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本文通过影片解析方法对江苏体操队田家勤在1986年全国体操锦标赛的预、决赛中成功和失败的“后空翻”一周半越杠再握动作进行了技术诊断,探讨了该动作的一般规律,并根据有关单杠“飞行”动作理论研究的成果,通过计算机模拟,探索了他完成该动作的最佳化问题,最后对把该动作发展成为连接性动作的可行性进行了研究。  相似文献   

胡守文 《福建体育科技》2002,21(3):26-27,30
本文重点对单杠后空翻三周动作的振浪技术、撒手技术、腾越和再握技术进行讨论研究。  相似文献   

主要通过运动生物力学、视频观察和文献资料等研究方法研究了日本优秀运动员富田洋之和白俄罗斯优秀运动员伊万科夫完成的单杠团身后空翻2周转体360°越杠再握的高难飞行动作,通过比较重点分析了他们完成该动作时在撒手、腾空转体、再握杠等几个关键技术环节中的运动学特点和区别,为我国运动员发展和改进此类动作提供了理论依据和技术参考,对提高我国男子单杠项目的整体水平有积极的现实意义。  相似文献   

单杠前摆前空翻越杠再握创新动作的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对体操单杠前摆前空翻越杠再握这一创新动作进行了研究。根据多体系统动力学原理,建立了无根系统(即腾空状态)人体动力学模型来设计和模拟这一新动作。并选择1名江苏体操队员进行了实验训练。通过两周实验训练,他双手已能触碰单杠,这一结果与计算机模拟结果基本相同。  相似文献   

采用影片解析和生物力学分析法,对单杠“屈体前空翻一周半越杠再握”动作的振浪、撒手腾起、空中翻转及再握四个技术环节进行定量研究。  相似文献   

本文通过对我国优秀运动员完成的单杠团身后空翻转体180°越杠再握动作进行了运动学研究,重点揭示了该动作的下摆振浪的技术特征,为提高该动作质量和动作的创新提供理论参考。  相似文献   

单杠飞行动作的历史发展及其演进规律   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
着重从历史角度对竞技体操单杠飞行动作体系的发展与演进规律进行全面的回顾和系统地分析,旨在完善竞技体操动作的理论体系,提高我国单杠项目的运动技术水平。结果表明,单杠上的飞行动作在历史发展中具有5条基本演进规律后摆类飞行动作优先发展、前摆类飞行动作赶超发展、越杠类飞行动作突出发展、空翻在先转体跟进发展、空翻转体越杠组合发展。认识这些规律,对在运动实践中进行单杠项目飞行动作的教学、训练以及技术创新都具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

本文根据最新国际体操评分规则、近期国际体操比赛录像资料和2002年全国体操锦标赛调研资料,分析了我国单杠技术现状,并与2002年欧洲体操锦标赛单杠成套动作进行对比,阐述了我国运动员单杠的近杠动作和吊臂转体技术有新韵的连接,动作规格高,技术先进,但在飞行动作的难度和数量、飞行动作的直接连接和难度动作的类型上和欧洲运动员相比还存在一定差距,而飞行动作的直接连接又是新规则所鼓励的技术发展方向。要改变我国单杠技术的面貌,必须在增加飞行动作难度和增加飞行动作的直接连接上下功夫,才能提高我国单杠技术的整体实力,在2004年奥运会上夺取金牌。  相似文献   

1 前言单杠团身后空翻转体180°越杠再握动作,是我国运动员创新动作,它使单杠的飞行动作向空翻、转体、腾越三结合更高的水平发展,是当今世界较难的动作之一。我们通过对王崇升成功与失败动作的准备阶段、基本阶段、完成阶段的研究,总结归纳出该动作的技术特征,并揭示失败的原因,为进一步提高动作质量,促进该动作的普及提供理论参考。  相似文献   

运用录像观察法、数理统计法等对参加第42届世锦赛男子单杠决赛的8名运动员成套动作的"D"分及构成情况、动作的编排情况进行了对比分析。研究表明:新周期男子单杠的"D"分呈不断增长的趋势,在本周期内的余下体操大赛中,单杠决赛的"D"分均值将保持在7分以上;成套难度动作价值对单杠"D"分的增长贡献较小,而成套连接价值的增加对其贡献最大。新周期单杠项目的编排亦具有如下特征:1)单杠项目的杠上动作难度保持在D组水平,不断发展杠上动作与飞行动作间的连接成为趋势;2)单杠项目的飞行动作中,D、E组难度价值的动作将迅速发展,而且在成套单杠动作编排中,飞行动作的出现将伴随连接价值的产生,其数量也将向4个发展;3)单杠项目进入了高难连接的发展阶段,并在连接类型及动作上呈多样化发展趋势;4)单杠下法动作依旧以直体后空翻2周720°旋下为主流,对下法动作的编排将以稳定性为原则。  相似文献   

This study focused on identifying the most effective skill progression for developing the longswing on high bar in men's artistic gymnastics. Building on previous work by Irwin and Kerwin, in which a method to rank progressions based on their angular kinematics was developed, this study aimed to use the method to quantify similarities in inter-segmental coordination between selected progressions and the longswing on high bar. Video images of four members of the UK men's national gymnastics squad performing three series of five longswings and eight progressions were recorded at 50Hz. Two-dimensional direct linear transformation techniques were used to determine the real-world coordinates from the digitized data. Inter-segmental coordination of the hip and shoulder joints during the functional phases of the longswing was assessed using continuous relative phase. Similarity between the longswing and each progression was represented by a "specificity score", which was also used to rank the progressions. Each progression's specificity score was calculated by combining a "difference score" (root mean squared difference between the continuous relative phase profiles of the longswing and the progression) and a "variability score" (standard deviation of the continuous relative phase profiles for each progression). The progressions that were most similar to the longswing included the looped bar longswing and layaway swing down (ranked 1st and 2nd), with specificity scores of 9% and 10% respectively. In contrast, the least similar progressions were the looped bar "no action" longswing (51%) and pendulum swing (63%) (ranked 7th and 8th). Establishing effective skill learning pathways is recognized as a key component of the coaching process and ranking progressions based on their specificity score provided a mechanism to identify progressions with similar inter-segmental coordination profiles to the key skill on the high bar, the longswing.  相似文献   

运用文献资料调研、专家访谈、田野调查、对比分析法等方法,从传统武术视野下审视散打的发展。研究发现,气、桩功、整劲、短打为传统武术的技法特征,与散打腿法具有很好的互补效应;提出了散打应从武术基本功、传统武术短打、传统武术拳理三方面入手改进的建议。通过传统武术与散打的融合升华散打文化,有利于调节武术界长期对散打发展的诸多争议,促使其成为名副其实的"中国功夫",以浓郁的武术散打文化意蕴更好地传播于世界。  相似文献   

The Tkatchev on the high bar is a release and re-grasp skill in which the gymnast rotates in a direction during flight opposite to that of the preceding swing. Since the release window is defined as the time during which the gymnast has appropriate linear and angular momentum to ensure the bar can be re-grasped, it was speculated that the release windows for this skill would be smaller than for dismounts that are less constrained. One senior male gymnast competing at national standard performed 60 Tkatchev trials. A four-segment planar simulation model of the gymnast and high bar was used to determine the release windows in 10 successful and 10 unsuccessful performances of the Tkatchev recorded using a Vicon motion analysis system. Model parameters were optimized to obtain a close match between simulations and recorded performances in terms of rotation angle (1 degree), bar displacements (0.01 m), and release velocities (1%). Each matched simulation was used to determine the time window around the actual point of release for which the model had appropriate release parameters to complete the Tkatchev successfully. The release windows for the successful trials were small compared with those of dismounts. The unsuccessful trials were associated with later release and later timing of the actions at the shoulders and hips.  相似文献   

The Tkatchev on the high bar is a release and re-grasp skill in which the gymnast rotates in a direction during flight opposite to that of the preceding swing. Since the release window is defined as the time during which the gymnast has appropriate linear and angular momentum to ensure the bar can be re-grasped, it was speculated that the release windows for this skill would be smaller than for dismounts that are less constrained. One senior male gymnast competing at national standard performed 60 Tkatchev trials. A four-segment planar simulation model of the gymnast and high bar was used to determine the release windows in 10 successful and 10 unsuccessful performances of the Tkatchev recorded using a Vicon motion analysis system. Model parameters were optimized to obtain a close match between simulations and recorded performances in terms of rotation angle (1°), bar displacements (0.01 m), and release velocities (1%). Each matched simulation was used to determine the time window around the actual point of release for which the model had appropriate release parameters to complete the Tkatchev successfully. The release windows for the successful trials were small compared with those of dismounts. The unsuccessful trials were associated with later release and later timing of the actions at the shoulders and hips.  相似文献   

传统的术科教学价值取向是"技术记忆"式的,教师和学生追求的是运动技术的巩固与熟练。经由扎根理论,该研究首次提出了"技术理解"这一概念,并形成了两个扎根理论,一是术科教学价值体现为技术理解,按照程度可以划分为记忆性理解和创造性理解,其中,记忆性理解表现为掌握运动技术,创造性理解体现为提炼运动技术的教学意义,表现在"关于运动技术本身知识点的认知、关于运动技术价值的认知、关于学生运动技术水平的认知、关于学生对运动技术理解能力的认知、关于教学安全的认知、关于运动技术教学策略的认知"等几个方面;二是不同程度的技术理解对于教学有着不同的意义。首先,没有技术便没办法进行教学;其次,仅仅是记忆性理解也不足以进行教学;最后,当对运动技术达到创造性理解程度时,便可以进行教学。加深技术理解的途径包括"教师的课堂教学、学生教学实践、反思总结、练习、课堂观察、书本知识学习"等方面。"技术理解"术科教学价值论的提出及理论框架,对纠正人们在"运动技术与教学能力的关系"认识上所存有的"二元论思维方式"提供了机会。  相似文献   

知觉运动技能训练的国外研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用文献综述法,从知觉运动技能训练研究的兴起与发展入手,对影响运动员知觉运动技能水平的视知觉“硬件”与“软件”研究现状进行分析。认为:运动员的视知觉硬件功能不是影响水平的显著指标,而对比赛情境中线索的利用能力、编码与回忆能力、视觉寻求的策略、期望与预期能力等软件因素,是影响运动员知觉技能水平的重要因素;指出了未来对这一课题研究需要解决的问题与发展的方向。  相似文献   

运用文献资料、特征解析、访谈和数理统计等研究方法,对田径速度力量性项目运动员的身体素质与技术训练结构特征进行研究.研究揭示,田径速度力量性项目运动员的身体素质训练更加重视训练效应的整体性,而且在整个训练计划的设计和实施过程中都非常重视负荷量、负荷强度和间歇时间的搭配与调整.在一次训练课的结构组合方面更加重视将技术训练与身体训练结合起来,而在身体素质和技术训练内容的选择方面则更加侧重专项化.尤其是在技术训练的控制方面表现出高度的可控性、心理指向性和实效性,而在身体素质与技术的组合训练控制方面则突出表现为高强度性.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to provide evidence of technique changes during learning a sports-specific skill, the looped bar longswing (LLS). Thirteen male participants with no previous high bar experience took part in a training study. Kinematic data were collected using a CODA motion analysis system (200 Hz) during eight weekly testing sessions. Analyses focused on the amplitude of swing and the functional phase (FP) actions, defined by the rapid flexion to extension of the shoulders and extension to flexion of the hips as the performer passed through the lower vertical. Three groups were identified based on the number of sessions it took each participant to perform the LLS (G1: most successful, G2: intermediate, and G3: least successful). All participants were able to significantly increase swing amplitude over the training period (p < 0.05). For each participant the hip FP started significantly: later for G1, earlier for G2, and did not change for G3. Extension actions at the shoulders were dissimilar to those reported for elite gymnasts performing the longswing. The FP of the hips provides a mechanism to distinguish between the learners of different skill levels. The study has provided support for a single-subject design when investigating technique changes during learning.  相似文献   

生命安全诉求下学校体育运动教育的价值   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从哲学、教育学、人类学等不同学科视角探讨学校体育的运动教育价值。指出学校体育运动教育应该回归人类体育的本源诉求,建立"基于生命存在的安全技能教育"、"基于生命维系的生活技能教育"、"基于生命发展的运动技能教育"三维价值观,并在实践方面提出了建议。  相似文献   

陈诗强 《体育科技》2005,26(2):38-39
当前,武术界出现了套路与技击“分离趋势”,“唯技击论”和“唯套路论”两种观点,严重地阻碍了武术运动的健康发展。通过论述八极拳套路与技击的关系,得出套路运动与技击运动关系密切,并行不悖的结论,应同时并举,旨在使武术运动成为一项全能的体育项目,更有利于进入奥运会。  相似文献   

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