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由于中国社会正处于转型期,社会职业的多变性与过渡性,经常会使高职学生职业规划研究陷入"落伍"的尴尬,又因实践与规划无法奏效而使职业规划指导或研究沦为空洞而抽象的说教。高职学生的职业规划的科学机理,应该定位于人文素质常项、专业技能常项的把握。当代职业多变或迁移过快,派生出了新职业对原有职业规划元素的适应、衔接和修正等一系列动态思维观照。  相似文献   

知己知彼,百战不殆。“职业指导之父”帕森斯指出,要做好职业规划,除了要了解自我外,还要了解职业,然后进行以上两方面的综合考虑。对多数大学生而言,对职业的不了解是他们进行职业规划的共同难题。  相似文献   

  大学生职业规划设计能够帮助大学生确立人生的奋斗目标。通过职业规划设计,使大学生在入学后便能有正确的择业意识,选择最能发挥自己优势的职业。同时,大学生职业规划设计能够帮助培养大学生积极乐观的生活态度,培养其自立自主精神,促进其按照社会需求和自身特点发展,提高文化水平和专业、职业能力水平,有利于激励他们的进取精神,鼓励其通过自己的学习和劳动取得成就。  相似文献   

通过对"高职大学生职业价值观探索"教学内容的剖析,旨在探讨教师在教学实践中如何根据职业价值观相关理论,引导高职大学生树立良好的职业意识,有效指导和帮助高职大学生探索、澄清职业价值观,明确职业目标,有针对性地提高职业技能和就业能力,提升就业满意度,为高职大学生职业规划与就业指导课程创新与改革提供借鉴。  相似文献   

职业规划,是指个体根据对自身和外部因素的综合分析,探索职业方向、定位具体职业目标、设计职业发展路径的系统过程。自身因素包括兴趣、能力、价值观、个性等主要特征,其中,兴趣和能力在人们进行职业规划时应着重考虑;外部因素包括职业、社会、家庭环境等方面。美国职业规划大师舒伯把人一生的职业规划分为不同的阶段,有成长阶段、探索阶段、建立阶段、维持阶段和衰退阶段。其中,高中正处于职业规划的探索阶段,是探索职业方向的关键时期。  相似文献   

职业生涯规划下高职会计人才培养方案探索   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从会计职业素质要求及高职会计专业职业规划必要性分析入手,分析了传统高职会计专业培养方案的局限:职业素质教育缺失,以会计实务操作能力代替会计职业能力,实践课程缺乏系统性。为此,需改革高职会计专业培养方案:增设会计职业素质教育系列课程,进行会计专业课程体系改革,构建"职业魔方"实践教学体系,引入职业资格证书教育。  相似文献   

职业价值观是影响大学生就业的重要因素,引导大学生树立正确的职业价值观是大学生就业指导工作的一项重要内容。高校面向大学生开展职业规划教育与职业价值观教育根本动机一致,职业规划教育是职业价值观教育的载体,文章提出以社会主义核心价值观作为职业规划教育的指导思想,通过在教育环节增加职场实践机会、提供职业咨询服务等方法引导大学生职业价值观。  相似文献   

正职业规划是指将个人发展与组织发展相结合,在对个人和内外环境因素进行分析的基础上,确定一个人的事业发展目标,并选择实现这一事业目标的职业或岗位,编制相应的工作、教育和培训行动计划,对每一步骤的时间、项目和措施做出合理的安排。职业规划主要包括职业定位、目标设定、通道设计三部分内容。一、职业规划建设的必要性职业培训中引导和帮助学生进行职业规划建设是十分必要的。科学的职业规划是学生职业理想规划表现形式,是学生有计划、有步骤实现职业理想的奋斗目标,对于学生干一行爱一行,实现专业发展大有益处:(一)职业规划能够帮助学生明确职业定位职业定位将作为学生未来职业生涯的重要标  相似文献   

职业规划从陌生到熟悉,已逐渐走入大学生的视野。很多大学生都开始主动了解职业规划的意义并且能够自觉的进行职业规划,但是如何规划则是众多大学生实践中疑惑的问题,就笔者接触的许多规划案例而言还存在许多问题。笔者认为大学生职业规划要注意三个基本要素:职业价值观,专业素质和职业技能。从三者的关系看,职业价值观出于核心地位,故称为“一个中心,两个基本点”。  相似文献   

正1职业规划就是制定职业目标或学习计划。职业规划的核心是达到职业目标的步骤、方法、时间安排。准确、细致的长短期计划是我们达成职业目标的手段。但是达成职业目标很多时候需要的不仅仅是知识,更重要的是需要能力,所以职业规划的重点是工作能力提升的规划,从长期的角度出发来寻找真正适合自己的岗位。制定职业目标或学习计划只是职业规划中的一个部分,更重要的是知道自己的兴趣所在和能力边际,让具体的计划做到有的放矢。  相似文献   

The increased number of international students in United States universities and colleges have created the need for the development of services that appropriately reflect their needs and characteristics. The Career Center at the University of Missouri, Columbia reacted to this phenomenon by developing career services exclusively for international students. Career services are provided as individual services and online services, and consist of information on graduate schools and entrance examination practices, information on available employment opportunities and work permit policies, career assessments, and information about specific skills for obtaining a job in the United States. Several marketing strategies were used to ensure international students' use of services. Important points in developing career services for international students are presented.  相似文献   

Conclusions The teaching profession is in a state of flux which will continue until changes in salaries, security, and class size are adjusted and overall attractiveness of the profession increases. The CPPC is committed to offering the Career Alternatives for Educators workshop and encourages other career centers to do so. Assisting educators in choosing to remain in teaching, or to enter another field, may help to reduce teacher burnout, enhance teacher job satisfaction, and increase their effectiveness in the classroom. In addition, the workshop provides educators with a better understanding of their University system, increases their awareness and attention to the career development process, and provides better understanding of career opportunities. Career Centers' involvement in this is particularly logical given the role which educators play in their daily interaction with potential university students as teachers or parents. For a variety of reasons, an Alternative for Educators workshop is an important outreach effort for Career Centers, and is a rewarding role for them to play.  相似文献   

The career development of students, demonstrated by students performing appropriate career developmental tasks, is important to institutions of higher education because career developed students are more likely to have career objectives, persist in their academic goals, gain career-related work experience, find employment in their chosen fields, and graduate. The purpose of this study was to determine if the career development of students by class level had been enhanced by participation in a career management plan specifically prepared for undergraduates. The intervention of a career management plan (i.e., the Career Success Club) was successful, especially for seniors and middles, in enhancing the career development of undergraduates. Career management plans may help students that are academically undecided to become more connected to their majors by focusing more on academic and career matters.  相似文献   

职业生涯教育对职业院校学生的职业发展具有重要意义.目前职业生涯教育已经从政府主导转向学校重视、社会关注.针对职业院校职业生涯教师专业水平不高、教育内容与形式不能满足学生个性化需求的现状,职业院校可以采取构建阶梯型职业生涯教师队伍、系统设置职业生涯教育内容、创新职业生涯教育形式等措施,引导学生立足现实科学规划自己的职业生涯.  相似文献   

职业生涯规划是为了帮助大学生选择职业、准备就业、获得职业、适应职业和转换职业的具有前瞻性规划,学校在大学生入学之初就必须加强职业生涯规划的教育,促使大学生在校学习期间不断地根据自我职业规划的内容加强素质培养,锻炼各种能力,为其毕业后的职业选择创造和准备条件。  相似文献   

职业咨询是教育工作者运用心理学等方法,协助当事人更好地解决在选择职业、安置就业和职业发展等方面所遇到问题的教育实践活动。通过对当前独立学院职业咨询工作现状的调研,发现独立学院职业咨询存在着学生需求量大,但学校重视不够;咨询人员专业化不够,咨询效果不理想;咨询内容单一,无法满足学生多元化需求等问题。要做好独立学院职业咨询工作,就要从转变思想,加强对职业咨询重要性的认识,建设专业化的职业咨询队伍,完善多元化的职业咨询内容体系等方面入手,努力提高独立学院职业咨询服务水平和质量。  相似文献   

The Community Career Services (CCS) program at the University of Missouri–Columbia provides one-on-one career counseling using graduate level counselors-in-training and has been in place since the fall of 1978. Community members, faculty/staff, students and alumni have access to Career Center resources such as career planning and job search strategies, graduate practice exams, mock interviews, resume/cover letter critiques and a wealth of printed resources and information through access to the Center's web site. This article discusses the original concept behind development of the program and provides a brief programmatic history. It also provides a demographic overview of the clients participating in the program over the last eight years as well as the benefits of CCS in terms of the community, university, Career Center and counselors-in-training. In addition, it discusses what marketing tools seemed to have been most successful and concludes with possible areas of growth for the program in its future.  相似文献   

A student's expectation for a positive outcome for their future career development is referred to as career optimism. Career Services, a common university department, utilizes the social cognitive career theory (SCCT) to understand how students form career interests and make educational and vocational choices. Then Career Services can assist students in finding a career that matches their interests. We hypothesize that students' perception of the assistance provided by the Career Services department when the SCCT is applied, impacts the student's career optimism. In addition, we hypothesize, and results support, that different factors, such as a student's chosen major, impact student perception of Career Services and career optimism.  相似文献   

职业生涯规划是人生和事业成功的导航仪,对大学生的成长与发展有着重要的意义和指导作用。目前许多高校已经开设了职业生涯规划课程,但也存在着许多问题。高校应该从树立职业生涯规划理念,构建全程化、系统化的职业生涯规划教育体系,建设专业化、高素质的职业生涯规划教师队伍,建立健全大学生职业生涯规划课程体系,开展职业训练等几个方面来不断完善我国大学生职业生涯规划教育。  相似文献   

美国生涯教育对我国职业教育有诸多启示,一是要树立以生涯发展和规划为核心的教育观念,二是在我国职业教育中要建立紧密联系的生涯教育系统,三是要加强生涯教育师资队伍的培训,四是要注重实现职业教育的终身化发展。  相似文献   

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