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采用文献资料法、数理统计法对ATP官方网站所公布的世界排名前100名的优秀男子网球运动员的技术数据及总积分进行描述性统计、相关性分析和逐步回归统计分析,建立积分回归方程,研究世界优秀网球男子单打比赛制胜技术因素。研究表明,反映发球局的指标:平均每场比赛ACE个数、一发得分率、二发得分率、挽救破发点、发球局胜率成非常显著性相关;反映接发球局的指标:接一发得分率、接二发得分率、成功破发率也成显著性相关。反映发球局与接发球局的指标成显著性相关的均为负相关。影响世界优秀男子网球单打比赛总积分的制胜技术因素是平均每场ACE球个数、二发得分率、接一发得分率。  相似文献   

对2010年美国网球公开赛和2011年澳大利亚网球公开赛的女子单打11项技术指标进行单因素方差和逐步判别分析,研究世界优秀女子网球单打比赛制胜技术关键因素,建立判定比赛胜负的判别函数方程.研究结果显示:在世界优秀女子网球单打比赛中ACE球、二发得分率、接发球得分率为比赛获胜的最关键制胜因子,并且它们对比赛制胜影响大小顺序为:接发球得分率>二发得分率> ACE球.  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、数理统计法,对世界男子网球单打前三名选手在大满贯比赛中的数据进行多因素分析.结果表明:三位球员在ACE球、一发成功率、破发率、上网次数、网前得分和制胜分上具有差异性;德约科维奇一发成功率、二发得分率、接一发得分率、非受迫性失误和制胜分主要受场地类型的影响;费德勒双误、一发成功率、一发得分率和网前得分主要受场地类型的影响;纳达尔接发球得分率和网前得分率主要受场地类型的影响.  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、数理统计法等对第16届亚运会男子网球单打技术进行对比分析,结果表明胜、负双方的一发成功率、一发成功次数、二发成功次数、截击直接得分不存在显著性差异(P〉0.05),不是决定比赛胜负的关键因素。ACE球、双误、二发得分、网前得分、正手制胜分和反手制胜分存在显著性差异(P〈0.05),是影响比赛胜负的重要因素。发球直接得分、一发得分、一发得分率、二发得分率、破发机会、破发成功率、破发成功次数、网前得分率、总得分、制胜分、非受迫性失误存在非常显著性差异(P〈0.01),是影响比赛胜负的关键因素。  相似文献   

对第26届世界大学生男子网球单打技术数据进行统计、对比与分析,结果表明:比赛胜、负双方的一发成功率、一发成功次数、二发成功次数、截击直接得分不存在显著性差异(P〉0.05);每场比赛胜、负双方的ACE球、双误、二发得分、网前得分、正手制胜分和反手制胜分存在显著性差异(P〈0.05);胜、负双方的发球直接得分、一发得分、一发得分率、二发得分率、破发机会、破发成功率、破发成功次数、网前得分率、总得分、制胜分、非受迫性失误存在非常显著性差异(P〈0.01)。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、录像观察法、数理统计法,选择2012年温布尔顿网球公开赛男子单打的8强选手为研究对象,对八强七场比赛发球落点的相关性进行分析.结果显示,当今世界网坛男子顶尖选手在比赛中,不同发球落点一发或二发的分布率发球速度并没有显著性差异,提示上述两因素基本上都不是决定比赛胜负的关键;而胜者在右发球区一发向外角、追身及二发向内角,与左发球区一发向外角的得分率则与落败者有所不同,提示此点可能是影响比赛胜负的重要关键.  相似文献   

对网球项目男、女单打比赛制胜规律的研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
运用文献资料调研、数理统计等方法,对第29届北京奥运会网球项目男、女单打比赛21项技术统计数据进行比较分析.结果表明,男、女单打比赛存在相同之处,即每场比赛胜、负方的一发得分率、二发得分率、破发机会、破发次数4项数据平均值,胜方均大于负方,且均存在非常显著性差异(P<0.01);每场比赛的平均正手制胜球数量均存在差异性(P<0.05).另外,男子单打平均每场比赛的发球双误、制胜分、非受迫性失误3项,胜、负方均存在差异性(P<0.05);女子单打比赛平均每场比赛的ACES球数量,胜、负方存在非常显著性差异(P<0.01).研究认为,一发得分率、二发得分率、破发机会、破发次数是决定网球单打比赛胜负的关键因素,制胜分、正手制胜球、非受迫性失误等是决定单打比赛胜负的重要因素.  相似文献   

文章运用文献资料法、录像分析法、数据统计法及逻辑推理法,对郑洁2010年澳大利亚网球公开赛参加的6场比赛进行了分析。结论如下:郑洁发球失误少,一发成功率、一发得分率及二发得分率较高,且接发球得分率、破发成功率、上网成功率及制胜分也较高,但是其发球时速较低,发ACE球数量较少,非受迫性失误较多,这是导致其最终失败的重要原因。  相似文献   

法国网球公开赛上李娜获得亚洲历史上首个大满贯冠军。运用文献资料法、数理统计法、逻辑分析法等,对李娜参加本届法网的全部单打比赛进行了分析研究。结果表明:李娜体能保持良好、心理稳定自信、技战术优秀合理;技术统计中一发得分、一发得分率、二发得分率、破发机会、破发次数、制胜分及总得分均优于对手,且均存在显著性差异(P<0.05),这是李娜获得比赛胜利的关键因素;发球速度与欧美等运动员差距明显。  相似文献   

为评价世界精英男子网球运动员比赛表现特征,选取德约科维奇职业生涯2004至2016年间908场、穆雷职业生涯2005至2016年间804场单打比赛为研究对象。运用多元线性回归法对两位优秀网球选手竞技能力技战术指标特征进行分析,运用综合指数法对两人36场比赛对决进行综合评定。结果显示:(1)决定德约科维奇的比赛胜负指标由强到弱依次为二发得分率(0.915)、一发得分率(0.882)、挽救破发点成功率(0.749)、一发成功率(0.700),决定穆雷的比赛胜负指标由强到弱依次为一发成功率(0.803)、二发得分率(0.675)、破发成功率(0.645);(2)德约科维奇与穆雷10场大满贯比赛对决的综合指数平均值分别为3.997和3.862。研究表明:从整体上看,虽然两人职业对决在竞技状态上都有起伏,但并不存在显著性差异,且两人在比赛中均展现出一流的技战术水平。  相似文献   

2008年澳网中外网球女子单打选手技战术统计分析与研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用录像观察、数理统计等方法,对中国女网在2008年澳网单打比赛中的技、战术指标进行统计与分析。结果表明:与国外选手相比,中国女网选手在身体形态、发球速度、一发得分率等方面存在明显差距;中国选手比赛的攻击性与技术稳定性尚待进一步提高。比赛名次与技术指标的相关分析表明:二发平均速度、二发得分率等指标对比赛名次的影响程度较大。  相似文献   

当今世界网坛已经是体能与技术的融合,良好的体能是网球比赛的制胜法宝.同样,节省体能的打法更能够为在马拉松式的网球比赛的取胜增砖添瓦.节省体能的方法其一是要尽可能消耗对手的体力,其次要尽量减少己方的移动,同时要尽可能加强情绪自控,减少赛间的剧烈运动及情绪宣泄.  相似文献   

Elite tennis is characterised by repeated bouts of up to 5-set match play, yet little is known about the technical requirements of shots played. This study therefore investigated technical performance changes over consecutive days of prolonged, simulated tennis match play. A total of 7 well-trained men tennis players performed 4 consecutive days of competitive 4-h match play. Matches were notated to determine between-day changes in groundstroke and serve performance, as well as point and match durations. Changes ≥75% likely to exceed the smallest important effect size (0.2) were considered meaningful and represented as effect size ± 90% confidence interval. Effective playing time reduced on days 3 and 4, alongside likely increases in “stretch” groundstrokes over the 4 days (mean effect size ± 90% confidence interval; 0.57 ± 0.38) and “stretch” backhand returns on days 2 and 3 (0.39 ± 0.54 and 0.67 ± 0.55). Relative unforced errors increased on day 4 (vs. day 2; 0.36 ± 0.22) and second-serve winning percentage reduced after day 1 (?0.47 ± 0.50). Further, a likely increase in emotional outbursts characterised day 3 (vs. day 2; 0.73 ± 0.57). Consecutive-day match play impairs hitting accuracy, stroke positioning and emotional responses; an understanding of which prepares players for elite-standard tennis tournament play.  相似文献   

Tennis comprises specific match situations when winning the next point is crucial. These big points can decide about a win or loss and, thus, reasonably arouse mental stress. Break points (BPs) are considered as big points and the outcome is influenced by, among a variety of other factors, the serve, which is well accepted being one of the dominant strokes in Men’s tennis. In this study, we examined the serve behaviour for male players in the Wimbledon tournament 2016 to investigate the possible impacts of presumed mental stress within the situation of BPs, and further, if winning players perform better than losing players. A total of 28.843 points were analysed and divided into BP (n?=?2.035) and non-break points – referred to as regular points (RP; n?=?26.808).  相似文献   

网球比赛的胜负不仅取决于运动员的身体能力和击球技术,而且在很大程度上受到态度和心理的影响。网球自身的比赛特点就向运动员的发出了强大的心理挑战,谁能够在心理上承受这挑战,谁就获得比赛的胜利。本文分析网球比赛对运动员产生的不同心理影响,并提出相关的应对方法。  相似文献   

This paper examines three methods to measure the upper arm rotation, the main contributor to produce a fast first serve in tennis. Accepted videography techniques were compared with a novel inertial gyroscope system and marker-based technique. A network of two inertial sensors on the upper arm and the chest was used to measure upper arm rotation angle and remove body artifacts. A marker-based virtual gyroscope (MBVG) was derived from Vicon marker positions in the standard Plug-in-Gait model using a vector-based method of marker trajectories and a series of geometric transformations. The results indicate that there is a close temporal feature match for all three methods when applied to the tennis serve. This paper shows that gyroscopes as well as the MBVG can be advantageous for tennis serve assessment.  相似文献   

The potential effect of fatigue on stroke production in tennis players is still controversial. The aim of this study was to analyse the tennis serve speed and accuracy in prolonged male professional matches played on grass courts. We analysed tennis serve statistics from five-set Wimbledon matches (n?=?15; 30 players). Results showed that match duration averaged 208.3?±?28.3?min. The overall serve speed was 177.0?±?10.2?km/h in the first set and 176.1?±?11.7?km/h in the fifth set (p?=?.34). The difference of all accuracy values of first set serves was not significantly different from those of the fifth set: percentage of valid first serves, 63.1?±?11.1% vs. 62.3?±?11.8%, respectively (p?=?.78); percentage of “aces”, 11.2?±?9.1% vs. 10.0?±?8.9%, respectively (p?=?.39); percentage of “winners”, 2.6?±?7.6% vs. 1.2?±?2.2%, respectively (p?=?.36); percentage of “double faults”, 2.8?±?3.0% vs. 2.8?±?3.4% (p?=?.97). In conclusion, tennis players were able to maintain constant serve speed and accuracy over five-set matches played on grass courts. Professional tennis players are capable of overcoming fatigue and/or make movement adjustments to effectively perform complex technical strokes like the serve throughout matches played on grass courts lasting more than 3?h in average.  相似文献   

应用层次分析法(AHP)原理,建立业余女子网球单打运动员决胜阶段关键制胜技术指标体系,确定了16项具体的评价指标。建立、计算判断矩阵,求出各层因素的权重,结果显示:一发成功率、二发成功率、正手制胜球、保发成功率,是业余女子网球单打运动员决胜阶段的主要制胜技术。  相似文献   

A method is presented for assessing the serve speeds of tennis players based on their body height. The research involved a sample of top world players (221 males and 215 females) who participated in the Grand Slam tournaments in 2008 and 2012. The method is based on the linear regression analysis of the association between the player’s body height and the serve speed (fastest serve, average first-serve, and second-serve speed). The coefficient of serve speed (CSS) was calculated as the quotient of the measured and the theoretical value of the serve speed on a regression line relative to the player’s body height. The CSS of >1, 1 and <1 indicate above-average, average, and below-average serve speeds, respectively, relative to the top world tennis players with the same body height. The CSS adds a new element to the already existing statistics about a tennis match, and provides additional information about the performance of tennis players. The CSS can be utilised e.g. for setting the target serve speed of a given player to achieve based on his/her body height, choosing the most appropriate match strategy against a particular player, and a long-term monitoring of the effectiveness of training focused on the serve speed.  相似文献   

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