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杨敏 《基础教育参考》2009,(2):49-52,58
现如今,家长参与学校教育已经成为世界教育发展的一个重要趋势,许多国家采取种种形式加强家庭与学校之间的联系。家长能否有效地配合学校对子女进行教育,直接影响着学校教育的效果。美国中小学家长在参与学校教育中主要扮演着学习者和支持者、主动参与者、决策者等角色,而我国中小学家长则主要是以学习者和支持者的角色参与学校教育的。从法律体系、学校管理体制和思想观念方面分析这种差异产生的原因,以期对我国中小学家长参与教育向纵深发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

“家长参与学校教育”是近几十年主要发达国家推动教育改革的主要现象之一。在英国,“家长参与学校教育”也成为该国教育改革的重要内容之一。本文尝试分析英国家庭与学校之间关系的历史演变,加以审视家庭与学校如何彼此联系,及其更广泛的教育意蕴。  相似文献   

在当今的时代,社会参与教育已经成为世界教育发展的一个重要趋势,许多国家都采取各种形式沟通社会与学校的联系。而在社会参与力量中,家庭参与对中小学生来说具有极大的影响。家长是否有效地配合学校对子女进行教育,直接决定着学校教育的效果。家校合作要求的是家庭与学校共同参与到教育孩子的活动中来,在教  相似文献   

家长参与学校教育的呼声由来已久。早在1899年,杜威在《学校与社会》中就指出,所谓理想的学校,就是“一种更系统、更扩大、更加明智和更适当的方式去做大多数家庭由于各种原因只能以一种比较简单和偶然的形式去完成的工作罢了”,学校的任务,就是“加深和扩展它关于与家庭生活相联系的价值的观念”,在他看来,没有家庭及家长的参与,要实现青少年“自由,圆满的生长”则几乎是天方夜谭。时至今日,家长对学校教育的参与仍更多地局限于单向度地对学校教育的服务,参与的层次低且大多流于形式。认识是实践的先导,对家长参与学校教育的合理性的认识是超越家长参与学校教育的障碍、建立良好家校关系的前提。  相似文献   

请家长的“四戒”78中姚佳宏在学校、家庭、社会三结合的教育体系中,学校与家庭的联系是这个体系中最重要的环节。而教师与家长的联系是学校与家庭联系的直接体现。教师与家长的联系往往是通过家访或请家长到校谈问题等方式进行的。据笔者所知,目前在请家长配合学校做...  相似文献   

我们都知道现代社会分工细化,其教育以学校教育为主,但是学校要更好地发挥自己的教育功能必须靠社会与家庭的协同作用,其中家庭是与学校最直接的联系方。学校组建家长理事会也是在积极探索践行纲要中发挥家庭在教育中的应有作用之规定。根据我国的传统,家庭的代言人是在家庭中具有相对权力的家长,所以让家长以一定的途径参与到学校教育中来对于更好地提升学校管理水平,优化学校的教育功能具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

刘志宏 《甘肃教育》2011,(24):24-24
家长参与子女教育是一种权力,也是一种责任。孩子最基本的教育发生在家庭而非学校。现代教育理论与实践表明,家长参与能使学校的教育理念更易于形成,更有利于教改和学生素质的提高。因此,学校应积极动员家长参与到对孩子的教育中来。  相似文献   

青少年儿童的教育需要社会、学校和家庭的通力合作,其中必然少不了家长的参与.西方在这一领域已有丰富的研究成果,家庭结构、参与子女学习的家长性别、学生年龄、性别、学业成绩成为影响家长参与子女学习的程度和方式的主要因素.鉴于此,社会应对处境不利家庭提供更多的家庭教育指导,家长也应与学校保持积极的联系和沟通,应采用灵活策略持续关注子女的学业,而父亲也要多参与到子女的学习中去.  相似文献   

台湾中小学家长参与学校教育的两大重要领域是学校与家庭,分别以学校家长会和子女学业为重心。影响台湾中小学家长参与学校教育的自然属性主要是性别和年龄,影响台湾中小学家长参与学校教育的社会属性主要是社会地位、学历与家庭收入。台湾中小学家长参与的经验和不足对大陆有以下三方面启示:加强家长与学校之间的实质性参与;激发低阶层家长参与学校教育的动机;平衡参与家长的性别和年龄差异。  相似文献   

家长参与学校教育是指联合学校和家庭两个社会机构的教育力量.对学生进行教育和管理。在教育活动中,家庭和学校互相支持.共同努力,使学校能在教育学生方面得到更多的来自家庭的支持.使家长能在教育子女方面得到更多的来自学校的指导.并对学校教育管理献计献策。家长参与学校教育和管理是我国学校教育从封闭式办学逐步向开放式办学转变过程中出现的一个新理念.  相似文献   

The present study is a longitudinal examination of family-school communication in preschool and kindergarten. Preschool and kindergarten teachers and family workers of 75 children from families with low SES logged the frequency and characteristics of family-school communication, resulting in over 22,000 contacts. Data were collected during a period of implementation of an intervention designed to enhance relationships upon the transition to school. Family demographic information and information about family support for academics at home were assessed through parent interviews and children's behavior problems were measured through teacher questionnaires in preschool and kindergarten. Familyteacher communication decreased between preschool and kindergarten and there was a shift from shorter to longer types of communication between the two years. Communication differed as a function of program. Counter to expectation, few family factors and experiences predicted frequency of family-school communication, and more frequent communication in preschool was unrelated to more frequent communication in kindergarten. Findings have several implications for practice. Families experience a great decrease in communication between preschool and kindergarten and interventions designed to ease the transition to kindergarten need to either ameliorate the decrease or acknowledge its existence to prepare families. Otherwise, this contrast may be interpreted negatively. Given that our findings show no relation between a family's communication in preschool and kindergarten, it appears that it is not enough to support communication in preschool to ensure frequent communication in kindergarten.  相似文献   

The present study is a longitudinal examination of family-school communication in preschool and kindergarten. Preschool and kindergarten teachers and family workers of 75 children from families with low SES logged the frequency and characteristics of family-school communication, resulting in over 22,000 contacts. Data were collected during a period of implementation of an intervention designed to enhance relationships upon the transition to school. Family demographic information and information about family support for academics at home were assessed through parent interviews and children's behavior problems were measured through teacher questionnaires in preschool and kindergarten. Familyteacher communication decreased between preschool and kindergarten and there was a shift from shorter to longer types of communication between the two years. Communication differed as a function of program. Counter to expectation, few family factors and experiences predicted frequency of family-school communication, and more frequent communication in preschool was unrelated to more frequent communication in kindergarten. Findings have several implications for practice. Families experience a great decrease in communication between preschool and kindergarten and interventions designed to ease the transition to kindergarten need to either ameliorate the decrease or acknowledge its existence to prepare families. Otherwise, this contrast may be interpreted negatively. Given that our findings show no relation between a family's communication in preschool and kindergarten, it appears that it is not enough to support communication in preschool to ensure frequent communication in kindergarten.  相似文献   

杨秀苓 《中国德育》2006,1(2):40-44
教师和家长的有效沟通与合作可以提高教育效果,促进学生更加全面健康发展。家校沟通的途径多种多样且各具特点与优势,其中,家访的作用受到教师和家长的重视,但实际实施频率较低。因此,必须大力宣传家校合作观念,学校和家长应当做好各自的工作,教师应当采取各种策略加强与家长的沟通,提高家校合作效率。  相似文献   

家校冲突是我国社会关注的热点问题。如何正确认识中小学家校冲突并采取措施有效解决是我国教育亟待解决的问题。该研究通过对家校冲突的原因进行深入分析,认为家庭和学校在家校合作的权责上划分不明确、家校互动相关的制度不够健全、家庭与学校对利益共同体的认识不足、家庭与学校在教育理念上存在分歧和家庭与学校在情感上没有相互信任等物质性和非物质性因素都是造成家校冲突的原因。在此基础上,该研究对于家校冲突的解决和预防提出了相应的应对建议。  相似文献   

The purpose of this exploratory study was to examine the various ways in which families become involved in state-funded rural prekindergarten programs for children identified as being at-risk for later school failure. Participants were 21 teachers/classrooms in prekindergarten programs located in nine rural Illinois communities. Data were collected over an 18-week period on the various parental involvement and family-school partnership strategies implemented by school personnel, and the patterns of parental participation that occurred in response to the different types of initiatives. Findings indicate that wide variations existed in the parent involvement and family-school partnership initiatives implemented across the nine programs. Results are discussed in terms of future research and program development efforts aimed at helping rural early childhood programs establish effective family-school partnerships.  相似文献   

家校合作作为一种教育理念得到了广大教育工作者的接受和认同。但家校合作在我国的实践过程中出现了偏差,存在参与意识不够强、双向交流不顺畅、组织制度不规范等问题,弱化了家校合作的意义。强化参与家校合作意识、加强沟通和健全制度,是家校合作走出误区,形成共育的有效途径。  相似文献   

Sung won Kim 《Compare》2019,49(4):584-601
Large-scale rural-urban migration in China has left rural schools with large proportions of left-behind children whose parents are away working in the city. This has a huge impact on family-school relations and poses a burden on teachers. This study draws on 42 interviews with teachers working in two rural schools. This article argues that teachers’ negative narratives about antagonistic family-school relations are driven by the gaps between their culturally embedded traditional models of family-school relations and the reality, with implications for the expanded role of schools and that of grandparents as caregivers. This article further discusses the implications of these findings for rural schools and draws heavily on Western models of family-school relations in a comparative perspective.  相似文献   

The purpose of this exploratory study was to examine the various ways in which families become involved in state-funded rural prekindergarten programs for children identified as being at-risk for later school failure. Participants were 21 teachers/classrooms in prekindergarten programs located in nine rural Illinois communities. Data were collected over an 18-week period on the various parental involvement and family-school partnership strategies implemented by school personnel, and the patterns of parental participation that occurred in response to the different types of initiatives. Findings indicate that wide variations existed in the parent involvement and family-school partnership initiatives implemented across the nine programs. Results are discussed in terms of future research and program development efforts aimed at helping rural early childhood programs establish effective family-school partnerships.  相似文献   

The study examined relations between adolescents’ perceptions of school environments and their educational and occupational aspirations at different family environment levels. Data were collected from 16-year-old Australians from Anglo-Australian, Greek, and Southern Italian families. Regression surfaces were constructed from models that examined possible linear, interaction, and curvilinear relations among the variables. Generally, the findings indicate that while the school environment measure had moderate concurrent validities in relation to aspirations, it had either negligible or modest unique associations with aspirations after taking into account the family environment influences. The study did indicate, however, ethnic group differences in the relationships among the variables which suggests that results from investigations of family-school influences on children’s school outcomes should not necessarily be generalized across social groups.  相似文献   

Early Childhood Education Journal - Given the closure of schools due to the global confinement resulting from the COVID-19 crisis, family-school cooperation has become a priority in most...  相似文献   

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