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中学青年教师职业压力问题已经成为一个普遍存在的共性问题,它已经严重影响到青年教师的健康成长.中学青年教师职业压力问题是由社会、学校和教师自身等多种因素综合作用而成的,所以,应采取有效措施,缓解其职业压力,真正实现教师的自身价值.  相似文献   

教师是高压力职业,自上个世纪以来,教师压力问题一直是一个人们关注的热门话题。本文认为压力源主要是教师自身和职业本身两个方面。教师压力源是多元化的,所以解决教师压力问题也应从多角度考虑。  相似文献   

由于高职院校办学时间短、社会认可度不高,高职教师在其职业发展过程中更易受自身能力水平、个性特征、价值观差异、工作压力等因素影响而出现"职业高原"现象.高职教师"职业高原"现象个体成因类型可归纳为压力型、瓶颈型、安逸型和边缘型.要突破"职业高原"期,高职教师丛须学会化解压力,学会自我调节,强化自身,提高对职业和自我的认同感,并不断完善人格.  相似文献   

教师由于其职业的特殊性,容易受到来自复杂关系、外部环境以及自身的压力。教师职业压力不仅会影响教师的职业发展,还会影响教师的身心健康。从教师自身、学校以及社会方面探究缓解教师职业压力的方法对在职教师有重要作用,并且对即将登上教师岗位的人有预防作用。  相似文献   

朱珠 《大学教育》2019,(2):169-171
21世纪以来,大学教师的职业压力越来越大,已经成为大学教师学术创新、科研产出、教学质量提升、职业认同和身心健康的制约因素,这一问题亟待关注。文章从制度、社会、教师自身这三个方面探讨大学教师过大职业压力产生的可能原因与影响。建议通过推动高校考核制度改革、完善大学教师激励机制、增强大学教师社会认同感等措施缓解大学教师的职业压力。  相似文献   

以重庆C大学的调查数据为基础,采用二元Logistic回归模型对高校教师职业压力的影响因素进行实证分析。结果表明:学生行为、角色冲突、人际关系和自身能力对高校教师职业压力均有显著影响,而婚恋情况对高校教师职业压力的影响不显著。在学生行为方面,所教学生存在不良行为的高校教师的职业压力更大;在教师角色方面,担当多重角色的高校教师职业压力更大;在人际关系方面,人际关系越紧张的高校教师职业压力越大;在自身能力方面,自我期待与自身能力越不匹配的教师职业压力越大。  相似文献   

对260名中学英语教师进行的“关于教师职业压力状况及其来源”的问卷调查显示:中学英语教师承受着巨大的职业压力。来自于社会、学校、教师自身的压力均为显著。社会期望(包括学校期望)、自我期望与中学英语教师自身素质的矛盾。中学英语教师个体劳动强度与工资待遇的矛盾,素质教育的教学改革与应试教育业绩评定的矛盾,是中学英语教师特有的职业压力来源。有助于中学英语教师缓解职业压力的措施有12条。并呼吁重视教师心理健康教育,提高教师心理健康水平。  相似文献   

一、问题的提出 近年来。中小学教师的职业压力问题目益凸显。国内外关于中小学教师职业压力的研究普遍揭示出一个不容忽视的现实:中小学教师体验到的职业压力,无论是在频率上,还是在强度上,都比以往任何时候强烈。教师的职业压力问题正不同程度地直接影响着教师的身心健康和自身的生活工作质量,严重制约了教师潜能的发挥;同时,教师在过度压力下表现出的不良情绪和行为对学生的心理发展也会造成消极影响.  相似文献   

通过采用《大学教师工作压力量表》对188名高职教师进行无记名调查,结果显示:高职院校教师普遍存在一定的工作压力,压力等级在中度以上;工作压力有明显的职称、性别、年龄、学历和所在学校性质的差异;在工作压力的不同维度,教师人口统计学变量不同,存在不同程度的压力差异。造成高职院校教师工作压力的原因,既有教师自身的因素,也与教师所从事的职业特点以及高等职业教育的发展环境密不可分。教师自身和教育管理者都应采取有效措施缓解教师工作压力。  相似文献   

<正>教师幸福吗?一项研究表明:目前我国中小学教师的职业压力主要来自六个方面:一是升学考试压力,二是工作负担压力,三是角色职责压力,四是工作聘任压力,五是职业声望压力,六是学历职称压力。教师自身发展方面的需求被淹没在生存压力中。很多教师在面临职业压力的同时开始失落职业幸福。然而,教师幸福是学校幸福教育的源头。在强调合作、交流、分享的新课程改革大背景下,学校教育需要雅慧智行的幸福教  相似文献   

对高师院校小学教育专业师资建设的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
专科以上学历小学教师培养工作是我国教师教育的新领域,对高师院校小学教育专业教师提出了新挑战。教师教育的专业化、一体化和开放性特征以及我国小学教育专业教师队伍的现状,要求我们在师资队伍建设上必须转变教育观念,调整优化教师队伍,构建自主学习、持续发展的机制,建立激励机制、完善考核制度,提高专业教师科研水平,以适应我国教师教育改革的需要。  相似文献   

本文基于全国11个省(直辖市、自治区)的高中教师调查,分别从教师的工作时间、成就感和工作满意度三个方面,对我国高中教师的专业生活状态进行了分析。在教师工作时间方面,我国高中教师平均周授课时相对其他国家而言并不长,但教师备课、批改作业时间较长;中、西部地区教师的工作时间长于东部地区的教师。在教师成就感方面,我国东部地区高中教师的成就感明显低于中、西部地区的教师,女教师的成就感普遍低于男教师;随着教龄的增加,教师成就感总的趋势是先上升后下降,但更详细的分析发现成就感随教龄的变化较为复杂。在教师工作满意度方面,中部地区的教师工作满意度显著高于西部和东部地区的教师;工作满意度随教龄和职称的变化大致呈V型分布。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to describe the activities of Estonian preschool teachers in the context of different teaching approaches and to compare the assessments of teachers of their own teaching with the assessments of observers of their teaching. For the data collection, the Early Childhood Classroom Observation Measure (ECCOM) and a structured questionnaire were used. A total of 25 teachers participated in the study. The research concluded that teachers mostly applied the principles of a child-centred approach, but that teacher-directed and child-dominated approaches were also present in their teaching practices. Senior teachers scored better than novice teachers on the child-centred education scale, while novice teachers scored higher on the child-dominated scale. By comparing the consensual results of two independent observers and the assessments of the teachers, it became evident that the teachers gave themselves a higher rating in all categories regarding the implementation of child-centred teaching practices, compared to the rating given by the independent observers. Thus, changing the daily practices of teachers involves more than changing the curriculum and other national documents and providing theoretical training on the new approach to learning. It also requires specific guidelines on how to change practice and how to provide feedback for teachers on their work.  相似文献   

小学教师专业化已成为世界教师教育的共同发展趋势。从台湾几所师范学院课程改革可以看出台湾小学教师培养思想的调整趋向:(1)构建开放性、发展性的教师教育体系;(2)师范性与学术性相统一,促进小学教师专业发展。  相似文献   

云南边疆中学优秀教师与一般教师教学效能感研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用问卷法对718名云南边疆中学的优秀教师与一般教师的研究发现:优秀教师与一般教师的教学效能感存在显著的差异;优秀教师的总体教学效能感以及个人教学效能感,一般教学效能感均高于一般教师;边疆少数民族地区的优秀教师、一般教师与内地的专家型教师、新手型教师的教学效能感存在着共同性与差异性;不同的民族、性别对优秀教师、一般教师教学效能感的影响并不显著。  相似文献   

英国公学之所以能够长期保持“精英摇篮”之美称,是与其高素质的师资队伍和教师的辛勤劳动分不开的。文章从公学教师的学历、公学对教师的吸引力以及公学教师的职责范围三个方面对英国公学的师资队伍建设进行了探讨。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to find out the differences in e-learning competences of teachers. The independent variables used were geographic location, teaching experience, Internet access, e-learning training needs, ICT teacher/non-ICT teachers, and status. A questionnaire was developed to examine the e-learning competencies of vocational high-school teachers in North Cyprus. Findings reveal that the e-learning competencies of teachers in North Cyprus can be classified according to technology-based e-learning, web-based e-learning, and administrative e-learning. In addition, there is an e-learning divide between those teachers who are experienced and those who are not, those who have limited Internet access and those who have unlimited Internet access, those who have less training needs and those who have more training needs, and between ICT teachers and non-ICT teachers.  相似文献   

采用Ryff心理幸福感量表对河北省288名高校教师和506名中学教师进行问卷调查,探讨河北省高校教师与中学教师心理幸福感的现状及其差异,研究结果表明河北省高校教师和中学教师的心理幸福感总体水平较高,中学教师的自主性和积极关系水平显著高于高校教师.  相似文献   

The purpose of the reported interview study from Sweden is to contribute to our understanding of how head teachers can promote inclusive practices. Five head teachers were selected from a larger sample of head teachers working in compulsory schools (6–16) according to specific criteria in order to obtain head teachers who work effectively and express inclusive values relative to a relational perspective. The interviews were semi-structured, and a thematic analysis was performed. Head teachers’ strategies were in focus. The theoretical point of departure is critical pragmatism. Overall the five head teachers reported similar strategies. The head teachers describe the importance of educational leadership through observation and participation in activities in the classrooms. They advocate flexibility in the solutions provided for students in need of special support preferring solutions carried out in the regular classroom by the class/subject teacher. Head teachers see special educational needs coordinators (SENCOs) as important partners in their work towards more inclusive practices. Head teachers express the importance of consensus among their staff. They seem to welcome government’s increasing demands and steering concerning how head teachers should manage their schools. Finally, it is discussed whether the head teachers can be said to work ‘inclusively’ and, more generally, the methodological challenges researchers must confront in studies concerning ‘inclusive’ education.  相似文献   

This qualitative study examined mature student teachers in initial teacher preparation for primary schools in Greece. More specifically it sought to identify the profile of mature student teachers, their intentions to become primary school teachers, their academic needs, concerns and expectations as well as their coping strategies across private and public spheres in university departments preparing primary school teachers. Adapting an ethnographic research approach and a case study design, 15 mature student teachers were followed throughout the final year of their studies, investigating patterns of personal and academic identities developed in order to become primary school teachers. Mature student teachers consist of a limited number in the total higher education student population. However their skills and experiences can be regarded as significant in course completion and contributing to a high standard of education in both the university and primary schools.  相似文献   

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