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《金瓶梅》作者在充分掌握杭州“儿尾”方言特点的情况下,非常熟练地、巧妙地运用“儿尾”方言来描写人物。一、用“儿尾”方言来描写人物外貌;二、用“儿尾”方言描写人物穿戴;三、用“儿尾”方言描写人物语言。  相似文献   

从“X儿”产生理据上分析“儿”的性质和作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
无论是从现代汉语共时平面上分析“X儿”里“儿”(指词缀)的语音、语法、语义等情况。还是从“X儿”产生的理据上分析,都证明“儿”是一个语素。从“X儿”中“X”的词性情况和“儿”在“X儿”中的语法作用以及“X儿”的整体功能等方面分析,“儿”具有如下作用:即语音标记作用、语法标记作用、语用标记作用和语义标记作用。上述作用往往交叉使用共同发挥作用。  相似文献   

一、教师最基本的职责和义务是“讲”。不讲。怎为人师?但要少讲、精讲。讲到火候。讲到学生心里去。要以自己的“讲”激励学生去“讲”。我讲朱自清《春》时,先选择描写“春风”一段,从运用修辞(引用、比喻、拟人)、描写角度(听觉、视觉、嗅觉)、语言特点(形象准确)几方面具体表明了我“独到”的见解和感受,然后让学生也选择自己最喜欢的一段来“讲”。学生讲的过程中,我适时引导,其他学生适时补充,争先恐后地讲述与众不同的意见。例如讲到描写“春草”的一段时,一般学生都能说出“钻”、“嫩嫩的”、“绿绿的”、“软绵绵的”等词语的简洁、传神。有个学生还认为“打两个滚儿”虽然不是直接写草。而是写人,但通过这句话,却似乎能嗅到青草的味道,小时候就有过这样的体会,棒极了。  相似文献   

近代汉语中,“子”和“儿”作为构词的后缀,开始并广泛运用起来。这种后缀既是古代汉语书面语更接近当时口语的表现,也是现代汉语后缀“子”和“儿”的发展基础,但与古今汉语相比,这些后缀既有共同之处,又有独特用法。本文以大量语料为依据,用静态描写和动态对比的方法对其进行分析,以揭示近代汉语中词缀“子、儿”等的独特用法。  相似文献   

本文全面描写“些”“些儿”“一些(儿)”这三个词在《元曲选》宾白中的语法功能及语法意义,同时比较其异同。“些”具有构成词语和作句法成分的功能;当其充当定语,宾语时,表事物的不定量,作补语时,表动作的量或性状的比较程度,有时兼有表祈使语气的作用。  相似文献   

原文:古老的传说那家佐一落叶,孤桥,古刹。一个小脚女人,背着个孩子,一个女孩儿。跪于送子观音面前。她虔诚地祈祷,盼着生下个男孩儿。孩儿她爸已经纳了妾,只因她没能生下个男孩儿。这是她外婆的外婆。  相似文献   

“国民性”话语其实是一种“描写”或“叙述”,从“国民性”话语诞生的源头上来考量,鲁迅也不可避免地成为“被描写”的客体。鲁迅的独异之处在于,他在对后殖民性质的“被描写”的拒斥和接受中保持了高度的独立性、主体性和内在功利性。鲁迅同时也充当“描写”的主体,毫无讳饰地“描写”着中国人的国民劣根性,孜孜以求“改造国民性”,实现人的全面现代化的“立人”目标。因此,鲁迅的“描写”和后殖民性质的“被描写”可以划上一道截然的分水岭。  相似文献   

《故乡》里有这样的描写:“我到了自家的房外,我的母亲早已迎着出来了,接着便飞出了八岁的侄儿宏儿。”一个“飞”字使宏儿急切而又活泼可爱的神情跃然纸上,与母亲“迎着出来”的缓慢之态相映成趣。《拿来主义》批判对待大宅子的错误态度:“不过因为原是羡慕这宅子的旧主人的,而这回接受一切,欣欣然蹩进卧室,大吸剩下的鸦片,那当然更是废物。”“昏蛋”不知辨别地全盘接受文化遗产,大肆吸取其中的糟粕。一个“蹩”字,写出了“昏蛋”走  相似文献   

“儿”缀的形成与发展,历经唐朝、两宋,到元明清时期发生根本性的变化,从独立成音节的后缀演变为不能独立成音节的几化。本文根据刘坚编著的《古代白话文献选读》及各时期代表作进行封闭性研究,把“儿”缀在近代各时期发展的脉络进行梳理,总结“儿”缀在发展中的语法功能及语用特点。本文根据实例分析验证了王力的说法,即“儿”作为后缀出现于唐朝,各时期发展又各具特点:要注意先秦典籍中“儿”字不被认为是词尾,两汉时期“儿”开始用于人名,一直传到后代;隋唐时期“儿”字已完全虚化;两宋时期“儿”缓广泛用于各类名词性成分后,有多种新用法;明清时期“儿”缀在形容词重叠的形式上发生了新的变化。  相似文献   

常春 《文教资料》2010,(11):34-35
“子”尾和“儿”缀现象是《儿女英雄传》称谓词中的一个显著特点,本文从构词,语音,以及运用范围等角度进行了归纳分析.可以看出称谓词中“子”尾和“儿”缀现象在近代汉语中的日常普遍性.以及和现代汉语之间的继承性和延续性。  相似文献   

对于"小红帽"意义的挖掘,试图比较几个具有代表意义的版本,从不同的诸如新批评中的细读法、女权主义、解构主义等文学批评理论的角度,对其进行对比和解读,向读者昭示了隐藏在简单童话背后的男权意识形态,权利层级结构和后现代批评思想。  相似文献   

Counterfactual thinking refers to imaginative thoughts about what might have been (“if only” or “what if”) which are intrinsically linked to self-conscious emotions (regret and guilt) and social judgements (blame). Research in adults suggests that the focus of these thoughts is influenced by order (temporal and causal). Little research has involved children regarding the impact of such thinking on their well-being and learning. This study tests the hypothesis that children will demonstrate order effects. One hundred and twenty-one children answered questions about school-based scenarios and a series of interviews was carried out with pupils and teachers. Order effects were observed but there was some variety in the responses to the questions involving self-conscious emotions and social judgements. Thematic analysis of the interview data indicated that children thought of order but also created their own individual stories, whereas teachers had negative perceptions of how pupils thought about events. Implications for educational psychology practice are considered.  相似文献   

在当代儿童文坛中,金曾豪的动物小说以其丰富的艺术形象、独创的“上帝视角”及张扬的生命意识成功实践了文本创作与读者接受间的契合。金曾豪动物小说形象塑造从多重层面,围绕儿童接受心理,在小说形象的塑造中实现对儿童的教育、培养和感染,对当代儿童的成长具有深刻意义。  相似文献   

Little is known about how teachers and head teachers (school personnel) attend to children experiencing grief. Our aim was to investigate what the school personnel perceive to be optimal help from the school in such situations. We conducted seven focus group interviews and one single interview among 17 teachers and 5 head teachers from primary and secondary schools. Although the school personnel obviously have high levels of empathy and commitment towards grieving students, they expressed limited knowledge about how child bereavement affects school performance, concentration, and learning, and how this restricted their own efforts to arrange for grieving children during the school day. They also signalled tensions created by the need to mediate too many tasks in the teacher’s role, school staff’s lack of grief knowledge, and guilt for not doing more for bereaved children at school. Despite the existence of solid theoretical and research base in the field of grief in children, opportunities for provision of evidence-validated intervention by teachers and other school personnel in response to grief, and prompt referral of bereaved children suffering more complex grief reactions, appear to be severely compromised. The school personnel pointed out the necessities for action plans and written routines, resources and clarifications of roles, and some basic help principles, key help measures, and improvements to improve the support for bereaved schoolchildren.  相似文献   

This paper, from the 1979 Conference, ‘Television In Society’ begins by defining the educational process as one of persisting, despite initial failures, to acquire understanding or mastery, and underlining the uniqueness of each individual learner. The author reports on the results of a one‐year study of the viewing habits of pre‐school children. Little ‘rising fives’ are such heavy viewers that they must feel a sense of loss when school attendance deprives them of ‘their’ television, perhaps the most valuable ‘child‐minder’ of all. Television delights these veteran under‐five viewers and provides an aid that parents and teachers can welcome; it also seems to stimulate little or no ‘participation’ and to inhibit language skills. Older children are also voracious viewers, but the author's experience suggests that television does not of itself inhibit reading and that to blame violent behaviour on viewing of violence is humbug. In conclusion it is suggested that educators are as yet failing to recognize the paramount importance of television in children's lives: there is an urgent need for education to acknowledge this in its curricula and for children (and adults) to find out more about how television is created. The Educational Television Association could play an important role here.  相似文献   

In recent times many developing countries have adopted a one‐to‐one model for distributing computers in classrooms. Among the various effects that such an approach could imply, it surely increases the availability of computer‐related Assistive Technology at school and provides higher resources for empowering disabled children in their learning and communicating abilities. New environments are created in which technology is no more a specific solution, but a matter of fact. This article describes three case studies involving children from Uruguayan special schools undergoing integration projects in mainstream schools. The children could count on a computer technology which did not mark them as “those who need some different tools,” but as special users of the same tools as the rest of the students.  相似文献   

Total raw self-esteem scores of 1303 children, including Chinese children in Britain and Hong Kong and White British, were assessed by using the Self-esteem Inventory developed by Coopersmith (1967). Across all samples, the results show little differences between children of different ages, whereas statistically significant differences occur in the independent variables of ethnic groups, gender and educational aspiration. Despite the social disadvantages that the UK Chinese may face, they have significantly higher self-esteem than their Hong Kong Chinese counterparts, but have little differences from their White peers. This indicates that they are likely to have positive feelings and academic confidence in being themselves and as part of the host society. In contrast, Hong Kong children tend to have low levels of self-esteem, which may be caused by the more self-effacing and modest values in Chinese culture, a traditional authoritarian style of education or highly competitive pressures created by schools, families and society.  相似文献   

小城镇可持续发展模式的选择应遵循分阶段、多元化与综合发展;资源优势、产业优势与经济优势相结合;转变发展方式、走内涵式城镇发展之路;保护生态环境、促进城镇可持续发展等原则。针对内蒙各地区的经济特色与发展潜能,小城镇可持续发展模式包括工矿主导型、加工主导型、农业基础型、商贸中心型、交通枢纽型、旅游开发型、城郊服务型及综合发展型等多种模式。  相似文献   

通过分析英国短篇小说家凯瑟琳.曼斯菲尔德的儿童小说代表作《六便士》、《小姑娘》和《累妞儿》中被父母变态管教及伤害、被父母遗弃及被成人残酷迫害和剥削的苦难儿童群像,探讨了其儿童小说的恐惧感主题和创作动机。  相似文献   

Emerging from projects that have involved working with primary school children in school-related research, this article offers suggestions of how drawing as a principal means of data gathering can be either constructive or of little value. The qualitative research projects discussed include investigations of school improvement and consideration of school design, in which freehand drawing was used in different contexts with young people. In many cases, the value of the visual data was high, contributing strongly to the research aims. In some, however, the work contributed little meaningful data to address the research questions. The usefulness of data derived from drawings to the research was assessed by observing factors such as the materials and time available as well as teacher and peer influence. This article discusses those variables and proposes recommendations to improve the likelihood of obtaining quality visual data when working with children.  相似文献   

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