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培养学生的良好品德和公民素质,一直是香港学校教育的重要使命之一。基于社会发展的迫切要求和课程发展的趋势,香港于2008年修订了《德育及公民教育课程框架》。香港小学德育及公民教育课程旨在通过课堂讲授和多元化的学习经历,帮助学生树立正确的价值观和积极的人生态度,积极为家庭、社会、国家和世界作贡献。  相似文献   

社区德育课程资源开发对学生的成长有着重大影响。过去社区德育课程资源开发中,公民教育内容重视不够,科学系统的课程资源开发体系尚未建立,学校主体意识缺失,学校与社区缺乏有效的协作。将来将加强公民教育内容,注重社会主义核心价值观培育,突出学校与社区协作,加大信息技术应用。  相似文献   

胡少伟 《中学教育》2011,8(2):120-128
本文剖析了香港于回归前后公民教育的发展.因受前殖民地教育的影响,回归初期,香港中小学生的建构新国民身份教育进展不大;近年特区政府逐步加强推行公民教育.作为一个国际城市,在全球化的情境中,香港学校要以全球、国家和本土等三个层次向学生推行公民教育,以应对学生的需要.  相似文献   

日前,在新加坡一年一度例行的国会拨款委员会教育预算辩论中,新加坡教育部长王乙康宣布,为了给学生奠定更强的道德价值观、良好品格及应变力基础,并鼓励他们作为新加坡公民发挥更积极的作用,新加坡教育部将在2021年推出增强版的中小学品格与公民教育课程。增强版德育课程的内容主要有:重组目前的小学品格与公民教育课程,从幼年开始增强道德价值观教育;更关心学生的网络健康;更关注学生的心理健康;通过品格与公民教育课程努力吸引学生更积极地参与时事讨论;品格与公民教育将更进一步融入学校的其他课程与各项活动中。  相似文献   

香港在国际上占据的重要地位及其辉煌业绩的取得无不与其对公民教育的重视息息相关,了解香港公民教育的特点及改革趋势对于推进我国内地公民教育实践、理念的创新和变革具有积极意义。"以学生为本"、追求个人价值与社会价值的和谐统一、公民教育的生活化和国际化是香港公民教育的鲜明特点;以此为基础,香港公民教育将向以增进民族认同感和加强核心价值观培育等方面发展。  相似文献   

随着香港新学制改革的推进,如何解决由新学制改革带来的学生学习差异问题,引起香港教育界高度关注。针对各学校发展现状,香港政府推行了在不同学校、不同课程层面能照顾学生学习差异的电子学习多元化策略,无论是参与学校、意见收集,还是参与课程的资源建设、学校与其他界别的协作都尽可能多元化。实践证明,照顾学生学习差异的电子学习多元策略有力推动了香港学校的电子学习发展水平,很是值得学习和借鉴。  相似文献   

在2005年10月进行的调查显示,香港课程改革工作已见成效。1.超过75%学校已制订或继续执行既定的学校整体课程发展五年短期策略,并发展校本课程以切合学生需要。2.在提供宽广而均衡的课程、通过五种基本的学习经历(德育及公民教育、智能发展、社会服务、体艺发展、与工作有关的经验)以促进学生全人发展方面,学校都有明显进步。  相似文献   

正确的历史认知,不仅是公民价值观形成的重要思想资源,也是凝聚社会共识、培育公民精神、塑造国家认同的重要渠道。"中国近现代史纲要"课程进一步拓宽了国史教育的社会功能,把历史教育、思想政治教育与现代公民教育的诸多德育目标整合为一,引导青年学生理解国史、国情,提升思想政治素质,进而凝聚国民意识、达成社会共识,弘扬社会主义核心价值体系,对于青年大学生的价值观塑造,具有重要意义。我们需要在明确"中国近现代史纲要"课程属性和德育功能的前提下,采取有效措施,落实历史教育的德育目标。  相似文献   

香港课程改革把学校的科目编入八个不同的学习领域,并以九种共通能力和价值观及态度作为课程架构和组成部分。此外,香港的课程强调学习经历,鼓励校本课程发展、促进学习的评估等重要取向。  相似文献   

课程标准在香港称为“课程指引”,承担公民教育的课程标准香港称为“学校公民教育指引”。1985年5月,中英联合声明生效,香港进入回归祖国的过渡期。根据香港政府对教育署提出的通过学校承担公民教育的任务,教育署于1985年8月20日颁布了《学校公民教育指引》(以下简称《85指引》),在全港中小学推行。进入20世纪90年代中期以后,香港回归在即,为适应形势发展需要,香港课程发展议会修订《85指引》,1996年编订新的《学校公民教育指引》(以下简称《96指引》),并于1996年12月由香港教育署正式颁布实施。《96指引》把基本法教育、爱国教育及政治教育列入公民教育,基本完成了公民教育预期的使命。1997年香港回归后,为进一步推进学校品德教育和公民教育,香港课程发展议会于2012年4月编制完成《德育及国民教育科课程指引》,拟独立设置学科课程,但在征询意见过程中有各种不同的声音,最终能否得到社会各界理解与认同尚待时日。  相似文献   

Moral education and values education in curriculum reform in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the new curriculum reform in China, moral education and values education have been defined from the angles of the integrity and conformity of curriculum functions. Accordingly, a new education concept based on complete/integral curriculum functions is established. By discussing the essences of the curriculum, the basis of moral and values education, integrated curriculum setting in instruction structure, the presence of emotional and attitudinal goals in the subject standards, and teaching methods, this text points out that this curriculum reform looks to moral and values education in schools. The reform also emphasizes and will guarantee moral and values education in schools. Finally, the article recommends to elementary and secondary schools the studies on moral education in class conducted by the Research Institute of Moral Education of Nanjing Normal University, one of the Key Bases for Humanities and Social Sciences Research for the Ministry of Education. __________ Translated from Global Education, 2002:12  相似文献   

全球化、国际化与高等教育交流:香港的经验   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了应对日益激烈的全球市场竞争,许多新兴国家和地区的政府近年来都纷纷起草教育改革蓝图,并出台一系列针对教育体制改革的措施。香港特别行政区也把教育作为一项优先发展的公共政策,以增强本地公民的全球竞争力。在认识到人力资源是特别行政区拥有的唯一资源后,香港特区政府亦斥巨资投资教育。尽管特别行政区目前面临严重的预算赤字,但教育仍占到2004-2005年政府预算公共支出的最大份额22.5%。本文着重对在全球化的背景下,香港特别行政区采取怎样的措施来改善其高等教育体制,以及香港的大学如何与海外大学加强学术交流,以增强本港大学的国际竞争力进行论述。  相似文献   

Education reform towards a whole school approach to catering for diversity within Hong Kong government schools has seen the initiation of several strategies to support mainstream schools in this transition. One of these approaches is the use of a resource school model. Special and mainstream schools in Hong Kong are being invited to establish themselves as resource support hubs for partner mainstream schools. This paper investigates how this model is being implemented by considering one of each type of resource school. Three broad themes have emerged that relate to the type of support being offered and sought: the school ethos and culture of the partner schools; and management issues. The effectiveness of a resource model is evaluated for its use in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

道德教育是学科课程改革的重要主题.学科课程改革中的道德教育主要有德目主义、渗透式和跨学科三种模式,其内容包括民族传统价值观教育、普适性价值观教育和全球化时代的价值观教育.国际经验告诉我们:学科课程中实施道德教育要选择适切性的实践模式、珍视民族伦理道德文化的价值,并且要在全球化视野内进行定位.  相似文献   

This paper analyses aspects of a Hong Kong school curriculum reform, which recommends amongst other things, a greater focus on assessment for learning. It outlines the principles of the reform as it pertains to assessment and discusses how structural changes are being employed to lend support to changes in the assessment culture in Hong Kong. The paper draws on a previous problematic attempt to introduce formative assessment through the Target-Oriented Curriculum initiative. Two examples of assessment for learning practice of 'early adopters' are used to illustrate both the potential and some of the challenges of implementation in the Hong Kong primary school context. From these cases, are drawn out some of the facilitating and inhibiting factors impinging on the implementation of assessment for learning in schools, building on a model of professional growth.  相似文献   

价值多元化背景下中小学校德育环境调查报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
调查显示,当前中小学校德育环境建设总体上还是在价值一元化的思维方式下运作,与价值多元的时代背景和价值商谈等德育新理念不相适应。为此,我国中小学校德育应基于时代发展和学生主体的特点,由注重传承德育知识转向培养学生的道德认知力、判断力、感受力和行为力,努力创建一种对话共享、活动参与、丰富开放、动态生成的育人环境。  相似文献   

This paper aims to examine teachers’ use of strategies and approaches in integrating Plastic Resources Education (PRE) into primary school life in order to overcome the challenges encountered during implementation to promote environmentally friendly practices. Case studies with eight Hong Kong teachers from PRE-participating primary schools were invited to take part in focus group interviews, to explicate their personal stories and experiences associated with the PRE implementation in primary schools. Based on the data collected from the teachers’ sharing, several challenges which are commonly reported in the previous literature, including lack of time, shortage of manpower, and insufficient pupil engagement were found. The teachers tackled the barriers by using different strategies to improve pupils’ involvement as well as getting support from the relevant stakeholders of school management and parents. The case studies provide crucial and relevant information which can be used as a reference for other schools to integrate PRE more efficiently to facilitate learning.  相似文献   

二十一世纪以来,中国大陆和香港地区的基础教育正经历着新一轮课程改革。中国大陆传统的中小学技术教育得到与时俱进的变革;以培养学生技术素养为目标的技术课程成为高中新课程结构中的八大领域之一,形成技术教育课程形态的历史性突破。香港回归祖国之后,其中小学的技术教育也正面临着前所未有的机遇和挑战。随着我国基础教育课程改革事业的不断推进和深入发展,对两地基础技术教育发展的回顾和比较也就越发显得大有必要。这项比较研究可以为大陆和香港地区基础技术教育的改革与发展,提供互为参照与借鉴的启示、宝贵经验和建议。  相似文献   

通过调查粤澳11 097名中小学生发现,广东中小学生思政课课程感知和各维度感知水平显著优于澳门,且在“课程目标”“课程内容”维度差距最为突出。性别差异为女生显著优于男生;年级差异大体为小学四至六年级优于初中各年级;曾在香港就读对课程感知有消极影响,在内地就读则有积极影响。父母文化程度大体与课程感知呈正相关。基于此,要继续完善澳门思政课课程建设,加强广东思政课课程实施督导;提高男生思政课课程学习兴趣;引导初中生重视国家事务,实现思政课的情感目标;提高粤澳姐妹学校互动频率,鼓励澳门中小学生到内地就读或交换。  相似文献   

Curriculum reform with a school-based approach is often assumed to offer schools and teachers autonomy at the site level, thus enabling them to develop a school-based curriculum and pedagogies to better fit the needs of students. Over the past decade, school-based curriculum development in Hong Kong has encountered issues that deserve worldwide attention and discussion. By reviewing the experiences of two schools in Hong Kong and drawing on international evidence, this study identifies key challenges and difficulties in school-based curriculum reform in three areas. Intellectually, there is a lack of a strong and broad shared knowledge base for curriculum development. As a result, most school-based curriculum initiatives have been piecemeal, fragmented and shallow. Structurally, many teachers have wasted time ‘re-inventing the wheel’ when developing school-based curricula. This effort has left them without sufficient time and energy to be effective in teaching. Culturally, reliance on school management to steer school-based reforms has prevented the development of a new culture in which teachers have the autonomy to make changes in their daily practices. Without cultural changes, curriculum reforms are not sustainable or effective. This study proposes a cooperative platform that integrates the strengths of central intelligence and school-based initiatives to maximise support for curriculum development at the teacher, school-site and system levels.  相似文献   

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