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本文对棘胸蛙(Rana spinosa David)在宁波平原地区的人工繁殖和养殖进行了初步的研究,其中包括人工授精和人工孵化;蝌蚪,幼蛙和成蛙的养殖等。对于卵巢发育程度良好的雌蛙,可以100%地催产成功。平均孵化率选74%以上.孵化条件合适时可以达到90%以上。5日龄蝌蚪的成活率选90%以上,80~90d即可变态成幼蛙。幼蛙经过6个月的饲养平均个体重达100g以上,鲜活饵料的料肉比为4.1:1。  相似文献   

东北林蛙一体化设施养殖是人工养殖林蛙的必然趋势,该文通过总结多年养殖经验,概括出养殖过程中蛙棚的设计、蛙卵孵化、幼蛙雌雄分化、幼蛙上岸、幼蛙生长、幼蛙越冬和幼蛙出蛰管理等关键技术.蛙棚的设计要保证为林蛙的生长提供适宜的生活环境,包括温度、湿度、光照、防鸟、防鼠、防蛇、防逃逸,同时,要实现蛙卵孵化、幼蛙饲养、幼蛙越冬、幼蛙出蛰及成蛙生长一体化的管理条件;蛙卵孵化关键技术包括控温、控光照、控饲料,保证蝌蚪在生长期内快速生长,形成一定重量的健康幼蛙;幼蛙雌雄分化关键技术是控制变态期水温在10℃以下,保证雌蛙高比例分化;幼蛙上岸管理关键技术包括控湿、控光照;幼蛙生长期管理关键技术包括提供阴凉干燥的环境、充足的食物,保证幼蛙定时定量运动;幼蛙越冬管理关键技术是保证水体内有充足的氧气;幼蛙出蛰管理的关键技术是提供适宜的阴凉干燥的休息环境.  相似文献   

初中生物学课本介绍了蛙的发育过程,在蛙的发育季节可组织学生采集蛙在各个不同发育时期的标本,进行制作。1 采集 受精卵的采集,在有水生植物的水田或水沟中,寻找蛙卵堆成块状的进行采集(若卵排成带状的即是蟾蛛的卵)。采集的蝌蚪要分别有外鳃的、外鳃消失、长出后肢的、长出四肢的。青蛙的蝌蚪体色较浅,尾巴较长,口在头的头端,鳃孔位于头部的左侧(蟾蜍的蝌蚪身体呈黑色,尾较短而颜色稍浅,口生在头部前端腹面,鳃孔位于头后的近腹中央部)。要采集尾部没有完全消失的幼蛙、成蛙。  相似文献   

牛蛙怎样引种养殖牛蛙有较高的经济效益。幼蛙在正常饲养条件下,经一年左右饲养,体重可达500克,在水田养殖每亩纯收入有2000元左右,一些农民看到有利可图,不顾实际条件,盲目上马,在“牛蛙热”中造成了一定损失。牛蛙的一生要经历卵——蝌蚪——幼蛙——成蛙...  相似文献   

通过1986年5~10月间对粤北山区棘胸蛙的生活环境、食性、寄生虫和当地人工饲养棘胸蛙等的初步调查.发现棘胸蛙适应生活在气温205~250℃,水温195~225℃,相对湿度在83%以上的山间小溪中,山溪的海拔高度在300~760m之间,水质偏酸性(pH40~60).棘胸蛙以昆虫为主食,兼食蚯蚓等其他小动物.棘胸蛙的消化道和体表均发现寄生虫.广东省乳源县有人用大水缸小量饲养棘胸蛙初步获成功  相似文献   

用PIT-tag标签标记了69(33♀♀,36♂♂),测量了6月龄(亚成体)和成体棘胸蛙的7个形态特征指标(体长、头长、头宽、腹长、前肢长、后肢长和体重),用于分析棘胸蛙两性形态特征在个体发育过程的变化。结果表明:亚成体棘胸蛙两性在头宽和前肢长上差异显著,头宽和前肢长雄性均大于雌性,而其它形态特征差异不显著。成体棘胸蛙除头长这一形态指标没有差异外,其它6个形态特征差异显著,其中腹长雌性大于雄性,而其他五个指标雄性均大于雌性。我们的结果表明,棘胸蛙在个体发育过程中雌性有较大的腹长与生育力选择的作用有关,而雄性具有较大的体长、头宽和前肢长与性选择有关。  相似文献   

蝌蚪在蛙体内生长蛙类是体外受精的动物,孵化成活率不高,全靠大量产卵来延续种族。有一些蛙种具有保护后代的特殊本领,在美洲,有的母蛙背部长有蜂窝状小窝,有的公蛙背部有折皱,让受精卵在背部孵化成蝌蚪再独立生活。澳大利亚有一种蛀产卵受精后,把受精卵吞进体内,胃成为临时子宫,卵在胃里孵化,发育生长,变做小蛙。临产时,一只只小蛙从  相似文献   

有人讽刺异想天开的人是“癞蛤蟆想吃天鹅肉”。然而,栖息在江西井冈山山区溪涧中的“棘胸蛙”,却是一种能捕到飞鸟的蛙类动物。棘胸蛙个大体肥,四肢发达,体色褐黑,乍一看像只癞蛤蟆。它藏在水中,就像一块石头一样,形成一种真假难辨的保护色。雄蛙的胸腹部,长有锋硬的黑刺,名叫“棘胸”,而雌蛙的背部粗糙,布满着疣点。它们的体重一般每只200克左右,最大的可达300克以上,可与古巴的牛蛙匹敌。棘胸蛙生活在海拔600米以上的山溪石缝之中,冬眠期约7个月,要在“立夏”以后出洞。它们大多在清晨、黄昏或夜间出来觅食,农历5、6月间,是它们的繁殖期…  相似文献   

2004年6月24日 星期四 阴转晴 看到蝌蚪吃蝌蚪,我才知道:为了生存,连小动物也是残酷无情的。 一个多月前。我向同学要了10粒蛙卵,看着它们在胎盘里一动一动的,像一只只明亮的眼睛。我心说:蛙卵啊,你们什么时候才能变成小蝌蚪呢?从那以后,我就决心一定要照顾好它们。 经过一段漫长时间的孵化过程,它们由  相似文献   

观察青蛙或蟾蜍蝌蚪的发育成长,是培养学生系统观察自然事物的一种极好的活动.小学生很喜欢饲养蝌蚪.笔者通过儿年来在与学生一起饲养蝌蚪、观察蝌蚪生长发育的全过程中(卵-蝌蚪-蟾蜍-青蛙),发现小学生对青蛙蝌蚪和蟾蜍蝌蚪这两种不同的蝌蚪认识是十分混淆的.因此,深感在教<养蝌蚪>一课时,还需要充实更多的内容.让学生在饲养过程中就知道自己究竟养的是哪一种蝌蚪,使学生们对两种蝌蚪不再产生混淆.  相似文献   

通过卵孵化试验和蝌蚪生长速度试验研究弱氯-氖激光对东北林蛙卵孵化和蝌蚪生长速度的影响.结果表明。弱氯-氖激光可以提高东北林蛙卵孵化率,缩短卵的发育历期,对蝌蚪的生长速度有促进作用,且激光照射时间越长,卵孵化率越高、卵的发育历期越短、蝌蚪生长速度越快.同时,弱氨-氖激光照射在一定范围内可以提高蝌蚪的成活率,适宜照射时间为30min.此试验为东北林蛙人工养殖提供了一定的依据.  相似文献   

采用标准水生生物毒性检测法测定了不同浓度下甲氨基阿维菌素苯甲酸盐(甲维盐)对镇海林蛙蝌蚪的急性毒性.结果表明,镇海林蛙蝌蚪的死亡率随着甲维盐浓度的升高而增加,并呈极显著的线性相关关系;在水温15℃条件下,甲维盐对镇海林蛙蝌蚪的72 h和96 h的半致死浓度(LC50)分别为0.153 mg/L和0.129 mg/L,其安全浓度为0.0129 mg/L.显示了甲维盐对镇海林蛙蝌蚪具有一定的危害作用.  相似文献   

试论蛙类生活习性的多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从捕食、冬眠、繁殖等方面探讨蛙类生活习性的多样性.蛙类幼体(蝌蚪)的食性有杂食性、植食性和肉食性3种类型,成体主要以活动的动物为主食.各种蛙冬眠期的长短和起止时间不相同,同一种蛙,开始冬眠和苏醒的迟早,也因地区而异.1只性成熟的雌蛙一年可产卵2次或2次以上;各种蛙类每1雌体的1次产卵数量悬殊很大;大多数蛙类的产卵期为每年的4~8月间,但一年四季都有蛙类产卵;蛙类的产卵场所可分为水内产卵和水外产卵2大类;蛙类产卵的全过程包括呜叫求偶、抱对、产卵动作等.  相似文献   

中国林蛙(Rana Chensiensis)是我国重要的经济蛙种之一,具有良好的药用和食用价值.本文研究了中国林蛙的体重与油重、卵重、卵粒数之间的关系,结果表明.中国林蛙的油重、卵重及卵粒数均随着体重的增长而增长,为其人工养殖的方向性提供了理论依据.  相似文献   

用6只牛蛙制备离体蛙心灌流,灌流液中添加1%的茶多酚、茶多糖、红菇多糖50~200μl,结果使蛙心收缩力分别增加84%(40%~169%)、46%(28.6%~70%)、89%(15.4%~289%)(P〈0.05或〈0.01);三者对蛙心以正性变力作用为主,对心率无显著影响(P〉0.05)。  相似文献   

The ascidian Ciona intestinalis is a model organism of developmental and evolutionary biology and may provide orucial clues concerning two fundamental matters, namely, how chordates originated from the putative deuterostome ancestor and how advanced chordates originated from the simplest chordates. In this paper, a whole-life-span culture of C. intestinalis was conducted. Fed with the diet combination of dry Spirulina, egg yolk, Dicrateria sp., edible yeast and weaning diet for shrimp, C. intestinalis grew up to average 59 mm and matured after 60 d cultivation. This culture process could be repeated using the artificially cultured mature ascidians as material. When the fertilized eggs were maintained under 10, 15, 20, 25 ℃, they hatched within 30 h, 22 h, 16 h and 12 h 50 min respectively experiencing cleavage, blastulation, gastrulation, neurulation, tailbud stage and tadpole stage, The tadpole larvae were characterized as typical but simplified chordates because of their dorsal nerve cord, notochord and primordial brain. After 8-24 h freely swimming, the tadpole larvae settled on the substrates and metamorphosized within 1-2 d into filter feeding sessile juvenile ascidians. In addition, unfertilized eggs were successfully dechorionated in filtered seawater containing 1% Tripsin, 0.25% EDTA at pH of 10.5 within 40 min. After fertilization, the dechorionated eggs developed well and hatched at normal hatching rate. In conclusion, this paper presented feasible methodology for rearing the tadpole larvae of C. intestinalis into sexual maturity under controlled conditions and detailed observations on the embryogenesis of the laboratory cultured ascidians, which will facilitate developmental and genetic research using this model system.  相似文献   

Young children find meaning in the drawings they create that may not be apparent to an adult observer. The purpose of this study is to access the children’s views using a drawing change task. Seventy‐three pre‐schoolers were asked to draw a person and then draw a person with a belly button. It was anticipated that tadpole (no separate body) drawers would include a body to accommodate this new feature. Instead belly buttons were included without modifications to the figure suggesting that in the children’s view tadpole figures are not as deficient as they might appear. When placing a belly button on a figure drawn by someone else 40% of tadpole drawers responded differently compared to their own. Possible explanations considered are the effect of active involvement in creating a drawing, the respect for another’s drawing intention, and lack of awareness of differences due to working memory limitations.  相似文献   

我们运用科学发展的最新成果 ,考察反思了大卫·格里芬等提出的后现代科学所依据的本体论、认识论、方法论基础。在此基础上得出结论 :这样的后现代科学是不成立的  相似文献   

从生态批评的视角解读《云图》,发现小说蕴含了丰富的生态哲学思考,作者在小说品中着力展现了缺乏环境意识的人类无限膨胀的欲望最终导致人类自身精神的异化和家园的覆灭.这一视角的阅读,有助于我们认识西方传统的人类中心主义思维模式的尴尬及其可能导致的生态危机,还可以使我们认识到米切尔的自然观和责任感.  相似文献   

Abstract Forty‐two children aged between 2 years and 4 years 11 months were asked to draw a person. Their drawings were categorised as (1) scribbles, (2) distinct forms, (3) tadpoles, (4) transitional and (5) conventional figures. The first representational figures, the tadpoles, appeared at an average age of 3 years 1 month. It was predicted that if tadpole figures result from the complexity of the task rather than from a conceptual difficulty then tasks with reduced demands (a copying task, a jig‐saw task, and a dictation task) should facilitate the drawing of conventional figures. In fact, few conventional figures were produced and the tadpole form was highly resistant across the different tasks.

Six of the children were followed longitudinally over a one‐year period from a pre‐representational to a conventional stage of human figure drawing. Spontaneous drawings as well as drawings from six test sessions were collected in order to check whether all children drew ‘tadpole’ forms before they produced conventional figures and whether the conventional figures were adapted from the tadpoles. Four of the children did produce tadpole forms; two did not, but were probably specifically tutored in the conventional form by a peer or parents. There were wide individual differences in the nature of the transition from one form to the next, but there was no clear evidence that the conventional figure had been adapted from the tadpole form.  相似文献   

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