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裁判文书反映法律精神由其根本属性所决定,反映的方式既有直接方式,也有间接方式。裁判结果的推出需要三段论的法律推理模式,但又不仅限于此。理解事实与法律的缠结现象既是构建裁判理由的基础,也是裁判文书反映裁判过程与结论的关键所在。  相似文献   

逻辑涵摄是法学借重科学主义方法论用以塑造司法裁判确定性的法律适用技未范式,然而法律适用的要旨在于理解规范和事实的意义,这不同于传统上科学是以观察、测量为基本方法的.推理过程的空洞性、大小前提的不确定性等因素决定了演绎推理不可能是法律适用的核心技术,从而逻辑涵摄无力担当法律适用技术范式的重任.它只是司法裁判的最后一步,是对裁判结论确定性的正当化包装.  相似文献   

论职校学生态度的非现实特征李柏宁关于态度的定义很多,它一般具有以下三个基本特征:它是一种内部的心理状态,为人们行为反应作出必要的准备,当某种类型或相近的行为发生时,态度便相应发生;它影响着人们行为的倾向或方向,对某一事物或行为的态度决定了人对它产生的...  相似文献   

逻辑推理和法律推理的关系十分密切,法律推理是逻辑推理的一般方法在法律领域中广泛、综合的运用,逻辑推理是法律推理重要的理性工具之一。法律推理中的逻辑推理形式必须是有效的,有效的逻辑推理可以消解裁判中的任意性,避免谬误,帮助获得正当的裁判结论。  相似文献   

在对实质推理进行简要概述的基础上,从我国司法实践的角度着重探讨实质推理在裁判过程中的具体适用,揭示实质推理的固有缺陷,从而展开对其亟待完善之处的思考,并力求促进实质推理在我国司法实践中的运用,以最大程度地实现裁判公平公正。  相似文献   

一、对目前我国道德现状的评估怎样评价道德现状,已经成为当今的热点话题。人们对此议论纷纷,见智见仁,其中具有代表性的论点,一个是“爬坡论”,另一个则是“滑坡论”。“爬坡论”认为:社会主义市场经济与道德进步存在同一性。市场经济所具有的等价交换属性,有利于结成人与人之间的平等友爱关系,有利于促进人们精神面貌的变化,其主要标志是人们的道德心理和行为特征由“虚”向“实”,由“假”向“真”,由封闭向开放,由依赖向独立自主转变,因而整个社会的道德水平是在“爬坡”。“滑坡论”则认为,如今假的东西太多了,而这些假…  相似文献   

浅谈篮球裁判员的素质   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
篮球裁判是篮球运动不可缺少的重要组成部分,是比赛场上的法官。裁判自身素质的高低,决定其临场裁判水平的发挥。关系着比赛胜负,直接影响着篮球运动的发展。因此,应注意裁判素质的培养和建设。  相似文献   

在许多体育比赛中,运动员的名次是由裁判决定的。研究裁判的信息加工活动可为提高裁判质量,改进当前的裁判培养模式提供科学依据。研究者们对裁判认知加工特点的研究很少,Diane Ste-Marie最近进行的这方面的研究取得了丰硕的研究成果。根据专家一新手型体育裁判信息加工差别的最新研究成果,应对当前的裁判培养模式及裁判制度进行改革。  相似文献   

转型期社会中所发生的社会规范、价值标准和行为方式等变化,必然带来人们新旧观念上的冲突,造成人们观念上的多元性的模糊性,导致在行为上出现无所适从或随心所欲的倾向。作为“人类灵魂的工程师”的教师队伍也同样发生着深刻的变化,师德水平的滑坡,令人堪忧。与其他行业相比,教师职业道德问题更具有其重要意义和深远的历史意义。这是由教师劳动任务、对象及特点决定的,  相似文献   

本文阐释如何在英语听力会话推理中,通过分析脚本的构成因素来解构对话。此推理实质为转喻认知,即利用会话所提及脚本的某一因素激活整个脚本。本文基于转喻激活论,以近两年四级考题实例,根据听力对话中题干和题支的关系,推理中转喻类型可分为四大类:行为要素激活整个脚本:行为要素的四个组成部分激活脚本;所有物要素激活角色要素;所有物要素激活评价要素。  相似文献   

Schools are increasingly seen as having a promising role to play in reducing adverse health and wellness outcomes among young people. This paper uses a collaborative action research approach to examine the effects of one school’s efforts to change its students’ eating habits by implementing a ‘junk-food free campus.’ By engaging school administrators and students in a six-month process of joint research design and analysis, the author found that students understood but did not necessarily support the policy. Despite students’ uneven support of the policy, however, there was some evidence that some students were developing healthier eating habits. Moreover, student researchers reported developing greater perspective and respect for the policy as a result of studying it.  相似文献   

政策是一个国家行为的最高理念形式。课程政策往往决定了一个国家后继的课程改革行为。分析近十多年来发达国家基础教育课程改革的历程,其在政策设计上表现出某些共同的特点,对我国进一步深化基础教育课程改革极具启发性。如对国家未来发展和全球竞争形势的关注、对高质量教育公平的追求,以及通过对改革的立法、健全课程改革与实施的制度、完善课程改革的组织和支持系统等,保障课程改革的顺利进行。  相似文献   

美国对华贸易政策的政治逻辑   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
贸易政策是一种特殊的公共物品。美国的对华贸易政策是美国政治市场进入均衡的产物, 决定美国对华贸易政策的基本因素仍旧是根植于美国文化中的价值取向和政治理念。在美国对华贸易政策形成的过程中, 不同的利益集团通过其院外活动对贸易政策的走向产生程度不同的影响。由于这些利益集团有着各自不同的集团利益和相异的组织结构、交易费用及经济实力, 他们在对华贸易政策的形成过程中也就有着不同的行动逻辑。由于政治市场上存在着一般选民的理性无知和特殊利益集团的理性, 美国政治市场上的政治均衡往往出现在公共物品的供给大于其净收益最大化水平时, 这种􀀂 供给过度 反映在对华贸易政策上, 就是政治因素超越商业考虑, 从而决定了美国的对华贸易政策不会是一种帕累托最优 。  相似文献   

This exploratory study examined white undergraduate students’ (a) racial attitudes towards Asian Americans, (b) principled policy attitudes toward affirmative action, and (c) self-interest in relation to their support for college-based affirmative action policies for Asian Americans at a Midwestern university. A sample (n = 264, 28% male, 72% female) of white undergraduate students from a mid-sized public university in the Midwest was surveyed. The findings indicate that white undergraduate women have significantly more favorable principled policy attitudes toward affirmative action in general and for an affirmative action college policy for Asians, in particular, than do undergraduate males. Implications for issues of equity and social justice are shared.  相似文献   

Science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) is a form of education seen by many governments and educators as a preparation of the types of students needed for the future. STEM education is being developed in many countries without the support of official policy, such as is the case in Canada. In the United States, the National Science Foundation (NSF), and a private non-profit organisation, Achieve Inc.?, have been enlisted to develop policy to guide the development on STEM nationally. Due to its influence in global politics and economy, many countries, including Canada, are interested in how the United States is preparing its citizens for the future through STEM education. In this paper we present a critical discourse analysis on STEM policy from the United States as a basis to discuss: biopolitics in science education; notions of citizenship in contemporary school education and science education; and citizenship and STEM education.  相似文献   

Schools are more and more encouraged to write a school‐based information and communication technology (ICT) policy plan. In such a plan, a school describes its expectations, goals, content and actions related to the future role of ICT in teaching and learning. Although this is encouraged by researchers and policy makers, the literature on ICT policy plans and ICT policy planning is rather general and underdeveloped. In this study, the content of school‐based ICT policy plans and underlying policy processes is explored. Data were gathered in 31 primary schools in Flanders: the schools' ICT policy plan was submitted to a content analysis, and a semi‐structured interview was administered to the school leader or the ICT coordinator. Using a framework of ICT leadership practices to guide the analysis (setting direction, developing people and making the organization work), we identified three types of ICT policy plans: (1) an ICT policy plan as a vision blueprint, (2) a technical inventory and (3) a comprehensive ICT policy plan. Although the last type takes into account all ICT leadership practices, we found a variety of different approaches in the processes used to create and execute such plans, such as the support of ICT training activities, data‐driven decision‐making processes and monitoring activities.  相似文献   

This article describes the use of action learning and action research in the development of management training institutions and management development experts in China. A case study is reported here which was based on a technical cooperation project between Switzerland and China which took place from 1994 to1996. The aim of this project was to build up the Chinese Government's institutional capacity in support of its policy to modernize its public administration and to strengthen its management of public enterprises. Conclusions from this case analysis illustrate that it is possible to operationalize action learning and action research methodologies successfully in China and to bring about organizational, managerial, professional, and personal development. It also illustrates needed adaptations of applying these management development strategies in the context of an international transfer of know-how. Learning took place at two related domains, i.e., at the domain of Chinese organizers, trainers, and managers who participated in the project and at the domain where the two partner institutions of the project interacted. More work is needed to better understand how to accelerate the development of facilitators and to manage structural and cultural constraints when one applies action learning and action research methodologies to large and complex systems in transitional economies within an Asian cultural environment.  相似文献   

幕末、明治时代,日本已经开始侵略中国,各种各样的侵华思想不断问世,成为其侵略行动的战略指导和精神支柱。这时的侵华思想以大陆政策为核心和主线,以“神国”理念和民族优越论为特征,是封建扩张主义、殖民主义和民族狂妄主义的混合物,对后来日本大规模的侵华思想理论的泛滥和行动的推进产生了深远的影响。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  Prior to its election to office in 2007, the Australian Labor Party announced a commitment to introduce Trade Training Centres (TTCs) into all Australian secondary schools as an initiative of its Education Revolution. TTCs were proposed as a key element of Federal Labor's education and training policy that aimed to manage future risks to Australia's competitiveness in the emerging global economy and to support school-to-employment transitions for young people. This analysis adopts a governmentality framework to conceptualise the Federal Government's introduction of TTCs alternatively as a key strategy for nationalising social investment politics in Australia. The paper draws on recent Australian policy documents to argue that TTCs are social technologies that work to open up social spaces in and around schools for governing relationships between schools and other community stakeholders, particularly businesses and families. The paper concludes by examining policy implications, including those of social justice, for promoting school community partnerships through TTCs.  相似文献   

Environmental Policy Making and the Report Genre   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This article analyzes two reports on energy policy by the Union of Concerned Scientists. The reports, though based on scientific inquiry, present rhetorical arguments that aim to influence future action. The reports are strategic tools for advocacy and action and are planned with an idea of their use in the field. Science and the reports serve the interests of social responsibility.  相似文献   

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