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基础研究中的国家目标及其相关政策   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
韩宇  龚旭 《科学学研究》1997,15(2):40-46
本文探讨了在基础研究中体现国家目标的必然性及其发展历史,提出了在基础研究中体现国家目标应当注意的若干政策问题  相似文献   

依据建国以来我国基础研究政策目标的变化,将我国基础研究政策的发展历程分为重点项目突破、瞄准国家目标、提升原始创新能力三个阶段.运用多源流理论分析框架,阐释我国的基础研究政策如何实现了三次目标变迁.结论表明,问题源流的发展变化是我国基础研究政策目标变迁的拉力,政策源流的互动是我国基础研究政策目标变迁的推力,政治源流的变化引领基础研究政策目标变迁的方向,三者共同促进我国基础研究政策目标的变迁.  相似文献   

科技基础条件资源的优化配置和综合利用是提高科技生产力的重要动力。在分析国家科技基础条件资源整合利用现状和问题的基础上,指出应及时建立科技基础条件资源影响力评价体系。论述了影响力评价的内涵、目的、基础和方法;以研究实验基地及其大型科学仪器设备为对象,建立了一套科技资源影响力评价指标体系及测算方法。并对下一步工作提出了相关政策建议。  相似文献   

随着政府缋效管理的兴起,科技政策评价被提上议事日程,但对如何科学地进行基础研究政策评价,在认识上还存在较大分歧.阐述了基础研究政策评价的基础性前提是明确评价目的和目标;从概念前提的角度对"基础研究"进行了外部界定和内部划分,对"基础研究政策"进行了界定;从科学前提的角度对"基础研究评价"和"基础研究政策评价"进行了区分,对基础研究政策评价的对象范围和基础研究政策的可评价性进行了探讨;最后提出了基础研究政策评价的基本框架--"T-B-P"评价模式.  相似文献   

基础研究——国家的资源,而基础研究的重大项目更是国家资源的“富矿”。由于重大项目投资大,周期长,在很大程度上体现了国家目标,代表了国家意志,加之基础研究是以发现自然规律和发展科学理论为目的的研究,具有探索性强、风险性大的特点,因此如何做好基础研究重大项目的管理工作,做到管理有据、管理有效和有效管理,是科管界需要不断探讨和研究的问题。本文拟通过对国家自然科学基金重大项目“烧伤早期损害发病机理与创面愈合机理的研究”(以下简称“烧伤重大项目”)管理工作的总结,探讨基础研究重大项目管理的基本原则、组织形…  相似文献   

随着国家自然科学基金资助经费的逐年增长,如何衡量基金资助项目的进展情况,如何评价基金资助项目的成果,如何考察基金资助经费资源的合理运用,如何看待基金资助项目在国家整个科研计划中所起的作用,以及如何进行合理的绩效管理等问题愈来愈成为人们关注的课题。同时,由于基础研究内涵的不确定性和基础研究绩效评估的评价指标体系不完善等等因素也使得基金资助项目的绩效  相似文献   

根据新时期国家政策和医学研究模式对医学评价体系的要求,分析医学科技研究模式和科技成果及其转化趋势,提出现有学术评价存在的问题,主要针对基础研究、临床与转化研究(包括新药研发)和管理学领域,提出医学科技评价体系框架和不同专业领域评价体系构建的具体建议。主要包括:建立多元评价体系、分类评价体系和分级分层评价机制来解决不同领域单一评价体系的问题;建立定性和定量相结合的综合分层评价体系,并以基础研究为主提出除药物研发与技术创新类的通用评价指标及其权重等级示例;建立完善中长期效果评价机制、宽容的项目评价体系,促进高端人才发展和原始创新解决“卡脖子”问题;加强在我国期刊发表文章的评价地位。强调医学科技评价采取定性定量相结合原则,针对不同专业、机构和人员分别建立评价考核体系。  相似文献   

深圳建设全球科学中心的目标是提高源头创新能力。文章对深圳在科技基础设施、人才储备和高科技产业支撑等方面所具备的基础条件展开评价,结合与北京和上海等科学中心的对比,找出深圳在国家重大科技基础设施、基础研究人才和高等教育质量等方面还存在差距,最后,针对这些差距就如何完善深圳科学中心建设提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

基础研究与国家目标   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基础性研究要把国家目标放在重要位置,这是国家对科技界的要求,也是当前民族振兴的迫切需要。在“科教兴国”的战略目标中,基础研究作为科技不同层次中的“源泉”和“先导”,应当发挥什么作用,承担怎样的责任,这个问题值得深思。但是,在基础研究中,究竟在鼓励创新、争取世界一流水平的同时、如何瞄准国家目标,为国家社会、经济发展服务?具体到科学基金,如何确定资助方向,如何选题,如何组织与实施,这首先要在思想上有一个统一的认识。1995年11月29日至12月1日,国家自然科学基金委员会材料与工程科学部召开了“瞄准国家目标,鼓励科技创新——国家自然科学基金项目研究成果交流研讨会”,针对上述问题,结合基金项目进行了较为深入的交流研讨。国家科委副主任朱丽兰、中国科学院副院长路甬祥、国家教委副主任韦钰、中国工程院副院长师昌绪等科技界领导同志到会并发表了各自的看法。科学基金委员会材料与工程科学部主任蔡睿贤等也针对学部工作做了专题发言。现将他们的讲话整理发表,供大家参考。  相似文献   

基础研究评价若干问题的认识   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
刘作仪 《科学学研究》2003,21(4):373-377
本文分析了社会对基础研究评价的需求 ,探讨了基础研究发展环境的变化对基础研究评价观念的影响 ,在此基础上阐述了基础研究评价的主要对象和目标 ,结合发达国家对基础研究评价的认识和做法 ,探讨了实际评价时应该坚持的原则和方法。  相似文献   

基础研究人员流动的分层次管理研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
当前我国的基础研究比较薄弱.适当的人才流动对于基础研究人员个人成长、科研组织发展和科学结构优化都是有利的.科研组织应当防止内部优秀人才流失,并不断从外部补充新鲜血液.从科学界社会分层的角度对基础研究人员分层,按照其流动性特点制定相应的管理策略,能够更好的留住人才,吸引人才,配置人才,激励人才.  相似文献   

Quantitative data about the output in the various scientific disciplines constitute part of the information necessary to formulate a science policy. The contribution of Dutch research institutes to the total number of publications in the open literature in physics is estimated from the abstract journal Physics Abstracts in 1969 and subsequent years. It varies between 0.9 and 1.4% of the world output. The main Dutch contributors are each year: Universities (˜57%), Industry (˜23%), and Government Institutions (˜15%). The Dutch production (1.4%) in 1974 is compared with the output of Belgium (0.6%), Canada (3.3%), Denmark (0.5%), and Sweden (0.7%). It is argued that Physics Abstracts covers the basic-research journal literature in physics thoroughly and that the total number of abstracts can be used as a measure for the output of the international community of physicists. The Dutch contributions to various subfields of physics are compared with the average, world efforts. It is observed that on the whole the shares of the various subfields in the total Dutch output and the corresponding world figures are strikingly similar.  相似文献   

Domestic appliances have replaced much human labor in the home. But how human do we want these devices to be, and how much autonomy do we want to give them? To throw some light on these questions, first the use and limitations of conversational agents (natural language interfaces) are discussed. Then some aspects of the experience of families living in a smart house are described, and compared with that of employers of servants in 19th-century Britain. On the basis of this research it appears that people do not want household devices to be very human, and do not want to give them much autonomy. Designers are recommended to observe two rules: Smart domestic devices should put people firmly in control and should as far as possible be unseen and unheard.  相似文献   

This is the first of a two-part position paper considering how knowledge management supports innovation. The focus of the first part is on diagnosis, and the development of management science and management practice in the 20th century. It is argued that systems need to be understood not as systems, but at the level of agent interaction, and that an emphasis on design should give way to an emphasis on emergence. The second part will develop these ideas further, with a focus on intervention.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the challenge of striking a balance between, on one hand, mitigating uncertainty through the existence of systematic processes and structures and, on the other, stimulating creativity through allowable variation in work processes and structures. Both objectives are fundamental aspects of product development work. Our main finding is that both objectives can be achieved simultaneously. We introduce trust as a mediating variable. We show first, that being systematic in the processes for obtaining information and applying explicit organizational rules and structures in product development work creates an atmosphere of trust in the organization. Second, we show that trust increases creativity. The paper contributes to an understanding of how and why trust is important in product development organizations and of how trust can be actively managed. Above all, the paper contributes to the understanding of how uncertainty and creativity should be managed in organizations conducting product development.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a roadmap for how privacy leakages from outsourced managed security services using intrusion detection systems can be controlled. The paper first analyses the risk of leaking private or confidential information from signature-based intrusion detection systems. It then discusses how the situation can be improved by developing adequate privacy enforcement methods and privacy leakage metrics in order to control and reduce the leakage of private and confidential information over time. Such metrics should allow for quantifying how much information that is leaking, where these information leakages are, as well as showing what these leakages mean. This includes adding enforcement mechanisms ensuring that operation on sensitive information is transparent and auditable. The data controller or external quality assurance organisations can then verify or certify that the security operation operates in a privacy friendly manner. The roadmap furthermore outlines how privacy-enhanced intrusion detection systems should be implemented by initially providing privacy-enhanced alarm handling and then gradually extending support for privacy enhancing operation to other areas like digital forensics, exchange of threat information and big data analytics based attack detection.  相似文献   

科学发展观的提出,对于推进我国高等教育具有特殊的意义,我们要以科学的态度对待科学发展观的研究,正确认识和看待改革开放以来我国高等教育的发展,以科学发展观为指导,确立科学的高等教育发展观,推进高等教育的科研管理创新研究,高校科研管理工作如何坚持科学发展观,从以人文本、全面发展、协调发展和可持续发展四个方面作了阐述,并对高校科研工作如何实现以科学发展观为指导,促进高等教育发展做了有益探讨。  相似文献   

科学发展观的提出,对于推进我国高等教育具有特殊的意义,我们要以科学的态度对待科学发展观的研究,正确认识和看待改革开放以来我国高等教育的发展,以科学发展观为指导,确立科学的高等教育发展观,推进高等教育的科研管理创新研究,高校科研管理工作如何坚持科学发展观,从以人文本、全面发展、协调发展和可持续发展四个方面作了阐述,并对高校科研工作如何实现以科学发展观为指导,促进高等教育发展做了有益探讨。  相似文献   

This article deals with the contribution made by domestication research to our understanding of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in everyday life, especially in the home. It first provides a sense of the diversity of research in this tradition and how this is evolving. The article then reflects upon and illustrates different elements of research in this tradition, providing examples of how these help to explain patterns of ICT experience, the way people evaluate that experience, and what bearing it has on their lives. To contextualize domestication research further, it considers overlaps with other traditions of research before moving on to the core, and the range of methodologies that have been employed. Finally, the article examines some of the general insights from domestication research, as well as more specific applications to the commercial and policy fields.  相似文献   

We are interested in how ideas from document clustering can be used to improve the retrieval accuracy of ranked lists in interactive systems. In particular, we are interested in ways to evaluate the effectiveness of such systems to decide how they might best be constructed. In this study, we construct and evaluate systems that present the user with ranked lists and a visualization of inter-document similarities. We first carry out a user study to evaluate the clustering/ranked list combination on instance-oriented retrieval, the task of the TREC-6 Interactive Track. We find that although users generally prefer the combination, they are not able to use it to improve effectiveness. In the second half of this study, we develop and evaluate an approach that more directly combines the ranked list with information from inter-document similarities. Using the TREC collections and relevance judgments, we show that it is possible to realize substantial improvements in effectiveness by doing so, and that although users can use the combined information effectively, the system can provide hints that substantially improve on the user's solo effort. The resulting approach shares much in common with an interactive application of incremental relevance feedback. Throughout this study, we illustrate our work using two prototype systems constructed for these evaluations. The first, AspInQuery, is a classic information retrieval system augmented with a specialized tool for recording information about instances of relevance. The other system, Lighthouse, is a Web-based application that combines a ranked list with a portrayal of inter-document similarity. Lighthouse can work with collections such as TREC, as well as the results of Web search engines.  相似文献   

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