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不同的思维控制内容对运动员自控损耗的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张连成  张力为  高淑青 《体育科学》2012,32(9):62-66,97
通过两个实验检验了不同的思维控制内容对运动员自控损耗的影响.40名篮球以及38名足球专项大学生分别参与了实验1和实验2.他们首先进行5 min的思维控制任务,然后,实验1的研究参与者进行Stroop任务的测试,实验2的研究参与者进行Visual-CCPT任务的测试.结果发现,教练员抑制组较其他各组在Stroop任务上的正确率均低,教练员抑制组较白熊抑制组以及控制组在Visual-CCPT任务上的虚报数更多;什么都不想组较控制组的虚报数更多.这表明,与运动情境越接近的思维控制内容越不容易控制,损耗更严重.同时也提示运动员,转移注意可能是有效的思维控制策略,而什么都不想并不是有效的思维控制策略.  相似文献   

通过2个试验检验思维抑制与思维表达对运动员自控损耗的影响.30名篮球专项大学生参与试验1,29名足球专项大学生参与试验2,被随机分配到思维抑制、思维表达以及控制组中.经过5 min的思维控制后,试验1的参与者完成Stroop任务,试验2的参与者完成Visual-CCPT任务.结果发现:思维抑制组较控制组在Stroop不匹配任务上出现更多的错误,思维抑制组较思维表达组和控制组在Visual-CCPT任务上出现更多的虚报.表明思维抑制较思维表达更“费力”,进而会损耗更多的自控能量;提示应多提示运动员想什么,而不是不应该想什么来进行思维调节.  相似文献   

本文的目的是验证自主选择在认知失调与运动员自我损耗之间是否起到调节作用.40名大学生运动员(男:36名,女:4名,年龄为M=20.170,SD=1.186岁.)参与该研究,本实验采用2×2两因素组间设计,首先让各组完成5min不同的认知失调任务,然后测试各组在Stroop任务上的成绩.结果发现:认知失调只有在控制选择情况下比控制组在不一致错误数更多,F(1,18) =13.50,p=0.002,η2=0.429;而在自主选择情况下,其在Stroop任务成绩上差异均不显著,F(4,15) =2.834,p=0.062,η2=0.430.从研究结果可知:认知失调使运动员产生自我损耗的条件为控制选择,而在自主选择条件下,认知失调不会产生自我损耗,即自主选择在认知失调与运动员自我损耗关系间起调节作用.  相似文献   

探讨传统语词干扰任务是否可以移植到运动员群体。试验一采用语词干扰任务,30 名运动员分成6 min 无干扰基线组、6 min 语词干扰组、 9 min 语词干扰组,探讨干扰时间与损耗效应关系。结果:3 组在Stroop 任务表现上不存在差异;完成任务的主观难度和努力程度不存在差异。试 验二采用新研制的9 min 比赛录像干扰任务,20 名运动员分成9 min 无干扰基线组和9 min 比赛录像干扰组,探讨比赛录像干扰任务与损耗效 应关系。结果:与无干扰基线组相比,比赛录像干扰组完成任务的主观难度和努力程度更高,Stroop 任务上的色词不匹配反应时更长。这提示,新 研制的比赛录像干扰任务是诱发运动员损耗效应的有效手段,该结果为运动领域的自我损耗研究提供方法学上的贡献。  相似文献   

探讨认知失调对运动员自我损耗可能存在的影响作用,同时,检验价值肯定与属性肯定对自我损耗的补偿作用及自我概念清晰性的中介效 应。采用自我损耗双任务范式进行试验研究,分别由60 名运动员先完成5 min 认知失调任务,然后分别完成5 min 价值肯定和属性肯定,最后完成 Stroop 任务。结果发现,认知失调较无认知失调在Stroop 任务不一致反应时上表现更差,表明认知失调使运动员产生了自我损耗。自我肯定对自我损 耗补偿作用的研究发现:在认知失调情况下,价值肯定相对于属性肯定和无肯定在Stroop 任务一致和不一致错误数上出现更少的错误数,属性肯定 和无肯定在这2 个任务成绩上差异不显著;在无认知失调情况下,不同自我肯定对自我损耗均无补偿作用。表明,价值肯定对认知失调产生的自我损 耗具有补偿作用。进一步研究发现,自我概念清晰性在价值肯定与自我损耗间起部分中介作用,即价值肯定部分通过提高自我概念清晰性减少自我 损耗。  相似文献   

自我损耗(ego-depletion)是指因实施自我控制而导致自我控制能力暂时下降并对后续操作产生不利影响的现象。如何控制自我损耗或降低自我损耗的不利影响是近年来心理学研究的一个热点课题。通过最近开展的22项实验研究探讨了控制自我损耗的两大问题,即在自我损耗发生之前如何预防、在自我损耗发生之后如何补偿。在预防自我损耗的研究领域,介绍了在使用合理的情绪调节策略与思维调控策略、避免认知失调与社会比较、进行价值肯定与属性肯定、形成执行意向等方面的13项最新实验成果;在补偿自我损耗的研究领域,介绍了在积极情绪、榜样启动、自我肯定、执行意向等方面的9项最新实验成果。在此基础上,给出了在训练和比赛中控制自我损耗的应用建议。  相似文献   

目的 探究不同强度短时有氧运动对久坐大学生自我控制的影响及时程特点,为久坐大学生提供运动建议。方法 选取48名久坐大学生随机分为中强度组、高强度组和对照组,中强度组和高强度组分别以60%~69%和70%~79%的最大心率完成30 min跑台运动,对照组不进行任何体力活动。采用Stroop色词任务对3组受试者干预前、干预后即刻、干预后30 min、干预后60 min 4个时间点进行自我控制行为学指标测量。结果重复测量方差分析结果显示,3组受试者在准确率指标上差异无统计学意义(p>0.05);在反应时指标上,组别主效应显著(F(2,45)=3.877,p<0.05,ηp2=0.147),组别与时间交互作用极其显著(F(6,135)=11.181,p<0.001,ηp2=0.332),简单效应分析显示中强度组在运动后30min和60min显著低于对照组(p<0.05),高强度组与对照组差异无统计学意义(p>0.05)。结论 中等强度短时有氧运动会显著提升久坐大学生的自我控制,这一效果会出现在运动后30 min,并可持续至运动后60 min;高强度短时有氧运动可能...  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、心理测量法以及数理统计法,对第9届全国大学生羽毛球锦标赛的男、女运动员成就目标及其与运动成绩的关系进行研究。结果表明:不同性别的大学生羽毛球运动员在任务目标定向和自我回避目标定向维度上存在显著差异;我国大学生羽毛球运动员队伍中较高或较低的成就目标者的比例较高;优秀大学生羽毛球运动员的任务目标定向及自我趋近目标定向的适宜范围为30.13±4.06、33.84±6.73;自我趋近目标定向是影响大学生羽毛球运动员成绩的因素之一。  相似文献   

通过实验室任务和模拟现实情境任务,探讨自主决策与受控决策对自我控制的影响。采用中文版E-crossing任务、九洞仪任务和抵抗美食诱 惑任务3项自我控制任务设计了3个研究,各选取大学生40人,随机分为自主组和受控组,参与者先选择试验任务,后进行自我控制任务,最后执行 选择任务。自主组参与者可以随意选择任务,受控组参与者通过指导语的暗示引导选择某项任务。结果显示:在认知性E-crossing任务中,自主组 比受控组有更高的正确数(F=45.975,P=0.000)和更短的完成时间(F=261.347,P=0.000),表明相比受控决策,自主决策促进了认知性任务中的自我 控制;在操作性九洞仪任务中,自主组比受控组通过更多的洞数(F=5.881,P=0.020),表明相比受控决策,自主决策能促进操作性任务中的自我控制; 在模拟现实情境美食抵抗任务上,自主组比受控组有更长的坚持时间(t=1.815,P=0.077),表明相比受控决策,自主决策能促进美食抵抗任务中的自 我控制。以上结果支持了假设,在认知性任务、操作性任务和抵抗美食诱惑任务中,自主决策与受控决策对自我控制的影响不同,自主决策能够促 进自我控制。  相似文献   

个人项目运动员自我设限的影响因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
孙青  张力为 《体育科学》2008,28(1):22-26
自我设限是指个体针对可能到来的失败威胁事先设置障碍,为失败创造一个合理的借口,从而保护自我价值,维护自我形象.通过两项研究考察了个人项目运动员自我设限倾向和行为的影响因素.研究一通过对来自不同运动水平和运动项目的187名运动员的调查研究发现,运动员自我设限倾向和整体自尊具有中等水平的负相关(r=-0.450,P<0.010),低自尊的运动员拥有更高的自我设限倾向;成就目标定向的主效应显著(F=3.104,P=0.028),高任务/低自我定向的运动员自我设限倾向低于采用其他目标定向方式的运动员,而其他各组之间无显著性差异;控制了自尊水平之后,运动水平不会对运动员的自我设限倾向产生影响(F=0.200,P=0.819).研究二以61名大学生运动员为被试,采用2×2组间实验设计,以自我设限倾向(高、低)和运动情境重要性(重要、不太重要)为自变量,自陈式自我设限行为为因变量,做多因素方差分析.结果表明,自我设限倾向的主效应显著,F(1,57)=19.381,P=0.000;情境因素的主效应不显著,F(1,57)=2.648,P=0.109;自我设限倾向和情境因素的交互作用达到了边缘显著性水平,F(1,57)=3.184,P=0.076,交互作用不客忽视,有必要进一步讨论.高自我设限倾向的被试在重要情境中表现出更多的自陈式自我设限行为,而低自我设限倾向的被试在不同重要性的情境中表现几乎无差异.两个研究中所使用的量表均有可接受的信、效度.  相似文献   


This paper examines whether self-controlled feedback schedules enhance learning, because they are more tailored to the performers' needs than externally controlled feedback schedules. Participants practiced a sequential timing task. One group of learners (self-control) was provided with feedback whenever they requested it, whereas another group (yoked) had no influence on the feedback schedule. The self-control group showed learning benefits on a delayed transfer test. Questionnaire results revealed that self-control learners asked for feedback primarily after good trials andyoked learners preferred to receive feedback after good trials. Analyses demonstrated that errors were lower on feedback than no-feedback trials for the self-control group but not for the yoked group. Thus, self-control participants appeared to use a strategy for requesting feedback. This might explain learning advantages of self-controlled practice.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether self-controlled feedback schedules enhance learning, because they are more tailored to the performers' needs than externally controlled feedback schedules. Participants practiced a sequential timing task. One group of learners (self-control) was provided with feedback whenever they requested it, whereas another group (yoked) had no influence on the feedback schedule. The self-control group showed learning benefits on a delayed transfer test. Questionnaire results revealed that self-control learners asked for feedback primarily after good trials and yoked learners preferred to receive feedback after good trials. Analyses demonstrated that errors were lower on feedback than no-feedback trials for the self-control group but not for the yoked group. Thus, self-control participants appeared to use a strategy for requesting feedback. This might explain learning advantages of self-controlled practice.  相似文献   

试图研究自我损耗与锻炼规律性对负性情绪图片注意偏向的影响。采用了2(自我损耗:高、低)×2(锻炼规律性:有、无)×2(探测点位置:一致,不一致)三因素重复测量设计,统计分析了56名被试在完成负性情绪面孔的点探测任务时的反应时与N1、P1、N2、P3等ERP成分。结果发现:高自我损耗比低自我损耗表现出对负性情绪图片更明显的注意偏向,且在无规律锻炼条件下,高自我损耗比低自我损耗表现出对负性情绪图片更明显的注意偏向,在有规律锻炼条件下,高低自我损耗对负性情绪图片的注意偏向无差异;无规律锻炼比有规律锻炼表现出对负性情绪图片更明显的注意偏向。  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to investigate the effects of two weeks of self-control strength training on maximum cardiovascular exercise performance. Forty-one participants completed a cognitive self-control depletion task (Stroop task) followed by a maximal graded cycling test and were randomized to training (maximal endurance contractions of spring handgrip trainers, twice daily) or no-treatment control groups. At follow-up (2 weeks), half of each group completed either a time-matched or trial-matched Stroop task followed by another maximal graded cycling test. Results showed a significant 2-way (training X time) interaction (P < 0.001), and a trend for the 3-way (training X time X cognitive task) interaction (P = 0.07). Decomposition of the interactions revealed that across sessions cycling performance increased in both training groups, did not change in the trial-matched cognitive task control group, and declined in the time-matched control group. We conclude that isometric handgrip training leads to self-control strength adaptations that enhance maximal cardiovascular exercise performance or tolerance of exercise at maximal levels of effort.  相似文献   


Purpose: This study aimed to examine the effect of gradual self-control of task difficulty and feedback on accuracy and movement pattern of the golf putting sport skill. Method: Sixty students were quasi-randomly assigned to four groups under a varying combination of the two factors of task difficulty control (self-controlled or yoked) and feedback control (self-controlled or yoked). The participants in the two groups (dual-factor gradual self-control and self-controlled task difficulty group) that granted control over task difficulty in the acquisition phase were told they could choose any of the pre-set distances from the target. All groups were given 100% feedback in the first half of the acquisition phase, but the participants in the two groups (dual-factor gradual self-control group and self-controlled feedback) that could control their feedback were told that in the second half of the acquisition phase they would be able to ask for feedback when needed. The practice schedule of each member of the dual-factor gradual self-control group was used as a basis to plan the practice of predetermined distances and feedback presentation to the corresponding participants in the yoked conditions. Results: ANOVA with repeated measures showed that the practice method involving gradual self-control of two factors had a positive impact on accuracy and movement pattern of golf putting in the retention and transfer tests compared to other methods (ps < .05). Conclusion: The advantages of self-control practice presumably come from better adjustment of challenge points by the learner in the course of the practice.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of the perceived purpose of exercising on the self-selected distance peddled during an acute cycling task. Participants were randomly assigned to one of three groups (health, wealth, charity). All participants watched a video emphasizing the health benefits of performing at least 30?min of daily exercise. Those in the health group were not provided any additional information. Those in the wealth group were then informed that they would earn money for every two kilometres cycled. Those in the charity group were informed that they would earn money for a charity for every two kilometres cycled. Participants were not given a time/distance limit and were instructed to cycle until they chose to stop. Analyses revealed that participants in the wealth and charity group cycled significantly farther than those in the health group (approximately twice as far). Additionally, a significant sex by group interaction showed that women cycled farther for charity while men cycled farther for wealth. These results suggest that health messages used to increase exercise behaviour may benefit from exploring how paradigms from behavioural economics influence behaviors that have relevance to public health.  相似文献   

The present experiment examined the learning effects of participants self-controlling their receipt of knowledge of results (KR) on all or half of their acquisition trials (50%). For participants who were provided 50% self-control, the first half of their acquisition period consisted of receiving KR on all trials, or according to a faded-KR schedule. Participants practiced a sequential timing task. The results showed that independent of practice condition, participants who self-controlled their KR during the acquisition period demonstrated superior performance compared to the respective yoked conditions in the retention and transfer portion of the experiment. These results extend previous research by suggesting that decreasing the proportion of self-control trials does not compromise learning in a self-controlled context.  相似文献   

The present experiment examined the learning effects of participants self-controlling their receipt of knowledge of results (KR) on all or half of their acquisition trials (50%). For participants who were provided 50% self-control, the first half of their acquisition period consisted of receiving KR on all trials, or according to a faded-KR schedule. Participants practiced a sequential timing task. The results showed that independent of practice condition, participants who self-controlled their KR during the acquisition period demonstrated superior performance compared to the respective yoked conditions in the retention and transfer portion of the experiment. These results extend previous research by suggesting that decreasing the proportion of self-control trials does not compromise learning in a self-controlled context.  相似文献   

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