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高中三年,我希望你们能——从思考中确立自我,从学习中寻求真理,从独立中体验自主,从计划中把握时间,从交流中锻炼表达,从交友中品味成熟,从实践中赢得价值,从兴趣中获取快乐,从追求中获得力量。  相似文献   

特殊化策略是一种“以退为进”的策略,所谓“退”,可以从一般退到特殊,从复杂退到简单,从抽象退到具体,从整体退到部分,从空间退到平面,从高维退到低维,从较强结论退到较弱结论,本文就从六个方面谈谈特殊化策略在数学解题中的应用.  相似文献   

从旁观者到参与者,从“灌水”到“加油”,从一字“顶”到“万言书”,从短促突击到长线思考,从自说自话到合作争鸣,从有感而发到史论结合,从反思历史到反思学问,从评价学习到评价教学。在这些改变中学生不断释放能力、展示才华、彰显个性、挖掘潜力。  相似文献   

鸡蛋从外打破,是食物;从内打破,是生命。人生从外打破,是压力;从内打破,是成长。所以说,从外在和从内在去看待事物,得出的结果往往不同。从外在角度看到的是浅显简单,从内在角度看到的是深刻真实。在这个物欲横流的社会,我们应该从杯中窥人,不要轻易被事物的表象所迷惑,  相似文献   

@王旭明:现在听一句话就浑身哆嗦,那就是从娃娃抓起,不知天下多少娃娃要被抓了!计算机从娃娃抓起,学外语从娃娃抓起,吹拉弹唱从娃娃抓起,学奥数从娃娃抓起,廉洁教育从娃娃抓起,现在足球臭了也要从娃娃抓起!娃娃招谁惹谁了?本来  相似文献   

本文从人类历史发展的角度,来讨论数字的起源与发展,主要阐述数字从正数到负数,从整数到分数,从有理数到无理数,从实数到虚数直至超越数的发展历程.  相似文献   

认知研究归纳起来主要有11个方面:科学维度从理论上研究认知,技术维度从技术层面研究认知,心理学从心理层次研究认知,语言学从语言上研究认知,逻辑学从逻辑角度研究认知,人类学从人类智力发展研究认知,宗教学从宗教认知科学的视角探讨认知的发生,历史学从历史视角研究认知的历史起源,生态学从整体上研究认知与环境的相互关系,社会学从社会角度研究认知的社会属性,哲学从追问视角研究认知的预设和形而上学问题等,这些研究维度构成了一幅认知研究的整体图景。  相似文献   

初中生学习数学的一般规律是:从具体到抽象,从特殊到一般,从过程到结论,从知觉到空间,从感性到理性,从整体到局部.教学也应遵循学生的认知规律.  相似文献   

好的题记犹如一张最美的脸。写好题记有以下策略:从语言特色出发,从写作技巧出发,从读者心理出发,从审美高度出发,从应试角度出发。  相似文献   

思想品德课堂转型,要从五个方面进行转变,即从知识本位向学生本位转变,从传递知识向内化生成转变,从静态课堂向动态课堂转变,从华丽课堂向平实课堂转变,从盲目教学向目标评价转变。  相似文献   

随着我国教育事业的不断发展,教学理念和教学模式都有了很大的改革和创新。在初中化学教学中,提升学生化学学习能力和水平,提高化学教学质量和效率,一直都是化学教师追求的目标。化学实验作为化学教学中必不可少的内容,直接影响化学教学的效果。提升化学实验的趣味性,才能更好地激发学生学习化学的兴趣和动力,促进化学教学质量的提升。  相似文献   

This article describes a study conducted in Israel which focused on how learning industrial chemistry case studies affects students' perceptions of their classroom learning environment and their interest in chemistry studies. The goal of the study was to determine the effects of industrial case studies on students' perceptions of chemistry in general, and industrial chemistry in particular. Information on students' perceptions was gathered from a learning environment inventory specifically developed for this study. It was observed that industrial chemistry case studies helped in providing students with a relevant picture of chemistry in general and their chemistry studies in particular. It was also found that teachers who had attended an intensive training workshop were the most successful in presenting the relevance of chemistry in the case studies. These teachers also were more successful in raising students' awareness of the social implications of chemistry studies. Furthermore, their students had a better awareness of the contribution made by chemistry studies to their preparation as future citizens and for a possible career in chemistry. These findings have important implications for any decisions about whether to make industrial chemistry case studies obligatory for students who major in chemistry. There are further implications regarding the content and learning strategies to be used for the professional development of science teachers in general and chemistry teachers in particular. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

兴趣是最好的老师。配合化学教学创设一些富有情趣的化学实验,不仅能复习巩固化学知识,而且能提高学生学习化学的兴趣,丰富学生的课外知识,从而提高化学教学质量。开发学生的趣味实验,从复习知识型,创新提高型,应用实践型,系列专题型等几种思路,开拓学生的视野,复习、巩固化学知识,提高学生学习化学的兴趣,促进化学教学。  相似文献   

关于高师院校化学专业实验课程体系改革的思考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
推进高师院校化学专业实验课程体系的改革,打破"四大化学"的界线,以实验基本操作技术为主线,在4年中分别开设化学实验基本技术、化学中级实验技术、综合性实验和设计性实验4门课程,使实验课程教学具有独立的课程体系,既体现了实验教学和理论教学的等同地位,也强化了综合性、设计性实验的开设过程,充分发挥了实验教学对学生综合实验能力、创新意识的培养功能.  相似文献   

作者通过总结自己的教学工作经验,分析了化学史和化学史教育的联系,以及化学史在大学化学教学中渗透的原因和优势,重点论述了化学史在大学化学教学中渗透的具体方法策略,以期对化学教学改革,提高教学质量有所帮助。  相似文献   

Context-based curriculum reforms in chemistry education are thought to bring greater diversity to the ways in which chemistry teachers organize their teaching. First and foremost, students are expected to perceive this diversity. However, empirical research on how students perceive their teacher's teaching in context-based chemistry classrooms, and whether this teaching differs from traditional chemistry lessons, is scarce. This study aims to develop our understanding of what teaching looks like, according to students, in context-based chemistry classrooms compared with traditional chemistry classrooms. As such, it might also provide a better understanding of whether teachers implement and attain the intentions of curriculum developers. To study teacher behaviour we used three theoretical perspectives deemed to be important for student learning: a content perspective, a learning activities perspective, and an interpersonal perspective. Data were collected from 480 students in 24 secondary chemistry classes in the Netherlands. Our findings suggest that, according to the students, the changes in teaching in context-based chemistry classrooms imply a lessening of the emphasis on fundamental chemistry and the use of a teacher-centred approach, compared with traditional chemistry classrooms. However, teachers in context-based chemistry classrooms seem not to display more ‘context-based’ teaching behaviour, such as emphasizing the relation between chemistry, technology, and society and using a student-centred approach. Furthermore, students in context-based chemistry classrooms perceive their teachers as having less interpersonal control and showing less affiliation than teachers in traditional chemistry classrooms. Our findings should be interpreted in the context of former and daily experiences of both teachers and students. As only chemistry is reformed in the schools in which context-based chemistry is implemented, it is challenging for both students and teachers to deal with these reforms.  相似文献   

本文在论述元素化学是无机化学的主脉和加强元素化学教学是学科发展的需要的基础上,提出要克服大一化学中弱化元素化学教学现象,强调必须加强元素化学教学研究的观点。着重介绍了从以区划分内容加强元素通性讲解、注重化学原理对元素化学内容的指导及应用,以及强调元素和化合物在周期表中的规律性讲解三方面论述大一理科元素化学教学的改革和实践。  相似文献   

近几十年来,绿色化学取得了巨大进步,为化学学科的发展注入了新活力,也对化学、特别是有机化学的教学提出了新要求.首先探讨了在传统"有机化学"课程中进行绿色化教学改革的必要性;其次从社会形势、教材选用、仪器保障及绿色化学基础研究的支撑等方面,论述了绿色化学教学的可行性;最后以《脑文格缩合》一节的教学为例详述了如何将绿色化学...  相似文献   

初三化学实验正处于学生探索化学奥秘,追求真理,实事求是的启蒙阶段,对初学化学者的吸引力不言而喻;同时,化学实验作为化学学科和化学教学的基础,在化学教育教学中的地位不可替代。目前,毕节市七星关区四中、七中、十二中、十三中的化学实验教学设备设施已基本建成,部分学校实验教学正有条不紊地进行。但化学实验教学不受重视,开展难,仍然是大多数学校存在的瓶颈。着力加大实验教学投入,改变教师教学观念,势在必行。  相似文献   

卟啉化学是化学、医学、材料学和信息学等领域多学科交叉的研究热点,在生物无机化学、配位化学和主客体化学等领域都具有重要意义.近年来,卟啉化学在分子识别研究方面的发展极为迅速,已经成为当前卟啉化学研究的前沿课题.文章就卟啉及金属卟啉分子识别研究的应用前景进行了综述.  相似文献   

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