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基于国际足联颁布"艾尔顿法则"的基础上,对卡塔尔足球"归化+青训"模式的发展历程进行研究,探讨出一条适合于中国足球现状的"中国足球特色归化之路",旨在为我国归化外籍球员及青训的道路提供启示,也为我国足球事业发展提供参考。结果显示:直接归化国外实力强劲球员为本国出战,在短时间内可能会提高成绩,但由于缺少了本国民族认同感,对我国足球的长远发展并无明显促进作用;而归化阿拉伯地区的精英小球员,经本国青训培养,可增加球员的归属感以及文化认同感,在球队实力提升的基础上,还会使归化球员与本土球员之间的关系变得紧密不可分。  相似文献   

2014年,英足总在全国贯彻实施了“英格兰DNA计划”,统一高层足球和基层足球的发展步调,全国青训系统的人才培养效率和培养质量得到提高,优秀年轻球员大量涌现,提升了各级别国家队的竞赛实力,在世界大赛中获得佳绩,对中国具有较好的启发意义。运用文献资料法和逻辑分析法对“英格兰DNA计划”进行了详细解读,并在此基础上对中国足球发展提出以下建议:1)明确和统一各级别国家队的比赛理念,引导全国足球发展方向;2)制定高质量全国青训大纲,向基层拓展延伸足球哲学;3)保障球员全面发展,适应现代足球高水平比赛竞争;4)提升基层青训教练量和质,有效践行统一足球哲学实践。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、数据统计分析等方法,分别以英国职业板球联赛和欧洲职业足球联赛的引援政策为案例研究,对职业体育联赛引援政策及其影响进行深入研究。研究结果和结论:欧洲职业足球联赛的引援政策具体表现在本土球员竞争规则方面,这一引援政策可以增加优秀本国球员的数量,增加有资格入选国家队的球员数量。同时,英国职业板球联赛和欧洲职业足球联赛的引援政策给予中国职业联赛引援政策与实践更多的思考空间。  相似文献   

对我国甲级足球职业俱乐部引进外籍球员状况的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用文献资料法、专家访谈法、问卷调查法,对我国职业足球俱乐部引进外籍球员的状况进行分析。结果表明,我国职业足球俱乐部引进外援的人数逐渐稳定,外援主要来自欧洲和美洲;场上分布主要是核心位置:总体层次较低。充分肯定了引进外援对促进技战术水平、增强球队实力等的积极作用。指出引进外援的负面效应以及外援质量不高、俱乐部资金不足等问题。  相似文献   

黄光亮 《体育科技》2011,32(2):43-47
在国青队、固少队分别无缘世青赛和世少赛后,从青少午足球人数、青少年队伍得到的资金投入、年轻队员缺乏比赛场次、年轻球员转会难等六个方面,分析了当前中国足球的现状。得出要提高水平必须重视青少年足球的结论,并提出发展青少年足球应具有持续性和针对性,让青训体系扎根学校等建议。  相似文献   

In a context of intense competition, emphasized by globalization processes, the football industry seeks to maximize performances through an incessant search for high quality skilled players. In a market logic, these players become a scarce asset. They are intensely sought out by teams, which results in an intense migration flow of footballers. Portuguese football is also imbedded in these migrations dynamics. Although it is not a new phenomenon in recent years, Portugal has become a crossroads of migratory flows players, with a large number of foreign players to reach national clubs, and many Portuguese players to go to foreign clubs. The aim of this paper is to observe the migratory trends of football players in Portugal, and identify the migratory routes not only of the foreign players who arrived in Portugal, but also of the Portuguese players who go abroad.  相似文献   

对国家男子足球队运动员比赛活动能力的研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
为正确评价我国国家男子足球队运动员比赛活动中体能情况及活动特征,为国家队提供准确的训练比赛信息,使用S IM I系统首次对我国国家队优秀运动员比赛跑动能力进行定量测量。通过国内、外对比研究,发现国内、外高水平运动员比赛跑动总距离存在一定的差异,各种跑速下的活动距离也不同,对此进行分析讨论。  相似文献   

目的了解国外运动生理生化领域研究热点与前沿,对该研究领域进行可视化分析,并且根据研究热点的变化,一定程度上预测国内外今后的研究方向。方法以Web of Science核心合集作为数据来源,采用文献计量法运用CiteSpace可视化软件对2010~2019年国外运动生理生化研究的热点及前沿进行可视化分析。结果与结论热点研究领域主要聚焦在运动疲劳、青少年足球运动员训练与竞赛生理特征、碳水化合物与电解质补充剂对运动的影响、运动模型构研究以及有氧运动和乳酸阈的研究。突显词探测发现,足球运动员、运动健康、温度调节和团队运动为研究前沿。  相似文献   

The 14th running of the UEFA European Championships represented a watershed moment for football, and sport more broadly, in Eastern Europe. Whilst the competition itself might have been restricted to Europe’s elite national teams, world football’s gaze was drawn towards the joint hosts, Poland and the Ukraine, for the duration of the tournament. At this juncture, therefore, this paper seeks to consider the ‘place’ of football in Eastern Europe, and in this case, Poland specifically, by conducting an analysis of the economic value of Poland’s top division – the Ekstraklasa, and by examining the factors that influence foreign players’ decisions to migrate to that particular league. The paper identifies that whilst the Ekstraklasa might sit outside of Europe’s core football economies, it still offers much as a migration destination for certain sorts of players. However, the paper also shows that whilst the 2012 UEFA European Championships provided significant exposure for Poland in the football context, it is less clear if hosting the event will have a lasting effect on the development of Poland’s top league and its desirability to foreign players.  相似文献   

对新疆培养青少年男子足球运动员中的训练管理体制、培养模式、队伍数量、队员人数及其分布、民族比例、基础设施、教练员、比赛等方面进行分析。研究表明,新疆青少年培养存在训练管理体制不健全,队伍及人数分布不均匀,队伍结构不合理,科学选材力度不够,地器场材等基础设施缺乏,缺乏高水平足球教练员,青少年足球比赛欠缺等问题。  相似文献   

李光浩 《精武》2014,(36):46-47
随着"全民健身"口号的提出,足球运动及相关竞赛、训练体系越来越受到人们关注,并融入大众的日常生活。虽然我国的足球运动已发展多年,但问题依旧突出(包括竞赛体系、训练体系两方面的问题)。建立完整且相对稳定的竞赛和训练体系,是我国足球发展现阶段亟待解决的问题。根据世界优秀足球运动员的成长规律和足球训练规律,结合我国国情和足球运动发展现状,提出了中国足球竞赛和训练体系方案以及职业队的训练过程结构和青少年足球训练大纲。本文旨在通过相关调查找出日前我国足球竞赛体系和训练体系中存在的问题,并针对这些问题给出相应的解决对策。  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2020,23(3):536-547
The identification and development of players in English professional football has become an increasingly significant topic of debate given the historical perceived underperformance of the English national team at international tournaments. To enhance understanding of the challenges and barriers experienced by English youth footballers, the authors explore the developmental experiences of English professional football players from different levels of the English football pyramid. Professional players (N = 11) from football clubs in the top four professional divisions in England took part in individual semi-structured interviews, which were analysed inductively using thematic analysis. The data revealed three interrelated themes that were perceived to mediate player identification and development pathways at professional clubs. Pathways for young players to progress and experience first-team competitive football differed when the level of the league that the players operated within was considered, with significant issues also raised relating to the suitability of the under 21 league structure, the importance attached to the educational welfare of young players, and variations in the identification of player attributes. This study sheds new light on the priorities and processes of talent development and education provision in English football.  相似文献   

对青少年足球运动员文化素质的分析与研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
我国青少年足球运动员的培养与发展决定了国家队的综合素质和水平。通过对中外青少年运动员培养体系的对比研究发现,中国青少年运动员培养的关键问题在于培根教育。人才培养体系的形成必须适应新形势下的管理体制和运行机制,把教育体育与竞技体育结合起来,把青少年足球运动员的培养纳入一个文化教育的组成部分,重视青少年足球运动员在足球兴趣和文化学习上的培养,克服急功近利的思想,提高他们的文化素质。  相似文献   

运用问卷调查法、文献资料法对参加中国足协组织的青少年足球冬训营球员的地域流动性进行了调研。结果表明:现阶段球队招募球员受地理因素的限制越来越小;辽宁省的球员向外流动较多;不同的球员交流目的对本土球员培养的影响作用是不同的;大多数球队都很重视外籍球员在球队中的比例,过低或者过高的比例都不利于球队的发展。旨在为青少年足球人才交流的合理进行、青少年足球运动的可持续发展提供参考。  相似文献   

The study examined the “micro-structure” of football practice and the “macro-structure” of participation history of female professional football players. Participants were 29 German 1st league (Bundesliga) players, 14 of whom played on the senior national team (Olympic Champion in 2016). A questionnaire recorded the players’ positions, proportions of physical conditioning, drill-type skill exercises and playing forms within coach-led football practice, and the volume of coach-led practice and peer-led play, in both football and other sports, from childhood to adulthood. Analyses revealed that most athletes played various attacker and defender positions during development. National team players differed from their Bundesliga peers by less physical conditioning and greater proportions of playing forms within football practice. National team players also accumulated less total football practice until age 18 years, but more peer-led football and coach-led practice in other sports compared to their Bundesliga counterparts. Based on these variables, a binary logistic regression classified 93% of the national team and Bundesliga players correctly. Conclusion: A combination of long-term coach-led football practice involving a relatively large proportion of playing forms with considerable childhood/adolescent peer-led football play and coach-led practice in other sports may have facilitated adult performance among German female world-class football players.  相似文献   

从历史演进视角对日本足球归化运动员进行研究,将归化演进历程分为业余足球主导期、职业足球改革探索期、职业足球稳定发展期3个阶段。归化运作逻辑体现:以技术足球理念为基准,合理实施归化行为;以填补位置短板为目的,提高国家队竞技水平;以保障职业角色转换为举措,营造良性发展氛围;以规避资源挤占矛盾为导向,逐步改变归化价值取向。启示:我国应厘清主体责任和发展理念,做好归化顶层设计;正视国家归化需求,消解文化融合与社会认同障碍;建立长效服务机制,扩大归化行为示范效应;把握足球运动规律,构建可持续发展模式。  相似文献   

通过对中国青年足球队(U20)参加2005年国际足联荷兰世界青年足球锦标赛的调研,分析了中国青年足球队(U20)的比赛情况,探讨了中国青年足球队(U20)的战术风格与打法特点,对中国青年足球运动员的培养提出了建议。  相似文献   

欧足联“本土球员规则”的竞争法分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
作为足球运动最发达的地区,欧盟各成员国聚集了众多顶级俱乐部,并吸引了大量的外籍球员。虽然外籍球员的大量涌入促进了欧洲足球运动的发展,但是也导致俱乐部所在国家本土球员的数量在不断减少。为解决这一问题,促进欧洲本土青年球员的成长,欧足联制定了"本土球员规则"。从欧足联"本土球员规则"制定的背景、具体内容、适用范围和目标入手,探讨该规则是否属于欧盟法的调整范围及是否属于纯粹体育规则,分析其与欧共体条约第81(1)条、第39条存在的冲突,且不能享受第81(3)条的豁免。虽然与欧盟竞争法存在诸多冲突,但因的确会促进欧洲各国后备球员的培养,仍然得以稳步实施。  相似文献   

采用问卷调查、数理统计与文献资料等研究方法,对河南建业足球俱乐部二、三线预备队队员的基础文化教育状况进行研究与分析。认为:中国青少年足球后备人才培养过程中最主要的问题是基础文化教育的缺失,导致青少年足球后备队员综合文化素质不高;把教育与训练有效结合起来,把青少年足球后备队员的基础文化教育放到首要位置,克服片面发展,急功近利的思想,提高他们以智力为核心的综合素质才是改变我国足球后备人才匮乏,提升国家整体足球水平的有效途径。  相似文献   

This paper estimates the importance of domestic professional and semi-professional football clubs to the performance of national team sides in earning FIFA points. It is likely the case that the pathway to further development and a spot on the national team for a young player is, at least initially, through a domestic football league. Yet the stage of development of football leagues differs markedly across nations. This paper finds that the presence and development of these leagues is a significant contributor to FIFA points for the national side, but with diminishing returns. Most recently, the largest effect is found for the nations that play in the African (CAF) and Oceania (OFC) zones, while the other four zones (AFC, CONCACAF, CONMEBOL and UEFA) share smaller positive effects. Even in the presence of limiting economic and demographic factors, the road to international football success is through the development of domestic leagues.  相似文献   

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