示:右侧技术中,右踝关节蹬伸比较积极,右膝角幅度大整个右侧各关节伸展比较充分;左侧技术中,左膝角偏小,蹬伸幅度、左膝关节缓冲幅度与世界优秀运动员一致;最后用力阶段各环节特征技术中,左脚着地瞬间身体重心速度、右髋速度、右肩速度都低于3位优秀运动员,而铅球出手瞬间右肩速度、右肘速度较强,另外最后用力出手瞬间,出手高度和出手速度都低于我国3位世界级优秀运动员相应指标。  相似文献   

一、教学步骤 (一)正确讲解动作要领,准确进行示范 力求重点突出,便于记忆,掌握关键。表述如下:“一摆二蹲三跳起,快速蹬地展身体;提膝收腹腿高举,屈膝缓冲身前移”。示范力求做到轻松、优美、准确,提高学生学习兴趣,让学生建立完整、正确的动作形象。 (二)原地上跳体会蹬摆协调配合动作 原地做好立定跳远的准备姿势,然后蹬摆协调配合向上坚直跳起,手臂上摆,下肢各关节要蹬伸充分。这一练习可以提高学生蹬摆协调配合能力,掌握正确的用力顺序,建立良好的肌肉感觉。 (三)原地跳起收腿抱膝 建立正确的空中动作的肌肉感觉…  相似文献   

时目前我国3名优秀女子铁饼运动员投掷技术进行同步研究发现,宋爱民存在腾空时间短、重心高、右脚着地早、上下肢扭紧差,最后用力阶段重心向投掷方向移动速度快、左右脚在垂直方向和前后方向的力较大、力量的向前行较好;孙太凤缓冲时间较短、右腿蹬伸充分、垂直方向和向前的力量较大;李艳凤过渡阶段上下肢扭紧好、身体后倾角度大、右脚着地对地面冲击力大、左右方向的力较大、力量在左右腿之间移动幅度大、没有转化为向前或者垂直方向的力量,向前性差,蹬伸不充分.  相似文献   

短跑途中跑臀部后坐对跑速的不利影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
臀部后坐是短跑运动员在途中跑时较为常见的一种不合理的跑动技术,其技术动作的不合理性表现在下肢的支撑与摆动动作上。由于臀部后坐,支撑腿从着地缓冲转变为后蹬,髋部伸展的速度与幅度降低,削弱髋关节的用力程度,使后蹬力量得不到充分地发挥。随着髋部伸展速度的降低,髋屈肌群被拉长的速度缓慢。当支撑腿后蹬结束再转换为前摆时,快速收缩的力量减退,不能有力地带动大腿快速前摆,导致摆动腿前摆动作迟缓。在跑动中容易造成蹬地腿与摆动腿配合不协调,达不到以摆促蹬、蹬摆结合的效果。那么,蹬伸与摆动所产生的力量不能有效地促进身体重心向水平方向快速移动,从而延长了支撑时间,对跑速的增长产生一些不利的影响。主要影响有以下几个方面。  相似文献   

运用三维立体摄影解析法,获取羽毛球突击杀球技术动作的运动学参数,并对数据进行统计学处理,为羽毛球教学和训练提供定量的科学依据和指明羽毛球高突击杀球技术的运动学特征.研究结果表明:头顶突击杀球整个技术动作要求移动快、下肢蹬地迅速、引拍的幅度不要过大,主要靠转臂瞬间发力,重心在移动阶段较低,有利于增加身体的弹性势能,在迎球挥拍和球拍触球阶段重心变化小,从而维持了腾空后身体稳定性.  相似文献   

原因一:跑时全脚掌着地跑是单脚前脚掌着地支撑与腾空相互交替的周期性运动。教学时,许多教师往往忽视提醒学生跑时前脚掌着地支撑腾空的动作要点,大多数学生下意识地认为跑是走的一种加速运动。练习时采用全脚掌着地支撑,后蹬用力不够,身体重心前移不到位,脚后跟着地次数频繁,从而造成坐着跑。纠正方法:1.让学生理解、掌握跑的动作要领。2.让学生体会前脚掌前扒、后蹬用力、重心前移及手脚摆动等一系列动作的协调连贯性练习。3.原地做前脚掌蹬跳起向前的动作分解练习。原因二:(上)下肢摆动幅度小跑时,(上)下肢是一种协调而连…  相似文献   

Contributions of the non-kicking-side arm to rugby place-kicking technique   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To investigate non-kicking-side arm motion during rugby place kicking, five experienced male kickers performed trials under two conditions, both with an accuracy requirement but one with an additional maximal distance demand. Joint centre coordinates were obtained at 120 Hz during kicking trials and a three-dimensional model was created to enable the determination of segmental contributions to whole-body angular momentum. All kickers possessed minimal non-kicking-side arm angular momentum about the global medio-lateral axis. The more accurate kickers exhibited greater non-kicking-side arm angular momentum about the global antero-posterior axis. This augmented the whole-body antero-posterior angular momentum, and altered the whole-body lateral lean at ball contact. The accurate kickers also exhibited greater non-kicking-side arm angular momentum about the global longitudinal axis, which opposed the kicking leg longitudinal angular momentum and attenuated the whole-body longitudinal angular momentum. All participants increased the longitudinal angular momentum of the non-kicking-side arm in the additional distance demand condition, except for one participant whose accuracy decreased, suggesting that the longitudinal angular momentum of the non-kicking-side arm assists maintenance of accuracy in maximum distance kicking. Goal kickers should be encouraged to produce non-kicking-side arm rotations about both the antero-posterior and longitudinal axes, as these appear important for both the initial achievement of accuracy, and for maintaining accuracy during distance kicking.  相似文献   

To investigate non-kicking-side arm motion during rugby place kicking, five experienced male kickers performed trials under two conditions, both with an accuracy requirement but one with an additional maximal distance demand. Joint centre coordinates were obtained at 120 Hz during kicking trials and a three-dimensional model was created to enable the determination of segmental contributions to whole-body angular momentum. All kickers possessed minimal non-kicking-side arm angular momentum about the global medio-lateral axis. The more accurate kickers exhibited greater non-kicking-side arm angular momentum about the global antero-posterior axis. This augmented the whole-body antero-posterior angular momentum, and altered the whole-body lateral lean at ball contact. The accurate kickers also exhibited greater non-kicking-side arm angular momentum about the global longitudinal axis, which opposed the kicking leg longitudinal angular momentum and attenuated the whole-body longitudinal angular momentum. All participants increased the longitudinal angular momentum of the non-kicking-side arm in the additional distance demand condition, except for one participant whose accuracy decreased, suggesting that the longitudinal angular momentum of the non-kicking-side arm assists maintenance of accuracy in maximum distance kicking. Goal kickers should be encouraged to produce non-kicking-side arm rotations about both the antero-posterior and longitudinal axes, as these appear important for both the initial achievement of accuracy, and for maintaining accuracy during distance kicking.  相似文献   

A non-rotational (NR) shot is now a well-known scoring move in soccer. To execute the NR shot, it is necessary to deprive the ball of any rotational forces during the impact phase. To execute the NR shot, it is natural that the force vector acting from the foot would pass through the ball’s center of gravity; however, the coordinated motion of the lower limb joint’s angular displacement and the pelvis is still unclear. The aim of this study is to estimate the coordinated leg and pelvis motion during the NR shot as compared to that during instep kicking. Four right-leg dominant college league players were asked to perform a NR shot and an instep kick a total of 10 times each. Hip, knee, and ankle joint angular displacements in the sagittal plane and pelvis yaw and roll rotational motions during both types of kicks were calculated with 14 IR reflective markers using a 3D real-time motion analysis system with a 250-Hz sampling. The Euclidean distances of the joint space of the NR shot and the instep kick were also calculated to detect similarities in the coordinated motion of the lower limb. The results showed that the lower limb joint motions in the sagittal plane were not different; however, the pelvis roll and yaw motions were apparently different, and these phenomena could simulate a pendulum motion with changes in both the vertical and horizontal displacements. These results suggest that the coordinated motion of the lower limb joint’s angular displacement shows high similarity between the NR shot and the instep kick, and the pelvis roll and yaw synchronized orientation is essential for achieving the NR shot.  相似文献   

近几年来我国柔道运动员的柔道投技水平有了很大的提高,但同世界先进水平相比还有一定差距,主要表现在教练员对技术特点认识不够深入、运动员对技术核心要领的掌握不够以及运动员专项力量的不足上。本研究以北京体育大学竞技体校8名优秀柔道运动员为研究对象,采用运动学录像解析的方法并结合运动解剖学的基本理论对运动员背负投技术进行了量化分析和评价,研究和剖析背负投技术动作的运动原理和动作结构特征。得出以下结论:(1)右腿上步、左腿背步、下蹲、倒地4个阶段是一本背负投动作技术的主要阶段。影响完成整个动作过程时间的因素主要是肌肉爆发力,其次是运动员的技术。(2)一本背负投技术具有重心低,稳定性好,速度快、突然性高、不易失分和被反攻的特点,依靠上肢的提拉、躯体的转动和下肢的蹬伸协同配合的复合运动。(3)在完成一本背负投技术过程中肢体转动的幅度和速度是影响技术效果的重要因素。  相似文献   

An accurate measurement of force and biomechanical energy that people can impart through kicking is useful for kick-related sports training. Existing methods are indirect measurements or focus on force and not on the total energy of the kick. A kick test rig was designed, constructed and instrumented to measure the force and displacement of a vertical target subjected to kicking. The kick energy was calculated from the recorded force and displacement histories. The methodology for measurement of kick force and energy was validated by an open stance front kick test by 52 volunteers. The results showed that 67% of the participants could achieve an average energy above 100 J. An increasing trend of kick energy with increasing body weight of participant was observed. The participant’s gender had a strong influence on the kick energy, while training in martial arts does not appear to be a significant parameter. A probability analysis showed that one in one hundred adults will be able to kick with energies exceeding 215 J.  相似文献   

摩登舞技巧中最重要的环节是控制身体重心的不断转换,整个形体在惯性中移动,形成移动惯性流量。形体移动惯性流量的形成,关键在于身体躯干在中枢神经系统的控制下,由肌肉收缩牵引骨骼来带动腿脚移动实现重心移动到位。在此过程中,身体躯干主导着重心转移,腰胯稳固形成移动的枢纽,脚底联动实现重心的平衡转移。  相似文献   

摩登舞技巧中最重要的环节是控制身体重心的不断转换,整个形体在惯性中移动,形成移动惯性流量。形体移动惯性流量的形成,关键在于身体躯干在中枢神经系统的控制下,由肌肉收缩牵引骨骼来带动腿脚移动实现重心移动到位。在此过程中,身体躯干主导着重心转移,腰胯稳固形成移动的枢纽,脚底联动实现重心的平衡转移。  相似文献   

摩登舞技巧中最重要的环节是控制身体重心的不断转换,整个形体在惯性中移动,形成移动惯性流量。形体移动惯性流量的形成,关键在于身体躯干在中枢神经系统的控制下,由肌肉收缩牵引骨骼来带动腿脚移动实现重心移动到位。在此过程中,身体躯干主导着重心转移,腰胯稳固形成移动的枢纽,脚底联动实现重心的平衡转移。  相似文献   

影像测量数据在击剑弓步技术诊断中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用影像测量法、数理统计法,对佩剑运动员弓步技术特征点数据进行研究,分析认为:利用人体重心在垂直方向的速度与位移曲线相结合的方法,可以更清楚地反映并较准确地划分弓步技术动作阶段,获得相关数据,掌握运动员各阶段的人体重心变化情况;利用前脚重心点位移与速度特征指标,可以分析"摆"、"伸"步法技术各个环节的问题;通过膝关节角度指标,能对运动员站位高低,人体重心偏移进行诊断,并利用膝关节角度值变化,分析脚步摆动腿幅度,支撑腿用力等情况,判断弓步结束姿势的稳定性.应用影像测量数据简单易行,有助于对击剑运动技术进行分析研究,解决技术诊断中的实际问题.  相似文献   

练提供客观的理论依据。  相似文献   

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