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12分钟跑与20米往返跑预测最大吸氧量的比较研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文以48名大学新生为对象(体育系男、女生,美术系男、女生各12名),比较研究了直接法、12min跑及20-MST三种方法测定和预测最大吸氧量。结果表明,12min跑及20-MST均能有效预测大学生VO2max,12min跑更适用于有训练对象;20-MST具广泛适用性,对有训练者和无训练者均适用。  相似文献   

湖南省大学生有氧耐力评价标准研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对湖南省文、理、工、医、农 5类专业 6 0 0名二年级与四年级男、女大学生进行 12min跑测验 ,并用RPE值对运动负荷进行监控。结果显示 ,用 12min跑间接测定大学生的最大耗氧量是可行的 ,据此制定了湖南省大学生有氧耐力评价标准。  相似文献   

目的:对长沙市120名中学男生进行台阶试验、1 000 m跑、12 min跑、跑台最大摄氧量(VO2 max)的测试,计算各指标之间的相关系数,寻找评价心血管功能的有效指标.结果:1)随着年龄的增长,中学男生的身体形态指标、耐力素质、最大摄氧量绝对值呈现递增趋势,且存在板显著性差异(P<0.0001);但初二年级男生的台阶指教低于初一年级,且有显著性差异(P<0.01);2)台阶指数与VO2 max、VO2 max/kg、1 000 m跑、12 min跑的相关系数低(|r|<0.2);1 000 m 跑与 VO2 max的相关系数r=-0.662(P<0.0001);12 min跑与VO2 max的相关系数r=0.625(P<0.0001);3)台阶指教与身高、体重的相关系数分别为r=0.369、r=0.336.结论:1)台阶指数作为评价学生心血管功能指标,与VO2 max、VO2 max/kg的相关性低,且不能有效反映以VO2 max为代表的心脏功能增龄性变化规律;2)同为心血管功能评价指标,台阶指数与替代项目1 000 m跑的相关性低且具有较大范围的差异;3)建议用12 min跑取代台阶指数,作为评价中学生耐力素质及心血管功能的指标之一.  相似文献   

普通男大学生有氧能力监测指标研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文目的旨在筛选我国大学生体质有氧能力监测指标,为其健康测试指标体系提供理论依据。方法:将实验对象分为建模组和评估组,以VO2max和AT作为效标,将建模组1000m跑、12min跑、20m往返跑、台阶试验指数的测试结果与效标进行相关性分析,筛选指标;而后以筛选的指标为自变量,VO2max为因变量,建立预测VO2max的回归模型进行线性回归分析,再通过评估组对VO2max预测模型进行实效性评估,以确定指标的优良性。结果:(1)12min跑和20m往返跑不仅与VO2max之间呈高度相关性,而且与VT之间也表现出较高的相关性;1000m跑与VO2max和VT之间相关性很低;台阶试验指数与VO2max和VT之间均无相关性。(2)以12min跑、20m往返跑建立预测VO2max的回归模型拟合优度均较高,预测效果通过相关性检验和配对t检验显示实效性均较好。结论:(1)12min跑不仅是一项能有效评价大学生有氧能力的指标,而且还是一种科学的有氧健身方式;(2)20m往返跑也可以有效地反映大学生有氧能力水平;(3)1000m跑和台阶试验指数不适合作为评定大学生有氧能力的指标。  相似文献   

目的:探讨20-MST监测普通大学生心肺功能变化的有效性及对运动训练的敏感性。方法:以32名男性大学生(实验组、对照组各16名)为研究对象,对实验组学生进行8周的有氧耐力训练干预,在实验前后分别测定VO2max、20-MST、库博12min跑、台阶试验四项指标,并对检测结果进行分析比较。结果:20-MST在实验前后与VO2max、12min跑成绩高度相关,与台阶指数低度相关;实验后,各指标均有显著增长,20-MST的增量最明显。结论:20-MST是一种间接评价心肺功能、判断训练效果的有效方法,它对评价运动训练引起心肺功能适应性变化的敏感性高于VO2max。  相似文献   

以普通男性大学生和体育运动学校男性学生为研究对象,以VO2max为心血管功能指标,以12 min跑为有氧耐力指标,用所测得的3种不同高度的台阶试验后即刻心率、恢复期0~210 s中不同时段心率恢复速度(斜率)与VO2max、12 min跑和台阶试验指数进行相关性研究.结果显示心率恢复速度(斜率)与12 min跑、台阶指数相关程度较高;即刻心率与VO2max、12min跑、台阶试验指数均有高度相关(P<0.01).提示心率下降斜率,特别是中、高台阶试验后早期下降斜率能很好地反映有氧耐力;台阶试验后心率反应程度能较好地反映心血管功能和有氧耐力;可以用运动后即刻心率、早期心率恢复速度取代或改良原来的计算方法进行台阶指数计算,提高测试效率和准确性.  相似文献   

为探讨临界功率(简称CP)评价人体有氧能力的可靠性,以本省9名自行车运动员为研究对象,用逐级递增负荷法测其最大吸氧量(简称VO2max),据4次力竭运动的负荷和对应的疲劳时间来推算CP的值.测定结果VO2max为4.542±0.272l/min,VO2max/kg为58.87±4.947ml/min/kg,,CP为281.380土19.882W,CP与VO2max相关显著(R=0.7422,P<0.05),而CP与VO2max/kg的相关不显著.提示CP可以用来衡量人体的有氧能力,CP所代表的有氧能力与体重无关.  相似文献   

G804.7 20034968湖南省二、四年级大学生的最大吸氧量及体育行为=Research on VO_(2?) and sports activities ofsophomores and senior students in colleges ofHunan Province[刊,中,A]/凌月红,王铁生(长沙交通学院),章罗庚,潘晶波,夏君攻(长沙交通学院)//体育学刊.-2002,9(1).-36-39表4参3(LF)  相似文献   

为制订20-MST评定学生有氧耐力的区分度,对309名大学生进行20-MST测验,并对其中的40位学生进行VO2max的直接测定。实验结果显示,用20-MST推测的VO2max值与实测值间无显著性差异;Kappa值检验显示利用离差法制定的男女大学生20-MST的各指标的区分度是客观科学的。研究制定的20-MST各指标的区分度可作为体育教学、运动训练、选材及大学生体质评价的参照依据。  相似文献   

此研究对象由24名11~12岁青春期前的儿童组成,其目的是为了探讨一个为期10W的有氧训练计划对青春期前儿童有氧能力的影响,尤其是对不同性别儿童的最大吸氧量(VO2max)的影响。训练组经过10W的有氧训练后,VO2max得到了明显的增加,这种增加在女童中更为明显。VO2max增加的比例和初始VO2max(ml.min-1.kg-1)水平之间存在显著相关。研究结果显示,青春期前的儿童经过一段时间的有氧训练后,VO2max能得到增加,如果考虑到初始有氧能力水平,那么男女孩VO2max的增加将不存在显著差异。  相似文献   

为了分析《国家学生体质健康标准》中心血管功能评价指标的同质性和有效性,对16586名大学生进行体质健康测试,其中12202名大学生既参加台阶试验又参加800/1000m跑,而且为了得到最大摄氧量的数据,又选取参加台阶试验和800/1000m跑的学生195人进行12分钟跑测试。研究结果表明,大学生的台阶测试得分和耐久跑成绩得分有极其显著差异(P〈0.001);男女大学生的台阶测试得分与耐久跑得分之间有显著相关性(男生r=0.347,Sig.=0.000;女生r=0.240,Sig.=0.000),但都呈现低度相关;台阶测试和耐久跑指标之间同质性低;男大学生最大耗氧量与台阶试验测试值、台阶试验得分有显著线性相关关系(h=0.417,P〈0.001);男大学生最大耗氧量与1000m跑运动成绩及得分之间也有显著线性相关关系(r2=0.616,P〈0.001)。女大学生最大耗氧量与台阶试验测试值、台阶试验得分无显著线性相关关系(r3=0.163,P〉0.05)。最大耗氧量与800m跑运动成绩及得分之间却存在显著线性相关关系(r4=0.464,P〈0.001)。  相似文献   

目的通过实验研究建立青少年“阳光长跑”个体适宜强度(无氧阈心率)回归方程,以改变目前全国青少年“阳光长跑”中强度随意的现状。方法以我国X市3所(A、B、C)中学的高中生为样本,按随机抽样原则从中抽取研究对象,分2个阶段进行研究。①从3所中学高中各年级中抽取男、女生共593名,通过实验测试获得基础数据,以文献资料法和专家法筛选出的指标为自变量、无氧阈心率为因变量,建立个体无氧阈心率回归方程。②来自3所中学高二年级的学生(共204名),分别以3种模式[按照无氧阈心率强度(基于所建立的个体无氧阈心率回归方程)监控、不按强度但严格监控、不监控自主式]完成“阳光长跑”,12周后,比较实验前后3所中学高中生最大摄氧量(VO2max)、基础心率指标的变化情况。结果3所中学高中生按不同模式完成长跑后,其基础心率均未出现降低现象(P均大于0.05);A中学男、女生VO2max均出现不同程度增长现象(t=2.804,P<0.01;t=2.831,P<0.01);B中学女生VO2max出现一定程度增长现象(t=2.337,P<0.05),男生则未出现增长现象(t=0.574,P>0.05);C中学男、女生VO2max均未出现增长现象(P均大于0.05)。结论①所建立的高中生个体无氧阈心率回归方程可用于指导该群体在长跑中的适宜强度调节;②通过实证研究提出针对性建议,有助于“阳光长跑”的可持续性开展。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to objectively quantify ratings of perceived enjoyment using the Physical Activity Enjoyment Scale following high-intensity interval running versus moderate-intensity continuous running. Eight recreationally active men performed two running protocols consisting of high-intensity interval running (6 × 3 min at 90% VO(2max) interspersed with 6 × 3 min active recovery at 50% VO(2max) with a 7-min warm-up and cool down at 70% VO(2max)) or 50 min moderate-intensity continuous running at 70% VO(2max). Ratings of perceived enjoyment after exercise were higher (P < 0.05) following interval running compared with continuous running (88 ± 6 vs. 61 ± 12) despite higher (P < 0.05) ratings of perceived exertion (14 ± 1 vs. 13 ± 1). There was no difference (P < 0.05) in average heart rate (88 ± 3 vs. 87 ± 3% maximum heart rate), average VO(2) (71 ± 6 vs. 73 ± 4%VO(2max)), total VO(2) (162 ± 16 vs. 166 ± 27 L) or energy expenditure (811 ± 83 vs. 832 ± 136 kcal) between protocols. The greater enjoyment associated with high-intensity interval running may be relevant for improving exercise adherence, since running is a low-cost exercise intervention requiring no exercise equipment and similar relative exercise intensities have previously induced health benefits in patient populations.  相似文献   

Traditionally, it has been assumed that during middle-distance running oxygen uptake (VO2) reaches its maximal value (VO2max) providing the event is of a sufficient duration; however, this assumption is largely based on observations in individuals with a relatively low VO2max. The aim of this study was to determine whether VO2max is related to the VO2 attained (i.e. VO2peak) during middle-distance running on a treadmill. Fifteen well-trained male runners (age 23.3 +/- 3.8 years, height 1.80 +/- 0.10 m, body mass 76.9 +/- 10.6 kg) volunteered to participate in the study. The participants undertook two 800-m trials to examine the reproducibility of the VO2 response. These two trials, together with a progressive test to determine VO2max, were completed in a randomized order. Oxygen uptake was determined throughout each test using 15-s Douglas bag collections. Following the application of a 30-s rolling average, the highest VO2 during the progressive test (i.e. VO2max) was compared with the highest VO2 during the 800-m trials (i.e. VO2peak) to examine the relationship between VO2max and the VO2 attained in the 800-m trials. For the 15 runners, VO2max was 58.9 +/- 7.1 ml x kg(-1) x min(-1). Two groups were formed using a median split based on VO2max. For the high and low VO2max groups, VO2max was 65.7 +/- 3.0 and 52.4 +/- 1.8 ml x kg(-1) x min(-1) respectively. The limits of agreement (95%) for test-retest reproducibility for the VO2 attained during the 800-m trials were +/- 3.5 ml x kg(-1) x min(-1) for a VO2peak of 50.6 ml x kg(-1) x min(-1) (the mean VO2peak for the low VO2max group) and +/- 2.3 ml x kg(-1) x min(-1) for a VO2peak of 59.0 ml x kg(-1) x min(-1) (the mean VO2peak for the high VO2max group), with a bias in VO2peak between the 800-m runs (i.e. the mean difference) of 1.2 ml x kg(-1) x min(-1). The VO2peak for the 800-m runs was 54.8 +/- 4.9 ml x kg(-1) x min(-1) for all 15 runners. For the high and low VO2max groups, VO2peak was 59.0 +/- 3.3 ml x kg(-1) x min(-1) (i.e. 90% VO2max) and 50.6 +/- 2.0 ml x kg(-1) x min(-1) (i.e. 97% VO2max) respectively. The negative relationship (-0.77) between VO2max and % VO2max attained for all 15 runners was significant (P = 0.001). These results demonstrate that (i) reproducibility is good and (ii) that VO2max is related to the %VO2max achieved, with participants with a higher VO2max achieving a lower %VO2max in an 800-m trial on a treadmill.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to determine maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) directly during uphill walking exercise and to compare these values with those achieved during running and cycling exercise. Forty untrained students (20 males and 20 females) took part in three exercise tests. The running test was performed on a horizontal treadmill and the speed was gradually increased by 0.3 m . s(-1) every 3 min. The walking test was conducted on a treadmill inclined at 12% (speed of 1.8 m . s(-1)). The load was further increased every 3 min by the addition of a mass of one-twentieth of the body mass of the participant (plastic containers filled with water and added to a backpack carried by the participant). During the bicycle ergometry test, the workload was increased by 20 W every 2 min. All tests were performed until volitional exhaustion. During all tests, oxygen uptake, minute ventilation, tidal volume, respiratory frequency, heart rate, hydrogen ion concentration, base excess, and blood lactate concentration were analysed. The Pearson correlation coefficients between the weighted walking test and the commonly applied running and bicycle ergometry tests indicate a strong association with the new test in evaluating maximal oxygen uptake. The negligible differences in VO2max between the three tests for the male participants (running: 61.0 ml . kg(-1) . min(-1); walking: 60.4 ml . kg(-1) . min(-1); cycling: 60.2 ml . kg(-1) . min(-1)), and the fact that the females achieved better results on the walking test than the cycle ergometer test (running: 45.0 ml . kg(-1) . min(-1); walking: 42.6 ml . kg(-1) . min(-1); cycling: 40.1 ml . kg(-1) . min(-1)), confirm the suitability of the new method for evaluating aerobic power. The weighted walking test could be useful in the assessment of aerobic power in individuals for whom running is not advised or is difficult. In addition, the new test allows for determination of VO2max on small treadmills with a limited speed regulator, such as those found in specialist physiotherapy and fitness centres.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the use of a new primary field test method based on test equating to address inconsistent classification among field tests. We analyzed students' information on the Progressive Aerobic Cardiovascular Endurance Run (PACER), mile run (MR), and VO2max from three data sets (college: n = 94; middle school: n = 39; elementary school: n = 96). Using the college and elementary school data, the equivalent relationship between PACER and MR scores was first established by the Kernel equating method. This yielded MR scores derived from PACER (mile run PACER equated [MR PEQ]), which were used to predict maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) and classify students according to the FITNESSGRAM Healthy Fitness Zones. We compared the results to the predictions and classifications based on measured VO2max, MR and PACER-predicted VO2max and cross-validated the relationships using the middle school data. We found the test conversion to be accurate and that the MR PEQ scores functioned similarly to the original MR scores. Both performed better than the original PACER scores in predicting VO2max and classifying students. The middle school data generally supported these results. The proposed method is accurate and effective in setting a new field test onto the same scale of a primary field test and determining its cut-off scores.  相似文献   

Previous studies have reported strong correlations between 5-km performance times and maximal oxygen uptake (VO2 max) and also for running speeds equivalent to blood lactate concentrations of 4 mM. However, there is little information on the physiological responses of individuals during races over this distance. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to measure the physiological and metabolic responses of endurance trained male (n = 8) and female (n = 8) runners during a 5-km time trial using an instrumented treadmill. Performance times were 18.77 +/- 1.27 min for the men and 21.80 +/- 1.98 min for the women (P less than 0.01). The corresponding times on the athletics track were 17.68 +/- 0.39 min for the men (P less than 0.05) and 20.70 +/- 2.16 min for the women (N.S.). During the treadmill time trials, both the men and women were able to utilize approximately 90% VO2 max, 82% VE max, 98% HR max and produce similar concentrations of blood lactate. Although the physiological and metabolic responses of these endurance-trained men and women to 5-km treadmill running were similar, the faster running times recorded by the men in this study were the result of their higher VO2 max values.  相似文献   

对不同年龄、不同性别、不同专业学生VO2max的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对华中师范大学第2附中,华中师范大学体育教育专业与非体育专业学生不同年龄,性别和专业的VO2max的测试,并应用生理学的方法对影响VO2max的主要因素进行了分析,发现不同研究对象的VO2max存在一定的差异,同时发现体育锻炼对人体氧运输系统和VO2max均有一定的影响。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the effects of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide hydride (NADH) on maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max), maximal anaerobic running time, and mental performance. Eight men were exposed to a supplement treatment (30 mg NADH as ENACHI tablets per day) and to a placebo treatment, each of 4 weeks' duration, in a balanced, double-blind, and cross-over design. The two treatments were separated by a 14-week wash-out period. The results indicated that VO2max, maximal anaerobic running time, and the ability to concentrate were similar in the NADH and placebo conditions. There were also no differences in blood lactate, creatine kinase, reaction time or feelings of fatigue between the treatments. A counter-movement jump performed at rest and 2 min after the aerobic test differed significantly (P 相似文献   

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