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Evidence suggests that periods of heavy intense training can result in impaired immune cell function, and whether this leaves elite athletes at greater risk of infections and upper respiratory symptoms (URS) is still debated. There is some evidence that episodes of URS do cluster around important periods of competition and intense periods of training. Since reducing URS, primarily from an infectious origin, may have implications for performance, a large amount of research has focused on nutritional strategies to improve immune function at rest and in response to exercise. Although there is some convincing evidence that meeting requirements of high intakes in carbohydrate and protein and avoiding deficiencies in nutrients such as vitamin D and antioxidants is integral for optimal immune health, well-powered randomised controlled trials reporting improvements in URS beyond such intakes are lacking. Consequently, there is a need to first understand whether the nutritional practices adopted by elite athletes increases their risk of URS. Second, promising evidence in support of efficacy and mechanisms of immune-enhancing nutritional supplements (probiotics, bovine colostrum) on URS needs to be followed up with more randomised controlled trials in elite athletes with sufficient participant numbers and rigorous procedures with clinically relevant outcome measures of immunity.  相似文献   

本文以通过特质焦虑量表测量的24名不同特质焦虑类型的体院男生为实验对象,对其进行了不同心理状态下20min的篮球对抗赛,并就运动免疫学研究争议较多的IL-1、IL-2、免疫球蛋白,分别对其安静时、运动前即刻、运动后即刻采集血样,经化验和统计分析发现:(1)心理应激对运动员血清中IL-I和IL-2水平都产生影响,尤其对IL-I影响显著。(2)高特质焦虑运动员在心理应激和运动负荷后血浆IL-1和IL-2活性的变化水平比低特质焦虑运动员更为明显。(3)心理应激、急性运动对运动员免疫球蛋白水平无明显影响。  相似文献   

选取上海体育学院14名高特质焦虑男性田径运动员,并对其“足三里”和“三阴交”施加电针穴位刺激,观察在心理应激条件下穴位刺激对运动员机体免疫和焦虑状况的影响,分析运动员机体免疫和焦虑状况之间的关系。通过对实验前后运动员免疫指标(血液T淋巴细胞CD3^+%、血液辅助性T淋巴细胞亚群TCD4^+、抑制性T淋巴细胞亚群TCD8^+、TCD4^+/CD8^+%、NK%、NKT%)和心理焦虑指标的测试,为综合分析穴位刺激对高特质焦虑运动员赛前机体免疫和焦虑状况调节的效果和机制提供一定的实验依据。  相似文献   

采用CSAI-2问卷测试了322名参加全国或省际比赛运动员的赛前状态焦虑。结果发现:①运动项目类型是影响多维竞赛状态焦虑的一个重要变量;②性别与运动级别仅在某种程度上影响着运动员的多维竞赛状态焦虑;③文化程度不是影响赛前状态焦虑的因素;④认知特征显著的武术比赛成绩更多地受到认知状态焦虑的影响。建议对于认知特征显著的武术运动,教练员应该加强对运动员的认知心理训练  相似文献   

以山东中医药大学武术队12名运动员作为测试对象,对赛前训练前后和比赛前后的心理焦虑指标进行了监测,分析运动员对比赛产生焦虑的状状况,结果表明:武术套路运动在训练和比赛过程中会出现心理焦虑,运动员在集训前焦虑水平最高,比赛后焦虑水平最低,特别是躯体焦虑指标存在显著性差异;全队的焦虑水平则存在显著性差异。  相似文献   

许多冬季项目都具有比较高的损伤风险,如单板滑雪、高山滑雪和自由式滑雪等。如何帮助这些高风险项目的运动员应对运动损伤的挫折和康复治疗的挑战,是备战北京冬奥会面临的重要课题。研究介绍了心理保障团队如何帮助一位中国自由式滑雪空中技巧受伤运动员LGZ应对康复困难并重返国际比赛的心理康复历程。基于中国运动员心理建设系统,为LGZ的心理康复训练制订了三重目标:1)减少运动损伤的心理应激,积极参与康复治疗,尽早回归正常的训练和比赛;2)提高自我控制能力,形成良好的行为习惯,以平稳的心态参加训练和比赛;3)提升文化素养和精神境界,不断完善自我,促进终生发展。从2017年2月—2018年2月,在历时1年的心理训练中,共对其进行了5种心理干预:提供心理支持、实施表象训练、开展心理讲座、制订比赛预案和提供心理咨询;还通过心理测试来监控运动员的心理状态,并采用运动员个人评价、主管教练评价和竞技比赛表现来评估心理训练的效果。在为期1年的心理训练结束时,这名运动员逐渐克服了运动损伤所带来的焦虑,建立了伤后康复的自信,提高了自我控制的能力,并在平昌冬奥会上取得了她个人的最佳成绩,获得了冬奥会奖牌。这一案例提示我们“术道兼修”的心理训练具有一定成效,也带给我们许多反思。  相似文献   

Although epidemiological data indicate that athletes are at increased risk of upper respiratory tract infection during periods of heavy training and the 1 - 2 week period following endurance race events, there is very limited information on the responses to football training and match-play. For several hours after heavy exertion, components of both the innate (e.g. natural killer cell activity and neutrophil oxidative burst activity) and adaptive (e.g. T and B cell function) immune system exhibit suppressed function. Although such responses to football training and competition do not appear to be as pronounced, variations in immune cell numbers and function are reported in professional footballers over the course of a season. Attempts have been made through nutritional means (e.g. glutamine, vitamins C and E, and carbohydrate supplementation) to attenuate immune changes following intensive exercise and thus lower the risk of upper respiratory tract infection. Carbohydrate supplementation during heavy exercise has emerged as a partial countermeasure and attenuates increases in blood neutrophil counts, stress hormones, and inflammatory cytokines, but has little effect on decrements in salivary IgA output or natural killer cell function. Animal research indicates that other nutritional components such as beta-glucan, quercetin, and curcumin warrant human investigations to determine if they are effective countermeasures to exercise-induced immune dysfunction.  相似文献   

采用心理测量法,对自由式滑雪空中技巧国家队运动员2010—2011年陆上训练和雪上训练(冬训前后)的注意力、应激、训练状态、赛前情绪4项心理指标进行监测和分析,了解运动员的训练特征及心理状态。结果发现:运动员陆上训练和雪上训练心理状态是有差异的,不同性别的自由式滑雪空中技巧运动员心理状态呈现出不同特征;运动员的注意力处在一般水平,经过冬训注意力有所提高;经过冬训运动员的应激状态均有所改善,男队员改善明显,冬训后困扰男队员的主要为比赛所带来的压力,而女队员则主要为生活遭遇和运动损伤的压力。大部分运动员的赛前状态良好,一部分运动员存在轻、中和重度的心理疲劳。结论:对于自由式滑雪空中技巧项目运动员进行心理状态监测是非常必要的。对运动员采取的心理调节策略、方法应具有鲜明的个体性。  相似文献   

运用问卷调查法和数理统计法对内蒙古地区部分高校运动员的运动焦虑进行了研究,探讨了年龄、项目、性别和训练年限对运动特质焦虑的影响,针对高校运动员的竞赛特质焦虑现状,对高焦虑的高水平学生运动员采取了心理技能训练,从而降低了高校学生运动员竞赛特质焦虑水平。  相似文献   

运动员过度训练后免疫功能变化及恢复的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
过度训练是运动员训练中因安排不当造成的。长时间、大运动量、高强度的训练而缺乏足够的恢复以及社会、心理等因素都可以诱发过度训练。过度训练使机体免疫功能下降,引起免疫抑制现象,影响身体健康,增加机体感染病原体的机会。本文用文献综述的形式,从运动对免疫功能的影响、过度训练的概念、机制,各种免疫物质在过度训练后的变化及机制、免疫功能的恢复等方面进行阐述,以期为集训期运动员,特别是正在备战奥运会的运动健儿们在训练和恢复领域提供科学依据和参考。  相似文献   

最佳比赛心理状态是指运动员在比赛的外环境和身心综合状态的内环境下,竞技心理能力最大程度的发挥状态。"破釜沉舟""背水一战""置之死地而后生"……这些耳熟能详的成语和源于实践的经验都说明:优秀运动员参加重大比赛的最佳竞技心理状态是可以被挖掘的,即潜能是被"逼"出来的。那么,如何有效培养优秀运动员参加重大比赛的最佳心理状态呢?一、为何要"逼"出比赛最佳心理状态一般来讲,运动员参加奥运会等重大比赛的社会关注、重要他人期望及自我重视程度都非同寻常。赛前,运动员将  相似文献   

Strenuous bouts of prolonged exercise and heavy training are associated with depressed immune cell function. Furthermore, inadequate or inappropriate nutrition can compound the negative influence of heavy exertion on immunocompetence. Dietary deficiencies of protein and specific micronutrients have long been associated with immune dysfunction. An adequate intake of iron, zinc and vitamins A, E, B6 and B12 is particularly important for the maintenance of immune function, but excess intakes of some micronutrients can also impair immune function and have other adverse effects on health. Immune system depression has also been associated with an excess intake of fat. To maintain immune function, athletes should eat a well-balanced diet sufficient to meet their energy requirements. An athlete exercising in a carbohydrate-depleted state experiences larger increases in circulating stress hormones and a greater perturbation of several immune function indices. Conversely, consuming 30–60?g carbohydrate?·?h?1 during sustained intensive exercise attenuates rises in stress hormones such as cortisol and appears to limit the degree of exercise-induced immune depression. Convincing evidence that so-called ‘immune-boosting’ supplements, including high doses of antioxidant vitamins, glutamine, zinc, probiotics and Echinacea, prevent exercise-induced immune impairment is currently lacking.  相似文献   

赛前情绪的因素结构、自陈评定及注意特征   总被引:19,自引:7,他引:12  
张力为 《体育科学》2000,20(4):67-70
根据中国集体主义文化的特征,建立了赛前情绪5因素模型,它包括特质自信,躯体特质焦虑,个体失败特质焦虑和社会期待特质焦虑4个一级因素和赛前情绪1个二级因素。对1188名运动员的4项问卷调查结果支持了这一5因素模型,发展出的“赛前情绪量表-T及其相应的简表具有较好的信度与效度。  相似文献   

The purpose of the present investigation was to examine exercise patterns and psychological variables mediating a return to training and competition after pregnancy. Competitive female athletes who had given birth within the last 10 years completed surveys concerning (a) training patterns before, during, and after childbirth, (b) childbirth complications and training advice, (c) perceptions of success in their postpartum comebacks to training, and (d) self-efficacy, social support, and perceived barriers to training during pregnancy and after childbirth. Results indicated that women decreased both cardiovascular and resistance training during pregnancy. Additionally, training efforts during pregnancy were independent of those during the pre- and postpartum periods. This finding suggests that athletes may be able to alter their training patterns during pregnancy without a significant impact on their postpartum training program.  相似文献   

Throwers, jumpers, and combined events athletes require speed, strength, power, and a wide variety of technical skills to be successful in their events. Only a handful of studies have assessed the nutritional needs of such athletes. Because of this, recommendations for nutritional requirements to support and enhance training and competition performances for these athletes are made using research findings from sports and exercise protocols similar to their training and competitive events. The goals of the preparation cycle of nutrition periodization for these athletes include attaining desirable body weight, a high ratio of lean body mass to body height, and improving muscular power. Nutritional recommendations for training and competition periods include: (1) meeting energy needs; (2) timing consumption of adequate fluid and electrolyte intakes before, during, and after exercise to promote adequate hydration; (3) timing consumption of carbohydrate intake to provide adequate fuel for energy demands and to spare protein for muscle repair, growth, and maintenance; (4) timing consumption of adequate protein intake to meet protein synthesis and turnover needs; and (5) consuming effective nutritional and dietary supplements. Translating these nutrient and dietary recommendations into guidelines these athletes can apply during training and competition is important for enhancing performance.  相似文献   

对部分短道速滑运动员不同训练负荷进行生化监测表明:200m快屈走+20复步滑跳+300m跑×4p(要求:80%~90%强度,2min30s完成,HR180左右,休息6min)为中等强度;300m快屈走+20复步滑跳+300m跑×8p(要求:80%~90%强度,2min20s完成,HR190左右,休息4min)属大强度。  相似文献   

已修订出中国常模的CSAI-2问卷是信度和效度高的多维焦虑测量工具,它包括三个分量表:认知状态焦虑、躯体状态焦虑和状态自信心。运用该问卷测查235名参加大学生运动会田径和篮球比赛的被试赛前焦虑反应和状态自信必,结果表明:(1)躯体状态焦虑的强度是区分田径和篮球项目类型良好的预测因子;(2)认知状态焦虑的强度是区分运动技能水平或临场技能发挥得好坏的良好预测因子;(3)竞赛焦虑反应和状态自信心的强度与被试主观上所认知到的任务难度密切有关。因此,为使运动员有适宜的竞赛焦虑反应和状态自信心,教练员除了不断提高运动员的技能水平之外,应当结合项目的要求加强对运动员的心理训练(尤其是认知训练),并注意在赛前激起他们符合任务特征的唤醒水平。  相似文献   

武术运动员赛前情绪及临场应对方式的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对68名参加第七届全国大学生武术锦标赛的运动员的赛前情绪状态及其临场应激应对方式进行了调查与研究。结果表明:名次前列的武术运动员的个体失败焦虑、社会期待焦虑得分低于名次后列的运动员,且其与比赛名次呈显著相关,而在自信心与躯体焦虑因子上差异不显著,与比赛名次也不存在显著相关,赛前情绪是影响训练水平与比赛成绩之间关系的一个重要因素;名次前列与后列运动员在面对各种应激源时,4种不同的应对方式均有采用,但前者在采用进攻式应激应对策略的得分均高于后者,而在采用回避式应激应对策略的得分则是大部分都低于后者,赛前情绪各因子与临场应激应对方式各因子呈一定相关,表明两者之间存在一定的相关关系;认知-情感调控训练法、模拟应激训练法、放松训练法与控制点训练法等是几种可以改善赛前情绪状态及临场应激应对方式的有效方法与手段;武术套路运动员的赛前训练不仅是单纯的竞技技术训练,还应包括必要的、系统的心理训练内容。各种训练方法应根据具体运动员在各训练阶段的实际需要进行科学组合,使能发挥最大训练效果。  相似文献   

运动员的心理疲劳由于大多数情况下是隐蔽的、渐进的,很容易被忽视,若出现深度的心理疲劳,不仅影响比赛成绩,甚至运动员的运动寿命。认为运动训练和比赛的复杂性与紧张性,训练内容的单调性,个性、情绪、注意品质等是引起运动性心理疲劳的主要因素。提出采用肌肉神经放松训练、注意营养补充,注意力转移、沉思练习,表象训练、情绪转移与情绪调控等方法促进运动员体力、脑力和心理恢复,避免深度的心理疲劳的产生,使运动员在训练和比赛中保持良好的心理优势和最佳竞技状态。  相似文献   

跆拳道既是一项强身健体,又是一项防身自卫的传统搏击武术,但随着竞技领域的激烈竞争,技术水平的高低不再是衡量运动员比赛成功与否的唯一评判标准,而心理素质的培养才是取胜的关键因素。运动员赛前焦虑情绪的产生,会影响比赛的结果,也会造成运动员身心的疲惫。因此以太原市跆拳道运动员为例,分析运动员赛前焦虑形成的原因及其影响因素,并制定相应的调控策略对避免和缓解运动员赛前的焦虑情绪将起到重要的作用。  相似文献   

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