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江苏省城市社区老年体育健身服务网络的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
常生  刘军 《体育科学》2003,23(4):33-39
研究目的:探索构建江苏省城市社区老年体育健身服务网络和为社区老年体育健身发展理论研究奠定初步基础。研究方法:文献资料法、问卷调查法、访谈法、观察法、数理统计法等。研究结果和结论:(1)构建城市社区老年体育健身服务网络的法律依据是《全民健身计划纲要》和《体育法》等国家体育法规;社会现实依据是中国人口的老龄化趋势和城市社区老年体育健身服务的积极作用;(2)体育站点和场馆的缺乏、体育专业指导人员太少等是影响江苏省老年人参加体育健身锻炼的主要因素;(3)社区老年体育健身服务的主要内容包括:体育活动的指导;个人锻炼档案;锻炼后身体监测;运动处方;健康知识的宣传;运动后的营养调配;康复医疗等。(4)政府要在构建城市社区老年体育健身服务网络中起主导作用。(5)要充分利用高校的人才资源优势,形成高校专业体育工作者、高校体育专业学生和高校普通大学生三大志愿者群体。  相似文献   

本文基于本研究以山西省太原市万柏林区6个街道20个社区老年体育活动现状进行了调查分析,以全面了解万柏林区公共体育服务供给和老年人参与体育活动现状。发现社区老年人参与体育活动目的,防病强身排在第一,其次是提高运动能力、调节情绪;体育项目选择排在前三的是健身走慢跑、广场舞健身操、太极拳;参与体育活动的场地大部分人选择公园,其次是公共体育场所、社区体育中心;并对参与体育活动的频次、组织形式、体育场地设施满意度、健身指导员的需求等进行了深入调查分析,以期为我国体育行政管理部门制定社区体育公共服务政策提供策略依据,有效提升社区公共体育供给能力,达到有效配置城市社区体育公共服务资源,为老年群体增强体质、保持身心健康提供更多便利。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、专家访谈法、问卷调查法和数理统计法等研究方法,探讨河南城镇老年群体的体育健身现状。研究表明,河南省城镇老龄人口基数大,人均公共体育资源少,老年人健身活动场所匮乏;老年人通过体育锻炼进行健身防病的需求强烈,但对科学健身的认识不足,部分老龄群体健身行为缺乏必要的主动性和科学性。政府应积极引导社会资源介入,多渠道募集资金,形成政府主导、社会支持、全民参与的老年健身格局;建立社区老年人健康知识信息平台,加强培育社会体育指导员,推动"体医结合",推广"太极拳"等常见运动方式,让体育健身成为促进老年群体健康的重要策略。  相似文献   

研究目的:通过研究社区养老与老年体育,探索如何通过老年体育更好地促进社区养老的发展,帮助老年人锻炼身体、增进健康、提高老年人的生命质量,从而实现社区养老和老年体育的业态融合。研究方法:文献资料法和访谈法。研究结果和结论:实现老年体育与社区养老的业态融合路径包括提高老年人自身的素质,完善社区养老体育设施体系,加强体育指导员队伍的建设,构建社区经费保障制度,社区养老智能化以及构建行之有效的评价体系等。  相似文献   

本文运用文献资料法、逻辑分析法,以社会生态学理论为视角,从个体、人际、社区、组织及政策五个方面对老年人身体活动的影响因素进行梳理与分析,认为老年人身体活动促进现实困境:健康素养水平较低,身体活动主动性不足;老年人社会支持不足,正式支持力量微弱;社区不同建设时序标准不一,社区资源配置不当;体育社会组织发展不足,老年体育服务质量水平低;早期老年体育政策可操作性弱,新政策实施进展缓慢。推进路径:提高老年人健康素养,增加主动性身体活动;强化正式支持,形成执行、协作、考核长效机制;加强基层老年体育组织建设,规范组织管理;优化社区建成环境布局,提高社区资源利用率;强化政策执行力度,促进新指南实施与普及。  相似文献   

文章利用问卷调查法和数理统计法,对太原市老年人健身参与的现状进行调查研究,分析太原市老年人健身参与的特征。数据结果显示,太原市老年人健身参与的频度、时长与时段都比较合理;有超过半数的老年人加入了社区体育活动站和老年体育协会,参与比例较高;老年人参与健身的首要目的是强身健体,参与的项目主要是散步、慢跑和太极等有氧运动;健身的场所主要是公园和社区空地。  相似文献   

天津城市社区老年体育现状的调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过问卷调查和走访,对天津市城市社区老年体育现状进行了调查研究。结果显示:大部分老年人体育意识较强,体育健身观念深入人心,健身习惯基本养成;因闲暇时间较多,体育锻炼的频率较高,每次锻炼的时间较长,坚持的年限也较长。针对老年人科学健身知识较贫乏,高龄老年人参加体育锻炼的比率偏低,老年体育组织建设滞后,指导人员匮乏等老年体育存在的不足,提出了对策和建议。  相似文献   

目的:分析河南城镇化建设中老年人健康状况及问题,探讨适宜城镇化建设的老年健康管理方式.方法:利用对老年健康调查数据,分析我省城镇化建设中老年人群体体质和健康状况.结果显示:超重和肥胖是主要健康问题,50岁以上人群得慢性病患病的人数明显增多,随着年龄的增长60岁以上的老年人中超过一半都患有慢性病,大多数患者对自身体质状况不太清楚.结论:加强体育活动的指导和投入,引导居民特别是老年人进行体育锻炼,增强体质,增加免疫力;专门为老年人提供便捷的和有针对性的物联网动态监测和健康管理服务,以个人和家庭为对象、以社区和体育组织为依托的社区智慧医疗和体育健身体系.  相似文献   

健康老龄化视野下我国老年体育发展对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
健康老龄化是人类面对老龄化挑战提出的一项战略目标和对策,也是人类应对老龄化挑战的必然选择.研究认为,老年体育是实现健康老龄化的重要途径,树立代际公正理念、完善有关体育法规制度、完善老年体育的管理体制机制、构建社区老年体育健身服务体系、加强老年体育指导员队伍和志愿者队伍建设、增强全民健康老龄化意识、丰富老年体育活动内容等是实现我国健康老龄化的老年体育发展对策.  相似文献   

充分利用新兴智能化技术赋能社区体育服务质量,提高服务供给能力,是提高老年人体育服务水平,促进老年人健康的有效方式。研究发现:数智化技术赋能我国社区老年体育服务可以助推资源整合,扩展服务内容;完善组织形式,优化服务效能;提高管理质量,优化体验效果。因此,在数智化时代,我国社区老年体育服务可以推进数智化的场地设施建设,丰富多维度智能服务内容,健全全流程服务管理机制,推动社区体育场景化发展,以期提高社区老年体育服务供给水平和服务质量,保障老年人健康。  相似文献   

This study examined the effect of health worry (i.e., cognitive aspect of anxiety resulting from concern for health) on walking difficulty in a nationally representative sample (N = 7,527) of older adults (M age = 76.83 years). The study further tested whether physical activity mediates the effect of health worry on walking difficulty in a 6-year follow-up design. Results of a mediation analysis using structural equation modeling showed that people with a high degree of health worry engaged in less physical activity (β = -.24, p < .001), and people who participated in less physical activity were more likely to report walking difficulty at the 6-year follow-up (β = -.22, p < .001). There was a significant indirect effect from health worry to walking difficulty through physical activity (β = .05, p < .001), controlling for demographic, psychosocial, and health related factors. Results suggested that inducing threat and worry may not be effective for physical activity promotion in the older population. More promising coping and regulation strategies are discussed.  相似文献   

In an effort to determine how sport could be better positioned on the public health agenda, three community physical activity programs aimed at combating obesity were examined to determine the benefits residents seek through their participation. Using a case study approach and critical framework, assumptions and presumed knowledge of these public health programs were drawn out through site visits and interviews. A total of 42 interviews with community leaders, program organizers, and residents in each community were conducted. The results reveal that new approaches need to be considered for promoting greater levels of participation in U.S. community sport and other leisure-time physical activity programs. Instead of the commonly emphasized benefits of physical health or appearance, the results demonstrate that hedonic rewards and opportunities for social interaction are two overlooked, yet primary benefits sought by participants. This research suggests that concerted efforts to focus on the hedonic feelings and social aspects can potentially lead to increased sport participation and holistic health. Such an approach may help better address vital public health policy issues while demonstrating the distinctiveness and utility of sport.  相似文献   

于洪军  刘路 《中国体育科技》2012,48(4):113-123,136
从身体活动对慢性疾病预防和控制功效的视角,从身体活动对不同年龄群体的生理退化速率、死亡率、疾病发生率、心血管疾病、糖尿病、癌症、骨质疏松症、心理健康的影响等方面对国外相关研究进行梳理,对国外身体活动负荷标准的研究进行归纳,重点分类归纳了预防慢性疾病发生的成年人(18~65岁)、老年人(65岁以上)和已患慢性疾病群体控制疾病发展的不同群体间身体活动的适宜负荷方式和剂量,对身体活动与慢性疾病的研究做出了展望。  相似文献   

If elementary physical education existed just to achieve "present" goals, especially regular exercise, the nature of the program would be clearer and the need for trained teachers less. It is the "future" goal that complicates the debate over the elementary program. It is the "future" goal that requires a broader range of experiences and a developmental approach. Because we are preparing students to implement an active lifestyle in adulthood, the development of sport and dance skills through age/ability-appropriate and sequential lessons is an important as the "present" opportunity for physical activity. Teachers must be knowledgeable in the subdisciplines of physical education and well versed in those teaching methods that promote vigorous activity and maximum participation. The lifetime public health goal dictates we help students develop a knowledge base about exercise and health. This goal requires us to learn more than we presently know about promoting positive attitudes toward and fostering appreciations for healthful living. The hope for improved adult health also requires a K-12 curricular model in which every year continues previous experiences and moves students closer to the goal as those students are changing physically, mentally, and socially. The next debate should focus on the role of secondary school physical education in linking health-related elementary programs to healthy adult lifestyles. Even though we do not fully understand the relationship between school physical education and active adult lifestyles, our best bet is developing a continuous, developmental K-12 curriculum.  相似文献   

Despite the significant health benefits of regular physical activity for older adults, only a minority achieve recommended levels. To develop effective interventions, the reasons for the low levels of physical activity in this population must be understood. The present review identifies and synthesizes qualitative studies concerning the acceptability of physical activity to community dwelling older adults. A systematic search of four electronic databases identified 10 studies meeting inclusion criteria. These were appraised, and findings were combined and compared using thematic synthesis. Older adults construed physical activity as a by-product of other activities, rather than as a purposeful activity within itself. This seemed to be linked to their self-perception as an ageing member of society, with physical activity considered irrelevant, and competing roles and responsibilities (e.g., family) taking precedence. Additionally, older adults appeared to experience conflict between maintaining their autonomy and accepting the physical and social vulnerabilities associated with ageing. As older adults do not see physical activity as purposeful within itself, interventions promoting moderate or vigorous physical activity are likely to have limited success. As even small increases in physical activity benefit older adults, future interventions may wish to target the reduction of sedentary behaviour in this population.  相似文献   

身体活动指“由骨骼肌产生的体能消耗运动”.是保持身体健康、增进社会交往的重要方式和途径。在澳大利亚,虽然有研究调查民族群体身体活动的各个层面,但总体而言.多数研究更侧重于民族群体的同质性,而忽视了其异质性。本研究探讨在新南威尔士州居住的澳籍香港老年华人对身体活动的概念理解及对身体活动的态度。研究使用开放性问卷进行个体深度访谈,受访者22人。研究发现,大多数受访者不清楚“身体活动”这一术语的含义,对他们来说,“身体活动”是一个模糊的、复杂的术语。该群体对身体活动的态度反映了他们在预防性卫生保健方面的文化和健康观念。显然,提升澳籍香港老年华人的身体活动水平.需要一种基于文化特殊性的健康促进策略以解决对身体活动的误解,同时也需要具体的身体活动态度与华人整体性保健观念相匹配。  相似文献   

简述国外体力活动指南   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前各种世界组织一致同意推荐的体力活动指南为:提高和维持时间健康的体力活动最小的运动剂量是每天进行30min的中等强度体力活动,每周≥5次。这一指南提出基于有氧型体力活动的相关研究。体力活动和身体健康之间的关系非常复杂。运动的次数、强度、时间和方式影响健康的获得,充分认识其中的相关变化,有利于促进和提高民众的身体健康。  相似文献   

Physical activity and wellbeing in older adults is a global priority in combating negative economic consequences associated with population aging. Quantitative research using a medicalized model clearly associates physical activity with physiological health benefits. However, it is argued that a review of qualitative literature exploring individual experiences of active older adults can provide important insights into physical activity, aging, and wellbeing – specifically, how discourses of ageing and self-identity may interact with physical activity levels. A literature search on electronic databases PsycARTICLES, PsycINFO, SPORTDiscus, and ProQuest was used to identify qualitative studies of older adults who exercise or engage in competitive sport. Findings reveal that both groups tend to resist dominant negative stereotypes of ageing and view physical activity as central to self- identity. Yet approaches to ageing varied with the competitive sport group adopting a more negative view of the ageing process. Whilst results suggest that different levels of physical activity may impact on the psychosocial wellbeing of older adults, inconsistent definitions of exercise and competitive sport make it impossible to group these differences according to specific physical activity levels. More precise definitions of physical activity constructs in future research may provide a better understanding of these differences.  相似文献   

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