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目的:通过试验探讨不同等级羽毛球运动员在多目标追踪任务中对非目标的抑制作用。方法:选取不同等级羽毛球运动员,其中专家组8人(运动等级国家健将级),新手组8人(某体育学院专选班大学生),采用多目标追踪(MOT)范式、点探测技术相结合的办法,探讨不同等级羽毛球运动员对非目标的抑制机制。结论:不同等级运动员在多目标追踪任务中并没有表现出明显的差异;不同等级运动员对于探测刺激的觉察率具有明显的差异,新手组和专家组在不同区域探测刺激的觉察率都是不同的,并且具有显著的位置主效应;专家组与新手组在判断不容易混淆的非目标时,抑制机制相同,即全部为基于客体的抑制;专家组与新手组在判断容易混淆的非目标时,抑制机制不同,新手组的抑制机制为基于客体的抑制占据优势,而专家组的抑制机制为基于特征的抑制占据优势。意义:通过多目标追踪范式引入点探测技术,区别不同等级羽毛球运动员多目标追踪正确率与点探测觉察率之间的相关关系,以能够区别不同等级羽毛球运动员对非目标探测刺激抑制的差异,并为产生的差异进行理论解释。  相似文献   

李江红 《安徽体育科技》2007,28(1):55-57,60
通过采用量表测试法、文献资料法和实验观察法等对中国CUBA运动员与篮球专项学生焦虑和气质类型进行分析研究,结果是CUBA运动员与篮球专项学生的赛前状态焦虑具有位置差异,中锋高于前锋、后卫;前锋、后卫间没有差异;而特质焦虑各个位置间没有显著差异,同时CUBA运动员和篮球专项学生的气质特征影响其特质焦虑和赛前状态焦虑水平.  相似文献   

注:去符号为主力球员 号码 今 5▲6盛7 二8▲9 1Q孟净1 12孟j3人〕4 15 16 17 18 姓名邵婷婷 苗楠才白华隋菲菲孙艳霞任蕾黄红熙 陈楠 胡婕陈丽莎张晓妮 富驰巴建辉张梦娜周莎莎出生年月 1985 1980 1 973 1979 」974 19日2 1979 1983 1977 1982 1983 1987 1974 1987 1 986位置后卫中锋后卫前锋前锋前锋中锋中锋前锋中锋中锋前锋后卫后卫前锋号码 4 5▲6 7▲8么9▲10人11▲飞之 了3 14 15 17 18 姓名 孟青 张蕴王小丽张冬梅丁建红卞兰侯雪花周汉婷杨波 方莉许歌丁建平郑慧芸琼斯出生年月 1985 1979 1982 1984 飞983 1986 1933 ,987 19日2 19…  相似文献   

采用问卷调查、文献资料等方法,对河南省4所青少年业余体校的107名篮球运动员的气质类型进行调查研究。结果表明:前锋队员为多血质和胆汁质混合型;中锋队员为粘液质型;后卫队员为多血质型。  相似文献   

篮球前锋运动员专项认知能力特征的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用调查访谈法、心理测量法、教练员评定法、数理统计法,以东北3省22名篮球前锋队员为主要研究对象,在认知能力方面对前锋队员进行较系统的研究.研究结果表明:篮球前锋运动员的时间知觉、操作思维时间和步数3项指标,与后卫运动员的差异有显著性意义;综合反应错次、深度知觉、时间知觉、时空判断、肘关节敏感度、操作思维步数和注意力7项指标,与中锋运动员的差异有显著性意义.操作思维时间认知指标与前锋篮球运动员的技术效能存在显著相关.  相似文献   

采用技术统计、数据分析和归纳整理等方法 ,对我国女子篮球队后卫与第 14届世界女子篮球锦标赛前 4名队后卫运动员的各项技术指标进行对比分析 ,认为中国女子篮球队后卫运动员得分能力不强导致进攻能力下降 ,防守的灵活性和有效性不够。应加快优秀后卫运动员的培养 ,相应地提高后卫运动员的攻击意识和攻击能力 ;加强后卫运动员与前锋、中锋运动员之间的配合 ,提高防守技战术变化的协同性  相似文献   

不论在哪一个阶段,篮球场上五个球员的位置大致如此——由两个后卫、两个前锋及一个中锋组成。当然在比赛的过程中,尤其是NBA,往往会对场上的阵容作些变动,视对手的身材和速度而定。有些NBA的球队也会以三名前锋来取代一名中锋和两名前锋。其他的以芝加哥公牛队为例,则采用他们所谓的“三位进攻”(由三位后卫搭配一名前蜂、一名中锋)。 然而场上绝大多数位置的搭配都是大同小异,但各个位置所肩负的责任却不同。举例来说:两个后卫和两个前锋过四位球员,每一位球员在球场上所扮演的角色都不一样。 数字掌控的比赛 也许有时候…  相似文献   

为了解我国青年女篮运动员的专项体能和技术现状,采用文献资料法、临场测试统计法和数理统计法,对参加全国集训的U18女篮运动员的身体形态、体能和技术状况等进行统计分析.结果:我国青年女篮运动员中锋高大,后卫矮小,前锋身高居中,优秀后备女篮运动员的体能和技术水平高于总体水平;前锋队员体能最好;前锋、中锋和后卫队员体能达标率不高;前锋和后卫队员的防守移动、传接球和运球投篮等技术水平优于中锋;中锋队员的内线突破能力优于前锋和后卫.  相似文献   

1.专项技术能力是集体球类运动员的特质我们在此所界定的专项技术能力是指集体球类运动员在比赛中所担当的位置能力,如篮球运动员的后卫、前锋、中锋,排球运动员的二传、主攻、副攻、自由人,足球运动员的前锋、后卫、前卫等。在这些球类运动中,不同位置  相似文献   

通过对中国男子篮球联赛(CBA)运动员在比赛中的跑动及负荷情况研究揭示篮球运动员比赛中跑动负荷的特点和规律,为篮球项目科学地制定训练计划,实施科学化训练提供依据。研究采用文献资料、录像分析、观察、统计等研究方法,采用德国SIMIscout技战术分析软件,系统量化了篮球运动员在比赛条件下的跑动能力、不同位置篮球运动员跑动区域位置点分布情况、不同位置篮球运动员在不同跑动速度下的跑动距离特征等。结论表明:篮球比赛是以无氧和有氧混合供能为主,但主要是中低等强度的有氧供能为主占75%左右,高强度及冲刺跑所占比例较少不到10%。从无氧高强度跑动距离阶段来看,也是中锋占比例最少,其次是前锋和后卫,说明篮球比赛的前锋和后卫队员的无氧跑动能力要好于中锋。从运动员比赛活动范围看,前锋运动员活动范围较大,基本是在整个前场范围内跑动;中锋运动员在攻防两端跑动范围基本上都在3分区以内、3 s区弧顶和篮下范围内;后卫运动员的跑动范围也比较大,进攻时主要是接近3分线以外范围内活动。  相似文献   

运用Cattell-16PF人格因素量表,对57名山东省大学生男篮运动员进行测试。结果显示:(1)大学生男篮运动员与全国男大学生常模比较,16种人格因素中有5种差异非常显著,2种差异显著。(2)与大学生男足运动员相比,3项人格因素差异显著。(3)与CBA运动员相比,5项人格因素差异非常显著,1项因素差异显著。(4)大学生男篮后卫与中锋球员相比,3项因素差异显著;与前锋相比,2项因素差异显著;与CBA后卫相比,4项因素差异显著。大学生男篮运动员有明显的外向性人格特征,心理健康水平好于普通大学生,但与CBA球员相比还有一定的差距,中锋和后卫球员尤为明显。建议在完善大学生篮球运动员健康人格的同时,注重培养中锋和后卫球员独有的个性心理特征。  相似文献   

通过对我国不同位置优秀男子篮球运动员运动损伤情况的调查、了解,发现男子篮球运动员的损伤与场上位置有很大的关系,其中,前锋队员受伤率最高,其次是中锋和后卫队员。前锋队员易受伤的主要部位是膝关节和踝关节,中锋队员主要是腰背肌和膝关节,后卫队员主要是踝关节和指关节。造成这种情况的主要原因是不同位置上的运动员在比赛中技术动作要求不同,身体各部位所承受的负荷也不同。  相似文献   

This study examined the physical differences in adult male basketball players of different competitive level and playing position using a large cohort. In the middle of the regular season, 129 players from four different Divisions completed a Yo-YoIR1 and, after 3-to-8 days, they performed a 6-min continuous running test (Mognoni’s test), a counter-movement jump (CMJ) test and a 5-min High-intensity Intermittent running test (HIT). Magnitude-based inferences revealed that differences in HIT were very likely moderate between Division I and II and likely small between Division II and III. The differences in absolute peak power and force produced during CMJs between Division I and II and between Division II and III were possibly small. Differences in Yo-YoIR1 and Mognoni’s test were very likely-to-almost certain moderate/large between Division III and VI. We observed possibly-to-likely small differences in HIT and Mognoni’s test between guards and forwards and almost certainly moderate differences in absolute peak power and force during CMJs between guards and centres. The ability to sustain high-intensity intermittent efforts (i.e. HIT) and strength/power characteristics can differentiate between competitive level, while strength/power characteristics discriminate guards from forwards/centres. These findings inform practitioners on the development of identification programs and training activities in basketball.  相似文献   

篮球换位进攻是在篮球“8字”进攻法之后出现的移动进攻方法,它是现代篮球移动在第二阶段的一种表现形式。进攻队员位置变化无常,要求全面掌握中锋、前锋、后卫技术。换位进攻法在比赛中所见不多,为了适应未来篮球战术发展需要,简要阐述换位阵地进攻的发展进程和现代篮球换位进攻的战术运用方法。  相似文献   

This study first investigated the importance of ball control and (self-reported) self-regulatory skills in achieving the elite level in basketball. The second aim was to gain insight into the development of, and association between ball control and (self-reported) self-regulatory skills that contribute to achieving the elite level, with taking into account positional differences. Talented male players (N = 73; age 16.56 ± 1.96) completed the STARtest to measure ball control and a questionnaire to measure (self-reported) self-regulation from 2008–2012. Results showed that (self-reported) reflective skills were most important to achieve the elite level (OR = 11.76; P < 0.05). There was no significant improvement in (self-reported) reflection over time for guards, forwards, and centers. Improvement in ball control was evident for guards (r = ?0.65; P < 0.05). Furthermore, guards and forwards had better ball control compared to centers (P < 0.01). For those two positions, negative correlations were found between (self-reported) reflection and ball control, i.e., higher reflection was related to better ball control (guards r = ?0.19; forwards r = ?0.18) in contrast to centers (r = 0.34). It is concluded that (self-reported) reflective skills are important to achieve the elite level, while ball control seems especially important for guards.  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、录像观察法、数理统计法等,对亚锦赛中国男篮9场比赛中球员技术水平进行分析。结果表明:中国男篮后卫球员得分能力不足,犯规较多;前锋球员进攻方式单一,以投篮为主,缺少突破;中锋球员表现较好,具有一定优势;中国队整体对篮板球控制较弱。  相似文献   


In ball games, players have to pay close attention to visual information in order to predict the movements of both the opponents and the ball. Previous studies have indicated that players primarily utilise cues concerning the ball and opponents' body motion. The information acquired must be effective for observing players to select the subsequent action. The present study evaluated the effects of changes in the video replay speed on the spatial visual search strategy and ability to predict free throw success. We compared eye movements made while observing a basketball free throw by novices and experienced basketball players. Correct response rates were close to chance (50%) at all video speeds for the novices. The correct response rate of experienced players was significantly above chance (and significantly above that of the novices) at the normal speed, but was not different from chance at both slow and fast speeds. Experienced players gazed more on the lower part of the player's body when viewing a normal speed video than the novices. The players likely detected critical visual information to predict shot success by properly moving their gaze according to the shooter's movements. This pattern did not change when the video speed was decreased, but changed when it was increased. These findings suggest that temporal information is important for predicting action outcomes and that such outcomes are sensitive to video speed.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare the somatotype and size of elite female basketball players in terms of playing position and team performance. Anthropometry and somatotype data were collected on 168 players from 14 countries before the Women's World Basketball Championship, Australia, 1994. There were 64 guards (mean +/- s: age 25.4 +/- 3.3 years, height 1.72 +/- 0.06 m, mass 66.1 +/- 6.2 kg, somatotype = 2.9-3.9-2.6), 57 forwards (age 25.2 +/- 3.8 years, height 1.81 +/- 0.06 m, mass 73.3 +/- 5.9 kg, somatotype = 2.8-3.5-3.2) and 47 centres (age 24.1 +/- 3.1 years, height 1.90 +/- 0.06 m, mass 82.6 +/- 8.2 kg, somatotype = 3.2-3.1-3.4). Mean somatotypes by position were significantly different (F = 7.73, P < 0.01). Guards had greater mesomorphy than centres and less ectomorphy than forwards and centres. When discriminant function analysis was applied to endomorphy, mesomorphy, ectomorphy, age, height and mass, only height, mass and ectomorphy entered (Wilks' lambda = 0.351, F = 31.40, P < 0.000), 70% of the variance was accounted for, and 72% of players were correctly classified. In the four top versus four bottom teams, guards were taller and more ectomorphic, forwards were taller, with lower mesomorphy and higher ectomorphy, and centres did not differ. Thus there are some differences in somatotypes by position and team placing, but the combination of height, mass and ectomorphy provide the best differentiation by position.  相似文献   

通过对第26届男篮亚锦赛中国队和约旦队2场比赛的技术指标进行比较研究,分析中国男篮不同位置运动员的优势与不足,认为中国男篮中锋队员和前锋队员攻防能力强于约旦队,后卫队员的攻防能力明显弱于对手,特别是内线强攻突破能力较差。  相似文献   


The aims of this study were (a) to compare players’ physical demands between different playing positions in elite U18 basketball games and (b) to identify different clusters of performance. Data were collected from 94 male subjects (age: 17.4 ± 0.7 years), competing in a Euroleague Basketball Tournament. Guards covered a greater relative distance than centres and forwards (small to moderate effect). Forwards and guards had more peak accelerations, high accelerations and high decelerations than centres (moderate to large effects). A cluster analysis allowed to classify all cases into three different groups (Lower, Medium and Higher activity demands), containing 37.4%, 52.8% and 9.8% of the cases, respectively. The high accelerations, high decelerations, peak accelerations and total distance covered were the variables that most contributed to classify the players into the new groups. The percentage of cases distributed in the clusters according to playing position, game type (worst vs worst, mixed opposition, best vs best) and team were different. Centres have lower physical demands specially related with the number of accelerations and decelerations at high intensity and the peak acceleration when compared with guards. Each team has a different activity profile, that does not seem to influence the tournament outcome.  相似文献   

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