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云计算在各行业的创新应用,衍生出诸多新型业态和新型商业模式,产生了巨大的经济价值和社会价值,主要体现在:云计算集中了信息技术资源和服务,大幅提高了IT资源的应用效率;降低了应用技术门槛,最大限度扩展用户规模;集中整合了数据资源,挖掘出大数据价值潜力;引起体制机制的变革,以技术方式突破体制屏障;加强了信息系统综合集成,实现智慧管理与服务。云计算应用创新具有独特的价值生成机理。首先,云计算通过将市场交易双方的博弈改变为无限重复动态博弈,形成诚信自律机制,提高了市场交易效率从而形成增值;其次,云计算的创新应用向资本市场展示了收益前景,以内部学习效应形成了以未来收益弥补当前亏损的资本补偿机制,挖掘了知识价值;第三,云计算形成了新型互联网商业平台,以交叉补贴机制确保长期可持续经营,创造了低成本、高收益的价值增值模式。鉴于云计算平台已经成为涉及公共利益、承载公共服务的信息基础设施,建议将云设施视为信息基础设施,纳入监管保护体系;制定针对云计算的知识产权和个人信息保护措施,鼓励云计算创新应用;开展多层次试点示范,帮助中小企业和社会大众利用云计算创新创业。  相似文献   

云计算通过互联网提供计算资源与服务,改变了IT价值系统的构成要素、结构和规则,促进了服务导向的IT服务价值系统形成。云计算在改变原有信息网络技术的服务成分和交付模式的基础上,提高了传统服务要素在使用中产生附加值的创造效率,推动了互联网服务创新架构演化,创造了终端使用中的节能、绿色与交互等服务消费需求;这些服务价值逻辑主导了由发现、创造、转移和创新构成的云计算价值系统。  相似文献   

林鑫  胡昌平 《情报科学》2018,36(5):11-16
【目的/意义】参考国外针对云计算环境的学术信息资源安全体制变革实践,提出我国开展云环境下学术信 息资源安全体制创新的建议。【方法/过程】以美国、欧盟、日本三个发达国家或地区作为对象,全面调研了其安全体 制变革实践,并在梳理其共性做法的基础上分析了对我国安全体制创新的启示。【结果/结论】参考国外实践,我国 在学术信息资源安全体制创新中应加强针对云计算环境的政策法规和安全标准建设,重视云计算平台的安全认 证,进行面向学术信息资源的云计算服务组织,设立面向国家学术信息资源安全的顶层监管机构。  相似文献   

新型研发机构能有效发挥自身技术优势,组建创投基金实现金融资本的持续性增值。本文从股权分配、控制度和开放性角度,将创投基金发展模式分为独立控制、控股组建和合资管理三种类型,新型研发机构应根据发展阶段、资本规模、技术成熟度选择合适的发展模式。基于双方存在的委托代理关系,提出创投基金在运营上采用了二元决策机制、增值服务管理机制、利益分配机制、投资监管机制、信息传递机制,有效实现了新型研发机构对创投基金决策行为的激励和约束。最后,提出政府应深化管理机制创新,强化培育和监管,积极引进社会资本,提高创投基金的管理能力和运作效率。  相似文献   

旅游风景区基准地价评估方法体系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国旅游业正进入加速发展时期,风景区旅游资源开发方兴未艾.探索和建立旅游风景区基准地价体系,对促进旅游风景区土地市场的培育与规范,加强国有土地资产管理和促进旅游资源开发体制创新等具有积极意义.旅游风景区的土地利用、地价形成机制和地价影响因素等具有独特的规律和特征,我国现行的城镇基准地价评估方法体系难以直接套用于旅游风景区的基准地价评估.文章根据旅游风景区土地利用的特征、影响旅游风景区土地收益的主要因素及收益形成机制的特殊性等,结合地价评估的基本理论方法,提出并论证了以旅游风景区开发项目为对象,以景区或景点为均质地域,以土地质量评价为基础,土地收益或市场地价资料为依据,按风景游览设施建设用地、旅游商业服务设施用地、旅游接待设施用地、住宅用地和停车场用地5类用地类型建立旅游风景区基准地价的评估方法体系,并在杭州市、天台县等旅游风景区基准地价评估中得到实证检验,研究的成果已在实践中得到应用.  相似文献   

剖析了CVC参与程度对创业企业价值增值的影响机理以及创新资本在其中发挥的中介作用,并以创业板上市公司数据为样本,采用多元逐步回归方法,对其作用机理进行实证检验。研究结果表明:CVC参与程度显著提升创业企业创新资本及企业价值增值;在CVC参与的情况下,创业企业创新资本对企业价值增值提升有显著促进作用,即CVC参与程度通过提升创业企业创新资本的产出效率提高企业价值增值能力。基于理论分析和实证分析结果,对CVC实践活动提出若干建议。  相似文献   

科技信息为经济社会的发展发挥了重要支撑作用,但由于信息资源开发共享的局限性,使科技信息资源以高效率的增值服务来满足用户需求面临新的课题,因此需要加快网络信息的技术标准化建设和信息资源共享机制建设,加强科技信息资源集成整合能力,提升科技信息资源为科技创新服务的能力。  相似文献   

通过构建联盟博弈模型,分析电动汽车分时租赁市场中组建价格联盟对各博弈主体收益的影响,并进一步讨论了联盟模式下的价格形成机制、收益分配机制及联盟的稳定性。结果表明:组成联盟后售电公司给予的合约电价会低于市场电价,能给电动汽车分时租赁公司带来更高的收益,但联盟的稳定性及收益分配机制的可行性均与租车公司间提供服务的差异化替代率和无限期重复博弈的贴现率有关。  相似文献   

本文从服务科技创新的角度,对中美两国资本市场融资效率进行了比较研究。研究发现,在资本市场融出资金方面,中美两国资本市场对高新技术企业融出资金的效率较为接近;而在资本市场资源配置方面,中国资本市场在服务科技创新时的资源配置效率相对较低。此外,为了更好地发挥资本市场服务科技创新的作用,我国应努力完善多层次资本市场,加快建设场外资本市场。  相似文献   

有限理性视角下组织间隐性知识共享博弈研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
组织间隐性知识共享,是组织提高自身隐性知识存量的主要途径之一。基于知识共享过程中知识发送、知识吸收、知识创新的三个阶段,分析了知识共享过程中知识的价值增值机制,认为在知识共享过程中知识价值增值包括知识交流的直接价值和知识创新的间接价值,并在此基础上构建了组织间隐性知识共享博弈的收益矩阵。基于知识主体的有限理性,运用进化博弈理论对组织间隐性知识共享进行分析,研究了隐性知识共享博弈的进化稳定策略,探讨了知识共享成本、知识发送能力、知识吸收能力、知识创新能力以及知识主体间的知识势差等参数对进化稳定策略的影响,研究表明通过调整相关参数的取值,可以使得隐性知识共享进化博弈实现最优进化稳定策略,从而促进组织间隐性知识共享。  相似文献   

银行业在实现业务和数据集中处理的信息化架构后,随着业务的发展,面对数量越来越多、规模越来越大的批处理需求,如何提高计算资源的使用效率和灵活配置资源是银行信息中心不断面对的挑战。以资源和应用虚拟化为核心的云计算架构和技术正在不断发展和成熟,它可以有效地提高信息中心的资源使用,为批处理业务动态配置有效资源。针对以批处理中按照业务类型和处理流程进行资源配置的传统方法,提出了一种将业务流程进行优化分解成为可以进行独立并行处理任务的方法,可以在云计算环境下分组处理具有共同特征的计算和操作任务,实现优化资源调配。通过HadoopMapReduce并行计算架构进行模拟验证,初步实验结果表明了该方法在批处理执行效率、资源使用和灵活性方面的优势,在大量批处理业务领域(金融、证券、电子商务)具有一定的应用和研究价值。  相似文献   

Cloud computing is a new information technology (IT) paradigm that promises to revolutionize traditional IT delivery through reduced costs, greater elasticity, and ubiquitous access. On the surface, adopting cloud computing requires a firm to address many of the same concerns they face in adopting any enterprise IT. However, cloud technologies also offer new pricing and deployment strategies that are unavailable in traditional enterprise solutions. It is unclear how previous research frameworks of enterprise IT adoption relate to these new adoption strategies. To bridge this gap in the literature, our study uses the technology–organization–environment (TOE) framework of innovation diffusion theory to develop a cloud service adoption model that deals with not only adoption intention, but also pricing mechanisms and deployment models. Our research model has been empirically tested using 200 Taiwanese firms. We found that: (1) Cloud adoption is still at its initial stage, since the adoption rates are very low; (2) the perceived benefits, business concerns, and IT capability within the TOE framework are significant determinants of cloud computing adoption, while external pressure is not; (3) firms with greater IT capability tend to choose the pay-as-you-go pricing mechanism; (4) business concern is the most important factor influencing the choice of deployment model, with higher concerns leading to private deployment options.  相似文献   

Cloud computing is a current trend that reveals the next-generation application architecture and it is estimated that by 2013 the cloud market will have reached $8.1bn. While cloud services such as webmail, Flickr and YouTube have been widely used by individuals for some time, it not until relatively recently that organisations have began to use cloud services as a tool for meeting their IT needs. This study aims to investigate how cloud computing is understood by IT professionals and the concerns that IT professionals have in regard to the adoption of cloud services. The study was carried out in Taiwan and used a survey by interview approach to understand IT professionals’ understandings and concerns about cloud computing. The findings of the study suggest that while the benefits of cloud computing such as its computational power and ability to help companies save costs are often mentioned in the literature, the primary concerns that IT managers and software engineers have are compatibility of the cloud with companies’ policy, IS development environment, and business needs; and relative advantages of adopting cloud solutions. The findings also suggest that most IT companies in Taiwan will not adopt cloud computing until the uncertainties associated with cloud computing, e.g. security and standardisation are reduced and successful business models have emerged.  相似文献   

Cloud computing's primary layer of security is its widespread adoption by businesses due to its ability to provide easy, on-demand network access to a large pool of configurable processing resources. Pressure from developed-world governments to keep up with the latest IT trends makes it challenging for colleges around the world to adopt cloud computing in engineering education. Although cloud computing as a concept has become more popular in recent times and quite a few studies have been conducted, the adoption and application level is still very low, particularly in developing countries. This study provides a realistic framework for gauging the sustainability of a company model. While digitalization is widely acknowledged to be crucial, the study's results reveal that the perceived available options for business model innovation depend not only on the value proposition itself but also on the position in the value network. The primary goal of this research is to create a cloud computing service provider business model that is built on circular economy principles and can guarantee the sustainable usage of cloud computing resources.  相似文献   

云计算经济是伴随云计算的产生和发展而兴起的,对其发展模式的研究目前还是一个新的领域。从商业生态的视角对云计算经济发展模式进行研究,首先借鉴商业生态系统的研究成果,设计出云计算经济商业生态系统的结构模型,根据商业生态系统的特征提出云计算经济商业生态系统发展动力机制;最后根据商业生态系统结构特征和逻辑斯蒂增长模型设计商业生态下云计算经济发展的理论模型和数学模型。  相似文献   

Derided, when it emerged in 2007 as a fad, cloud computing has proved to be a viable business model for remotely delivering IT services through the Web (and other media) on a pay-as-you-go basis. The flexibility of this emerging computing service has opened many possibilities for organizations. Drug companies and medical research centers are among those organizations that are likely to benefit from this new IT service model. As well as providing massive cost-savings, cloud computing could offer these organizations the opportunity to greatly enhance the efficiency of their operations. For cloud providers, this is a new field to expand their reach. The aim of this article is to explore this new development and the potential of cloud computing in contributing to the advancement of research in life science and explain why this IT service model (despite many of its problems) could be game-changer for companies engaged in this business.  相似文献   

The mechanism of business analytics affordances enhancing the management of cloud computing data security is a key antecedent in improving cloud computing security. Based on information value chain theory and IT affordances theory, a research model is built to investigate the underlying mechanism of business analytics affordances enhancing the management of cloud computing data security. The model includes business analytics affordances, decision-making affordances of cloud computing data security, decision-making rationality of cloud computing data security, and the management of cloud computing data security. Simultaneously, the model considers the role of data-driven culture and IT business process integration. It is empirically tested using data collected from 316 enterprises by Partial Least Squares-based structural equation model. Without data-driven culture and IT business process integration, the results suggest that there is a process from business analytics affordances to decision-making affordances of cloud computing data security, decision-making rationality of cloud computing data security, and to the management of cloud computing data security. Moreover, Data-driven culture and IT business process integration have a positive mediation effect on the relationship between business analytics affordances and decision-making affordances of cloud computing data security. The conclusions in this study provide useful references for the enterprise to strengthen the management of cloud computing data security using business analytics.  相似文献   

陈晨 《现代情报》2011,31(10):169-172
云计算作为构筑在互联网上的新一代计算模型,具有超强的计算能力和低成本、高安全等特性,将其应用于图书馆信息资源共享领域是未来图书馆的一个发展趋势。本文通过对云计算的优势分析,提出了图书馆基于云计算的信息资源共享系统模型及运行机制。  相似文献   

黄红 《现代情报》2012,32(12):58-60
数字资源建设成为当今图书馆业务建设工作的重中之重。数字资源建设应包括数字资源应用和数字资源存储2个方面,满足这两方面应用需求,是图书馆能否为社会大众提供优良的数字资源服务的关键。本文结合图书馆具体业务实际情况,分析了作为公共图书馆依托先进的"云计算""云存储"架构,更好地为社会大众提供图书馆数字资源服务的思路。  相似文献   

21世纪,云计算作为一种以数据为中心的新型网络计算方式,已经深刻地影响到了互联网的运作和服务模式。做为公安高校专业性较强的图书馆,面对这种IT新技术带来的强烈冲击,必将受到更为严峻的挑战和考验。如今,云计算已经使图书馆的文献信息服务工作进入了一个崭新的发展阶段;应用云计算的模式,将从根本上改变公安高校图书馆传统文献信息的服务理念。所以,公安高校图书馆应该尽快适应云环境,抓住机遇,全力应对云计算泛知识环境带来的挑战;加快开发具有公安警察文化特色的专业数据库步伐,并对如何开发高质量的公安警察类特色数字资源进行了阐述。  相似文献   

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