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在高等教育扩招的背景下,我国高等理科本科教育发展面临新的挑战。为了全面准确了解现状,推进教育改革发展,"高等理科教育改革调研组"对我国高等理科专家进行了网络问卷调查案例访谈。调查发现:高等理科本科质量仍面临严峻的挑战;高等理科教育要以"激发学习兴趣,培养自主学习能力"为核心目标,建设有利于学生自主发展的条件和环境;建构整体性的学习支持体系;开创革新性的学习工具,让学生能够高效学习海量知识;相关研究要总结并标识理科人才培养模式普遍性的关键特征;加大教学资源投入的制度保障;改革教师教学激励机制,提升教师的教学研究动力和教学能力;加强专业教师的发展和培训。  相似文献   

了解我校医学院本科生学习现状及对医学教育教学的需求,可为医学生创设良好的学习环境,帮助学生更好的成长。故对大连大学医学院2011-2015级本科生进行学生学习需求问卷调查并对调查结果进行对比总结分析,进而提出了针对性的改进措施,为医学院各专业的本科生培养提供更具体、实际的方针策略。  相似文献   

本研究以西部某地方师范院校为依托,采用问卷调查法对小学教育师范生信息化教学能力开展了调查研究,结果显示:小学教育专业师范生信息化教学能力水平总体偏低;师范生年级之间的信息化教学能力差异较大;信息技术相关课程的学习经历对小教专业师范生信息化教学能力有重要影响。针对上述问题,结合抽样访谈尝试性提出了小学教育师范生信息化教学能力的优化策略,主要包括:丰富课程设置,完善培养模式;实施目标分层,满足各年级学习需要;更新观念,提高师范生对信息技术的认识;完善学校设施,创设良好的学习环境;加强教师队伍建设,培训教师信息化教学应用能力。  相似文献   

数学是高职院校培养专业技术人才的基础专业课,针对高职院校数学教学存在的问题,文章从激发学生数学学习兴趣、转变教学方法、创设生活化的问题情境、采用合适的评价手段、建立和谐相融的师生关系、重视数学的人文价值及育人功能等方面探讨高职院校数学教学策略,以推进数学课程教学改革,培养高素质人才。  相似文献   

《Education 3-13》2012,40(4):417-431
This paper presents the findings of an investigation of student teachers' changing perceptions of educational practice following a teaching placement in France, Germany, Spain and Italy. Up to 900 primary languages, student teachers annually have spent a 4-week teaching placement in a partner country as an integral part of their initial teacher education programme. The aims of the bilateral experience were to improve students' subject knowledge as well as to offer opportunities to enhance their professional understanding through comparing practice in two distinct cultural settings. This study draws from both qualitative and quantitative data gathered from 122 postgraduate certificate in education student teachers who were following the primary language route at Canterbury Christ Church University and Liverpool Hope University. The findings show that through reflection and analysis of the differences and commonalties in the diverse cultural contexts, students develop a greater understanding of their professional role and a deeper insight into their own values and beliefs about pedagogy. Their acceptance of taken-for-granted norms is challenged during the bilateral placement, as they encounter new approaches to differentiated learning, teaching and learning strategies and teacher/pupil relationships, thus enhancing their levels of critical engagement with educational practice.  相似文献   

This account of a programme for PGCE Art/Design students at University College Bretton Hall, Wakefield (UK) describes an attempt in initial teacher training to develop a course of study which links art, design, environment and education. It seeks to develop a range of perceptions of the built environment, including those of the artist, the critic and the designer. The ideas and methods of working developed on this programme support students’ work in schools. The paper explains the rationale and describes the intensive workshop programme, which includes streetwork, studio sessions and critique. It reports on students’ research and their work in schools. Issues include the place of built environment studies in the Art/Design curriculum, the use of the environment as an educational resource and learning methods and teaching strategies. It comments on the satisfactions and frustrations of developing such a programme in initial teacher education. It presents the work at Bretton Hall as a case study in a wider range of work currently being developed by students, tutors and teachers involved in other courses. They have come together through the ‘Site Specific Project’ to create a research network to support curriculum innovation and teachers’ professional development.  相似文献   

充分发挥大学生党员在思想政治教育中积极作用的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学生党员就像一面旗帜,在大学生思想政治教育中对大学生群体有着骨干带头作用、先锋模范作用、导向示范作用.为此,我们应积极构建大学生党员的组织发展机制、教育培训学习机制、先进性教育机制、学生党员联系学生机制、学生党员参与网络思想政治教育的互动机制、创新学生党支部工作机制,以充分发挥大学生党员在思想政治教育中的积极作用,推进大学生思想政治教育工作,引导大学生健康成长成才.  相似文献   

以学生为本的培养模式,是把学生当作课堂主体和主导的新型人才培养模式,这既是时代发展的要求,也是教育改革的需要。通过这种教育培养模式的改革,整个教学活动、教师授课方式以及学生学习形式都发生了实质性的改变。与此同时,通过建立以课堂为中心的学生共同体,构建良好和谐的教育教学环境,正确处理教与学的比重关系,这种教育培养模式才能落在实处。  相似文献   

以学生为本的培养模式,是把学生当作课堂主体和主导的新型人才培养模式,这既是时代发展的要求,也是教育改革的需要。通过这种教育培养模式的改革,整个教学活动、教师授课方式以及学生学习形式都发生了实质性的改变。与此同时,通过建立以课堂为中心的学生共同体,构建良好和谐的教育教学环境,正确处理教与学的比重关系,这种教育培养模式才能落在实处。  相似文献   

优化课堂教学心理环境是提高大学英语教学质量的有效途径之一。教师通过注重情感教学、强化学习策略培训和转变学生学习方式等教学行为来优化大学英语课堂教学心里环境,使学生以积极的心理状态和学习行为参与大学英语课堂教学,从而有效地提高大学英语教学质量。  相似文献   

Improving student competencies to address sustainability challenges has been a subject of significant debate in higher education. Problem- and project-based learning have been widely celebrated as course models that support the development of sustainability competencies. This paper describes a course developed for a professional Master’s program in environment and sustainability that employs such a model. Additionally, the course was designed to offer value-added opportunities by introducing attributes of interdisciplinary training, service learning, academic research, and professional practice. Results from the course assessments by students, faculty, community clients and organizational partners show this model provided a range of learning, professional and practical outcomes for course partners. The value-added benefits include strengthening sustainability competencies and professional skills for students; longitudinal research opportunities for teaching faculty; real-time assessments of farming practices for community clients; and a heightened regional profile for the non-profit biosphere reserve organization supporting course delivery.  相似文献   

An implication of the current research on self-regulation is to implement the promotion of self-regulated learning in schools. Teachers can promote self-regulated learning either directly by teaching learning strategies or indirectly by arranging a learning environment that enables students to practise self-regulation. This study investigates teachers’ direct and indirect promotion of self-regulated learning and its relation to the development of students’ performance. Twenty German mathematics teachers with their overall 538 students (grade 9) were videotaped for a three-lesson unit on the Pythagorean Theorem. Students’ mathematics performance was tested several times before and after the observed lessons. A low-inferent coding system was applied to assess the teachers’ implicit or explicit instruction of cognitive strategies (e.g., organisation), metacognitive strategies (e.g., planning), and motivational strategies (e.g., resource management). High-inferent ratings were used to assess features of the learning environment that foster self-regulation. Results reveal that a great amount of strategy teaching takes place in an implicit way, whereas explicit strategy teaching and supportive learning environment are rare. The instruction of organisation strategies and some features of the learning environment (constructivism, transfer) relate positively to students’ performance development. In contrast to implicit strategy instruction, explicit strategy instruction was associated with a gain in performance. These results reveal a discrepancy between the usefulness of explicit strategy instruction and its rare occurrence in classrooms.  相似文献   

营口职业技术学院学前教育专业以就业为导向,充分发挥该专业在师资队伍、教学设备、实习基地等方面的优势,进行专业教学改革。根据高职教育特点,建立并完善五年制学前教育专业“3.5+1.5”人才培养模式;建立与培养目标相适应的理论教学、实践教学体系,加强学校与幼儿园的合作,建立稳定的校外实习基地,取得了教育教学改革的良好效果.从而实现了教育观念的转变,提升了学生的实践能力和就业竞争力。  相似文献   

在大学英语教学中,英语教师专业素养对于教学品质和学习成效产生重要影响。专业发展是教师发展的核心内容,是一个持续成长的过程,需要科学的目标定位和多样化的实现途径。大学英语教师专业发展首要途径是专业学习,包括接受高层次的学位教育与系统的专业训练;其次是在岗自主学习,将英语教学与科学研究融为一体,在教育实践中提升自身的专业水平;第三是开展校际与国际学术交流;第四是专业合作。各种途径互相补充,共同促进英语教育专业水平的提升。  相似文献   

来华留学生预科教育是为即将进入大学本科学习的来华留学生提供必备基础知识的教育过程。预科教育的教学管理面临着文化差异、教学任务重、学生学习基础差、学生压力大导致心理焦虑等各种各样的问题。探求更为合理的预科教学管理方式,需要在实践中摸索进步,针对学生的文化认同、心理调适、学习策略、规则意识培养等方面,采取新颖而合理的管理方法,使预科留学生能够在短短一年的时间内适应中国的学习和生活模式,养成良好的学习习惯,培养自学能力,以期能在进入大学本科阶段后迅速进入学习状态,真正在中国学到知识,获得成长。  相似文献   

南昌工程学院是一所培养应用型人才为主的地方高校。为了实现应用型人才的培养目标,南昌工程学院深化教育教学改革,转变教育观念,建立专业调整机制,拓宽专业知识范围,构建了2+N+1的多方向课程体系和以能力培养为本位的教学体系,强化学生职业能力的培养。同时,学院还加强教师队伍建设,培养了一批有较高教学水平和较强实践能力、专兼结合的双师型教师队伍。  相似文献   

This article describes a collaborative action research project developed over the course of the 2011/12 academic year in the Faculty of Education at Cordoba University (Spain). The RIECU school–continuing professional development centre for teachers–university learning network is part of this research process. The aim is to create and consolidate a community of practice made up of continuing professional development advisers to teachers, infant education teachers, university students who are training to become infant education teachers and university teaching staff. The most relevant findings, which respond to the questions raised, are: the action research conducted indicates that teamwork between teacher, adviser, researcher and university student is an effective strategy to facilitate the acquisition of professional competences among student teachers; and student-teachers involved in the case study have evolved in their conception and approach to childhood and have had the opportunity to learn by modelling the professional conduct of their mentor teachers.  相似文献   

大学生军训作为一种特殊的教育形式,具有其他教育形式不可替代的功能,分析我国高校军训的特点,全面发掘和实现军训功能,具有重要的现实意义。我国高校军训以学校为施训主体,侧重于育人,具有全员性特征,是大学生社会实践的重要组成部分。高校军训具有思想政治教育、素质强化和组织构建三大功能。实现军训三大功能应加强军训组织工作,关键不仅在于领导重视,组织机构健全,相关部门协调一致,后勤保障有力,还在于能否为实现军训功能创造多种基础性条件。实现军训三大功能的基础性条件包括:营造浓厚军营氛围、制定周密训练计划、保证适度训练强度、及时跟进班级工作等。  相似文献   

Recently, Qatar established educational reform in charter (independent) schools focusing on curriculum standards, student-centred teaching, standards-based assessment, English as the language of instruction, and extensive professional development. A primary area of emphasis was the creation of student-centred mathematics and science classrooms characterised by inquiry and active student participation. The purpose of this study was to investigate differences in the learning environments of Qatari mathematics and science classrooms at two levels: in higher- and lower-performing Qatari schools implementing the recent Education for a New Era reform elements; and in classes of teachers who experienced professional development focused on student-centred teaching strategies and those who did not. Participants included teachers and students in 47 grade 3 and 4 mathematics and science classrooms. Classroom observations were conducted and student learning environment surveys were administered at the beginning and end of the semester. Results indicated low levels of student-centred instruction, despite significant improvement over time. Few differences by level of school performance or professional development participation existed. However, Personalisation emerged as a key learning environment variable related to teachers’ implementation of student-centred instruction.  相似文献   

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