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采用数理统计法、比较研究法,对山东省3-6岁幼儿体质现状进行分析与研究,结果表明:山东省幼儿体质状况总体好于全国平均水平,但立定跳远低于全国平均水平;各体质指标随年龄的增长而提高,但上臂皮褶和肩胛皮褶厚度随年龄的增长呈现出波浪式变化,柔韧性随年龄的增长而下降;山东省幼儿体质状况具有明显的性别特点和城乡特点。  相似文献   

目的:探讨低体重、超重是否对我国5~6岁幼儿身体素质产生了影响。方法:采用国际肥胖工作组制定的标准将我国2000年和2005年国民体质监测中的52 652名5~6岁幼儿(男性幼儿为26 323名,女性幼儿为26 329名)划分为低体重组、正常体重组、超重组,比较3组幼儿身体素质的差异。结果:1)2005年与2000年相比,我国5~6岁幼儿超重检出率出现上升;2)超重组的生长发育水平好于其他两组,低体重组最差,正常体重组居中;3)男性幼儿中,除了坐位体前屈外,其他指标均表现为正常体重组大于其他两组;女性幼儿中,除了网球掷远和坐位体前屈外,其他指标同样表现为正常体重组大于其他两组。结论:我国幼儿面临着超重检出率上升的趋势,应关注预防超重向肥胖的发展,超重已对5~6岁幼儿身体素质产生了影响。  相似文献   

了解和掌握武汉市3-6岁幼儿体质健康现状和变化规律。采用文献资料法、测量法、数理统计法分别从性别、年龄、城乡三个方面对武汉市948名幼儿进行研究分析。结果显示:男幼儿的身高、体重、胸围、坐高4项身体形态指标显著高于女幼儿,而且男女幼儿的4项指标均随着年龄的增长有显著性增加;乡村幼儿的坐高显著高于城镇幼儿的坐高;在身体机能指标安静心率上,3岁幼儿的安静心率显著高于4-6岁幼儿,乡村幼儿的安静心率要显著低于城镇幼儿;在身体素质指标中,立定跳远、网球掷远、坐位体前屈、10m折返跑、走平衡木完成时间和双脚连续跳在年龄上均存在显著性差异;走平衡木完成时间在性别上不存在显著性差异,其余5项指标均在性别上差异显著;立定跳远和坐位体前屈不存在城乡上的差异,其余4项指标均存在城乡上的差异,且差异显著。不同性别、年龄和城乡幼儿的体质现状存在显著性差异,3-6岁幼儿的体质发展存在关键期。  相似文献   

为准确了解和掌握南京市玄武区幼儿体质健康现状和体质的变化规律,运用归纳分析法对236名幼儿进行了体质调查与分析,结果表明:幼儿的体质状况随着年龄的增加而呈现明显的上升的趋势,均反映了机能上升的特征。特别是在4.5至5岁阶段,身体发育速度较快,身高、体重增加比较迅速,各项运动素质指标也得到较大幅度提高。  相似文献   

目的:通过对2000年到2010年三次雅安市3-6幼儿体质调研数据进行分析,初步得出近十年来雅安市幼儿体质变化趋势,为下一步更深入的研究提供一定的帮助。方法:以2010年雅安市国民体质监测3-6岁幼儿作为研究对象,选取形态、机能和素质指标等作为分析指标,对不同性别、不同年龄等人群体质状况进行分析,并与2000年和2005年监测结果进行纵向分析比较。结果:与2000年相比,2010年雅安市幼儿身体形态指标有增加的趋势,而身体素质指标呈现不同的变化趋势。近十年来,雅安市幼儿身高、坐高、体重均呈增加趋势,且随年龄增长逐步增加。三次监测结果相比,2010年雅安市6岁幼儿身高年均增长率最高,为2.1%。近十年来,雅安市3-6岁幼儿身体素质指标呈现出不同的变化趋势。幼儿柔韧性、下肢爆发力、灵敏素质呈现先提高后下降的趋势;上肢和腰腹部肌肉力量、平衡能力呈现持续下降的趋势,且2005-2010年这五年来下降较为明显。  相似文献   

目的:通过对2010年成都市国民体质监测幼儿、成年人和老年人人群数据的系统分析,并与2005年监测结果进行比较,探讨成都市幼儿、成年人和老年人的体质现状及变化趋势,为全民健身发展提供参考依据。方法:以2010年成都市国民体质监测幼儿、成年人和老年人作为研究对象,选取形态、机能、素质指标等作为分析指标,对不同性别、不同年龄段等人群体质状况进行分析,并与2005年监测结果进行分析比较。结果:随年龄增长,成都市幼儿身体充实度和成年人肥胖程度逐步增加,进入老年以后,肥胖程度有所下降。城镇人群身体形态指标均大于乡村。动脉血压随年龄增长逐步升高,35岁以后增幅较为明显。身体素质在幼儿时期(3~6岁)随年龄增长而提高,成年以后,随年龄增长而下降。分析发现,城乡人群体质水平无显著性差异。与2005年监测结果相比,幼儿、成年人身体形态指标测试值有不同幅度的增加,而身体机能和素质指标测试值则有较大幅度的下降。老年人身体形态与2005年相比无显著性差异,身体机能和素质水平较2005年有所提高。2010年成都市市民体质综合评价不合格率大于四川省平均水平,而优秀率和良好率则小于四川省平均水平。  相似文献   

徐春霞 《精武》2013,(24):12-12,14
了解青岛市幼儿身体素质的发展状况,比较城9幼儿身体素质的差异。对青岛市3~6岁620名幼儿立定跳远、网球掷远,10m折返跑、走平衡未和双脚连续跳进行了测试。结果:(1)男性幼儿,10m折返跑成绩城镇好于农村且差异具显著性,其它身体素质农村幼儿好于城镇幼儿,其中网球掷远和坐位体前屈差异具显著性;女性幼儿,10m折返跑,网球掷远城镇好于农村,10m折返跑差异具显著性,其它素质均是农村幼儿好于城镇幼儿,但无统计学差异。(2)测试指标中,坐位体前屈随年龄增长而下降,其它测试指标均随着年龄增长而提高。  相似文献   

对2010年黄冈市925名3~6岁幼儿进行体质测试,并将测试结果分别与2010年湖北省3~6岁幼儿体质测试结果和2005年黄冈市3~6岁幼儿体质测试结果进行比较,旨在探讨2010年黄冈市3~6岁幼儿体质总体水平情况及其发展变化规律,为幼儿教育和管理工作提供参考。结果表明:2010年黄冈市3~6岁幼儿体质水平总体情况不容乐观,低于湖北省平均水平,但高于2005年黄冈市幼儿体质水平;男童体质水平总体上好于女童;幼儿身体形态情况总体上明显好于2005年;幼儿柔韧素质水平总体上差于2005年,速度、灵敏素质和协调性总体上好于2005年。  相似文献   

目的:通过对2010年四川省国民体质监测幼儿人群数据的系统分析,并与2005年监测结果进行比较,探讨四川省幼儿的体质现状及变化趋势,为全民健身发展提供参考依据。方法:以2010年四川省国民体质监测幼儿研究人群,选取形态、机能、素质指标等作为分析指标,对不同性别、不同年龄段等人群体质状况进行分析,并与2005年监测结果进行分析比较。结果与结论:四川省幼儿体质合格率达86.1%,总体呈现性别无差异、城镇明显优于乡村的趋势,综合评价状况属于中上水平;比较2005年监测结果,其总体合格率下降1.3%。四川省幼儿身体形态指标呈现出随年龄增大而增加的变化趋势,城镇大于乡村,男性大于女性。幼儿身体指数指标表现为城镇幼儿的身体充实度大于乡村幼儿。四川省幼儿素质指标呈现出随年龄增长而提高的变化趋势,男性在力量、速度、弹跳力、协调与平衡能力方面好于女性,女性的柔韧性好于男性。城镇幼儿的柔韧、速度、弹跳力、力量、协调能力与乡村幼儿无差异,而平衡能力低于乡村幼儿。与2005年监测结果对比10m折返跑略有下降。  相似文献   

山东省3~6岁幼儿生长发育指数的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李志伟 《体育科技》2010,31(1):110-113
目的:了解山东省17个地市城乡男女幼儿的生长发育状况。方法:对山东省14000名幼儿进行体质测试,根据检测数据计算幼儿伯格林指数、维尔维克指数、身高坐高指数、克托莱指数、身高体质量指数和BMI作为儿童生长发育状况的评价指标,并作城乡比较。结果:幼儿的伯格林指数和身高坐高指数均随年龄增加而减小;而克托莱指数、身高体质量指数均随年龄增加而增加;女幼儿的维尔维克指数和BMI随年龄的增加而减小,而男幼儿的维尔维克指数和BMI均与年龄变化无关。结论:城市幼儿的胸廓发育情况、身体结实程度和营养状况总体上好于农村幼儿。另外城乡幼儿的体型在幼儿时期即表现出一定的特点:农村幼儿的躯干的长度要高于城市幼儿,而城市幼儿的下肢长度高于农村幼儿。  相似文献   

We assessed the relationship between young children's movement skills and their physical activity in early adolescence. Balance, agility, eye-hand coordination, and skinfold thicknesses in 207 Mexican American and Anglo American children (104 boys, 103 girls) were measured at ages 4, 5, and 6 years. Habitual physical activity was assessed at the age of 12 years by two interviewer-administered 7-day recalls. Ethnic differences in movement skills were not found. Young girls were better at jumping and balancing, and young boys were better at catching. Tracking of skills was low, and children's early childhood skills were not related to their physical activity 6 years later. Further studies involving additional movement skills and other populations are recommended to determine if enhanced movement skills in children promote subsequent physical activity.  相似文献   

陈谦  吕熠豪 《浙江体育科学》2012,34(1):65-67,118
目的:测试不同年龄和性别学龄前儿童的穿珠能力,评价儿童手部小肌肉群活动的发展。方法:以浙江省25所幼儿园3~6岁的5 123名学前儿童为研究对象,进行"一分钟穿珠"测试,半年后进行第二次测试。以年龄、性别等作为影响因素进行比较分析。结果:①3~6岁学龄前儿童随着年龄的增加穿珠能力不断增加,4.5~5.5岁年龄段女童穿珠能力好于男童(P〈0.05)。②半年前后穿珠变化值提示,手部精细活动能力的发展敏感期男童为3~4岁之间,女童则更长一点为3.5~5岁之间。结论:学前阶段手部精细活动能力发展迅速,女童优于男童,其发展敏感期女童长于男童。  相似文献   


Health is closely linked to physical activity and fitness. It is therefore important to monitor fitness in children. Although many reports on physical tests have been published, data comparison between studies is an issue. This study reports Swiss first grade norm values of fitness tests and compares these with criterion reference data. A total of 10,565 boys (7.18 ± 0.42 years) and 10,204 girls (7.14 ± 0.41 years) were tested for standing long jump, plate tapping, 20-m shuttle run, lateral jump and 20-m sprint. Average values for six-, seven- and eight-year-olds were analysed and reference curves for age were constructed. Z-values were generated for comparisons with criterion references reported in the literature. Results were better for all disciplines in seven-year-old first grade children compared to six-year-old children (p < 0.01). Eight-year-old children did not perform better compared to seven-year-old children in the sprint run (p = 0.11), standing long jump (p > 0.99) and shuttle run (p = 0.43), whereas they were better in all other disciplines compared to their younger peers. The average performance of boys was better than girls except for tapping at the age of 8 (p = 0.06). Differences in performance due to testing protocol and setting must be considered when test values from a first grade setting are compared to criterion-based benchmarks. In a classroom setting, younger children tended to have better results and older children tended to have worse outcomes when compared to their age group criterion reference values. Norm reference data are valid allowing comparison with other data generated by similar test protocols applied in a classroom setting.  相似文献   

为了解滇南少数民族地区初中生身体素质的发展情况,采用指标测试法(测试指标包括50米跑、立定跳远、引体向上(男)、仰卧起坐(女)、800米跑(女)、1000米跑(男)及坐位体前屈)和数理统计法对滇南少数民族地区中学生身体素质进行研究。研究结果发现:(1)除了初一、初二女生,各年级男女生的速度素质都优于合格标准(P<0.01);(2)男生上肢力量均低于或刚刚达到合格标准(P>0.01);女生腰腹力量初一女生低于合格标准,初二和初三优于合格标准(P<0.01);下肢力量,初三男女生均低于或刚达到合格标准(P>0.01),其它年级男女生优于优于合格标准);(3)各年级男女生的耐力素质、柔韧素质都显著优于合格标准(P<0.01)。此外,从城市班和农村班的比较来看,除女生速度素质和腰腹力量方面,农村班学生均优于城市班学生,但差异不显著(P>0.01)。  相似文献   

The protective effects of physical activity and fitness on cardiovascular health have clearly been shown among normally developed children. However, data are currently lacking pertaining to children with developmental coordination disorder (DCD). The purpose of this study was to examine differences in fitness measures, body composition, and physical activity among children with and without DCD. A cross-sectional design was implemented examining 261 children (118 girls, 143 boys) ages 4–12 years (mean age 7.8 ± 1.9 years). Children were categorized as having DCD if they scored less than or equal to the 5th percentile (n = 71) or between the 6th and the 15th percentile (n = 52) on the Movement Assessment Battery for Children (MABC; Henderson & Sugden, 1992). The typically developing children had scores between the 16th and the 50th percentile (n = 106) or above the 50th percentile (n = 32) on the MABC. The age-related body mass index was used to characterize body composition. Physical fitness was assessed with a 6-min run, 20-m sprint, jump-and-reach test, medicine ball throw, curl-ups, and sit-and-reach test. Physical activity was estimated with a questionnaire. The percentage of overweight and obese children ages 10–12 years were significantly higher in the DCD groups (severe: 50%, moderate: 23.1%) than in the typically developing groups (medium: 5.6%, high: 0%; p < .05). Significant interactions (MABC x Age Group) were found for the fitness tests (p values < .05), except flexibility; whereby specifically, compared to the children in the typically developing groups children in the DCD groups ages 4–6 years achieved significantly worse results for the 20-m sprint, and children of the DCD groups ages 10–12 years achieved significantly worse results for the 6-min run, jump-and-reach test, and medicine ball throw. The study demonstrates poorer performance in fitness tests with high demands on coordination in children with DCD compared to their typically developing peers. Furthermore, the differences in fitness increased with age between children in the DCD groups versus the typically developing groups.  相似文献   

The protective effects of physical activity and fitness on cardiovascular health have clearly been shown among normally developed children. However data are currently lacking pertaining to children with developmental coordination disorder (DCD). The purpose of this study was to examine differences in fitness measures, body composition, and physical activity among children with and without DCD. A cross-sectional design was implemented examining 261 children (118 girls, 143 boys) ages 4-12 years (mean age 7.8 +/- 1.9 years). Children were categorized as having DCD if they scored less than or equal to the 5th percentile (n=71) or between the 6th and the 15th percentile (n=5) on the Movement Assessment Battery for Children (MABC; Henderson & Sugden, 1992). The typically developing children had scores between the 16th and the 50th percentile (n=16) or above the 50th percentile (n=3) on the MABC. The age-related body mass index was used to characterize body composition. Physical fitness was assessed with a 6-min run, 20-m sprint, jump-and-reach test, medicine ball throw, curl-ups, and sit-and-reach test. Physical activity was estimated with a questionnaire. The percentage of overweight and obese children ages 10-12 years were significantly higher in the DCD groups (severe: 50%, moderate: 23.1%) than in the typically developing groups (medium: 5.6%, high: 0%; p < .05). Significant interactions (MABC x Age Group) were found for the fitness tests (p values < .05), except flexibility; whereby specifically, compared to the children in the typically developing groups children in the DCD groups ages 4-6 years achieved significantly worse results for the 20-m sprint, and children of the DCD groups ages 10-12 years achieved significantly worse results for the 6-min run, jump-and-reach test, and medicine ball throw. The study demonstrates poorer performance in fitness tests with high demands on coordination in children with DCD compared to their typically developing peers. Furthermore, the differences in fitness increased with age between children in the DCD groups versus the typically developing groups.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine test-retest reliability for the 1-mile, 3/4-mile, and 1/2-mile distance run/alk tests for children in Grades K-4. Fifty-one intact physical education classes were randomly assigned to one of the three distance run conditions. A total of 1,229 (621 boys, 608 girls) completed the test-retests in the fall (October), with 1,050 of these students (543 boys, 507 girls) repeating the tests in the spring (May). Results indicated that the 1-mile run/walk distance, as recommended for young children in most national test batteries, has acceptable intraclass reliability (.83 less than R less than .90) for both boys and girls in Grades 3 and 4, has minimal (fall) to acceptable (spring) reliability for Grade 2 students (.70 less than R less than .83), but is not reliable for children in Grades K and 1 (.34 less than R less than .56). The 1/2 mile was the only distance meeting minimal reliability standards for boys and girls in Grades K and 1 (.73 less than R less than .82). Results also indicated that reliability estimates remained fairly stable across gender and age groups from the fall to spring testing periods, with the exception of the noticeably improved values for Grade 2 students on the 1-mile run/walk test. Criterion-referenced reliability (P, percent agreement) was also estimated relative to Physical Best and Fitnessgram run/walk standards. Reliability coefficients for all age group standards were acceptable to high (.70 less than P less than .95), except for Fitnessgram standards for 5-year-old girls on the 1-mile test for both fall and spring and for 6-year-old boys and girls on the 1-mile test administered in the spring.  相似文献   


Five trials on the stabilometer were administered to 274 EMR children ages 6 to 13 years and 151 normal children ages 6 to 9 years. Older EMR boys and girls had slightly more board movement than younger EMR children whereas there was a tendency for board movement to decrease with age for the normal children. There were no appreciable sex differences between the EMR and the normal age groupings with the exception that board movement of the young EMR boys was significantly less than that of the young and old EMR girls. Normal children had significantly less board movements than EMR children at all age levels. There was some decrease in relative intra-individual variability with increasing age for both EMR and normal children but normal children were more efficient in early learning than EMR children.  相似文献   

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